Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 217: King of swordsman

A small airship of the Queen of Rose landed on the apron, the elevator deck hangs down, and Ellen's men filed down. There was also Soya who got off the plane with them, who stood on the apron early to greet her. One of them was Gao Lei, the director of Thunder Fire Base.

Gao Lei is an Oriental, but his burly figure made the western officers beside him embarrassed. It was the cold winter, he wore a black cloak, and the fluffy neck guard on the cloak made him look like a bear. On the deep face, the eyes are bright and energetic, and a thick beard is like steel thorns covering the chin to the sides. When he saw Soya, he greeted him with a laugh, and the voice rang on the apron like thunder.

"Major Soya, you are finally here. I can't wait to meet the Marshal's students."

Soya nodded and stepped to the side to put Alan out and said, "This is the student of Marshal Windsor Bellow, Sergeant Allen."

"Colonel Gao Lei, director of Thunder Fire Base."

Soya still cherishes every day.

Allen stepped forward, first saluted Gao Lei, and then stretched out his hand to shake. Gao Lei's big hand clenched tightly and contracted hard, and Alanton felt a huge force coming. He smiled slightly, the source of power is all over his palm, evenly distributed, without any strong or weak points. Immediately Gao Lei was slightly surprised, only to feel that he was holding down an iron block with one hand. He let go and smiled: "Deserving to be a marshal's student, it really is a bit too weak."

Protecting the body with source force is not a skill at all. The rare thing about Allen lies in the word even. To know the source of power to protect the body, there must be a bias, resulting in different strengths. Those with good eyesight can avoid strong and weak attacks and break defenses with one blow. There is no difference between strengths and weaknesses like Ellen, so they can only break through the defense with purely stronger strength. If Allen were smarter, Yuanli could control it freely. Then in actual combat, depending on the situation, the source force distribution changes from strong to weak, or from weak to strong. It is difficult to distinguish between what is false and what is true, and it has reached the level of a master in the use of source power.

"The colonel is polite. If you weren't looking at the teacher's face, I'm afraid I'm embarrassed in public now." Allen laughed, his hand is just a little experience after practicing Qianjun yesterday. At this moment, it is learning and selling now, and it can't be applied to actual combat, so this is true.

Gao Lei patted Allen on the shoulder and said: "Strength is one thing. Your knowledge in sequence design is what we admire. We have just received the detailed information of the raging fire* and have officially put it into production. According to Bei Li said that your barrier of glory is almost at the completion stage. With these two things in hand, our Sirius’s combat power will rise a step. So you see, Sergeant Allen is far better than us in terms of contribution to the Legion. The old guy has come a lot."

Allen said sternly: "The Colonel is serious. If Sirius did not have you or a soldier like Colonel Berry, he would not be able to keep his duties in this chaotic battlefield. Therefore, you are the greatest wealth of the Legion."

Although Bailey and Gao Lei are both colonels, they are members outside the core of Sirius' huge army system. It's far not as popular as the generals guarding the interstellar defense line. Now hearing Allen say so, Gao Lei feels very useful.

Over there, Soya said nonchalantly: "If you guys finish shooting each other, then I will leave first."

Gao Leilu was embarrassed and coughed dryly: "Major Soya has a lot of tasks, so I won't keep you."

Soya finally gave Alan a deep look: "Don't let the general's Qianjun be disappointed."

Only then walked back to the spaceship.

Gao Lei heard it from the side and asked in surprise: "General Meilin actually gave you her Qianjun?"

Allen clapped the Wu trunk in his hands and said: "It is true, but Qianjun has no sheath, I have to..."

At the end of the speech, Gao Lei and the other officers behind them looked solemn at the same time, stood up and raised their heads to salute Alan. Allen was taken aback, only to realize that Gao Lei and others' eyes were on his military trunk, it was Jing Qianjun and not him.

Gao Lei exhaled, "This heavy knife was used by General Merlin and Marshal Windsor Bello. In their hands, Qian Jun was full of blood from the enemy. It was not until the Marshal obtained the endless fort that Qian Jun was used. Return to General Mei Lin. Since then, Qian Jun's heroic figure will no longer be seen on the battlefield. The sergeant does not know that there was such a saying in the army back then..."

"Thousands of all directions, the army is hard to beat!" The officers behind Gao Lei said in unison.

Allen was shocked.

"General Meilin has given Qianjun to you again, indicating that you are fully qualified to use this heavy knife!"

Facing Gao Lei's gaze, Allen felt that his gaze was different this time.

"Let's go, let me take you to visit the Thunder Fire Base. It is estimated that you will live here for a while. We are located in the border area and the layout is smaller than the Blood Eagle Base." Gao Lei Haha said, but there was no such thing in his tone. Between a little self-deprecating, but a little glamorous.

The Thunder Fire base is also one of the logistics bases, but its main responsibility is in the production of weapons. Now Menacing* has begun to be promoted and put into production. The main force of Sirius guarding the interstellar defense line has always been contracted by several arms dealers on earth. After Beskod and Sirius reached an agreement, the magic weapon equipment of this legion fell on Beskod's head.

In addition, Allen, the designer of the fierce fire*, is a member of this family, so it is only natural that the important task of Sirius's first round of arms reform should be assigned to Bethkod. This reform cannot be achieved overnight, and the popularity of Fierce Fire* within Sirius will only proceed step by step. As for Pluto, this kind of production task, which will become a conventional weapon, is handed over to Thunder Fire Base.

Meilin arranged Ellen and the others in the Thunderfire base. Firstly, the location of the base would not be affected by the decapitation order. Secondly, it was also because the Thunderfire base encountered problems during production and could be solved immediately.

In this way, Allen stayed in Thunderfire Base. The daily schedule is fully arranged. In addition to assisting the difficulties encountered in the production of Thunderfire Base, he spends more time practicing Qianjun. Because of Qianjun's particularity, Allen was able to exercise his source power while practicing.

Compared with Allen, the shadow fortress on the front line and the Queen of Rose who have joined the war are not so free. After the last attack of the Sword Demon, Death Spread reorganized the army, and then began to send five divisions to the other side of the Yarra Mountains, a total of 15 regiments. As for the Queen of Rose, three division-level troops were also dispatched to form a coalition with the spread of death, and marched into the Alex Plains mightily.

The eight division-level troops were divided into dozens of fronts, and they plowed directly across the plain like a lawn mower, knocking out the many outposts, barracks, camps, and checkpoints set up by the Ten Swordsmen on this plain. The sword demon was newly defeated, his vitality was damaged, and he was temporarily unable to compete with the federal army for control of the plain. Had to give in, and shrank to the bottom of the plain, regrouping near the hurricane canyon.

The sword demon shrank its forces and formed a strong line of defense, finally preventing the Federation from invading like fire. It only took more than a month to flatten the Alex Plains, which shows the power of the two elite legions.

The federal army began to set up camps on the plains, plan the route of material transportation, and make full preparations for attacking the raging fire.

Victory reports from the federal army are frequent, but the opposite is true. In particular, the loss of the Alex Plains this time was largely due to the failure of the previous offensive, so Polidon, the chief priest of the sword demon, who was in charge of commanding the army, was questioned by the Ten Departments. In particular, the general who always advocated strong attack and attack, and Azik, known as the "Blood Blade", vigorously vilified in front of the Sword Demon, accusing Polidon of being too suspicious and cautious. Failing to take down the human fortress with a thunderous posture, so that the enemy reinforcements rushed to the anti-general army, so angry that Polidong was furious.

What made Polidon even more unforgettable was that the Sword Demon actually obeyed Azik's words, allowing the general to take up the heavy responsibility of defending the fiery center of the earth and even counterattacking the federal army.

So for more than a month, Polidon stayed in his home in the Forge. The Furnace is hot throughout the seasons, but Polidon only feels that winter is coming.

The real winter.

Until today, when a savage slaughter, the guard of the Sword Demon Lord, came to his home and invited him to the Hall of Blazing Fire in the name of the Demon Lord, Polidon only smelled a little breath of spring.

He put on the priest's robes that would only be used for important sacrifices on weekdays, and with the plague skeletal staff in his hand, he followed the Demon King's guard to the Blazing Hall. The hall is located on the side of the furnace, less than two hundred meters from the core lava under the volcano. The hall is made of heat-resistant and fire-resistant fire-breathing rock, and the whole body is black and red. The material of the fire-breathing rock is black and red, and the red texture will have a fire-like luster from time to time. The Blazing Hall built with it is like the eternal fire in the center of the earth. In the human heart, the sacred place second only to holy relics.

At the bottom of the Blazing Hall, there are several naturally suspended stone ridges for support, and Xiao Ban leapt above the void in the center of the earth. Several people hugged huge rock pillars to prop up the arched dome, which was decorated with a circle of eerie skulls. These skulls were originally super dangerous species killed by the sword demon kings of the past ~www.readwn.com~ But this generation of demon kings seems to prefer humans, so there are a few more human heads in the circle of skulls for decoration.

Before Polidon walked into the Hall of Blazing Fire, he heard a sore sound. The high priest knew that it was the Sword Demon King who was polishing his bone blade. He dressed slightly, and strode into the hall. From a distance, I saw a not very tall figure standing in the air facing the center of the earth. It seemed that as long as someone behind it pushed hard, this figure could be pushed down in the lava that was hot enough to burn all life.

The heat rising from the center of the earth swept across his purple and gold skin, and the heat was fixed and stopped as if being pulled by an invisible force field, and then retracted, actually sucking into the pores on that skin. Every time he absorbs a mass of heat full of highly toxic substances, a metal-like luster flows on his dark purple skin. He was using **** to gently clamp a short bone knife that protruded from the gap between the other fingers, and when his fingers passed, a series of sparks lit up from the bone knife.

Facing this figure, Polidon lowered his head deeply.

He is the king of the sword demon, Uriman the fierce sword! r1058



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