Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 218: Breakthrough


Uriman's voice seemed to be coming from under the abyss, faintly echoing in the hall. The voice undulates, and the first word appears thick, but when it comes to the last word, it becomes sharp, piercing the high priest's ear like a sharp knife, and Polydon trembles slightly.

The voice of the Sword Demon King is naturally not a good day, and the fluctuating voice also hints at his toughness from a certain level. Uriman's knife is just like his voice, its impermanence. The king of the sword demon was killed from the sea of ​​blood in the dead mountain, and Uriman was no exception. Although he has rarely worked with others now, the sword demon who has lived long enough like Polidon remembers Uriman's posture all the way to the throne.

In Polidon’s memory, Uriman’s last shot was 20 years ago. At that time, the federal army tried to use the interstellar spacecraft to directly penetrate the furnace from outer space into the forge to carry out a strategic attack, but Uriman cut the entire starship to the ground, causing the federal raid plan to go bankrupt. After that, I didn't dare to use this risky tactics rashly.

After that battle, the federal army changed its strategy. The main goal is to gradually cannibalize, uproot the tribe, and consume the power of the sword demon. Thus gradually tightening the encirclement, and eventually Uriman will be available without soldiers. At that time, the top humans will fight again to completely destroy the demon king and the sword demon.

Although this plan is time-consuming, these years have gone down. The human army has gradually deepened, and has now smashed to the Plains of Alex, locking the ten swordsmen. Once you break through the fiery center of the earth, marching into the forge is just around the corner. The soldiers and generals in the Sword Demon Tribe have also fallen a lot, and now the ten parts have loomed to the point where they must be merged. It can be seen that the long-term plan of the Federation has begun to bear fruit, otherwise Uriman would not need to use the beheading order again. It was indeed a helpless move for the ten troops to have been seriously depleted.

All of these flashed through Polidon's mind. As one of the few brainy guys among the Sword Demon, he quickly thought about Uriman's intention to see him this time. It definitely has nothing to do with the federal army. After all, the bloodblade Azik has now assumed the responsibility, and Uriman is not confused enough to temporarily change the general. So, there must be other things.

Moreover, this matter seems to be not simple, otherwise why call yourself the high priest.

"Brave Uriman, heed your call, I'm here." Polidong said solemnly.

"My friend, this winter, everyone is not having a good time." Uriman did not look back, still facing the void that spit out fire from time to time, the flame dragged his figure long, and the shadow enveloped the waves. Dong's body.

Polidon looked up and said: "If you are worried about the federal army, although Azik is impulsive and mindless, his force is second only to you. With him in charge, let alone the center of the earth, I think mankind will break the hurricane. The canyon also needs a lot of hands and feet."

"No, wise Polidon, I am not worried about human beings." Uriman's sharpening action suddenly stopped: "Recently, there have been some rumors in our army. Although I don't think it is true, it still needs beware."

"What rumors shocked you?" Polidon asked in surprise.

"It's about the Disaster Blade..."

Polidon's mind suddenly went blank, and after a while, he screamed: "Impossible. The disaster blade no longer exists. The most recent record about it was a thousand years ago. How could there be such a sudden in the army? Rumors?"

Uriman was silent. After a few minutes, he said, "Be calm. There is no real evidence that the Blade of Calamity has reappeared."

"I... I'm lost." Polidon lowered his head and calmed down a bit and said to the rear: "So what are the rumors about this disaster blade?"

"Not long ago, we were attacked at a military station on the Plains of Alex. A commander was killed in the battle. According to the description of the soldier who fled back, the commander seemed to have died by the blade of disaster. From the description of the soldier. Look, the state of death is indeed like the work of the disaster blade, but the power is too weak, this is far from the disaster blade." Uriman said: "but this has caused a very bad impact in the army, everyone For fear of the disaster blade reappearing. We must do something, otherwise we don’t have to wait for humans to attack, our soldiers will collapse."

"What do I need to do?" Polidon asked directly.

Uliman said in a deep voice: "The time for the sacrifice is approaching, right? You prepare the sacrifice and pass a message to the guardians of the holy site, telling them about the disaster blade. Let them intervene, it is best to bring the troll troops Hand it over. Perhaps this news is not entirely bad for us. If we get the troll unit, we can consider organizing a counterattack. Taking advantage of the humans’ inability to gain a foothold on Alex, we will drive them back to Asia in one fell swoop. Go to the other side of the mountains."

Polidon nodded, and finally asked: "I don't know what characteristics the guy who may have the disaster blade has, so I can tell the guardians together."

"It is said to be a human scout. He is not very old. Oh, his hair is white, which is rare."

The pale silver hair exudes a misty source of light, and from time to time a few orange brilliance will escape from the tip of the hair. They floated up in the air like fireflies, and finally lit up slightly before disappearing into the air completely. As Allen took a deep breath, the brilliance that came out of his body was condensed into his body. He opened his eyes, and a loop of light flashed in his bright red eyes.

At the same time as the end of today's Yuanli training, Allen also successfully broke through the original level and successfully promoted to the first level.

At level 14, he would meet the minimum requirement of a second lieutenant in the federal army as long as he was upgraded by one level. After forming another genetic circuit, he also successfully opened another ability: Fire Path.

The path of fire allows Allen to trap a part of his power in the space when attacking, and follow the path of the attack to leave a path of flame. The fire path can stay for 1 minute. This ability is linked to the combustion and possesses the high temperature characteristics of combustion. Once burned to advance, the temperature of the fire path will also increase. From the current point of view, the biggest role of the fire trail is to limit the opponent's space for activities, and play a certain interference role.

However, this ability can be upgraded. After the path of fire, there are two levels of road of beacon and road of destruction.

After coming to Pluto, under the stimulus of the war, Allen’s source power increased much faster than in the relatively calm environment of Babylon. More importantly, it was the accumulation of experience. This is even more important. Power up. Willick and the others were not too slow. After moving to the Thunderfire Base, they also advanced to the first level. Bloy has the ability to roar, and Willick opens a new ability to slam, and finally Lucy's new ability is flexibility.

Broy's roar can impact the nerve center of multiple targets in a range, causing them to have a short-term stun effect; Willick's slam will have multiple dark energy when attacking, and the target will be violently attacked, and the burst power will be strengthened Lucy’s flexibility is not a combat skill, but within the time of use, it can greatly improve her physical flexibility, muscle flexibility, and nerve reflexes, etc., thereby enhancing her athletic ability.

Several people have their own gains, but it takes a period of practice to apply new abilities to actual combat.

Early that morning, Allen carried Qianjun to the training ground of the base for training. It was already the end of December, and in the almost one month since coming to the base, Allen did the most basic training. Qian Jun came and went in his hands with the basic skills of cutting, stabbing, and picking. However, when each movement was repeated thousands of times or even more, Qian Jun gradually became handy in Alan's hands under thousands of tempers.

Cut it out with one blow, where it starts and where it ends. Not a lot of points, a lot of points. Only by using Qianjun on this can Allen be sure to apply it to actual combat. But it's a far cry from Mei Lin's knowledge of Qianjun's physical properties. Thinking that it took only three days for Windsor Bello to be able to use Qianjun as an arm, Allen probably knew how far he was from his teacher.

In the training ground, Allen made a simple slash. Qianjun hit it, the wind and thunder surged, and the sword momentum was condensed, with the taste of the three armies. Allen is still satisfied, as to reach the realm that Gao Lei and the others said, it takes a long way to go.

The road has always been stepped out step by step. Allen believes that since Meilin has given Qianjun to herself, she believes that one day she can reach that state.

All it takes is time.

Alan is still young, and the last thing he lacks is time.

"Allen!" At the gate of the driving range, a figure was waving vigorously.

It's Lucy.

Allen brought Qianjun forward, Qianjun was too heavy, and he couldn't find a suitable scabbard in the base warehouse. A sheath made of ordinary materials deformed and ruptured immediately after being pressed by it. Alan was so tired that he could only carry it around, but before he had the right material to make the scabbard, he could only do so.

Lucy turned her hair into a tall ponytail today, and she was wearing light blue overalls, with screwdrivers and other small tools in her jacket pockets. She looked like a royal lady. She excitedly pulled Alan to the production workshop of the arsenal, and said: "Come on, my Frozen Silver Frost Ammunition will be ready soon. But to melt Liuyang Xuejing, the furnace in the workshop cannot reach what I want. The temperature. After thinking about it, I can only ask you for help."

Allen laughed and said: "The stove used in the workshop can reach at least 10,000 degrees, which is not up to the standard you want~www.readwn.com~ I can't do it."

"It's not just as simple as temperature. The structure of Liuyang Xuejing is very special. It needs to be heated suddenly by a thousand degrees of flame in an instant to melt and decompose naturally. The temperature of the stove is high, but it needs to be heated to the temperature I want It takes a little time, and there is no way to achieve instantaneous high temperature." Lucy blinked: "But you are different, your burning just solves this point, don't find who you look for."

"It turns out I am a humanoid heater for the eldest lady."

"Are you honored?"

"If you give me a starship, I will feel even more honored."

"It's easy, you beat up my old man, and let him take a fleet as a dowry when that happens."

"...I'll be a humanoid heater for now."

"Young man, show up a bit of courage!" r1058



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