Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1871:   can't end

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The sky is very blue, with a few white clouds drifting by, and there are four or five cloud bands in the blue sky, which are traces left by high-speed battleships passing by.

The boy was lying on the hillside, reaching out to the blue sky, trying to catch something. Of course, only the wind is caught.

"Mobit, what are you doing?" A fifteen or six-year-old girl ran over and bent down to block the blue sky above the boy.

So the boy's hand stretched out to the sky, but now it hit the girl's slightly bulging chest. His face flushed, and he retracted his hand and said, "You blocked me, Zoya."

The girl named Zoya sat down next to him and said, "You haven't told me yet, what are you doing."

"Did you know? There is a floating island above our heads." Mobit reached out his hand and pulled a grass root next to it, biting it between his mouth.

Zoya nodded: "You know, they said it's heaven."

"Well, I heard that it is very beautiful. Everyone has endless food and endless clothes." The boy got up and said, "One day, I will go to that island."

The girl's face darkened: "Aren't we good here?"

"It's not bad, but I want my mother to live a better life." The boy said enthusiastically: "I have decided. I will go to the army next year to try my luck. If I can join the federal army, then I will There is a chance to go to the floating island. I heard that as long as you accumulate enough military merit, you can change to the qualifications of Babylon."

"is it……"

"Also, Zoya." The boy turned his head, and the sun shone on his face, which made his smile look very bright: "I will also give you another one!"

The girl's eyes widened, and then joy came from her eyes: "Really?"

"of course."

Zoya blinked, and pressed to the side of the teenager and kissed him gently on the cheek: "Thank you."

The boy's face immediately turned red, and he shrank quickly, but unexpectedly slid down the low hillside, causing the girl to laugh.

"Mobit." A woman came up on the grassy slope, calling out: "Come with me to the market."

"Good mother." The boy ran up the grassy **** and said to the girl: "See you tonight."

The girl nodded.

This is a small town, not very big, with dozens of people living in it. Every month there is a market in the square of the town, which is a festival for the people in the town, every month. The boy and his mother came to the town square, where stalls were already full early, and there were a lot of things for sale, from food to tools, and even guns. Of course, the premise is that you have to have money.

However, in a small town like this, there is no good thing to buy, but for the residents of the town, they are already very satisfied.

Because these things come from Babylon, the island of heaven.

The teenager squatted in front of a small stall, and his mother was picking fruits. Fruit is a luxury in the town. It is difficult to grow fruits and vegetables on the surface. Only in those farms dedicated to planting can you see the fruit forest, but these fruits and vegetables will not circulate in this small Come to town, but for some big figures on the surface to enjoy.

The fruits on the stall came from Babylon. They were all inferior products on the floating island. They were selected without inspection, and then smuggled to the surface, and then transported to various small towns. Even things that the residents of the floating island would not touch, but for the people on the surface, it is already a luxury.

Seeing my mother bought a bag of fruit with a month's frugal money, the boy said: "Mom, we can actually not eat these things."

"You are growing up. Eating more fruit is good for you." His mother touched his head, and then said: "Let's go, there is nothing else to buy, let's go back."

It's not that there is nothing to buy, but that it can't be bought anymore. This boy is still very clear about this. He followed his mother through the market and saw many interesting things. He couldn't help but ask: "Why didn't the Federation let everyone live on the floating island? Didn't they claim that everything is equal?"

"Stupid boy, where is equality in this world?" The mother shook her head and said: "The floating island is so big that it can't hold everyone. So only the nobles and the nobles can get the right of residence. As for us, it's only I can live on the surface."

"It's not fair." The boy stubbornly said: "We also work hard. I heard that the things used by the nobles are all made on the surface and sent to the floating island. Why can they be in heaven, but we have to stay? The surface."

"In the beginning, there is nothing fair in this world. If you want to change the world, try to do something hard. But before that, there is only one thing you have to do..." Mother patted the fruity Bag: "That is to grow taller and stronger."

The boy nodded vigorously: "I will."

At this moment, something seemed to happen, and a group of people was surrounded by water. The boy ran over curiously, squeezed through the crowd, and saw a speeding car. The speeding car is a rare item on the surface, even though it looks like it has been for some time, the paint is still peeling off. But for this small town, it is still an unimaginable luxury.

Two strong men in front of the speeding car were beating a poor man, and one of them cursed: "Idiot, you dare to vomit in Master Wit’s car. Could it be that today Master came to a small place like you for a vacation, now he Your good mood is ruined by you."

The boy looked into the car. Sure enough, there was a man in a straight suit sitting in the car. A fat man with acne by the car window poked his head out and made a grimace at the boy with a look of contempt. At this time, the man in the car patted the door and said, "Forget it, let's go, don't delay time for this kind of dirty stuff."

Those two men let go of the poor bugs on the ground.

Speeding away.

At this time, the boy was caught by his mother: "Don't run out suddenly, Mobit. Those people seem to be aristocrats, and they won't end well after colliding with them."

The teenager looked at the man who was beaten until he vomited blood and had a deep understanding. He looked up at his mother and said, "They beat people, why didn't the sheriff stop them."

"Little fool, the sheriff is more afraid of them than you, how can you stop it. Moreover, the law stipulates that nobles must be protected on the surface. If they are to be convicted, only the Federal Court of the floating island can."

The boy shook his head, looked at the man who had fainted, and said, "This is wrong."

In the evening, the boy ran out the door: "I'm going to find Zoya."

"Slowly, say hello to her parents for me." Mother said from the house.


They all live in the suburbs on the edge of the town, where there are no street lights. The moon is covered by clouds tonight, and the earth is pitch black. Fortunately, the boy knew the way and soon saw the girl’s house. The house was lit in the dark, and at this moment, a gunshot sounded there. The boy was frightened, but still ran over, and saw two strong men coming out of the girl's house and throwing the two people out of the house.

The boy saw that it was the girl's parents. The poor couple had been killed, and their chests were still bleeding. The two brawny men leaned against the pillar outside the house and talked and laughed. One of them shook his head and said, "Master Weiss has such a unique taste. He actually fell in love with a lowly surface girl."

"These nobles are sometimes sick, anyway, we can take care of them if we have the money."

"How long do you think that little fat guy can hold on?" The man laughed, "I'm afraid he would spray that thing just when he got in."

The other man touched his chin and said, "But that girl is really good-looking, otherwise, when the young master is done, how many will we play?"

"That's a good idea."

Hearing this, the boy couldn't listen anymore. The fruit he was going to bring to Zoya was thrown on the ground. After he walked around the house, he climbed up to the second floor and came to the girl's room. The girl's face came over on the fierce window, and she saw what the boy wanted to call, but was dragged back. The boy saw that it was the little fat man in the car during the day. He slapped the girl severely and then tore off her skirt.

The boy was furious, opened the window and jumped in. The little fat man was startled. Just about to shout, the boy picked up the lamp beside him and slammed it over, hitting the little fat man in the head. The noble young master fell to the ground on the spot, bleeding. The boy took Zoya and left immediately. They came out of the window and fled quickly through the night. They dared not go to the town, so they left the town far away and came to the small river where they usually played.

"I'm scared..." the girl cried.

The teenager had to hug her tightly, pat her back and said, "Don't worry, it will be fine, I promise."

He left the girl by the river, where there was a small wooden house built by a fisherman. The young man went back to the town, and he secretly returned home pretending that nothing happened. In the middle of the night, he heard someone roaring, and then there was a flurry of running around the town, and there were gunshots.

The next day, he saw the sheriff hanged there on the square. He heard from people around him that the nobleman who came to the town for vacation yesterday, their young master died, which made the nobleman very angry. The sheriff was strangled to death by the angry nobleman, and the young man was very disturbed that day. At night, he ran back to the river and brought Zoya food. But there was no one in the wooden house, and finally he saw a line of words on the wooden wall of the wooden house.

It was carved by Zoya, and she said: I am scared, Mobit. I dare not stay here anymore, sorry, I think I have to go.

The young man was a little dazed, and then he heard a dull sound, and then a firelight faintly lit up outside the house. He left the wooden house, only to see a fire in the direction of the town, and there were constant explosions and screams. The boy hurried back to the town, but when he returned to the town, the town was over. Several cars were leaving, and someone in the car fired a missile towards the square, so a huge fireball blasted up with a bang.

The boy stumbled back home, but the former home was already in ruins. He cried, and desperately got into the ruins, and finally found his mother in a mound. Strictly speaking, it was his mother's body.

Then he knew that it was the noble's revenge. Because his son died in the town, he asked the town to bury him.

"This is wrong."

"I want to change the world!"


Mobit reached out his hand~www.readwn.com~ The other side of his palm was not the blue sky of the earth, but the yellow sky of Eboyins. He was stunned, and fires of different colors kept passing over his head, reminding him that the war was still going on.

He got up, his chest was stained with blood, which was just hit by an orc king with a warhammer. He apparently fainted and had a dream he thought he had forgotten. Only then did he know that he had not forgotten.

He laughed, then coughed up blood from his mouth. He erased it easily, and then continued to walk towards the top of the mountain. Every step is so heavy, just like when he left his destroyed hometown. Only that time, he went out to change the world. And this time, he walked forward to allow the world to continue.

"Zoya, probably still living somewhere on the surface. So, this world...can't end yet!"

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