Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 1872:  Destined to be brilliant

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Two lights cut through the sky.

One is pitch black and desperate, the other shines with golden light.

They fell to the ground, and the moment they collided, they aroused a monstrous arrogance, a wild golden flame, and a deep and gloomy black fire. When the two flames collided, there was a loud bang that passed thousands of miles, like two giants colliding together. After the sound spread for thousands of miles, the flame disappeared step by step, and the ground had already turned into a charred ground, and the surface was black crystals like glass.

Seen from the sky, it looks like a huge black glass disc.

Alan and Frius stood in the middle of the disc.

There is still no wounds on their bodies since they fought. Even if Frius was dropped on top of his head by dusk, even if Allen let the space fault into it, they all used their bodies to declare to the world how powerful the existence on top of all beings was. Unfortunately, after experiencing the baptism of dusk and space fault, within a thousand miles of the hill of dusk, there are very few living creatures.

It's like near this disk, the land is desolate, without any audience.

"There is life, there is death."

After a moment of silence, Frios took the lead and said: "Life and death is an inextricable reincarnation. Since the beginning of my sensibility, I have been thinking about what death is? After I became an adult, I went to the battlefield and watched more. After seeing the scene of Paoze dying next to me. At first I would feel angry for them and hate my enemies. But as I watched more, I gradually became numb. I gradually felt that death was the same thing. My eyes closed. , There is no breath, it is dead."

"What do you want to say?" Allen whispered softly, but his voice came into the ears of the Black Emperor without missing a word.

Frius continued: "No matter who you are, whether you are a civilian or a high emperor, death is always an insurmountable gap that lies in front of life. I have always wanted to try to jump over that gap. But when I became the supreme, the length of my life extended to an unimaginable length, but I still couldn't jump over it. After all, no matter how long my life is, there will always be a day when I reach the end."

"Are you afraid?" Allen asked.

"Aren't you afraid?" Frios asked back: "Imagine that when you fall into the embrace of death, those who you care about can no longer give them a hug, and those things you haven't done yet become a never Let go of the regret. Although there are few people I care about, it’s always good to be able to survive. This universe is so wide, and there are other universes after the universe. Just exploring these mysteries is enough to spend my long life. And now In this universe, I cannot find a way to jump over that gap..."

Allen said lightly: "So you have to jump out of this universe and go to other universes to find answers?"

"Yes, maybe the rules of each universe are different. What can't be done in this universe, maybe can be done in other universes." Frios said in a deep voice, "Did you not think about it, Ai Lun. How many twilights has our universe gone through? If the number of times is converted into time, its length should have far exceeded the limit of life I can control. What is surprising is that the Creator who created all this, I am afraid that it has existed before the first cosmic twilight. I don’t know how many years. Just thinking about it has exceeded the limit of our imagination. For such a life, can you really stop it? And for me, where the Creator is The universe may contain the rules of eternal life."

"So, I want to see that universe."

"So, don't break my good deeds."

Allen shook his head: "Frios, you know humans."

"Your race, no, it can only be said to be your dominant race. Why, want to talk to me about this short-lived species?" Of course Frios knew humans, even on Agareth, there are humans. It’s just that humans are mostly slaves in the two empires. Until Alan sat on the throne of the Demon Kingdom, the humans in the Demon Kingdom were immediately released. To cater to this ally, the status of humans was also improved. .

But for the intelligent life on the planet at the edge of the galaxy, most advanced civilizations in the universe still generally regard them as short-lived species.

There is no cryptic meaning, just like the literal meaning, human beings are a very short-lived species.

"Short-lived species...Yes, the life of ordinary humans is no more than a hundred years. A hundred years have passed. For those races in the universe who are born with long lives, we humans are like summer cicadas, so short that it is almost impossible to Remember them." Allen said: "Even if you join advanced warfare, humans are still hard to remember."

"But now, the entire universe should know your race. After all, you have appeared among them." Frius smiled.

Allen shook his head and said, "This is not the point, Frios. Maybe many people don't realize it, including you. The origin of mankind can be traced back very briefly. The time taken from the development of the stone civilization to the present is in Those planets whose dynasties have a history of tens of thousands of years are nothing at all. Of course, even now, the overall strength of mankind is still very weak."

Frius frowned slightly: "What do you want to say?"

This sentence was originally asked by Alan, but now he asked Alan back. Frios, who had spoken, felt a bit like being countered by Allen.

Allen looked at him and said, "So, have you ever thought about it? But have you ever wondered why such a shallow race can occupy a place in the era of advanced warfare? The root cause lies in our short life. Because time is limited, we work hard. When you walk leisurely on the road of civilization, we are running. Because it is short, we are destined to be brilliant."

"Isn't there a saying in the universe that humans are a race that is good at creating miracles?"

"No, it's not that we are good at creating miracles, but we are desperately making the impossible possible. Only in this way can we catch up with your pace. This is our pride. In the eyes of many civilizations, we are primitive Stupidity, we are born like summer flowers. But one day, we will transform into a life far more perfect than you think. And it is our short life that drives all this. It gives us a sense of urgency, It allows us to chase time and ultimately...beyond time!"

Frius's pupils dilated slightly, and he felt sincerely shocked. If these words were spoken by others, the Black Emperor would only laugh. But speaking from a supreme, then the weight is completely different. He finally grasped what Allen wanted to convey. The key to pursuing an ideal is not the length of time, but whether you have spared no effort to pursue it and whether you have exhausted every short moment in your life.

The Black Emperor closed his eyes and slowly nodded: "Your words are very powerful, and the things you describe are also very beautiful. I have begun to change my view of humans. Your race may really hide those unknown beauty. Things. Just like a butterfly before spreading its wings, it was also a cocooned insect. Maybe one day, you can break out of the cocoon and become a butterfly. But Ellen, yes, you almost touched me. But it’s still a little bit worse. ..."

Frius opened his eyes again, and he stretched out his hand, a black arrogance rising from his hand. The black fire formed the form of a worm in his palm, the worm formed a cocoon, and then turned into a black butterfly. As soon as the black butterfly took off, its wings withered, lay between his palms, and once again returned to a formless black flame. Frius said solemnly: "Do you understand?"

Allen gave a wry smile: "I understand."

Then the two appeared at the center of the black disc at the same time, and the hymn of the ashes and the long sword matt collided again, and countless sparks spurted between the two swords, reflecting the faces of Frius and Allen.

Kaka Kaka, a huge crack ran across their feet, dividing the disc into two. The earth parted on both sides, and flames and magma surged from the bottomless abyss below. After a while, it spewed out from the ground, stretching for thousands of miles, like a great wall of flames!

Allen and the two were in the center of the Great Wall, both flames and magma scattered around them. The two stepped on the void, but they walked flat on the ground. After the collision, they separated, wandered, slammed again, and so on. So every time it collides, an additional crack will appear on the ground. After a while, the ground rumbling and sinking in square kilometers will dig a huge hole in the ground.

Allen felt sorry that he could not persuade Frius just now. The Black Emperor finally used flames to transform butterflies, which was exactly what he told him. Even if he speaks beautifully, it is difficult to find the rules of immortality in this universe, and he will eventually have to look for it in other universes. Therefore, the fight with him is unavoidable. Alan is not afraid of a fight, but does not want to waste time with Frios. It's a pity that the Black Emperor cannot be touched, so no matter how unwilling he is, this battle is still imperative.

When Frius’s long sword was picked, the tip of the sword was pointed on the hymn of ashes, and Allen felt like he was stabbed with a strong force~www.readwn.com~ as if being provoked by a mountain, and people flew up into the sky without control . On the contrary, Frios floated towards the relatively flat ground on the other side, landing on the ground with his sword, and the sword pointed at Alan who had gone away in the air. The ground trembled again, and flames wrapped in lava bursting from the ground, flying up like dragons. The fire dragon rose from red to black when it rose up in the air, so it looked like a black dragon from a distance soaring into the sky with great momentum.

As soon as Alan's wings spread out in the air, he stopped. The hymn of ashes was held high above the top, and the sword sank slowly like a mountain. There was a cloud vortex in the sky overhead, and a snow-white sword tip hung from the rotating thick cloud vortex. The sword tip was as large as a mountain, and the Baidi sword broke through the clouds.

The flying black dragons fell as if being pressed down by an invisible mountain, the Baidi sword passed between the black dragons, the black dragons disappeared, and the sky suddenly cleared a large space.

Slash Wanlong with one sword.

The tip of the White Emperor's Sword was nailed straight to Frius, and the Black Emperor smiled faintly, turning into a black meteor and rising up into the sky, facing the giant sword like a mountain!

ps: Thanks for the monthly pass just for reading, kevin_liu, Jiang Yuan and other brothers! I wish all friends who read, your future is destined to be brilliant!

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