Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 371:  Key

Gene completion?

Alan held his head, and under the Queen's enormous mental pressure, his mind seemed to be filled with gravel gears. With every rotation, the gravel will jam the gears hard. Allen knew for the first time that thinking would be so laborious. Trying to look up, Alan saw some details under the light of the fire.

The queen's body was not intact, except for the head, its body exposed to the firelight could be described as broken. As if soaked in strong acid, many places rotted so that the internal organs could be seen, but the edge part still grew stubbornly with granulation. At the same time, these new body tissues will quickly turn into pus, so in that square inch, the cycle of life and death repeats itself, competing with each other.

As if noticing Allen's gaze, the huge spirit the Queen had exerted on everyone suddenly withdrew. There was a roar full of anger in both jaws, his mouth opened, and he rushed toward everyone.

"Disperse!" Alan yelled. He didn't retreat but moved forward, carrying a knife and swooping under the queen's head like a mountain bag. The heavy knife pulled out the orange light and blasted the queen's broken body, and the insect armor and the rotten body were easily torn out by the flash of inflammation. But for the queen's huge body, this point of damage is even greater than the pain that it keeps going back and forth between rebirth and collapse.

The queen rushed to the ground, and everyone knew the opportunity to disperse, but felt the ground was shaking strongly. The tremor spread along the ground, shaking many mounds to pieces. The queen digs up on the ground how many sands and stones she doesn't know. If she didn't escape in time just now, she would have swallowed it into her mouth along with the sand. It missed a hit, raised its head, opened its jaws, and mud and sand poured out, piled a sandbag under its body.

"Attention, although this thing has awakened, it hasn't fully recovered." Allen kept sliding back and shouted: "The heavy damage that the base gave back then is still there, and until now, its genes are still in constant collapse. So it To eat us, we probably need our genes to be corrected and completed!"

As if she understood Alan's words, the queen turned her head angrily to Alan. A jet of blue water spouted from the open jaws, and the jet of water was so angry that it was not a good thing at first glance. Allen did not dare to neglect, and kept speeding up to avoid the poisonous water jet.

When the water column fell on the ground, whether it was ground or metal, many green bubbles appeared quickly, and then decomposed and rotted. But in the blink of an eye, the ground sank. The poisonous water sprayed around, leaving an ugly scar on the ground like a centipede.

"Up until now, we can only survive by killing it. Everyone, let's fight!" Edward's eyes shrank, the young man raised his hand, and the wind moved. An unimaginable strong air current suddenly blew up in the underground space, and the surrounding air waves continued to converge as Edward's hand raised, and finally compressed into a violent wind curtain with a width of only 5 cm.

Edward waved his hand at the queen, and suddenly there was a sharp howling. The wind curtain turned into a knife and blasted straight towards the queen. Seeing that it was about to hit its head, the queen circled flexibly, so this super wind knife only hit its body. When the beetle was splashing, green blood was flying, and Edward dug a terrifying wound on his body.

Belmode turned into smoke, turned into fog, and constantly shuttled in the smoke. Without leaving any breath, she approached the angry queen like a ghost. The chain blade shot out, intertwining a black net of death to cover the queen. There was a murderous flash in Belmode's eyes, and people flashed to the other side of the queen. Pulling the chain blade with your hand, the chain blade will vibrate and cut, cutting out square grids on the queen's body.

The queen roared in anger, another circle of invisible mental shock exploded. The biggest impact is none other than Alan, Belmode and Edward. They attacked the queen directly, and their spirits inevitably focused on the queen. The queen's mental impact used this as a bridge, rushing over them, and the three of them behaved differently. Allen and Edward just hummed, shook their bodies, and recovered in a moment.

Of the two of them, one was prepared beforehand, and the other was born with a strong spirit because of race.

As for Belmode, he sprayed blood directly from his mouth and nose, and his breath was wilted. He was the closest, almost in the inner circle of mental shock, so he was doubled care of by the queen. As for the chain blades that cut the queen, the queen will corrode and disconnect with the body fluid of strong acid nature. Belmode lost consciousness for a few seconds, and people flew down like a kite.

The queen turned her head and swam away in lightning. With both jaws open, Belmode was about to be taken into his mouth. Suddenly a flash of light flashed across the sky, not only forcing it away, but also taking Belmode away. The flash pointed to the ground tens of meters away. Regus hugged Belmode and crashed on the ground, sliding out a few meters before stopping. The fat to his mouth was picked up by Regis, and the queen yelled with anger.

At this point, the battle was in full swing. The Tang brothers joined forces to attack, Lucy used a shield-breaking fire bomb to cover from a distance, and Jiana also joined the battle circle with a huge sword. Allen glanced at the battlefield, Qianjun wrapped himself in the flames again. Dodge, sprint, and slash, pulling out a flame of moon and hitting the queen. Suddenly, fire flew everywhere, illuminating the nearby space completely.

Under the firelight, Edward kept gathering wind into a knife, and shot the queen with a compressed super wind knife. Although this kind of wind knife is time-consuming and laborious to condense, it is undoubtedly powerful. After a few stabs, the queen's already ruined body was almost cut off by Edward.

Falling from a high altitude, Allen stepped onto the Queen's body. It originally had an eyeball on each worm, but now these eyeballs have basically collapsed, leaving only a huge hollow. Allen didn't have time to pay attention to the ugliness of this big worm. He plunged the knife in, and Alan took the knife and ran away. Qianjun made a wound about ten meters long on the queen. The empress kept twisting her body in pain, and Allen's footing was unstable, so she drew her knife and bounced away.

Thanks to the special material of Qianjun, it has never corroded in the empress's acidic body fluids. Otherwise, I changed to other ordinary steel swords, I'm afraid it has been broken in two now.

People were in the air, and the queen suddenly turned to look at him. Several compound eyes on that head lit up at the same time, and hundreds of Alan's figures were simultaneously reflected in the countless grids in those eyes.

Alan's head hurts sharply, knowing that the mental shock of the Queen's release this time is completely focused on him. This is because he has had several experiences of fighting against mental shocks, and he also blasted his eyes and rhinorrhea with this invisible and intangible attack, and looked miserable. Allen whispered and fell to the ground. His head was hot, as if a red iron rod was stirring inside, and the pain made him want to pass out.

The demon's praise behind the waist immediately swept over a few ray of blood, slightly offsetting the damage the queen had inflicted on Alan, and this made him feel better. The queen wanted to continue to put pressure on the bug that dared to wreak havoc on it. When the others saw it, they immediately attacked frantically, finally taking its attention away from Alan.

Lucy shot, while moving towards Ellen. At the same time, Blade Runner was activated, allowing it to attack on its own. The Blade Runner turned into a spider shape and quickly approached the queen. Since it is a mechanical body, it doesn't carry any breath, so the queen directly ignored it. The Blade Runner was also not welcome, and got directly into the queen's rotting body somewhere, and destroyed it in a big way.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lucy ran to Ellen and hugged him up and shouted, "Are you all right?"

Allen opened his eyes and looked tired, but shook his head. He stretched his hand on Lucy's shoulder, stood up and looked at the terrifying monster in the field, then looked back at Lucy with a wry smile: "I know why the queen created her own race, and even formed her own country and society. "


"For freedom..." The words spit out from Allen's mouth were light, but they seemed heavy. He patted his head and said, "When I focused my mental shock on myself, I also saw something."

"It was created from nothing. From the moment it was born, it was used as a tool to plunder the genes of many lives. When it was stored, it also made up for itself, so the queen became aware."

Allen recalled the fragmentary pictures that he had just seen through the mental shock, and continued: "With consciousness, the queen realizes that she is not free. As a tool, it is destined to be unable to escape the fate of being manipulated. However, beings with self-consciousness all want to pursue freedom, and the queen is no exception. So it creates the guard and defines itself as a female, so the created guard is the completely opposite male."

"The combination of the two ~www.readwn.com~ gave birth to the faceless. And the faceless is a key."

"The key?" Lucy was puzzled.

"Yes, the key." Allen nodded and said, "The queen has actually realized the secret door that you Idahua star left on it. The reason why you need to mate/mate to give birth to the faceless is to Let your offspring follow the laws of nature. Follow the laws of nature to develop and evolve, and eventually evolve genes that can eliminate the secret door."

"When such offspring appear, the queen will devour its offspring, thereby plundering its genes, eliminating the secret door, and finally opening the door to freedom!"

Lucy closed her mouth in surprise. Behind the Queen's series of actions, there was such a deep meaning!

"Unfortunately, it still doesn't know enough about its creator. The premature implementation of this plan caused it to be activated by the creator before the key was obtained. Although the biological genes plundered before allowed it to escape the disaster of collapse, and Stubbornly survived. But now it has reached the end. If you can't get the key. Maybe it will completely collapse in one or two hundred years. And this time, we are here..."


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