Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 369: Underground

The machine gun kept blasting hot bullet storms, and occasionally two micro-shaped guided bullets were shot out under the spider-shaped chassis, and even a small ion cannon was raised on the shoulder of the hunter. From time to time, an ion beam blasted out, creating a violent explosion in the corridor. The hunter can be described as full of firepower, unreservedly pouring all of his power to the alien alien.

Allen couldn't help but rejoice that he didn't hit the mechanical guard in the powerhouse at the time, which was a full-fire mode, otherwise it would not be so easy to take it without damage. However, with such a powerful mechanical guard, the guard responsible for protecting the queen can be one enemy to five. It can be imagined how powerful it is.

The mechanical guard is very powerful, but there is only one. Even with full firepower, it can't stop so many aliens. Edward yelled, "Alan, lend me your fire."

Allen immediately urged the vitality and imprinted. Qian Jun pointed at him and sprayed a fire dragon at Edward. Edward folded his hands together, and the air flow between his palms turned, forming a whirlwind. The whirlwind was suppressed by his palms, and it did not overflow out of his palms. When Allen's fire dragon arrived, the wind and fire combined, forming a fiery wind. Edward's eyes shrank and he pushed his palms away.

The Sanskrit wind that lost its restraint continued to grow and eventually enveloped the entire passage. The wind assisted the fire, the fire was long and powerful, and the combination of the two abilities, the alien larvae ignited one after another in the passage where the Foehn wind passed, becoming fireballs in the passage.

Many of the faceless people born by the combination of the queen and the guards were burnt to the point of red and cracked. Many more hugged in a ball, turning around in the wind like a disc, whizzing through the fire blockade of the hunters, bounced into the air to stretch their hands and feet, and then rushed towards Alan and the others.

Still in the air, suddenly a few interlaced black lines flashed past, but it was Belmode's chain blade. The chain blade entangled a faceless person, and Belmode pulled on both sides, and when the faceless person volleyed to pieces, it turned into a rain of blood and fell.

The other few faceless people were bounced off by a sword light across the sky. She was in the air, but a thin crack appeared on her waist. The rift widened in an instant, and in the end these faceless men were cut in two. At the end of the sword light, it was Reges who was holding a long sword and cutting iron.

Killed most of the alien larvae with the force of wind and thunder, as well as the faceless ones who acted as the front. But under the gunfire of the hunters, the shadows in the depths of the corridor were so dark that they did not know the geometry. Allen cut out a flash of flame to seal the road, and yelled everyone to evacuate. Although Lucy was unwilling to use the communication system to connect with the earth, she was helpless. If you stay here and let the alien attack into the control center, then everything will stop.

She can only pray that these aliens will not destroy the control center, and there will be opportunities in the future. Fortunately, the aliens are not interested in the cold machine. Except for the hunters who fought against them, they are finally torn apart by the aliens coming from behind. They don’t even look at the control center. They pass by the door and continue to chase Alan. Et al.

The team ran desperately in the base. This time there was no hunter acting as a guide, but Lucy had already written down the floor plan of the base just now, so she didn't need to run around like a headless fly. Lucy pointed the way, and the team moved towards the weapon storehouse. There is a space that can be closed, whether it is to take out weapons to strengthen firepower, or to isolate the chase and kill of alien weapons.

However, these alien weapons seem to have a huge will controlling their actions, making them not only consistent in their actions. He also knew how to stop by the scorers, and gradually forced Allen and others to leave the original route and advance toward the depths of the base.

After rushing through a corner, there were alien chasing soldiers pressing in behind. Faceless people not only run on the ground, they can also move around the wall at will, just like a large gecko with agility. After Allen, who was in charge of the break, returned to his body with a flash of flames, cutting off the two faceless ones who were chasing close. However, this is nothing more than a few insignificant waves in the black wave, and alien weapons seem to be pouring out. The sheer number is crazy.

As the team continued to move forward, many alien shapes suddenly rushed out of the corner in front of the corridor, and they suddenly became a force of attack. Lucy exclaimed: "Run forward, there is a safe passage ahead!"

It's not even worse to be blocked by alien weapons anymore. Fortunately, they haven't reached the end of the road. Thanks to Lucy being able to record the topography of the base in a short time, otherwise their fate can be imagined. Breaching the door of the safe passage, Lucy looked up first. The stairs leading to the upper base were blocked by falling rocks, and only the downward passage was blowing cold wind.

So they had no choice but to run down the stairs. At this time, Alan looked back and saw that the alien weapon had come to the edge of the passage gate, but the gate looked like an invisible boundary. Alien weapons did not dare to take a step beyond the thunder pond, and only stayed on the sidelines. But outside the door was crowded with faces of the faceless, but Alan's idea of ​​forcibly breaking through was dispelled.

It is no different from suicide.

This chase made everyone panting, but fortunately, the alien weapons did not catch up, giving them time to rest. The team was resting in the passage, and Allen sneaked up and took a look. The alien weapon did not leave, so he had no choice but to return.

"It's like driving us to hell." Allen said.

He said it casually, but Lucy nodded and said, "I'm afraid it is true."

"Could it be that……"

He and the girl blurted out at the same time: "Queen!"

Allen then smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid it is true. Not only is the queen not dead, she is still very active now."

The others were confused, and only Edward could understand what they meant. The boy Maritan closed his eyes and said: "You should have realized just now that the actions of the alien weapons are too consistent, just like an army. Since there is an army, there is a commander. What is better than a queen to serve as this. Character, and in the chase just now, alien weapons have at least three or five chances to intercept us."

"But they didn't take action, they just drove us here."

"In the end, they stayed on top and still came down. Why, because the bottom is probably the queen's territory, right?"

These words made everyone's heart sink. Lucy frowned and said, "Why is the queen pushing us over? If it only kills us, it can command the alien weapon to do it."

"I'm afraid this question, you can only ask the big reptile." Allen shook Qianjun and said: "Let's go, since the queen wants to see us. Just let's kill it."

"Move without planning." Edward shook his head.

Allen made a "please" gesture: "Then what can you do to leave from above?"

Edward opened his eyes and said lightly: "If those adventurers are there, maybe I can do it. But now, I can only accompany you for a while."

"Sometimes, it's okay to break the game with strength. I don't know, our strength is not enough..."

"You have to fight for it once, unless you want to die here." Allen patted Edward on the shoulder and walked forward with the knife.

Everyone looked at each other, naturally no one planned to stay, so they left behind Allen. The lower staircase of the passage was broken when it was halfway there, and below it was a **** made of rubbish. Alan waved Qianjun, and the heavy knife was wrapped in flames to act as a torch. Illuminated down, the fire is full of undulating soil. Mud, rocks, metals, and parts piled together to form a rugged ground.

Allen jumped down first, and the others followed. They descended all the way from the **** and finally reached the ground, but in front of them was an empty, secluded and deep dark space. If it weren't for the firelight, one could see piles of low slopes made of **** stones, which would almost make people suspect that they had come to the void of space.

This underground space didn't know how big it was, and Allen didn't know where to go for a while. At this moment, the sound of rolling stones suddenly sounded in the darkness. Then at the edge of the fire, two figures flashed behind a low slope. Allen and the others thought they ran into the Faceless again, but a familiar voice came from the opposite side: "Is it your Lord Allen?"

"Mr. Garner?"

After a while, Jiana came over with Hongye. The two were very embarrassed, especially Hong Ye. Her breath was weak and her face was like golden paper. It seems that it is supported by will alone, but the body is almost unable to support it.

"Why are you here?" Garner asked.

Allen said helplessly: "We were driven down. It's really hard to explain."

Upon hearing this, Jiana described the appearance of the faceless and other aliens. Allen nodded, and Garner smiled bitterly: "It seems that our experience is similar."

Allen found out that there were only two people left in Jiana, frowning and saying, "Your companion..."

"They have been eaten." Jiana said bitterly.

Judging from what Garner just described, they not only ran into the Faceless, but also encountered guards. It seems that their luck is indeed bad. Garner sighed: "After we left the hall, we thought we were safe. We were planning to find another way out, but unexpectedly encountered those monsters like women. I had to take Hongye to escape, and this time I ran here. Come."

"Mr. Allen, I don't know if you have a feeling. Those monsters don't seem to be going to kill us, but just force us here."

Allen nodded ~www.readwn.com~ Now, I don't want to hide from him. By the way: "We suspect that the queen made them do this."


"That is the source of the blood of these monsters, the creator of them. I thought that the monster was still sleeping, but from the current signs, the queen should be awake."

Jia Na said solemnly: "You knew what would be here from the beginning?"

"Only know a little bit more than you guys. The others were only discovered after entering here." Allen shook his head and said, "You should accept my suggestion at the time."

"Unfortunately now, even if you want to go back, there is no way." Jiana gave a wry smile, and then said: "Who are you and why do you know about this ruin."

"About this, now..."

At this moment, several dull roars suddenly sounded under the dark ground. Then the ground trembled slightly, and something approached in their direction!


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