Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 348:  Bing Lin

In the end, some people stayed in Violet Harbor. In addition to Sean, it also includes Willick and ten soldiers of the Mountain King. There are people from Weinuo in the casinos and bars, and Luo Jie's works are temporarily watched. The block laid by Allen in Violet Harbor will not change much in at least three months. Sean and the others can use this time to increase manpower to enhance the defense force of the station.

Before leaving, Allen hinted to Sean. If you need to get in touch with the Lily Chamber of Commerce, you might as well let Willick move around. Sean knows, knowing that Allen wants to give Willick more opportunities to get closer to Jessica.

Leaving the Violet Harbor and entering the desolate bloodstone wasteland again, Alan already missed the city of Suer a little. People were on the way, he didn't know, a storm was rushing towards Suhl City.

"So, are you leaving today?"

Old Rock was wiping his glasses in the bar in Suhl City. He squinted to look at one of the tables, Belmode cast a smile at him, and Old Rock immediately lowered his head in recognition.

Belmode looked at Kyra and spent a few days happily with this woman, making him a little bit reluctant to leave Kyra. Of course he understands that he and this woman are just playing on the spot, and people like him and Kira are destined not to invest too much time and energy on the opposite sex, let alone feelings. They are like dandelion seeds, drifting far away when the wind blows, and only when the wind stops, will they gently fall to the ground.

However, there is always time for the wind to rise again, and the seeds will not take root in the ground. Dew-like love, not long-lasting, seize the day.

Qi stretched his hand across Belmode's face and said softly: "I am very happy to meet you here. I think I will miss you for a long time in the future."

Belmode held her hand and smiled: "I won't find another woman until I forget you."

"Although it's fine to get out of the other women's bed, I promise you will be dull if you do with them." Kira pulled her hand back and smiled bravely.

Suddenly he gave Belmode a strong hug: "Take care, don't send me. Just stay here, so that you and this bar will stay in my memory for a long, long time."

"You too, be careful, don't let anyone slaughter." Belmode patted her on the back lightly.

Kira let go of him, lifted a two-handed sword back to her body, whistled, and said to the companion next to her, "Go, guys."

Belmode sat quietly in place, smiling and watching Kira leave the tavern with her companions, watching their figures merge into the morning sun of Suhl City.

After leaving Suhl City, Kira looked very quiet, which was very different from her usual escape temper. The companions who travelled with her on the adventure knew her character. One of the bearded men couldn't help but said: "Kira, if you really like that kid, you can just stay."

Another bald man also said, "Yes, you are not too young anymore. You should also find someone to live in stability and stop following us on adventures."

Kira turned her head and smiled reluctantly: "Stop kidding, I'm an adventurer, don't confuse me with ordinary women."

A thin man murmured: "Special women are also women."

"Shut up, Enley." Kira turned her head and whispered: "Anyway, looking for something like a man...Huh, what is that?"

She looked up and saw a billowing dust and smoke coming in their direction in the distance. In the dust and smoke, some flags could be vaguely seen with the logo of Storm City on them. Kira's face changed and said, "Hurry up, that's the army of Storm City."

"Storm City? Why did they come here?"

"Needless to say, I must have come to Sul City to settle accounts."

"Quickly leave."

They quickly changed their route and went sideways, hoping not to collide with Storm City's troops in the countryside. Suddenly a group of cavalry appeared from the dust and smoke, a total of hundreds of people, they quickly rushed in, outflanked, and surrounded Qi La and other adventurers with skillful methods.

"Who are you?" A knight stood out from the crowd, his face was ancient and solemn, it was the knight captain Rege who was sent to Suhl by Maud that day.

Kira smiled reluctantly and said, "We are adventurers, sir. We are just about to leave."

"You came from Suhl City?" Leigh asked, narrowing his eyes.

Kira gave a chuckle in her heart and said with a smile: "No, we just passed by."

"Lie!" Leigh said loudly: "Sul City killed our banned knight, which is a great insult to Sir Maud. Sul City is the mastermind, and you adventurers are accomplices. Now give If you have a chance, you will be caught, so you still have a chance to be judged!"

The adventurers all changed their colors and were caught back to Storm City for trial, which was no different from death. Edward exposed Maud's conspiracy in the Temple of God of War that day, so that the adventurers knew that he was being used by Storm City. Storm City is now on their heads with unwarranted charges, obviously to kill people to preserve the reputation of Baron Maud.

Kira quickly figured this out, gesturing with her hand behind her back, and said: "I see, sir. We won't resist..."

Having been with Kira for a long time, everyone could see that her gesture meant to break through with all her strength. Only by fleeing back to Sul City can they have a chance to survive, and everyone is preparing quietly. Regardless of it, he made a gesture to dismount several cavalry, and was about to lock Kira and others. Kira yelled: "Do it!"

Everyone was in a state of enthusiasm, and one after another they showed their weapons and slammed into the cavalry behind, and the situation was chaotic.

Belmode put down his glass, feeling annoyed for no reason. This made him a little restless. Suddenly a warning bell came from the street. Judging from the length of the bell, it was the highest level of danger. Belmode immediately rushed out of the street, and no one who heard the bell on the street rushed to their homes. Belmode rushed up the crowd in the crowd, and when he came to the camp of the city defense team, he happened to ran into two heavily armed Roy and Broy.

"What's the matter?" Belmode asked Roy when he caught Roy.

Bloy had left them behind, carrying the warhammer, and roaring to direct the soldiers to the various positions of the guard wall. Roy and Belmode came to the guard wall together and said, "It is the army of Storm City. Look, they have arrived."

Standing on the heightened guard wall, Belmode raised his eyes and looked far, and saw the thick smoke billowing in the wilderness below, and the army holding the banner of Storm City was approaching. In front of the army, there is a small smoke dragon. Belmode looked at it, and it was a group of cavalry. In front of the cavalry was a woman running desperately.


Belmode suddenly leaned forward, and when he recovered, he was already floating down the city like a black cloud. His sudden movement, even Roy hadn't expected it. When Roy came to stop him, Belmode was already under the city and greeted the cavalry of Storm City.

"Damn, what the **** are you doing!" Roy cursed secretly, and quickly ordered a squadron of cavalry and went out of the city to support himself.

Kira's vision has become blurred, and there are many wounds left by swords on her body. The most serious place is that the left shoulder fossa caused a fire/gun blast, where it is now bloody. The dramatic battles, the breakout, and the excessive bleeding made her almost unable to sustain it.

Is that it? She asked herself, now she is already running forward instinctively. If it were not for the tenacity cultivated by years of adventure, she would have fallen.

However, it is almost reaching the limit.

At this moment, a black cloud appeared in the blurred vision. For some reason, she felt at ease with the black cloud. It seemed that as long as you plunged into that dark cloud, you could rest assured. Then she saw Belmode's face, an expression of anger and heartache flashed across the man's face. Kira felt sweet in her heart, it turned out that he still loved herself.

"Kira!" Belmode flashed to her side, wrapping her waist with one hand so that she could lean against her.

Kira gave him a weak look, and finally fainted when his eyes closed. Belmode glared at the cavalry who was galloping in front of him, and with a wave of his hand, several black lightning broke through the air. A jet-black flying knife went straight into the throat of the cavalry, and suddenly the five or six riders fell to the ground, creating a lot of chaos. Belmode took the opportunity to pick up Kira and flew back, but his speed dropped slightly after he carried a person.

Behind him, the sound of horse hooves was loud, and Belmode moved in his heart and suddenly moved horizontally. The gunshot sounded, and the ground at the previous location gave the fire/gun spattered. Belmode gritted his teeth and dashed forward, but Roy brought the cavalry to help. The cavalry immediately raised their guns to the enemy's cavalry to counterattack. Roy flew off his horse when he came near Belmode, passed them two without saying a word, and rushed into the enemy's cavalry.

The warhammer flew over and knocked Shu Qisheng off his horse.

Belmode leaped on the horse with Kira in his arms, turned his horse's head and ran in the direction of Suhl City. Looking back, the chasers of Storm City had already made Roy repelled, and the big man and another man rode together and followed him.

Back in the city~www.readwn.com~ Belmode brought Kira back to the mansion directly. As soon as he entered the hall, he just ran into Father Miró. Belmode put Kira on the table, looked at Miró and called out, "Help her."

Father Milo hurried back to his house, and returned with a suitcase after a while. After injecting Kira with a battle potion, Father Milo used scissors to untie her wounded area and began to clean the wound for Kira.

Belmode heaved a sigh of relief and said to the priest: "Please save her, Father."

"I try my best."

He nodded, left the mansion, and rode back to the camp. Seeing Roy on the guard wall, he patted the big man on the shoulder and said, "I owe you a favor."

Roy frowned and said, "What happened to you just now, you are not an impulsive person."

Belmode smiled and said, "Because I am in love, brother." r1058



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