Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 349: Castle

For Belmode’s answer, Roy just looked at him blankly, and the latter smiled bitterly: "Well, how good I can get along for a few days, I can't help but die?"

"It sounds like you haven't done such a thing."

"That's a woman, woman!" Bellmode shouted, "Why is that the same?"

"How different. Of course, if you want to talk about functions, it is really different."

Belmode shook his head and said, "Roy, you are so boring."

"Life is originally a boring thing. Apart from killing the enemy, there is nothing in this world that fascinates me." After talking about Belmode, Roy went straight to arrange defense.

Soon after, Edward boarded the guard wall. Looking down from the heightened guard wall, in the wasteland 500 meters away from Suer City, Storm City's army is taking a rest. Edward swept back and forth on the enemy's position, whispering: "It's a thousand-man army, Storm City is really big."

Roy snorted, "There are a lot more people."

"Don't underestimate their good, no matter what, our lack of strength is an unavoidable shortcoming." Edward smiled slightly and said: "I am not good at leading soldiers to fight, so I leave it to you about the battle."

Roy and Broy took very similar routes, but Roy was always from the army, and he was not the director of Broy in command and strategy. The Highlanders have no objection to Edward's decision. He only asked Roy to allocate more fighting work. After coming to Sul City, apart from training recruits, the life of the Highlanders was really boring. His hammer of forbiddenness has lasted a long time.

"It seems to have changed a lot."

On the battlefield of Storm City, a tall knight sits on a blazing brown horse. The knight is dressed in light armor with gorgeous patterns. A scarlet cloak is blown constantly by the wind, like a flame. The horse carries a rifle and a long sword, and both the gun and the sword are decorated with elegant and complicated patterns. The knight raised his eyes to look at the city of Suhl, and said, "Is the city's guard wall higher than that?"

"Yes, Lord Mogu. When I came a few months ago, the guard wall here was not so high." Regg said after driving his horse behind the knight.

"Rig, I heard that your subordinates chased and lost a woman?"

Reg lowered his head and said, "This is a subordinate negligence."

"Forget it, it's just a woman." The knight touched his chin and said, "Go and take our gifts. Let us see the lord of Suer City first. At least we need a courtesy first and then a soldier.

"Yes." Regre respectfully said.

The man in front of him was the head of the Knights of Fury, and Mogu, the younger brother of Sir Maud, was also the commander responsible for the attack on Sul City. Regg naturally obeyed him. After a while, Mogu took Regg and a cavalry squad to Sur City.

Seeing this team, Roy made a gesture to tell the soldiers not to attack for now.

Mo Gu came to the city, raised his head and said, "Go and call your city lord."

Edward walked forward when he heard the words, appeared on the guard wall and said: "I am here, sir?"

"I am Mogu, the head of the Knights of Fury. Good morning, Mr. Edward." Mogu smiled. He didn't mention Edward's jazz status and looked very rude.

Edward didn't do anything, and waited for what he said.

"Presumably our previous statement, Mr. Edward has already known. Guicheng executed one of our banned knights without asking for the cause. Master Mord is in the principle of harmony and friendliness, as long as Suer City gives us the payment in accordance with the statement. In response to compensation, our army immediately withdrew. Whether war or peace depends on Mr. Edward alone, please consider carefully."

Edward laughed and said: "You are asking our city to pay 100,000 gold coins, hand over the technology of the Crosis textile machine and a group of textile workers. I don't think it can be accepted by normal people. Why should you give this up? The top hat is buckled on my head. If Storm City really hopes to resolve this matter in a more peaceful way, I have a proposal. I wonder if you would listen?"

"Let's talk about it." Mogu haha ​​smiled.

"It's very simple. Just let me, the city lord, and your lord fight alone. If I lose, the compensation will be doubled. If your lord loses, you only need to send troops to leave. How does Captain Mogu feel?" Edwards said. A certain ability was used to make the sound not so loud, but it floated away leisurely. It reverberates in the wilderness like the echo of a valley, so that everyone on both sides can hear clearly.

Mo Gu's face was pulled down, and he squinted his eyes. It seems that Edward is just a weaker champion, but he has to hold on to this condition. Mogu snorted: "How can war be a child's play? How can it be decided by you and me? Mr. Edward has no intention of reconciliation, so don't blame us for being ruthless."

"Sir Maud said, if Sul City is not prepared to use money to compensate, let them pay for their lives. These people are interest!" Mogu stretched out his hand.

Leigh threw a cloth bag out, and the cloth bag fell to the ground, and a few heads rolled out of it. It was Kira's companions.

Belmode's pupils shrank slightly, and Edward also sneered: "Since Storm City doesn't even let anyone unrelated, why should Sir Maud pretend to be some kind of friendly person. If you want to war, then I will give you war. All right."

"Very well, I hope you don't regret it." Mogu patted the horse and returned to the camp with the Cavaliers team.

Before long, some special war weapons were pushed out of the position. Looking at those war weapons, Roy squinted his eyes and said, "Hey, those are artillery?"

Belmode nodded and said: "I thought these things could only be seen in books, but I didn't expect to have the opportunity to see them with my own eyes now. But with flint and guns, it is not surprising that artillery was developed."

"Quickly, get ready the blazing battalion cannon and aim me at the wall of Suer City. I will blast down their city wall with confidence." Mogu shouted, commanding the five battalion cannons to arrange the bombardment position.

The Bayergang Empire spared no effort in the research of firearms. It was the last wish of the founding emperor. The emperor hoped to replace the limited number of knights and magicians with ordinary war weapons, so that the Baylor Empire would have a strong military power. . Based on this wish, the emperors of the past dynasties have invested a lot of human and financial resources in the development of firearms.

Flintlocks/guns and battalion cannons are basically eliminated firearms in the main army of the empire, and even the lords of the important provinces in the hinterland of the empire no longer use these firearms to equip their troops. But at the border of the empire, fire/gun and cannon are still in service. Like Storm City, the cannon used by the army is the equipment purchased from the arms dealer.

In Storm City, there is a higher level of Fury Flame Burst. However, with Storm City's financial resources, it was only enough to support the daily maintenance of two bursts.

The appearance of the cannon is to assemble the main body of the gun, the bracket and the wheels for easy movement. This is the heavy firepower of the empire’s first wild-armed firepower. It is forged from wrought iron and adopts a multi-layer composite body structure with rifling in it, capable of firing solid iron bullets weighing up to 100 pounds.

This kind of artillery, which appeared to be an old-fashioned artillery by Edward and Roy, who came from a higher civilization dimension, still has a lot of power in this world. Especially in a city like Suhl that doesn't even have artillery, its threat is intuitive.

Even if fighters like Roy and Broy can intercept shells in the air, there are only two people like this. The two of them couldn't hold the entire guard wall.

"It's a bit troublesome." Roy said, adding: "But it's not impossible to solve."

The power of this single-shot artillery is there, but the firing interval is fatal, otherwise the second-generation Ragefire Burst Cannon would not be developed. Furthermore, the opponent’s cannon has only five, and the number is limited, which reduces the firepower accordingly. Of course, if left alone, the guard wall of Suhl City would not be able to withstand several rounds of shelling. Storm City didn't need to knock down the entire guard wall, as long as enough gaps were created, the opponent's infantry and knights could rush into the city.

That's not the picture Roy would like to see.

The big man immediately worked out a countermeasure. When the cannons of Storm City were being filled with shells, a group of cavalry rushed out from behind the gate of Suer City. Headed by Roy, he launched a surprise attack with a squadron of Cavaliers. Seeing this situation, Mogu decided to give Suer City a disarm.

"The artillery obeyed the order and blow up that cavalry for me!" Mogu pointed towards Roy.

Seeing that the muzzle of the cannon turned to himself, Roy immediately made a gesture. The cavalry, which had been in a dense group, immediately dispersed to ~www.readwn.com~ to present a loose formation, minimizing the chance of shelling. Mogu snorted, and still gave the shelling order. In the wilderness, a roar of cannons sounded. In the flickering of the fire, shells burst into the air, bursting into groups of flames in Roy's cavalry squadron.

When almost the attention of both the enemy and us was focused on the battlefield, Bloy took the flame soldiers around the battlefield from the side and appeared on the left wing of Storm City. After spotting them, a team of cavalry on the left flank left the position and greeted Bloy and them. In Mogu's eyes, this was just a surprise attack in Suhl City. Even if this team is elite, with less than 20 people, a cavalry squadron of 50 is enough to eat.

But he didn't know that the individual combat strength of the Flames had already pointed to the "Lion Elegy" of the empire's trump card army, that is, every soldier has a tenth-level super army!

The cavalry didn't think much about it, and greeted it all the way. When the leader of the team entered the firing range at the distance of both sides, he raised his hand and waved: "Shoot!"

The cavalry's legs were clamped between the horse's belly, and the rifle was raised flat, and it was a round of fire at Bloy's side. r1058



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