Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 270: Mad beast body

"Damn! Didn't the high priest stop these guys?" Camu's face became ugly, and Queen Rose joined the battle, so they had no chance of winning.

Only by relying on the holy relics and trolls, they have the qualifications to challenge this elite army.

Camu retired.

With his speed and strength, it is not impossible to get out of the battlefield.

Seeing Kamu's eyes flow, Allen reminded: "Major Soya, you have to be careful. This guy is very fast, and he is not an ordinary sword general."

"I know, I am not good at fighting, but very few prey can escape from my hands. He is no exception." Soya began to rise with a brass-colored source of light, and the lines swept across the surface of the clothes. Then, a castle-like engraving was formed on the back of her right hand.

The light of the rising source power condensed the original ancestor projection on top of her head. The major’s projection was a giant half-length draped in complex armor, and even his face was covered in silver armor with a bright red pattern. On the full-covered helmet, a bright red feather rose high, and the end turned into an elegant crimson stream.

That is the second-level engraving of Soya, the glorious church.

As she herself said, the abilities of Glory Temple are biased towards defense and support. One of them is the blockade of positions. Soya patted her hands on the ground, and the temple projection also thrust her silver knight's gun towards the ground. The landing point was at Suoya's feet, and a ring suddenly unfolded with Suya as the origin, shrouding the space within fifty meters in diameter.

Naturally includes Kamu.

Daoguanghua shot out from the origin, forming symbols in the circle, and the orange-yellow brilliance flashed alternately, reflecting the lightness and darkness of Camu's face. He didn't know what power Soya was using, but instinctively chose to avoid it. The toes hit the ground and the person slipped back. But when he was about to exit the pattern like a sequence pivot on the ground, it seemed as if he had hit a real object behind him, and the person bounced back.

Camu turned his head and realized that there was a shadow of the city wall behind him.

He raised his head, only to see a spire towering faintly in the surrounding space, and a castle phantom with flying flags. This phantom was shrouding him in it, as if trapping him in a castle.

Ellen looked at Soya in surprise, who said calmly: "Empty city. This ability of mine can block a designated area of ​​space so that the prey cannot escape. Unless the level of the prey far exceeds the carrying capacity of the empty city, it is another matter ."

"What is this!" Camu shouted, slashing out with his knife. The dark red light on the blade flashed, cutting a dark red light path on the wall of the phantom in the empty city, but there was no movement on the imaginary wall. Kamu pointed his sword, his arms widened, and dark red thunder beads appeared. The projection arm waved, smashed the thunder beads out, and blasted the empty city violently.

The exploding large piece of electric fire seemed to hit an invisible wall. The electric fire climbed vertically, rushing to an altitude of more than ten meters, but there was no breakthrough. Kamu's face sank when seeing this scene as if Kongcheng had completely exposed this space. Even if he could fly to the sky, he would not be able to escape from this phantom city. The rest can only get rid of the releasing ability Sorya.

Turning around, Camu raised his saber with a gloomy expression.

Allen flashed before Soya, he remembered that the major said that he was not good at fighting. Moreover, Soya kept crouching, indicating that Kongcheng's ability needs her to maintain. Of course he could not allow Kamu to attack Soya, knowing that he and Kamu still had a long distance, but he was not afraid of it, and raised his sword to face each other.

At this time, a big hand was gently pressed on the knife, followed by a strong and rough voice: "Second Lieutenant rest assured, this guy will be handled by Lao Tzu."

A flower was in front of Allen, and a tall figure like a violent bear moved forward. He almost thought he was wrong, and exclaimed: "Colonel Gao Lei, are you here too?"

Gao Lei turned his head and said with a grin on his face: "No way, this is the request of Major Soya. What's more, I can't watch his subordinates fight **** the front line, but he has nothing to do in the back."

"I remember just notifying you not long ago that you came so fast and you were on the road early in the morning, right?" Soya asked.

"Haha, because I don't worry about you."

Allen looked at Gao Lei and Soya, vaguely feeling that the relationship between them was a bit ambiguous. Soya said with her face unchanged, "I wouldn't contact you if it hadn't been for the general to wrap Polidon."

"Whatever you say, I'm not here yet anyway. Then, I'm going to go..." Gao Lei turned his head and didn't warm up yet. Kamu didn't have time to listen to their small talk over there, he had already sacrificed the Jiao Lei knife formation, and then blasted a thunder roar.

"Be careful!" Allen couldn't help but said.

"It doesn't matter, this is in Suoya's empty city." Gao Lei said nonchalantly.

Soya frowned: "Don't call my name!"

Saying that, Suoya's subordinates popped out a light, and instantly came to Gao Lei's side. A shadow of a shield with castle patterns painted on three sides suddenly rose on the ground, and it revolved around Gao Lei. Camu's thunder roared, and the violent torrent of thunder and lightning hit the shield beside Gao Lei, and immediately burst into a burst of explosions. The explosion of electric fire soared into the sky, and the shock wave made Alan breathe hard.

In the electric fire that was still not dissipating, an aura suddenly rose. In the electric light, Allen heard a beast-like roar, and shook all the electric fire away, revealing a monster phantom with the body of a wolf beast. Under the shadow, it was Gao Lei.

The colonel had taken off his jacket and threw it back. On his back, an engraving of a beast pattern appeared. His engraving is so huge that it almost covers the colonel's entire back, and is completely different from the usual engraving size.

"This kind of huge engraving, the second lieutenant probably hasn't seen it yet." Suoya said.

Allen looked at her.

The major whispered: "When our source power reaches level 20, we can build the first source force foundation to integrate the genetic circuits developed before. The source force foundation is built, and the engraving itself will advance. We are promoted. After becoming an awakened person, under normal circumstances, the size of the engraving is the same as in the past, but the difference is the degree of complexity. The more complicated the circuits and foundations in the engraving, the more complex the ability to develop in a deeper direction. The same ability, if used by different people, will have different changes."

"There are exceptions for some people. Their engraving will become huge. That means they have abandoned the deep development of ability and developed it vertically, which is the so-called pure power. There are not too many skills, no ability to change and complicated. Some are just explosive forces that shatter everything." Soya said here, a smile suddenly appeared on her serious face: "Many years ago, people used to have a fierce battle on the depth and vertical development of the ability. Debate. After the side that supports the in-depth development throws out the statement that “large engraving is the patent of the reckless man”, your teacher Windsor Bello beat the strong family on that side one by one to let this debate At last it's nothing."

"Because Marshal Greedy Wolf, when she was promoted to the Awakened, I heard that she also had a huge engraving. The difference is that her engraving almost covers the whole body!"

Allen was dumbfounded.

During the field, the projection on Gao Lei's head shrank sharply, and the colonel's body immediately changed. His body swelled continuously, and Gao Lei's height immediately soared by a few points. Dark hair began to appear on the surface of the body, and in a blink of an eye the colonel seemed to have really become a bear, covered with beast-like black mane. Long and hook-shaped yellow sharp claws also emerged from between the ten fingers of both hands. On the head that still maintained the original face, a turning point emerged from the left and right sides of the forehead.

Gao Lei grinned, the teeth under his lips turned into fangs, and the whole person seemed to have become a beast.

When a round yellow spar was turned up on his chest, the bright yellow lines spread around the body with the spar as the origin, covering Gao Lei's upper body.

"This is?" Allen once saw a person like Gao Lei whose body would transform into another creature. But like Gao Lei, the transformation of nearly 90% of his body was the first time he saw it.

After turning into this beast posture, Gao Lei's breath also changed. If you close your eyes, Allen will think that there is a fierce beast standing there instead of Colonel Gao Lei.

"The wild beast combat body is the only ability of Colonel Gao Lei. The original ancestor genes received after the advanced awakening are activated, thereby reproducing part of the original ancestor's posture. Choosing this development route means Gao Lei After the colonel reaches level 30, he will choose to develop in the direction of his ancestors. He will continue to move his genes closer to the original ancestor, and eventually return to the ancestor. If successful, he will reproduce the original ancestor posture of the origin of his life, but this is An extremely dangerous road..."

In Soya's eyes, Allen saw the major's worry. Soya didn't say what would happen if she failed, but Alan can probably imagine it.

On the other side, after activating the wild beast body ~www.readwn.com~ Colonel Gao Lei has rushed towards Kamu. In a moment, the two of them fought together. Whether Gao Lei fisted or rips his claws, his source of strength was concentrated. Being hit by him is no different from being hit directly by a heavy artillery. Camu took the advantage of speed, flashing flexibly in Gao Lei's somewhat clumsy attack, looking for gaps to shoot.

But Camu's greatest advantage, the ability to release Gioré, was suppressed. In the empty city of Soya, the captain of the Black Rose can always impose a shield defense on Gao Lei's body, making Kamu's attacks repeatedly failed. Under the cooperation of the two school officers, Camu gradually fell into a disadvantage.

At this moment, whether Gao Lei or Soya, his attention was focused on Kamu. After recovering part of his source power, Allen quietly withdrew from the range of the empty city. His departure only distracted Soya a little. Alan took Qianjun and walked quickly. He left the battlefield and chose a highland.

Allen lay down and drew out the devil's praise and murmured: "I wish I still remember the content of the sniper lesson."

The blood-red light flashed on the high ground, and the air of killing and felling immediately spread. But the most indispensable thing on the battlefield is murderous intent, and no one has discovered the abnormality of that highland.



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