Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 395:  Heaven and Hell

The explosion caused the power room to vibrate slightly, and Lucy couldn't help but yelled: "Be careful, don't damage the energy furnace. Otherwise, our plan will be ruined!"

Regis kept moving, dodge the fire stream fired by the powerful cannon in the monster's hand, while exclaiming: "If this thing is so powerful and has many restrictions, it will be very bad for us!"

"Everyone can cooperate." Allen shouted: "Belmod, Regis. You two destroy its spider section and paralyze its mobility first!"

"Received, Boss." Belmode twisted slightly in the air, and appeared behind the monster in a flash. The cuff chain blade flew out, locking two of the spider knots, and he tightened it. The chain blade stretched straight, pulling the monster out of balance.

Regis saw the opportunity, and the iron sword was out of its sheath. The man walked with the sword, turned into a flash of light and rushed straight, hitting the monster's overturned spider body chassis, and completely put it down.

"Let's go together!" Allen shouted, {no+} flashed from the hiding place. The devil's tribute turned into a **** short knife, dragging a winding **** knife light in the dim space, and when it approached, it crossed the monster like a ribbon.

The monster's arm holding the multi-barreled machine gun immediately flew up, and from the fractured surface, it could be seen that under the skin of the imitation creature, there was no flesh and blood, and the precise mechanical parts were also operating.

The two brothers of Tang Ji and Tang rushed forward at the same time, one of them circled the monster's neck, and the other used a war knife to chop its body frequently. Suddenly, the monster was hit by multiple knives and sparks jumped.

Lucy also flashed out at this moment, trying to help her. The silver bracelet on her wrist trembled slightly, Lucy shook her hand, and the silver bracelet took off and quickly transformed into a basin-sized silver spider on the ground. Since the supply of Tamex silver, Blade Runner's replenishment work has been much smoother. Twenty percent of the body has now been filled, and after entering the combat stance, the figure is much larger than before.

Only the completed Thames silver is not enough to support it to switch to a humanoid form to fight, so it still appears as a spider that is easy to move. The silver spider, as if sliding on the ice, came to the monster's spider body chassis in an instant. Blade Runner supported his limbs, jumped up, and then firmly grasped a member of the chassis. Its six silver spider knots scribbled wildly, wiping out clusters of sparks, and finally tore off the square member.

It can be seen that there are many cable connections of different sizes between the other end of the component and the chassis of the mechanical spider. After the Blade Runner was torn off, the mechanical spider twisted inertially and stopped.

"That's the power system for its activities, Xiao Qi removed it, and this thing naturally couldn't move."

After Alan took Qianjun off the monster, Lucy asked several people to help her turn the mechanical spider over. She jumped onto the monster herself and fumbled for a while on the helmeted head. After a while, Lucy took out a chip from under the helmet and said happily: "This is the command terminal. If the program is rewritten, this thing will obey our orders."

"Can such a thing be done?" Allen said expectantly, this mechanical spider is equivalent to the ground snake in the base. If it can be controlled, it will be of great benefit to the exploration base.

"It's a bit difficult, mainly there are no tools here," Lucy said.

The silver spider next to him trembled slightly, and Lucy seemed to receive its message, and said unexpectedly: "Little Qi, can you rewrite it?"

Blade Runner’s emotionless voice sounded in Lucy’s ears: "My body has been refilled to about 25%. Fighter performance has not returned to its peak state, but the ability to invade the program and even rewrite has basically recovered, or it may be Give it a try."

"In that case, it wouldn't hurt to let you try." Lucy threw the chip to the silver spider on the ground.

A small slit suddenly appeared on the silver spider's back, and the two sides opened to form a groove. Electronic lines were faintly visible in the groove, and when the chip fell into the groove, fluorescent lines began to appear on the silver spider's back. Alan came over and looked at Lucy. Lucy pointed to Silver Spider and said, "Xiao Qi is rewriting the program."

"Your Blade Runner's function is getting more and more convenient."

"It's normal. As the ultimate killing machine, Blade Runner has the ability to invade various smart terminals and even rewrite programs. Otherwise, how to enter a heavily guarded area to assassinate its target?" Lucy looked at the silver spider under her feet. We sighed slightly: "Because they are so dangerous, they cannot escape the fate of being destroyed in the end. If they can't be controlled, the host will become even more dangerous, isn't it ironic?".

"Then do you have to be careful?"

"For the time being, don't worry. Unless it evolves its own intelligence one day, it can surpass the shackles of the program. As for now, it can't do it yet."

The lines on the silver spider's back disappeared, the chip was lifted up, and Lucy leaned over and picked it up. Blade Runner said: "The program has been rewritten. Now our identity is the staff of this base. We have the authority to give orders to the hunters. Of course, the owner's retina scan is required for confirmation after the restart."

"Nice job." Lucy praised. She took the chip to jump off the mechanical spider and reinserted the chip into the dark slot under the helmet.

The Silver Spider also reinstalled the power system under the chassis. After a while, the mechanical spider body heard the sound of parts operating. Allen and the others stepped back vigilantly, but Lucy was confident in Blade Runner. She also stood on the spider's body without coming down. After a few bright lights lit up on the helmet, a few rays of light came out. Lucy leaned over, letting these rays of light pass through her eyes.

"The retina scan is complete. Authorization confirmed, good afternoon, Ms. Lucy."

There was a mechanical and inorganic sound from the helmet, and Lucy made an "ok" gesture to Ellen and the others. To the spider again: "Report your number."

"Hunter s-16."

"Very good, number 16. Take us to the control center, and what happened here?"

"Your question has exceeded my authority, and I am not able to answer it. There is a diary record in the control center, please refer to it by yourself." The mechanical spider said, the spider's knot propped up and began to stroke.

Lucy could only shrug her shoulders to Allen and said, "It seems we have to solve the answer ourselves."

With hunters leading the way, Ellen and the others don't need to find the way by themselves. Lucy asked him various questions along the way, and the hunter faithfully answered the questions within his authority. Although they didn't answer many questions, Ellen and the others also learned about the base. Hunters are the mechanical guards of this base, and there are currently fewer than seven guards like it. In addition, there is another mechanical guard rogue that is only equipped with light firepower but emphasizes mobility and flexibility.

The number of rogues is larger, and they are still set according to the previous procedures, wandering around the base to exclude intruders who are not within their authority.

Although this base has been abandoned, but for these artificial intelligence. Unless their function is stopped, the program will be executed forever.

This is the machine, they can be far more loyal than other beings. However, relying on them too much may lead to unimaginable destruction.

While Allen and the others headed to the control center unimpededly, Garner and his party were exhausted. Destiny is sometimes like this, in the same space, but the situation can be completely different. However, Jiana and the others have no time to cast aside the injustice of fate, and the fierce creatures behind them are chasing them so that their spirits can only focus on what is in front of them.

Being alive is more important than other things!

It is the evil creature of the first class, it is agile, cunning and powerful. It was shortly after Jiana and the others left the material transfer platform. To be more precise, the monster was waiting for the prey on the corridor they passed by. The Jiana people are undoubtedly the prey. Judging from the heads similar to the monsters encountered on the platform before, Jiana judges that it should be a mature biological weapon.

But this judgment does not help solve the immediate dilemma.

When encountering the murderous thing, a battle broke out between the adventurer team and it. Jiana and the others have just experienced a fierce battle, and their physical energy has not fully recovered. This murderous thing has been gaining momentum for a long time, and it is simply taking care of it with ease. Its speed is superb, flexibly swimming between the giant sword of Jana and the gap between the two swords of Hongye.

From time to time, they rushed to kill the three of Baths, if it weren't for Jiana to bite it hard, the three of Baths would have been spared. In the end, the murderous creature was outnumbered and was repelled by Jiana and others. However, it didn't take long before it made a comeback. And this time, many alien larvae came with it.

The situation reversed, and Jiana didn't even have the strength to curse, so he could only escape with his men. This escape was like a headless fly scurling in the corridor. In the beginning, Jiana just ran desperately. After a while, he noticed that the alien larvae that would spurt from a corner from time to time were not unorganized. These monsters are pushing them in a certain direction. Whenever they want to change direction, they will encounter obstacles, so they can only move forward according to the channels that the monsters deliberately set aside.

The thought of this ~www.readwn.com~ Garner feels creepy. These are obviously not ordinary monsters, they even have a certain intelligence beyond his understanding.

In the end, the adventurer was forced into a hall. They panted violently, but the monsters that were chasing after them disappeared into the shadow of the corridor outside the hall. After taking a sigh of relief, Garner said his thoughts and said: "Everyone, be careful, those things will not force us here for no reason. I don't think they are playing hide-and-seek, so there must be something weird here. "

Buzz flicked a hand, and several clusters of thunder light popped out, illuminating the space within a few meters around the crowd. Under the light, you can see that this hall is scattered with many corpses, which looks like a cemetery, making people's back chill. The faces of several people were bitter, and they began to regret not listening to Alan's advice. If they didn't insist on entering this ruin before, maybe they are now enjoying the pleasant afternoon sun on a certain piece of grass.

Compared with this ruin, the wild highlands known for their dangers are no different from heaven. However, they rejected heaven and insisted on going to hell.

Chapter 395 Heaven and Hell:


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