Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 382:   can't go back to the past

"My Lord Baron." Higgs immediately bowed to Sharon in accordance with the most rigorous aristocratic etiquette. In this regard, he was never criticized.

Sharon snorted and said, "Why, Lord Higgs intends to chase me for killing a slave girl?"

Higgs smiled bitterly: "How dare the subordinates, it's just that the slave girl paid a lot of money to get it. Originally intended to make her please the adults, now it seems that Lord Baron is not interested in her."

"Huh, it turns out that Master Higgs is heartbroken that he spent the money? I said who got the woman from where, she was clumsy and upset just looking at it."

"Master Baron joked. Since the adults think she is stupid, why don't your subordinates show you some better stuff for the big guys?"

"No need." Sha Lang said coldly: "How do I know if these women are of unknown origin, just asking outsiders to watch my jokes."

Knowing what he meant, Higgs sighed immediately: "Sir Baron can stay alone with his subordinates for a while, the subordinates want to have a good talk with the adults."

After hesitating a little, Sharon nodded, turned and walked inside the house. Higgs was about to follow, and Tucker next to him stepped forward and said: "My Lord Baron, do you need me..."

"No, if Master Higgs wants to be against me, it's useless even if you're around." Sharon finished speaking and went into the room.

Higgs glanced at Tucker, then got in too. The room is full of candles, according to ≧, △wx.n☆et, the stone house is bright. Seeing that there was no one around, Higgs sighed, "My friend Sharon, the misunderstanding between us over the years is too deep."

"Misunderstanding?" Sharon turned in a whirlwind and forced him forward, almost about to collide with Higgs: "What you did with Melinda is called a misunderstanding? Don't think I don't know whose child Bill is, just I can't bear to make him sad, so I didn't break it. But I want you to know that, no matter what, I won't put Bill on the list of heirs!"

"No, old friend. Bill is indeed your child, and, have you verified it?"

"Verification." Sharon laughed: "Who doesn't know that your Lord Higgs is only covering the sky in the Black Iron Fort. In order to curry favor with you, the medical officers cannot guarantee that the results reported to me will not move."

"The most important thing is that Bill not only looks like you, but also his talent..." Sharon snorted and said, "I am fifty-five this year, and I have been at 16 since ten years ago. Level. Now it’s pretty good without stepping back. I know that my talent is limited in terms of source power. Look at Bill, how old he is, and he has reached level 15. This kind of talent is probably only you can. Give it to him?"

Higgs shook his head and said, "You are too deep in your prejudice against me, old friend. I want you to understand that I am loyal to the Black Iron Fort and to you. Please do not be deceived by falsehoods."

"It's not an illusion that deceives me, but you!" Sharon patted his chest and said: "I am old, but I am not old enough to see whether a person is good or bad. Higgs, from You have been very ambitious since I met you. Marrying Melinda to me back then, I'm afraid it was just to get the lordship today, right?"

"If Lord Baron thinks that I have wrong intentions, please sanction me now, I will never resist!" Higgs said loudly.

Sharon sneered and waved his hand and said, "Okay, Lord Higgs, don't do any more. If the Black Cloud Knights wait for your guards, you won't resist, but how can the Black Cloud Knights ignore you? It’s nice to say, it’s nothing more than taking the initiative to push your hand. But don’t be proud, one day you will regret what you have done."

Higgs looked straight at Sharan, and after a while, he nodded and said, "Well, this is my last attempt to reconcile with you. It seems that the misunderstanding between us cannot be clarified in a few words. Okay Sharan. Sir, you might as well regard us as a partnership relationship. You see, there is another beast in front of both of us. Storm City is not what it used to be, and you do not deny the proposal to cooperate with them. Then, they The people from will arrive in the next two days. Before the end of this meeting, I think we’re going to behave. I won’t let people see that we are close together and give each other a chance."

"How do you like it?"

Sharon nodded vigorously and said, "This is natural. I'm glad that our neighbors are stronger. They make you jealous, Higgs. But those **** guys killed my daughter. This account, sooner or later I will Will be settled against them."

"That is your freedom, but now. For at least two or three years, we should not be enemies with them. After all, we are now striving for the cooperation of Earl Lanshan. It is really not good to regenerate branches at this time." Haigs Chaosha Lang Shen bowed deeply: "I really hope that time will return to when we were young. At that time, we were brothers who were able to shield each other. But now, it is a pity that we have to guard against each other."

After all, retreat and leave. In the room, Sharon seemed to have been touched by Higgs' words, and the sudden anger disappeared completely. He just felt the exhaustion in front of his body and sat down on the chair hard, and the baron seemed to be ten years old in an instant.

"Unfortunately, we can't go back to the past." The baron said softly in the room.

Two days later, Allen arrived at the bandit's nest that day. From a distance, the ten Black Cloud Knights at the entrance were divided into two teams, standing neatly on both sides, welcoming visitors solemnly. You can hear the sound of people screaming inside, and it seems that the Black Iron Fort has brought a lot of people. Allen looked at both sides, this time he brought three elites: Regis, Bloy and Belmod.

Allen said: "If the Black Iron Fort lays heavy soldiers inside and waits for us to send it to the door, our situation will be quite bad."

Bloy snorted: "If this is the case, I will take the mountain king to smash their black cloud ride into meat sauce."

"The chances of this situation shouldn't be high, but we'd better be more careful. Once we use force, Higgs will let me deal with it. Regis, you are responsible for greeting our Sir Sharon, and Belmode will entangle it. The guard leader second only to Higgs. As for Bloy, you are responsible for leading the soldiers to clear the way."

After making the necessary arrangements, the entrance is already in sight. Today, Haigs changed into a dark base, painted with bright red paint on the edges, and decorated with moiré plate armor. He stepped off his horse and also carried a heavy knight's gun. The barrel of the knight's gun is two meters long and is cone-shaped, covered with spiral lines, which looks like a drill.

This kind of weapon is rarely used by people. After all, the biggest use of the knight's gun is to charge and collide, and it seems too clumsy to fight among the strong. And due to mechanical limitations, the actions that can be used with knight guns are mostly stab and pick. In this regard, an ordinary steel sword in the hands of a strong man is a hundred times more convenient than a knight gun.

With Higgs's strength, naturally he would not be so stupid to use the knight gun as a decorative meaning. Obviously, he worked hard with this gun.

When Allen removed the heavy knight's gun, Haigs laughed and greeted him: "Welcome to you, Lord Allen, the journey has been hard."

Allen smiled and exchanged a few words with him, and Haggs said: "Please come inside, Sir Sharon has been waiting for a long time."

As Higgs entered the stronghold, the first thing he saw was the Dark Cloud Knights on both sides. These heavily loaded knights and war horses stood quietly on both sides of the road, their horses supported the fire/gun and the knight's gun, but their knight's gun was obviously much slender than that of Higgs. But used for high-speed sprints, it also has enough lethality. If the Thirty Cavalry Heavy Knights attack the enemy at the same time with a knight's gun infused with the source force, the ordinary infantry regiment will not be able to intercept this kind of penetration attack, and the line of defense will have to tear a hole for them.

Moreover, these dark cloud knights are also carrying shields and sabers. Obviously they are not only good at maneuvering charges. Probably the horse is a heavy infantry who is good at close combat. Combining the two heavy-loaded units into one, the Black Iron Fort can be considered a capital for this knight group. Just all the knights with standard combat strength and the tactical training of multiple arms is a big investment, and it will not be effective in the short term.

In contrast, the Thunder Knights of Storm City are much inferior.

Next came the regular infantry. The infantry of the Black Iron Fort was also all black armor. When he saw these infantrymen, Allen felt relaxed a lot, because these infantrymen could only be regarded as ordinary goods. I want to come to the Black Iron Fort and focus on investing in the Black Cloud Knights, and it only applies ordinary standards to regular soldiers. If you consider that the Black Cloud Cavalry is equivalent to Higgs' private soldiers, it is not difficult to explain the situation where the strength of the knight and the infantry is far apart.

While observing the military strength of the Black Iron Fort, Allen had already unconsciously wondered how to use the weak points of the two arms that are too far apart in strength if they meet on the battlefield ~www.readwn.com~.

When Allen was observing the Black Iron Fortress, Sharon didn't pay attention to the army of his new neighbor.

When Sharon saw Ellen's face that was more tender than his youngest son, his face showed contempt and disdain like most people. Then his gaze fell on Bloy, the highlander carrying the hammer of forbidden, a simple sitting posture, but Sharon felt that his skin felt as uncomfortable as a needle. That kind of hard rock-like aura made Sharon intuitively feel that Bloy was a fierce general on the battlefield.

Even if it's not as good as Higgs, it's not far away.

Looking at Regis and Belmode again, the former is holding the long sword as if nothing has happened, but his eyes flashes like a sharp sword from time to time. The latter had a lazy smile on his face, but his aura was subtle and agile, and he was obviously a master of the ultimate speed. These two have their own characteristics, and after seeing them, Sharon's gaze on Alan changed.

No matter how stupid he is, he also knows that he can use these three masters with their own abilities, so Alan himself is not easy!


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