Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 368:  Queen

Living in the dark stars of the Yoton star field, the Ghana are a kind of alien star people. They look like reptiles, and their strength is proportional to their size. Most of the adult Ghana are nearly three meters long. They are good at mountain guerrillas, and their hearing and smell are very developed. In the federation's battle report, the Rose Queen's Legion had fought against the dark star and the final fruit. Among them, there is the credit of the strong "skeleton" Smogg among the Ganas.

Smogg is the largest existence of Ghana's human body. It is said that his palace is located in the largest cave in the Death Valley. As for Smogg itself, his body is as huge as a hill. The social structure of the Jiana is relatively loose, and there is no clear king like the sword demon. Submission of the weak to the strong is the only rule of Ghana society, so Smogg became the uncrowned king of the dark star.

Now, the queen picture that appeared on the projection screen in front of Allen and the others was actually seven or eighth similar to the Jana. However, one is located on an unfamiliar planet in a distant star field, while the other is on a chaotic battlefield thousands of light years away. The span of time and space between the two is so large that it is almost hard to believe that there is a connection between them.

But this planet is too weird. First there were humans, then there was the Naga alien, and now there is a weapon "queen" similar in appearance to the Ganas. All this seemed unrelated, and it seemed that there were some invisible bonds that Allen didn't yet know about connecting everything.

Allen asked suddenly: "When was the chaotic battlefield discovered?"

"There seems to be no detailed record on this point." Lucy shook her head: "I only know that Idahuaxing’s first expedition to the chaotic battlefield was the era when Void Skyfire ruled the Gat star field. However, even the Golden World Tree project in the Royal Library There is no record, so it is difficult to judge whether the existence of the Yodon star field has been discovered in the previous Golden Rose, or the two emperors of the Rainbow Light."

Allen smiled bitterly: "It seems that this mystery will never be solved unless we can travel through time."

"That's not necessarily. Don't forget that it has been said in the diary. The Golden World Tree Project has a total of seven projects, and this King Snake Base is only one of them. It has no records. It is impossible to guarantee that other bases will not have archives." Lucy said. .

"Yes, but this secret has little effect on us. Let's see if there are other important events recorded in the diary."

Lucy nodded and continued to read the diary. The following diary is a regular record, recording the King Snake Base conducted countless experiments in ten years before finally cultivating the queen's larvae. When the queen was born, she had the ability to analyze biological genes. By devouring the lives of different star domains, it can record and analyze the genes of these lives, and finally assemble hundreds of blueprints for biological weapons.

This has achieved the basic purpose of the king snake base, and the next step is to apply it to actual combat. For this reason, the queen has left this planet three times and followed the army of Idahua on expeditions to other star areas. And in these expeditions, we have achieved good results. There was even a battle in which weapons produced by the queen alone replaced the army's duties.

In this process, the queen also evolved from larvae to adulthood. The adult queen became the hideous existence in the information just now. More importantly, the base discovered that the queen of this period began to show some abnormal phenomena.

"Anomaly?" Allen frowned and asked, "How is an anomaly?"

Lucy looked at the information, sucked in a cold breath and said, "They found out that the queen began to think."


"Yes, thinking!" Lucy said solemnly, "Thinking is one of the manifestations of intelligent life, and it is also the natural result of the evolution of life forms. However, the queen is proliferated as a weapon, and it should not have formed wisdom. Things are right. Even the researchers at the base don’t know how it forms wisdom, but it turns out that the queen is no longer a mere biological weapon. It is a living body with wisdom and will."

When the queen found wisdom at the base, it was discovered at the same time.

That is the life created by the queen, with reference to her own genes, plus the excellent genes plundered from other planets, it became it. The people at the base named it the Guardian, because this head resembles the queen in appearance, but the humanoid life guards the guard like a loyal guard, even preventing the base personnel from approaching.

In this way, the queen has her own private space. There is nothing more serious in a space free from the interference of the Idahua stars. The base immediately decided to annihilate the guards and control the queen. The fighting power of the guards was beyond their imagination. One guard killed five mechanical guards alone. When the guard was brought down, the base personnel wanted to open the area occupied by the queen, but it was the attack from the other guards.

In the area occupied by the queen, while the mechanical guards and the base combatants and the guards were fighting, people also saw another weird picture. The queen actually mates/mates frantically with several other guards, and the queen has already produced a batch of alien species. These alien species are obviously feminine. They are petite and covered with insect shells. The individual strength is not as good as the guard, but the victory lies in the large number.

When seeing these monsters that were later named Faceless, the director of the base can be sure that the queen is reproducing its offspring and forming her own country and society. This shows that the queen has lost control, it is no longer a simple weapon, but a disaster that may destroy a planet or even the entire star field. At that time, the King Snake base activated the highest level of alarm and requested support from several other bases.

Perceiving the dynamics of the base, the queen ordered a desperate struggle between her descendants and the base. During this process, many members of the base were injected with other genes by the queen, and eventually they turned into monsters that only knew how to kill. In the later stage of the battle for the base, this kind of defection became more common and ultimately determined the base's defeat.

At the end of the diary, the base launched the last resort. When the queen was designed, in order to prevent the weapons from losing control, some secret doors were left in the queen's genes. That is a defect in the queen's gene. For this defect, the base reserves useful medicines to cause the queen's gene to collapse through these defects.

The base made these medicines into bullets, and used the weapons of the mechanical guard to shoot them into the queen's body. The queen who sensed that the genes in her body began to collapse, and her descendants/began to attack the base frantically, and eventually caused the area where it was to collapse and block. The battle ended, but the battle was devastating for the base. At that time, the personnel on the base were killed in ten battles and nine out of ten, and there were very few people who could survive.

There was a signature at the end of the diary. When Lucy lightly read out "Paschi's name, she unexpectedly said, "It turned out to be him?" "

Before Alan asked, she said: "Paschi is a well-known weapon expert in the history of our planet. Some of his theories about biological weapons have influenced several eras. Even the Demon Reformer is based on his theory. The product developed from the above, but he did not expect that he would eventually fall here."

"One thing to note is that Master Paschi pointed out. Although the Queen was used with the drug of gene breakdown at the time, it did not know how many genetic fragments of life were collected during the Queen’s childhood to adulthood. Master Paschi It is believed that these fragments may be used by it to repair broken genes and even evolve to a more perfect form. But no matter what, after being severely injured, even if the queen is not dead, it will fall into a dormant state. But one thing is strange... …"

Lucy frowned and said, "I don't care whether the queen is alive or dead, but why does its descendants still exist? This is a bit unreasonable, even if the King Snake base fell. After the support troops from other bases arrived, they should be recovered as soon as possible Descendants of, it’s even right to reclaim the queen. But now, we can still see those alien weapons, which shows that they have reproduced in a long time."

"So, what caused the backup forces at that time to not deal with these alien weapons in time. If it weren't for negligence, then other bases also had drastic changes..."

Allen shook his head and said, "That kind of thing is beyond our imagination. It is no different to think about it. Now that we know what happened to this base, we need to readjust our previous plan."

"The queen's dangerous biological weapon is indeed beyond our control. So the next target should be placed in that weapon warehouse?" Lucy said, they also wanted to control one by controlling the queen. The army of biology. Naturally, he didn't dare to think about it now, and even the entire base fell because of this. God knows what kind of disaster will happen if the queen is really taken out.

The most ideal way is to let this base continue to remain intact. And now it is found that there is still a fully stocked weapons warehouse. Just removing the weapons inside ~ www.readwn.com ~ is enough to change the situation in a place. Among other things, with these weapons in hand, Alan is not afraid of the Black Iron Fortress. In the long run, this is also his capital for entering the hinterland of the empire.

"I hope you can find a way to the warehouse."

"Of course it's okay. The road map is already written down here." Lucy nodded to her head.


Allen didn't finish a word, and the hunter on standby at the door suddenly made a sound: "Alert, an intruder is approaching. The genetic comparison is complete, confirm that the target is the faceless!"

At the next moment, the machine guard of the mechanical guard fired. The bright fire light illuminates the passage, and casts strange figures on the walls on both sides of the corridor! There are hundreds of those figures. Allen ran out of the gate of the control center, and his scalp numb. On the other side of the corridor, in addition to densely packed faceless people, there are countless alien larvae, which rush toward the control center like a torrent.

"We should go!" Allen called.


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