Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 268: Present and future

"You white mouse, invaded the holy site, defiled Chief Sodom's heroic spirit, and even possessed the same legendary projection as him!" Kamu's eyes gradually calmed down, but under the silence, there was flow. The light boiling like magma: "Neither the holy relic nor the projection of Chief Sodom can fall into your human hands. So, today you will die here!"

"Holy Relic... The Elusa originally didn't belong to you. It's funny. You just snatched other people's things and took it as your own. I really don't understand, what is your awe-inspiring words? Come." Allen said in standard Swordsman language: "And Sodom, how do you know. It was not I who took his projection, but his soul chose me?"

"Choose a human?" Camu gritted his teeth and roared: "That's impossible."

A surging vigor was generated from under his feet, pushing Camu toward Allen like a rocket. The sword cut forcefully, pulling up a line of dark red flames and falling straight down. Alan crossed the knife grid to hold up Kamu's blade, but his shoulders were cold, but a **** arrow jumped out.

how come? I have held his sword, is it sword energy? Alan glanced at the injury on his shoulder from the corner of his eye, pushed forward with the knife, and pushed Camu away. With another horizontal cut, the blade pulled out an orange arc and flashed.

Kamu raised his sword and cut it down, and the bleak light of the sword and the flash of flame formed a cross. The flames flickered for a while, and the unstable flame burst out, forming a series of explosions around Kamu. The General Sword Demon stood on the spot, and the flames naturally passed around him. He stared at Alan closely and said, "No matter what method you use to obtain Chief Sodom's power, you don't want to leave here today. Let me guess. , Are you waiting for reinforcements?"

"so what."

"Don't expect it, no reinforcements will come..." Kamu raised his head, and gradually pulled out a cruel smile from the corner of his mouth: "Because they can't break through the blockade of the high priest!"

"The High Priest? Howling Polidon?" Allen's heart beat hard.

It has been almost two years since he came to Pluto, and Allen naturally knew what Polidon was. That was the high priest in the Ten Demon Swordsmen, a strong man with the same fame as the general Azik, and their strength was only lower than that of the Sword Demon King Uriman. Even if it is not inferior to federal admirals/generals such as Russen or Merlin, Polidon’s evaluation of personal strength is slightly lower than that of Azik, but the high priest of the sword demon is famous. Sly.

Marching in the winter that day, the military raid on the Shadow Fortress came from Polidon. That completely violated the habit of the sword demon, and even Lu Sen did not expect the attack, which once caused the spread of death to fall into a passive state. By mistake, the Queen Rose arrived in time on the same day and forced the Sword Demon to retreat. Otherwise, the final outcome is difficult to say.

If it was Polidon who made the interception, I'm afraid it was exactly what Kamu said. Even if Mei Lin was there, she couldn't break through the blockade so quickly. In this way, the forward base here really became a lone army.

"What? Do you think we won't report ten after we discover this stronghold?" Kamu snorted, "Although those guys are not good things, but at least we have the same ancestors. In fact, from After you escaped, we had already expected such a thing to happen. You humans, unable to reach the heart of the fire, will definitely turn around and attack our holy relic. So from the beginning, we were ready..."

"Get ready to kill you all!"

As soon as Allen marched, he instantly wanted to understand the key: "It turns out that this is the case. You knew we would appear early in the morning, but did not blockade the barren land. Otherwise, it would not be so easy for us to build a forward base. I think that is. Afraid to attract our attention in advance? Then when we ask for support, we will intercept reinforcements. Once our forces on the Alex Plain are dispersed, the Ten will take the opportunity to attack. That's right!"

"I can't tell, your head is pretty good."

"If this is the case, why wait until the base is built before launching an attack. Wouldn't it be better to attack before we build it?"

Camu said: "That's because the blockade takes time to prepare. Also, don't you think it is interesting to destroy the enemy when they are full of hope and plunge them into deeper despair? What's more, the attacking one has not The built stronghold, even if it is razed, will be nothing."

What a bunch of lunatics! Alan thought.

"So now, you have no reinforcements, you can only die in despair. Look at it, I will destroy the base behind you, and put all your heads on the wall as decoration!"

Allen raised Qian Jun and pointed his knife forward. Even in this war-torn battlefield, the smile from the corner of his mouth still smells of sunshine: "I am just the opposite of what you think. Today, this place will not fall, and General Meilin will break through the blockade of your high priest. Once the Queen of Roses attacks your holy relic, it will be your king that should have a headache."

"If you leave the holy sites alone, you will lose the future of Pluto. But if you divide your troops to support the holy sites, the death-spreading legion will definitely attack the heart of the fiery earth with all your strength. At that time, you will lose now. No matter how you choose, you Now and in the future, you will always lose one of them. Instead of you, how would you choose?"

Camu was taken aback by his question and couldn't help but think about the pros and cons of this as Allen said. Allen took advantage of his distraction, and slashed out. Only then did Camu know that he was fooled, and he snorted and raised his knife to seal the box. The two long knives collided with each other with a sound. Camu blocked Allen's knife and said, "I really don't know, where does your confidence come from."

"It's simple, never give up hope!"

A motorcade was driving on the empty and lonely wasteland. To the left of the motorcade, the Winter Evening Mountains were moving away.

In this convoy, in addition to the common troop trucks and main combat vehicles, there are also two long trailers. The trailer’s compartment is equipped with the Storm individual combat vehicle, which is a small ground unit. The magic-driven Storm combat vehicle takes into account both mobility and firepower output, and is an indispensable combat unit in land warfare. In front of the convoy, there is a special command vehicle. The command vehicle named "Summit" is much larger than other conventional vehicles of similar purpose.

When needed, the leader can form a temporary battle fortress on the battlefield, with a certain attack performance. And it is the command center of the storm chariot. Through the on-board system of the summit, the commander can make the storm chariot conduct precise strategic strikes.

Regardless of the head command vehicle or other vehicles, their bodies are painted with the Queen of Rose pattern, and the body is stained, especially those main tanks, which have traces of war. In the leader's command car, Mei Lin was sitting with her hands wrapped around her eyes. In front of her, Major Soya and several other members of the Black Rose Guard were driving a vehicle towards the Ice Demon Valley.

After receiving the news that the base was built, in order not to disturb the sword demon, Mei Lin abandoned the spaceship and used it to march from the land instead. This time she took away a Marine Corps and set off with more than a thousand people. However, on the way, he was accidentally intercepted by the sword demon, during which the war continued. Although it finally broke through the three blockades that the sword demon had arranged on the necessary road, it was delayed by two days compared to the original plan.

Otherwise, the Marine Corps of this Queen of Roses would have arrived at the advance base in Perish Xingyuan long ago.

Just last night, the team received an emergency notification from Thunder Fire Base. Traces of the Sword Demon's activities have been found near the forward base, and compared to the previous blockade, Mei Lin has vaguely guessed that this is a targeted action plan of the Sword Demon, whose purpose is to make a dilemma. The Rose Queen got up all night, determined to march northward, Mei Lin used actions to convey her determination to the Sword Demon.

Only in this way can passivity be turned into initiative, once the Queen of Roses successfully arrives at Perish Xingyuan. Then the dilemma will be the sword demon.

The key is time. Whether the forward base can persist until the arrival of Queen Rose is a question. Whether the Queen of Rose will be intercepted is another one. What Mei Lin is certain is that the layout of the sword demon will never be so simple as the three blockades.

What is their aftermath?

Suddenly my heart moved.

"Stop!" Mei Lin opened her eyes.

Major Soya immediately notified the convoy to stop and looked back at Mei Lin. The red-haired general stood up and said: "He is here. Wailing Polidon..."

"The High Priest of the Sword Demon?" Esuoya's calmness could not help but her expression changed. After all, Polidon was a strong one among the Sword Demon. The major caught the communicator and ordered everyone to prepare for battle.

"Wait, Saoya." Meilin stopped her: "Polidon handed over to me to greet, you detour and continue to support Ellen and the others."

"But the general..."

"This is an order, Major!" Mei Lin said, pulling the Prison Breaking Greatsword standing next to her and leaving.

The automatic door of the commander car opened~www.readwn.com~ Mei Lin jumped out of the car. The magical armor on her body was flowing with an icy luster in the sun. She raised her head and glanced, and the light from the sky was gradually disappearing. The sky to the north is dim, and the clouds are spinning like vortices, faintly depressing. At this time, a dark purple beam of source power rushed from the mountains and crashed into the clouds, causing the clouds to stir.

Mei Lin smiled faintly, and one step forward, the person had already flashed a few meters away. The general's body began to glow with a leaping orange-red light, and as her speed continued to increase, it was like a meteor galloping against the ground, greeted in the direction of a dark purple beam.

Seeing Mei Lin go away, Soya had to sigh in a low voice, directing the convoy to leave the mountainous area where the two powerhouses were about to fight.

As soon as the convoy set off, there was a flash of light in the distance. The beam of source power that connected the sky and the earth was sharply twisted and dispersed, turning into a thousand light rain and spreading and flying, and the mountain area immediately exploded. From time to time, the explosion carried orange-yellow flames. The flames were like the sharp blades of the gods. Whenever they swept across the mountains, the mountains fell and the trees fell.

It turned out that in the blink of an eye, Mei Lin had already fought against the high priest of the sword demon!



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