Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 383:  Test each other

"Welcome, Allen... Mr."

In the open space of the venue, Allen met Sharon. Sharon's mountain-like tough image still somewhat surprised Allen. Originally in his imagination, a city owner who had an affair with his subordinates but was unable to make trouble should be melancholy and gloomy. But now, Sharon riding a high war horse under the sun gave him a bold spirit.

This is a far cry from Allen's previous assumptions.

He steered the horse to meet him calmly, and the two dismounted and hugged together in the center of the venue.

After the separation, Sharan haha ​​patted Alan on the shoulder and said: "Before I saw you, I always thought that you could take down Storm City and kick Maude away. It was a fluke. But I saw you today that I knew Maude was really. It’s bad luck. It’s not a compliment. Just by looking at the subordinates and soldiers you bring, you will know your abilities."

It wasn't a compliment, but there was nothing more comfortable than this compliment, and even Alan felt a little airy. He secretly said to be powerful and smiled and said: "Sir Sharon has won the award. He can govern a territory for decades and become stronger and stronger. In this regard, I have to ask the Lord Baron for more help."

Although Alan is developing towards the direction of a powerful jazz, he is still a knight under the name of Sul City and the temporary lord of Storm City. He also needs some meritorious deeds to rectify his name before he can be knighted with strength. Before that, he had to keep his upper and lower courtesies in front of a true knight like Sharon. So Sharon calls him Mr., and he needs to add the word jazz or adult after Sharon's name.

Sharon was very satisfied when he saw that Allen hadn't overrated, and at the same time he overestimated Allen by a point. After all, there are fewer and fewer people now able to hold on to merit.

What follows is a scene of mutual praise, and then Sharon introduces Allen to the important figures of the Black Iron Fort. From the knight commander like Higgs to the clerk accompanying him, Sharon said one by one. Allen remembered in his heart, and he heard Sharon's dissatisfaction with Higgs, because when he talked about Higgs, he only spoke in a few words. But when it comes to his guards commanding Tucker, he keeps praising him, in order to impress Alan.

Allen glanced at Higgs, who lowered his head slightly, his eyes hidden in the shadow on his face, making it impossible to gauge his thoughts. However, judging from the situation at the scene, this black iron fort is indeed as rumored, with many internal contradictions.

"Mr. Allen is exhausted from the journey. I have already arranged a place for you to rest. I have prepared a banquet tonight. Let us have a good drink tonight and sign the agreement tomorrow. What do you think?" Sharon smiled. .

Allen nodded: "Everything is arranged by Lord Baron."

So Higgs personally led Allen to the stone house prepared for him, which had been covered with carpets, and separated from the rough ground. Two maids were even arranged, they were not only responsible for Alan's daily life here, if Alan had other needs, they would try to satisfy them.

"See you tonight, then."

When Higgs smiled and wanted to leave, Allen suddenly said: "Head of Higgs has worked hard."

"It's right to entertain adults. It's hard to talk about."

There was a faint smile on Allen's face: "I mean, Captain Haggs is working under Sir Sharon... It's hard work."

Higgs's face changed slightly, and he said with a serious face: "When I joined the Black Iron Fort, I vowed to give everything for it. Therefore, everything I did was voluntary, let alone hard work."

"Sir Sharon is lucky to have a leader like you."

Higgs smiled bitterly and turned to leave.

Allen watched his figure go away, thinking about it. He was a little tentative just now, and from Higgs' words, he also heard that the knight commander and Sharon looked close together. Higgs made it very clear that he was for the Black Iron Fort, not for Sir Sharon himself.

In the evening, Higgs came to invite Allen himself. Allen didn't test him this time, so as not to make him unhappy. The meeting place in the morning has undergone a simple arrangement. A bonfire has been set up in the center of the meeting place, surrounded by temporary wooden stands. On the wooden table, there are two soldiers from the Black Iron Fort, fighting each other. It's just that the action is rigid, but the nature of the performance is stronger.

Some tables and chairs were set up around the venue for spectators. Allen was arranged to be next to Sir Sharon. When he arrived, Sharon and the officials got up to welcome Allen to the table. Allen glanced to his left, Regis and others were already seated. At this moment Sharon said, "Mr. Allen, these are soldiers from my Black Iron Fort. What do you think?"

"Everyone moves neatly, and training must be strict if they want to come." Allen said casually.

Sharon nodded and said: "Captain Higgs has lowered the standard in this regard from the end, but the Dark Cloud Knight is our true pride."

After that, he raised the wine glass on the table and greeted Allen: "Come, may the border land usher in the era of peace from now on."

Allen raised his glass and said, "Lord Baron."

Sharon laughed and drank a drink first, and the others drank it all by themselves. Sharon glanced at Higgs, and the meeting participants nodded and patted. The soldiers performing on stage lined up, and a moment later there was a scream. A black cloud knight rode his horse into the arena, and saw the knight almost lying on his horseback, and the knight speared forward. The man and the horse were like one, sprinting forward like a rainbow.

The hoof is thunderous!

Allen glanced at the people on his side, including Regis, their faces solemn. Obviously, they used this black cloud cavalry as an imaginary enemy, thinking about how the soldiers on the side would deal with the charge of the heavy cavalry if they met on the battlefield. The knight was about to rush to the high platform, but in front of the stage, the horse moved horizontally, and the knight suddenly spread his hands and feet and bounced from the horse. He fell heavily on the stage with a heavy armor and a knight's gun. This hand was very shocking. The transition from moving to static caused the soldiers in the Black Iron Fort to burst into thunder.

Heiyun rides on the stage and waved his spear at the soldiers in Storm City, with a provocative taste.

Allen smiled and looked at Sharon. The latter said: "I heard that the Thunder Knights of Storm City are brave and invincible. It is a rare opportunity to get together today. It is better for Mr. Allen to open our eyes to the soldiers of the Black Iron Fort. Let them know there is someone outside?"

Allen couldn't know the quality of the Knights of Fury. Except for the few elite knights who have reached the standard level, how can the fifth and sixth rank cavalry who are not enough for the scene compare with the black cloud knights who are all ten ranks? Moreover, even if it is a standard knight, if compared by the quality of individual soldiers, it is not the opponent of these heavy knights. Sharon said it nicely, but it gave Allen a difficult time to step down.

Before signing the peace agreement, Sharon made it clear that he wanted to get rid of the horse, which seemed a bit interesting. Allen thought for a while and said, "The Thunder Knights are the original team of Storm City. I have just taken over and I am not familiar with this knight order. And because of the responsibility of defense, Captain Reg and his subordinates In the end, I am afraid I will disappoint the soldiers of the Black Iron Fort."

Sharon looked at the other people, a strange expression flashing across his face. Allen saw it in his eyes, but said: "However, this time I brought an army of my own. Of course, their average level is only Level 5 or 6, and their usual training is mainly based on team combat. If Sir Sharon If I want to see, I can let them off the field, but I have to fight three against one. I wonder if Lord Baron is interested in seeing my soldiers."

"It's also necessary to say that even if they are three against one, if they are only at level five, this number is fair, and we have some advantages." Sharon nodded.

Allen glanced at Bloy, who stood up and shouted, "Warrior of the Mountain King, who is interested in going up to the powerful Black Cloud Knight for advice?"

Several loud shouts were heard immediately, and the three worshippers headed by Dima came out. They can be regarded as the old team among the Kings of the Mountain, and Bloy has confidence in them. With a big wave of his hand, the three of Tema jumped onto the platform.

All three of them wear light armor and hold steel shields and warhammers. Such a combination of weapons is very rare in the border areas. If Sharan was just a polite remark before, now seeing the three of Dima, he really became interested, and wanted to take the opportunity to touch the foundation of Allen's army.

Didn't Allen hold the same idea, he also wanted to see how the Dark Cloud Knight can fight under his horse. So after Higgs made a gesture, the competition on the high platform began.

The black cloud knight attacked first, and the heavy blue knight's body rose up with a light cyan source of light, and the knight's spear was full of light, which was not very strong and bright, but it was also quite imposing. In contrast, the mountain king warrior who has not yet been able to inspire the flames of the original power looks much inferior. At least in terms of appearance, the Black Cloud Knight wearing heavy armor and rising flames is even more powerful.

With a loud shout~www.readwn.com~ the knight tentatively shot at Tima. This gun is not at all fancy, it is purely source power and gun power to kill the enemy. In the eyes of masters, it may not be lethal, but when facing ordinary infantry on the battlefield, it can penetrate several or more soldiers with one shot.

It can be seen that Higgs has worked **** this knight order.

In the Black Iron Fort, there was another shout, but the three of Dima were not affected at all, and responded at the same time. As the main target of the knight's attack, Dima concentrated all his energy on the shield. He lowered his body's center of gravity and protected him with a steel shield. The shield body is slightly tilted forward, so that when the knight's gun hits the steel shield, it will slide under Tima's feet due to the tilt of the shield surface, thereby creating a chance for him to counterattack.

The other two mountain king warriors rolled forward with their shields, and the fine iron warhammers whizzed and greeted the Black Cloud Knight's legs from the left and right sides. The warhammer smashed into the knight's leg armor, and only by listening to the sound of the warhammer breaking through the air, you knew that their weight was not light. Even if it can't break the defense with one blow, it will definitely affect the knight's balance. When Tima takes the opportunity to counterattack again, the Black Cloud Knight will fall into an unfavorable situation of being attacked on three sides.

The corners of Sharon's mouth twitched slightly, and the tacit understanding of the cooperation of the mountain king soldiers was completely beyond his expectation.


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