Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 269: reverse


A series of dense violent sounds played the most violent notes. Kamu attacked frantically, the knife in his hand turned into a thousand swords, and he launched a storm-like offensive on Allen. Allen almost hit, Qianjun fully defended, blocking Kamu's offensive. Even so, Alan suffered more and more injuries over time.

The only constant is the look in his eyes.

The bright red pupils still shone with fiery light, which stung Camu's eyes.

"Obviously, I don't have any expectation, and I am still holding hope innocently. Hope and hope... That's just an excuse for the weak to comfort themselves!" Kamu made a sharp cut.


The loud clashing sound shook people's eardrums, and Allen held up his saber, but a blood arrow still bounced from his chest. He took a breath, and pulled out a dark tide with a heavy knife, pushing Camu away. Allen looked at the injury on his chest and couldn't help but smile.

Camu seems to be stronger than he saw in the holy site.

"What's the matter with that smile? Don't you think that I have a chance to defeat this guy?" Camu raised his sword and held it high: "Do you think that you are running away from my hands at the holy site, thinking of my strength? Only that kind of level? If you think so, then you don’t have to leave here today. When I was in the sacred site, I was scrupulous, so that you can find it. But here is different, I can kill you with all my strength dead."

"Don't confuse me with other generals, I'm... the general who was given a ‘name’, Camu of Gioré!"

The source of power rose, and the original ancestor projection appeared on Kamu's head. Behind the original ancestor’s projection, twelve groups of dark red lightning appeared. As the sword on Kamu’s head moved in a clockwise direction, the dark red lightning flew down, forming a red light jumping on each scale. Blade. At that time, the knife wheel shown in the holy relic reappeared, but now, the blade of the source force on that knife wheel is ten times stronger than before.

"This is the complete Jiao Lei knife formation. Then, enjoy it with your body!" Kamu's sword pointed to Allen.

All the thunder blades on the knife wheel immediately turned into dark red electric lights and flashed away, they staggered and shuttled irregularly. For a time, the world in Allen's eyes was cut to pieces by these red powers!

One of the red lightning hits his chest.

Allen lifted the knife to protect his body, and suddenly the red power took a turn. First, he flashed out sideways, and then shot over his head. Allen could only wrap his left arm with the source force and swung away.

When the red electricity hits the arm, a strong current penetrates into the body. With Allen's perseverance, he screamed with electricity.

This is just one electric light.

The twelve electric lights alternately attack from different directions, angles, and times. Don't talk about attacks, Allen is very reluctant to defend. Each blow of the electric light will release a strong current. The high-volt current not only destroyed Allen's body, but also caused adverse effects such as paralysis on his body. After coming down several times, Alan's uniform was in tatters, and his body was burnt to black by the electric current.

Under this kind of high frequency attack, even if there is a killer like Destruction Heavy, there is no time to use it.

A flash of light came and knocked Allen out. Allen landed and slowly raised his head, his eyes getting brighter and brighter. As if turning a blind eye to the electric lights flying around him, his whole body was soaring. In the orange-yellow source force light, there are strands of red light swimming like a snake, Alan's breath continues to grow, and the electric lights that hit him collide with his own source force.

Most of it exploded into electric fire, and only part of it was endured by Yuanli himself. Alan stared at Kamu intently, Qian Jun held high in his hand, cut it down instantly, and pulled out a flash of flames.

"It's useless..." Kamu's words fell off, but Alan kept moving. The heavy knife swept continuously, cutting seven consecutive blows in one breath.

The seven flames flashed to form a web of swords, and there was a certain time gap between the sword qi. Knowing the world with Kamu's eyesight, he couldn't see the flaws in this knife net. It is like Fengge Tiandi, giving Kamu no space and time to avoid.

Seven kills of Yan Shan!

Facing Allen's trump card at the bottom of the box, Camu didn't dare to be careless. The lightning blades flying around Alan suddenly rolled back, and the lightning blade flame flashed, and it was a continuous explosion. The large group of fire clouds are rising, and an expanding fireball rises from the field. When the fireball expanded to its limit, it exploded suddenly, pouring high-temperature flames around.

A pillar of fire rose to an altitude of more than ten meters, causing the surrounding air to emit amazing heat.

Allen wiped the blood from his forehead, panting and looking at the flames ahead. A figure faintly appeared in the sea of ​​fire, and suddenly a violent wind emerged out of thin air, blowing the flame away from both sides. Kamu appeared in the flames with a saber in his hand. In front of him, the Jiao Lei knife array composed of twelve thunder blades formed together. It was this knife wheel that blocked the seven kills of the flames and then exploded. flame.

Kamu was not without damage, at least the **** wound on his forehead showed that Alan's attack was not in vain. It's just that this kind of injury is not fatal. Kamu wiped his forehead and snorted coldly while looking at the blood between his palms. The sword was swung, and the knife wheel immediately spun, releasing red electric lights and whizzing to the ground. Flew off at an angle halfway, cutting to Allen.

Allen raised his sword to protect himself, and hit the knife wheel into the air. At the end of the adjustment, Kamu had caught up and slashed down. Allen could only fight with all his strength, and the two of them fought with two swords in mid-air. The whirling knife wheel returned, the thunder blade spread out, and another chaotic cut.

A red lightning hit Allen, knocking him down from mid-air. Allen fell to the ground and rolled several times before stopping. He barely supported it, and there was a numbness in his muscles. He raised his head and saw Kamu falling on the ground a few meters away, and the red thunder blades flying towards him.

Sure enough, the gap is too big. Allen thought to himself that perhaps Camu was afraid of damaging the Elisa in the holy sites, so he didn't dare to use his best. But here he has no scruples. In this way, Alan can only fight with Destruction.

But the ability to self-destruct and strengthen can only be activated once, if you fail to hit Kamu, everything will be over. Just keep going like this, Alan knows that he will be killed sooner or later, so he might as well give it a go. If it is accompanied by Ali Fedor's restraining evil pupil, perhaps a glimmer of hope can be obtained.

Alan gritted his teeth and was hit by another lightning blade. When the hand touches the devil's praise, it will activate the second-order awakening form of this source artifact.

The Lei Blade flew back and turned into a knife wheel. Camu raised his sword and said contemptuously: "I have played enough, just use the next blow to end your life! You should thank me for my kindness."

"Listen carefully with your ears, this is the roar of Thunder!"

The lightning blade flashed and flew again. However, the red electric lights continued to overlap in the middle of the way, and the twelve red wires merged into a torrent of thunder, which blasted towards Allen like a cannon. In the sound of thunder and roar, the circular air waves spread in a ring shape, and the dark red thunder waves passed through their centers, leaving a clear track in the space of the battlefield!

This torrent of thunder came so fast that there was no time for Allen to activate the Destruction Sniper. Suddenly, there was a figure flashing in front of Allen's eyes, and then there was an explosion. Lei Tao turned into electric fire, and the dark red electric fire spewed into the air, like a volcanic eruption, causing the earth to tremble. After all the electric fires were released, they met with the cold from high above, and a gray cloud formed above Kamu's head.

"In this way, the heroic spirits of Chief Sodom can rest in peace, too." Kamu muttered to himself, and suddenly his pupils shrank: "Why...why the breath of that kid hasn't disappeared! Impossible, my thunder roar will take him His soul should be completely destroyed!"

"What's going on!" Camu waved his knife, pressing out a blade of wind to exhaust the surrounding smoke.

In the place of the explosion, a huge shield measuring two meters in length was erected in front of Kamu. On this black shield, there is a pattern of golden roses. This pattern made Kamu see it. He seemed to have seen it somewhere. Suddenly, Kamu province, that is the legion ornament of the Queen of Rose!

"So...Major Soya?" Allen said in surprise.

In front of him, the taciturn Soya, the captain of Meilin's Black Rose Guard, squatted on the ground, holding a large black shield enough to protect both of them, and actually blocked Camu's thunder roar.

Soya looked back at him and said, "Good job, Ensign. As expected, you did not live up to the general's expectations."

"Your work is over. Next, let's take over by the Queen of Roses!" Soya stood up, actually lifted the great shield, turned around again, and threw the great shield towards Kamu. .

The huge shield whizzed and revolved, sending out a screaming noise. It was a real heavy weapon, even if Camu was arrogant ~www.readwn.com~, he would not dare to accept it. Had to violently retreat and move sideways, dodge the giant shield. The Great Shield continued to castrate, knocking down a piece of the sword and magic warriors behind, simple but violent.

Allen looked to the rear, and the sword demon's front line was dispersed by reinforcements that had joined the battlefield in time. A storm chariot shaped like a sphere, with spinning cutting gears stretched on both sides, and a Gauss-fired cannon mounted on it, is quickly harvesting the lives of the sword demon. The flesh and blood body has no counterattack under the firepower of this kind of individual combat vehicle, and even the maneuverable wolf knight will lose his advantage when hitting this kind of combat unit.

The storm chariot can easily catch up with the horned wolf, and then the soldiers in the car will use the machine gun and saw wheel to harvest the life of the wolf rider.

The gate of the base did not open at any time, and the main battle vehicles painted with the emblem of the Queen of Roses were coming out continuously. The missiles and missiles dragged the fire to the troops behind Kamu, and the blue electric fire of the high-energy cannon crossed. At a distance of hundreds of meters, it hit the enemy army, blooming flowers of blue thunder and lightning.

Kamu held a sword and stood on the battlefield like a puppet. He couldn't accept it anyhow, the first second had his advantage, but the next second, the battle was turned around by 180 degrees!



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