Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 370:  Evil Beast

Allen swung his knife, sparking a stream of fire, spreading around, and falling on the ground/igniting some flammable objects. Several fireballs immediately appeared in the field, illuminating the nearby space. Suddenly a male face with painful expression emerged from the fire, followed by a strong body wrapped in a dark red carapace, and a terrifying mouthpart with the open chest leaf, which stretched to the limit.


"Be careful, everyone!" Allen warned, and at the same time lowered his body's center of gravity, Qianjun pointed at the guard.

But beside this guard, another equally huge figure suddenly appeared. With two guards, Allen felt a headache. When the guard found them, they started running. There was no time for them to think. The enemy arrived in an instant, and Edward yelled: "Allen, Regis, Bell, "Pig", "Pig", "Island" novel www.zhuzud.om Mod and I deal with the left Head. The others greet the monster on the right, you hold it first!"

Allen immediately understood Edward's tactics. The four of them can be said to be the strongest four on the court. Edward wanted to quickly bring down one guard with his superior combat power, and then tackle the other.

The guard rushed forward and smashed his huge fist towards everyone. Allen and the others separated immediately, and the punch hit the ground. The nearby soil packs had to bounce, and then exploded, splashing gravel. The shock waves spread across the space within ten meters, and the momentum was amazing. The fireballs distributed by Allen overwhelmed two of them, and the light immediately dimmed.

According to Edward's allocation, Lucy and the Tang brothers separated from Allen and the others, and led the other guard away from them. Jiana put the red leaves on a soil slope, picked up the giant sword and said: "You rest here, I have to help."

"Be careful." Hongye nodded.

The Jianati sword rushed to Lucy's side to make up for their lack of combat power.

The battle unfolded fiercely.

The guard is a monster created by the queen referring to her body and focusing on the excellent genes plundered from other planets. They are protected by a thick carapace and are powerful. Although it is too big, the speed is not as good as the faceless. However, the reaction of these monsters was not slow, and Alan became very clear after fighting against it several times. If the guards can create a lot, then this army is even more terrifying than the sentries under the control of the sword demon.

The guards are no less than sentries in terms of strength and defense, and have the upper hand in response. Just like at this moment, Allen flashed to the right side of the guard, and the blade shot out an indeterminate light, directly submerged in the guard's thick shell. With this high-heat cutting method, the guard's thick shell was still unable to resist, and Alan cut a deep wound on his waist.

But the guard threw out its giant tail almost at the same time, and the spiculated tail twitched horizontally. Allen didn't even have time to dodge, so he could only block it with Qianjun. The giant tail drew on the heavy knife, making the sound of gold and iron fighting. Alan was flew away by a tail, slammed into a nearby dirt bag, and directly smashed the dirt bag apart.

He shook his head and propped up his body with Qianjun. A thin line of blood flowed from his mouth and nostrils, and Allen wiped it off, then rushed forward with a grunt.

On the other side, Allen's guard who had just flew away was entangled by a wind knife tornado released by Edward. Countless wind knives continue to rotate and cut, and a single wind knife cannot break the defense, but when the number is large, and the attack frequency reaches a certain level, it still has obvious damage to the guard. The wind knife tornado enveloped the guard's huge body, and the blade pointed at every part of the monster. Edward did not specifically attack any part, but hoped to find the weakness of the guard through this all-round attack.

At the same time, Regis would pull out a bright and sharp flash from time to time. Whenever a flash of light appeared, the tornado would foreseeably move the wind knife on the orbit of the flash, so as to make room for Regis to pass. It can be seen that Edward's source power may not be so profound, but the accuracy of source power control is probably not much worse than Allen.

Regis’s flash is like a bunch of high-energy cannons. Every time it hits the guard’s body, it always staggers, exploding the carapace fragments of the canopy, and even the fleshy tissue under the armor will blow up one. The gap comes. However, the guard's skin was thick and thick, and the wound the size of the bowl's mouth was only a minor injury to it. After several attempts, Regis began to adjust the attack target, the flash no longer bombarded the guard aimlessly, but focused fire on its legs.

After several rounds, the armor of the guard's legs had fallen apart, and even some wounds exposed the bones wrapped in muscles.

During the battle, the guard roared, and from the mouthparts under the breastplate, a shock wave visible to the naked eye was emitted. The invisible shock wave blows away the wind knife tornado that is harassing it, and the guard roars and rushes towards Edward. At this time, Belmod approached the guard like a ghost, his toes touched the ground, his figure flickered, and occasionally his body turned into a black mist. Whenever the black fog rises, Belmode's breath becomes blurred and indistinguishable.

In this way, until he flashed behind the guard, the monster didn't notice it. The chain blade swam toward the guard's knee like a poisonous snake, entangled for a moment. Belmode shook the chain blade lightly and pulled it back. The chain blade vibrated and shrank, and like a sharp blade, it easily cut through the muscles that had lost its armor protection. It was not until the bones of the guard's knee were also chopped off that the monster discovered the existence of Belmode.

It was a pity that it was too late, and it threw its body forward. Allen seized the opportunity full of flaws and jumped onto the guard's thick back. Qianjun's blade overflowed with killing intent and flashed down with a single knife, until he had no handle. Allen squeezed the handle of the knife with both hands and changed from stabbing to pushing. Pushing Qianjun to tear apart the blood and flesh of the guard, pulling a winding blood path on its back.

In the end, Qianjun broke out from under the skeletal armor of the guard's back, bringing up countless fragments, as well as red and white liquid!

The guard body twitched for a while, and finally stopped. Allen exhaled, and the blade pointed at the other guard. After a while, the battle ended. Looking at the bodies of the two guards, Jiana sat down on the ground. When he looked at Ellen and the others, his eyes changed a little. It can be said that these two guards died under Allen's hands, and Garner himself played a role in assists.

Allen had a clear division of labor, Edward's wind knife harassment, Regis's flash breaking defense, Belmode paralyzed the action function of the guard, and finally Allen gave a fatal blow. Compared with the first guard, this second monster died faster and more thoroughly with their uninterrupted cooperation.

But after killing the two guards, Allen's expression remained tense. Edward faced a void and dark space in front of him, and muttered: "The guard dog has been slaughtered by us. Now it's the master's turn to play? Why do you force us down? The answer should also be revealed."


Almost at the same time that Edward's voice disappeared, there was a soft noise when something rubbed against the ground in the distant darkness. That sound sounds very erratic, and it's hard to catch. If it weren't for the quick action of the comer, which caused this illusion. That is, the object is huge, so the distance is long when moving, and this phenomenon will appear.

"Edward, step back," Allen said, and Qianjun lightly shook, and several fires popped out, creating several other fires on the ground.

Edward didn't try his best, retreated behind Allen, and just stared quietly ahead. Before long, a fishy wind blew from the darkness. In that wind, there was a smell of vomiting. The strong smell is reminiscent of a sea of ​​blood. Only when the wind blows through the mountains piled up by corpses, can it be possible to carry such a strong fishy?

When a depressed low growl sounded, a few **** brilliance lit up in the darkness. Then gradually the outlines of some things appeared, and the shadows of these outlines were sharp and complicated, revealing a huge atmosphere. In the end, a painful female face first appeared in the fire. But this face is as big as a round table, if this is a woman, then this must be a giantess!

However, by the light of the fire, when everyone looked carefully, they realized that it was not a woman's face at all. It's just some naturally formed patches, but patches are scattered, forming a pattern of female faces naturally. When this woman's face was lifted up, an ugly head with several large and compound eyes, covered with a crown-like exoskeleton, and open jaws, exposing a circle of inner molars inside, slammed into the crowd. In sight.

This head is so huge, like the front of a truck, and the impact of the picture caused by everyone's vision is nothing else!

"This is... the queen?" Alan seemed to hear himself groaning. It was not that he had never seen the huge monster. However, as soon as the queen appeared, it revealed a strong sense of hatred for life~www.readwn.com~The big jaws seemed to consume all life in the universe.

The queen, developed as a biological weapon, has the ability to devour lives and plunder genes. When it has its own will, this ability even affects its will, making it incarnate into an extremely evil thing. Under the firelight, behind that ugly head, was the outline of a huge body. The huge body brings a natural sense of oppression, coupled with the cold and violent breath of the queen's body, making the temperature of the space seem to drop to the freezing point.

All of the queen's compound eyes suddenly lit up at the same time, making everyone's head hurt. A crazy but huge will rushed into their heads mercilessly, like a beast, as if to crush their ant-like spirit. Except for a few people, even Jiana couldn't help screaming. As for Hongye, which was already seriously injured, two blood lines spurted directly from his nostrils, and Dang Ji passed out in a coma.

Allen held his head, enduring the heartache coming from his head. This feeling is a bit like the mental shock of the Dark Twilight King Snake back then, and she uses similar methods when she wants to come to the queen. It's just that this giant/thing that has not known how long has survived, its spirit is ten million times stronger than that of the king snake, and the impact it caused is naturally even greater. The queen's will is like a thunderbolt, like a giant roaring in her ears.

However, in this roar, Allen read the queen's sporadic meaning: genes! Finished!

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