Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 396:  Escape from the dead

"Boss, can't we go back?"

Although it was a gloomy hall, it was temporarily free from the entanglement of those aliens. The adventurers seized the opportunity to rest, but although their physical strength was restored, the heavy mental pressure lingered. If you listen carefully, you will find the light noise of claws scratching the metal from outside the hall from time to time, so they know that those alien shapes are only hidden, but they don't go far.

Buss couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "I regret thinking about it now. You know I will be stuck here today, that night, I should have **** with that little girl."

"Shut up!" Garner walked over, grabbed his collar and said, "Aren't we still alive now? Since we are still alive, we can't give up, you know?"

"Even though you said that, I still feel hopeless."

"Asshole!" Garner knocked Bass down with a fist. He clenched his fist, as if to say to Bass, and as if to tell himself: "No matter what, I will take you out, even if I fight this. Life!"

"Boss Jiana, if I can go out, I'll do it with you once. You look very masculine now." Hongye said with a flush on his chest, his face flushed.

However, she is not shy, but her body temperature is surprisingly high. Garner walked over and probed her forehead. Then check the wounds on her body, the most serious is a **** wound on the back, which was scratched by the adult alien walking behind her. The wound was deep, and the abnormal shape almost pulled out Hongye's spine, if it hadn't been for Jiana to force it away with a sword in time.

"Don't talk, Hongye. You are hurt very badly, I have to help you deal with it. Also, don't say that, you deserve a better man than me." Jiana took off his body armor and turned The jacket was torn off and tied to Hongye's body to fix the wound for her.

Hongye looked at him lazily and said, "So you will have tender moments too."

Garner patted her face and smiled without answering.


In the depths of the dark hall, a strange noise suddenly sounded. The sound reminded Jiana of a snake swimming across the grass, and his skin tightened. He quickly slipped back into the plate armor and greeted everyone on alert. I glanced at the place where I was going, and the dark shadows outside the hall were so plentiful, and from time to time, one or two larval and alien figures appeared. And deeper in the darkness, the **** light in the adult alien pupils flickered like a ghost fire.

"Damn..." Garner cursed secretly, then looked forward and shouted: "Buzz, we need a light source."

Buzz immediately threw a ball of thunder light toward the depths of the hall, and a tall figure appeared under the pale halo. He has a height of nearly three meters and a body that is so strong. It is like a giant, its head is hidden in the shadows, and only its body is exposed to light. Like the adult aliens that Jiana and the others have seen, this sturdy body is also covered with a smooth carapace like a worm shell.

It's just that its carapace is dark red, with dense thorns in many places. A thick tail like a dinosaur slaps the ground behind its back, and every time it strikes, it will smash the metal ground into distortion. The giant was holding a corpse in his hand. At this time, the armour on its chest spread out to the four sides, like a flower of taste buds. However, this flower must be the most evil thing in the world. When the nails open like petals, there is a mouthpart full of fangs inside.

The giant threw the corpse into his mouthparts, and immediately bit the mouthparts. While chewing, he continued to **** the corpse into the mouthparts like a python. In the end, the corpse entered the giant's belly, and transparent body fluids were constantly flowing from the edge of the mouthparts.

"What is this?" Buss screamed, this creature has surpassed his wildest imagination. It is simply a creature in a nightmare, a demon from the depths of hell!

Perhaps under the influence of Buzz's cry, the giant breathed quickly, and a rapid flow of air roared in the hall. At the same time, two fishy lights lit up in the shadow that Lei Shiguang could not reach. Following a huge fighting head, Jiana vowed to never forget this picture. Under the gray halo, was an extremely distorted human male face.

However, there is no skin or muscle attached to this face. It is more like a sculpture, piled up with bones and carapace, like a dark handicraft. On this face, Garner read only hatred, nothing else. This face was embedded in the fan-shaped head like a crown, as if wearing a mask, but in the eye sockets of that face, Jana did see two bloodshot eyes.

Like a demon-like creature, it let out a threatening roar at the adventurers, and then launched a charge. When it moved, the whole hall was shaken!

"Disperse! Disperse!" Garner yelled, dragging his sword away from him. Don't forget to hug the red leaves, and crawl past the left side of the troll monster. The top of his head was dark, but the troll's big tail covered with spurs snapped it. Jiana cursed and rolled away holding Hongye. The giant tail slammed on their side, and the force of the impact even lifted both of them and fell heavily to the ground.

After a trance, Jiana stood up shaking his head, which was dizzy. He looked up, and the picture before him seemed to be a deep nightmare. The Giant Alien was catching the most clumsy fat man Drew in one hand. Drew kept yelling, hitting the Alien's palm with an axe, but couldn't even break its shell. The troll caught the fat man to his chest, his mouthparts widened, and threw Drew in.

The mouthparts swallowed the fat man like a meat grinder, and the fat man's screams resounded throughout the hall. However, his voice gradually disappeared as the plasma continued to splash into the outlet.

"Drew! Bastard!" the fire/gunner yelled, raising his gun and shooting at the trolls frequently. The projectiles ejected helpless sparks on the outer shell of the giant. Not to mention hurting the troll, they couldn't even break the armor.

The troll turned, the big tail twitched, and the fire/gunner flew out like a puppet. When he fell to the ground, his face and chest were bloody. Although the breath was still alive, everyone knew that he could no longer survive.

"No! Don't eat me!" Buzz screamed, running frantically to the door of the hall.

A few adult aliens rushed out of the door suddenly, and they approached Buzz with agility like a female body. Bass waved his hands, lightning arrows and thunderballs blasted towards the monsters. These aliens came and hugged their chests and rolled into a ball. With their smooth shell, a lot of electro-optical shocks are transferred. They roll on the ground like wheels, stretch their hands and feet the moment they approach Bath, and their movements are full of graceful power.

But Buss had no time to appreciate, and the adult aliens used their demonic claws to scratch Buss' hands and feet. During Baston's time, the hands and feet were **** arrows, but they severed the tendons of the hands and feet. One of the aliens picked up Buzz and threw them at the giant alien.

"Do not!"

The calls of Bath and Garner rang at the same time.

However, the former was caught by the troll and sent his arm to his chest, and Bass fell into the same fate as Drew.

Jiana looked at all this with cold hands and feet, and he murmured: "I know why they didn't kill us before. That's because they plan to feed this big guy with us!"

Hongye struggled to withdraw the double knives and smiled charmingly at Jiana: "You leave now, boss. I should be able to buy you some time."

"What silly thing to say, Hongye. We can't go anymore, **** it, I just said I would take you out. But now, all I can do is accompany you to death here." Jiana smiled bitterly. , But his eyes became more and more determined.

After swallowing Bass whole, the giant alien finally turned around. The painful face turned towards the two Jana, and the two hateful eyes rolled, and the troll rushed towards them.

Suddenly, fierce gunfire sounded at the entrance of the hall. A powerful barrage rushed in from the door, bringing up countless fragments of larval alien bodies. One of the adult aliens could not escape and was torn to pieces by a large-caliber warhead on the spot. The remaining two adult aliens jumped to the left and right, and the figure of a hunter gradually appeared in their smooth shell.

"Find the intruder! Kill!" After the humanoid spider's hunter made a mechanical and inorganic sound, when he raised the multi-barreled cannon to attack the adult alien.

Adult aliens evade quickly, they move quickly, and their statures are flexible. Although the hunter's cannon is powerful, it is useless if the power fails to hit the opponent. One of the alien heads flashed to the back of the mechanical guard, and stretched out its claws to fiercely/plug it in, digging out a huge piece of bionic skin. The mechanical skeleton under the skin burst into flames~www.readwn.com~, exposing the mechanical nature of the hunter.

The hunter spider did not move, but the upper body of the humanoid body rotated 180 degrees. The machine gun in his hand acted as a batting stick and hit the alien body severely. This smashing force exceeded a thousand catties, and the exoskeleton that hit the alien head was smashed into pieces, and it flew out with a whine.

The whining sound caught the attention of the giant alien, the big guy stopped and looked back. With a roar immediately, they filled up with the two Jana and ran towards the hunter frantically. The giant alien slammed into the hunter, knocking out the mechanical guard.

The hunter fell to the ground, the spider's knots scratched randomly, rubbing out countless stars and flowers on the ground. It took more than ten meters to stop, and it brazenly raised its gun. The cannon and the guided/projectile fired, and the violent firepower immediately poured on the giant alien body, suppressing it unable to move.

Seeing that another monster that jumped out from nowhere was suppressing the giant alien, Jiana immediately pulled Hongye up and ran in the other direction. The attention of the alien weapon was now attracted by the hunter, but did not pay attention to the movements of the two Jianners.

When they rushed out of the hall, Jiana felt a sense of escape.


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