Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 394:  In the dark (below)

"Cover! Cover!"

"Hongye, you are right and you are right."

"Bath, ten meters in front of the electric paddle field, cut them off. Drew, you protect Buzz and the two of them!" Garner kept yelling, letting his men pay attention to cooperation. When he mentioned the giant sword, there were already some gaps in the edge of the giant sword. These gaps are the result of a collision with the exoskeleton of the alien creature’s head. After slaying dozens or twenty monsters in a row, his precision-cast great sword also showed many scars. It can be seen that the bones and armors of those monsters are very hard.

On the contrary, Hongye's two short knives were swimming, and he specifically attacked the relatively fragile alien bodies, dismembering them on the spot. But after smashing two or three alien heads, Hongye also changed his strategy. No longer wasting her source power and physical energy on dismembering monsters, she was more focused on killing her with a single blow.

Anyway, one sword kills, and ten swords kills. In terms of efficiency, being elected as the former, not to mention saving energy, after all, the aliens are endlessly bent and crawling out of the darkness.

Jiana and Hongye acted as the forward, holding the position tightly. Behind them, the magician Buzz continuously releases various powerful lightning bolts and sometimes sets up a regional plasma field. The power of the plasma field is not enough to kill the alien, but it can hold a dozen aliens. Those electromagnetic pulses released in seconds, under their high-frequency impact, made the aliens like a swamp, unable to move for a moment.

This gave the two Jiana who rushed forward to gain precious buffer time, so that they would not be piled alive by a large number of monsters.

Originally, the contribution of the fire/gunner's team should not be under Buzz, but it was a pity that he entered through the drain and most of his ammunition was soaked. There are only a small number of well-kept bullets and fire mines/useful, especially fire mines, which can take off a few alien shapes as soon as they explode. Even if it couldn't kill in one hit, it was enough to buy time for the two Jiana. However, the less ammunition he had in his hand, he became stingy.

Only when it is the most critical will a few shots and a fire thunder be thrown. In this way, it can't be compared to Buss' mad bombing like a moving fort.

Fatty Drew is responsible for protecting the rear position. Occasionally, if there are aliens that were missed by the two Jana, Drew will carry an axe and chop the monsters into pulp. For the time being, Jiana and the others can hold it. However, over time, the situation has become precarious.

With the two main players of Jiana beginning to win the game and their physical energy was rapidly consumed, their defensive circles continued to shrink, but the aliens seemed inexhaustible. For them, this is undoubtedly a tremendous spiritual oppression. After Hongye's foot was struck by one of the alien's tongues with a bullet that could shoot at a speed, Jia Na shouted, "No, we can't hold it. We have to evacuate here!"

Drew glanced at the door when he came, where there were already a dozen larval aliens crouching quietly. But they are not offensive, they just dormant there, occasionally turning around impatiently, but never retreat. The fat man smiled bitterly: "It's probably impossible to withdraw from the original place."

Jiana glanced towards the door and yelled "Damn" bitterly. He closed his eyes, and the door to the unknown area on the other side opened. Although he was reluctant, reality did not give him much choice. So Jiana shouted: "I'll open the way, after the red leaves are broken. Other people are in the middle, pay attention. Fire cover, let's go!"

The big man raised the huge sword, gathered the source force, and slashed forward. The huge sword pulled out the bright red sword light, advancing all the way, smashing the few alien shapes in the way. With this powerful slash, Jiana suddenly felt his heart beat wildly, which was a sign of the exhaustion of his power. He took a deep breath, dragged his sword and rushed. The Bass trio followed him, supporting them with electric light and fire/guns from time to time.

Hongye fell behind, and the two knives danced a complex light and shadow, beheading the two aliens who were chasing.

The team successfully smashed out of this transit platform, exited the gate, and there was still a dark corridor extending forward. Without knowing where to lead, Jiana sighed lightly and led the crowd to leave quickly. He glanced back, and for some reason, the aliens didn't chase them out, just hovering by the door.

Jiana couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If these monsters keep chasing them, their situation will be even more embarrassing.

After Jiana and others left, a slender figure swam down from above the gate. It jumped to the door and stood up. Like the alien larva, it has a head covered by an exoskeleton, except that there are four eyeballs lined up on the outer skeleton. The body similar to a human female is wrapped in a dark beetle-like shell. The two arms are no different from humans, but the palms have long, pointed claws.

The legs with the goat-like anti-joint structure stepped on the ground, and the bent toes protruding from the soles firmly hooked the ground. Behind, a tail with bone spurs stretched from the hips, slapping the ground from time to time. With each hit, a small crack is knocked out in the metal floor.

The adult alien made a few short hiss at the larvae behind the door, and the larvae kept backing away as if receiving orders. However, two of the larger larvae seem to be reluctant to leave and try to climb out of the gate. The adult alien immediately swung its tail, and a sharp howling sounded in the air. The tail slid over the two larvae, the larvae's movements were stagnant, and then the front and back bodies were dislocated, and large swaths of blood and internal organs flowed out.

The tail patted again, and after the larvae corpse was patted to pieces, the adult alien bounced back and bounced onto the door. Using both hands and feet, he crawled away quickly like a big gecko, and his figure sank into the darkness.

"Isn't there yet? This energy furnace is really high."

In the power room, Regis, who was in the middle of the energy furnace, complained. It has been a while since they climbed down from above, but they still haven't reached the ground. Belmode smiled, and suddenly something flashed in his eyes. He stopped immediately, and the others stopped seeing his actions differently. Belmode looked at it intently, and there were a few more lights in the darkness below the energy furnace.

Compared to before, these light spots are significantly brighter. As if something was climbing up from below, Belmode hooked the well ladder with his toes, dropped his hands, and slid the chain blade out of his sleeve. One of the chain blades touched the guardrail of the ladder well, and made a light "ding" in the silent power room. Suddenly there was the sound of mechanical components moving in the darkness below, and then the flames burst, and a black shadow rushed from the flames and flew towards everyone.

Alan's pupils shrank and shouted, "What the hell? How come there are mini-guides/balls!"

The black shadow is just a miniature missile/bullet, which is dragging the flame to shoot. The power of miniature missiles is average, but on this planet where the company has not yet come out, it is unavoidable to be surprised to see weapons such as missiles suddenly.

The guide/bullet rose rapidly, Lucy had already raised the Golden Rose, and a precise shot detonated the guide/bullet below everyone. A ball of fire exploded and the flames burst. With the light of the fire, a giant spider-like figure can be seen hanging under the energy furnace. It clearly had the outline of a spider disc and arthropods, but above the waist it was a human body. What's more terrible is that under the fire, this monster, who didn't know if it was a machine or a creature, raised a mouthful of heavy machine guns and opened fire at everyone!

"Be careful!" Allen yelled, "Hurry up to the wall!"

Everyone pressed close to the outer wall of the energy furnace as much as possible, and a metal torrent almost rushed up against their backs, tearing the guardrail of the well ladder beside them to pieces. Allen yelled and popped out of the well ladder. The source of energy in the body roared, he held Qianjun back, and threw it down as a javelin!

Qianjun turned into a black electricity, and the sound of breaking through the sky was like thunder in a clear sky. Leiyin was rolling, hitting the monster with a heavy knife and knocking it off the energy furnace. The Monster Spider Festival desperately slid on the outer wall of the energy furnace, but vainly pulled the strings of sparks, and the figure quickly fell. After a while, there was a muffled noise on the ground, it was supposed that the monster had fallen to the ground.

As Alan popped out, Belmode swung a chain blade at him, and the chain blade quickly grabbed Alan's foot. Belmode pulled back, and Allen swung back, seizing the well ladder guardrail to stabilize his figure.

"What is that?" At this moment, Regis knew how to ask.

Lucy shook her head: "I don't know, let's go down and take a look."

They quickly climbed down the well ladder, and there was no obstacle in this way. When I reached the ground, I saw that not far away, the monster with a human spider body was upside down to the ground, and I didn't know if it had died and didn't move.

Just as Allen wanted to step forward to get Qianjun back, suddenly there was a mechanical movement in his ears. The monster spider flicked, but turned over and bounced again. It was only after getting close that the spider body on the lower body of this thing was a mechanical structure. The outline of the metal parts can be seen from the spider, but the human body on the waist is in biological form. After all, Qian Jun, who stabbed the monster's chest, had blood dripping down the sharp blade.

However, this did not seem to be a fatal injury to the monster, so it raised the multi-barrel cannon ~www.readwn.com~ the muzzle rose, and another round of bombardment was directed at everyone.

"Disperse! Disperse!" Allen cried, letting the crowd disperse so as not to gather together and be bombarded by monsters.

While avoiding the bullet, he looked at the monster. The body of the strong man has a pipe connected to the mechanical spider below, and he wears something like a tactical helmet on his face. Several cables extend from the back of the head and connect to the back of the human body. Obviously it is a combat weapon that mixes creatures and machinery.

The technology it represents is far beyond the current level of this planet.

Obviously, this is one of the "relics" left by the Idahua star back then. I don't know what role this semi-human and semi-mechanical weapon plays in this base?

Allen rolled across the ground, avoiding a stream of fire rushing from the side. Pressing his hands and feet on the ground, he lunged at the monster. The monster suddenly turned around, and the sound of mechanical movement sounded. Then fired two miniature missiles from the chassis, Allen cursed secretly, pulled out the devil’s praise and made two imaginary swords, detonated the missiles with an incomplete version of the flame, and created two fireballs in the power room. .


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