Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 381:   Follower

Alan sat quietly behind a huge rock, the night was dark, covering everything. This was the first night after he reached the surface, and the place he was going to was the eighth district. There, Allen will meet with Yin and discuss how to dispose of the gene factory in District 8.

On Allen's knees lay the Destroyer Sniper, and this source weapon exuded the aura of a fierce beast. As the night wind spreads away, the dangerous species within a few kilometers can be felt. In their feelings, the place where Allen was was like a terrifying dangerous beast dormant, which made them afraid to approach, so they all avoided it from a distance, so that Allen got a quiet night.

Originally, I just wanted to use the aura of destruction to frighten away the nearby dangerous species, but after activating the source device's awakening posture this time, Allen found that its appearance had changed slightly. To say that the previous gun body had an obvious metallic texture, now the gun body is more like a carapace. The surface is matt, and short and thick crystal thorns grow on top of the previous red stripes.

Looking at the anthem of destruction now, it is more like some kind of **** bug, which reminds Alan some of that terrible biological weapon, Queen!

When Allen sensed the changes of Destroyer Sniper, the information released from within Sniper confirmed Allen's guess. When the queen was hit with a single shot last time, Destruction Sniper absorbed the queen's vitality and even looted part of its genes. It's just that the queen's genes are very complicated, even with the power of the source device, it was only recently that it could not be analyzed and absorbed.

The devil's tribute has a predatory instinct for powerful creatures, from awakening from absorbing the blood of the king snake, to having a strong predatory will when facing Windsor Bello, to the queen, the source is also very interested in it. It can be seen that continuously ingesting the vitality of powerful life and plundering their genes is the "food" for the continuous growth of the source organs.

After having made up for the empress before, even though Destruction Heavy hadn't activated the third-order awakening posture, the overall power has been greatly improved, and there are some other things.

The source device separates the gene plundered from the queen into seven parts, and when needed, it can form a source force bullet according to Allen's judgment. When this special bullet hits the target, it will release the queen's genes, thereby transforming the target's body. The modified creature will become Allen's weapon, and the source weapon is called the "servant" for this weapon.

The transformation of the follower is a new ability developed by the source device from the queen gene. But this ability has huge limitations. First, there are only seven modified genes, so Allen can only have seven followers at most. Secondly, the follower's level cannot exceed Allen too much, the limit can only exceed Allen level three, and can't go beyond the level. In other words, Alan, who is only an engraver now, cannot transform an awakened person into a follower unless he himself has reached that level.

In the end, it is best for the follower to reform while he is alive, and the dead body within an hour of death can also make it a weapon. But then, the transformed servant can't inherit the wisdom of his lifetime, and is just a puppet that follows the command line.

In order to prevent the follower from betraying, there is an invisible connection between the source and the follower. A secret door is left in the follower's genes, and Allen can activate the secret door through the source, causing the follower's gene to collapse. This is probably the inspiration that Yuan Qi got from the queen.

In general, there are various limitations to follower transformation, but the advantages are obvious. Allen can use it to make seven servant weapons, which is equivalent to having extra combat power. It's just that the number of transformations is limited, so the selection of followers' targets should not be too random.

The next day, when the morning light came up, Allen pulled up a locomotive next to him, put on a sand-proof mirror, and then put on a cloak. He drove into the vast and lonely wilderness with the locomotive, at the moment he looked like a mercenary on the surface. The scorching air came oncoming, penetrated Alan's nostrils, rose like a flame in his body, awakening his almost forgotten memory.

As he relived the days that were in full swing when he was on the surface, Allen suddenly moved in his heart. He looked to the left. After a low hill in that direction, he suddenly drove out an off-road vehicle and two motorcycles. The cars were all tied with the same flag, and they seemed to belong to an armed organization. The knights on the cars wielded knives and rifles and yelled at Allen.

Allen did not respond to this provocation, and continued to follow the established route towards the eighth district. But the opponent seemed to be coming towards him. The off-road vehicle suddenly accelerated, then turned in a big angle ahead, turned sideways, and blocked Allen's front. In the car, a man quickly climbed to the back and lowered the muzzle of an anti-aircraft machine gun.

The muzzle was aimed at Allen naturally, so Allen stopped about 100 meters away from the off-road vehicle.

Two motorcycles went around behind Allen and surrounded him. On the off-road vehicle, the driving man stood up. His hair was woven into braids and tied back in his head. He took a long knife from the side and knocked on the windshield in front of the car and shouted: "Hey, the guy opposite. Leave the car and the equipment on him, and then let me go. I am in a good mood today, so lucky. !"

Allen finally understood that he had encountered the legendary "robbing". He was so angry and funny, this group of people really didn't have eyes, and even Bethcade's people dared to rob. But then again, there is no order on the surface, not to mention that the Federation and the Freedom Gate are fighting, and the surface has become more chaotic. Killing people and getting rid of goods is very common, so now this man just wants him to keep his car and equipment, which is extra "kind".

But that doesn't mean that Allen has to obediently. He opened the knife case next to him and took out the heavy knife Qianjun from it. Pulling up the anti-sand mirror, Alan Qianjun pointed out: "I don't want to cause trouble, but that doesn't mean I'm afraid of trouble. So you'd better get out of it, otherwise, it will be too late to regret it."

It turns out that Alan's bitterness not only didn't work, but the man on the other side laughed three times. The other party laughed, and his face became cold: "Kill me the boy who doesn't know the height of the sky!"

Allen shrugged, his eyes wink. Suddenly, the already hot air around him became even drier, the temperature rose a few degrees out of thin air, and Qianjun's blade gradually transmitted a dark yellow light, looking like the blade refracting sunlight.

Before the gunman behind the off-road vehicle had time to squeeze the trigger, Allen had already slashed. The two sides were separated by a hundred meters, and this Ji Yaozhan seemed so pale and weak. The people in the car thought that Allen was just making a gesture. Suddenly, the off-road vehicle rang out with a sharp sound of metal cracking on the body. The two men in the car opened their eyes and looked at the car in disbelief as a red light separated the car.

The car disintegrated and then exploded, blowing the people out of the car.

No flames are visible, but if the flames are in the front, nothing cannot be cut. Although it was still an unfinished "inch fire", this overbearing slash without a trace of smoke still let the people on the motorcycle at the back know that they had hit the iron plate. At the moment, he didn't even have any thoughts of revenge for his companions. With a strange cry, the locomotive made a bend and ran away desperately.

Allen shook his head, retracted the heavy knife, and continued on the journey.

In the evening of the same day, he arrived at a market on the edge of the eighth district. The market is small, but lively. People from several surface settlements around will come here to sell or buy the supplies they need. The stalls in the market were close to each other, crowded with people, making Allen's locomotive impassable. He could only park the locomotive in a parking lot outside the market, paid a not-low parking fee, and then got into the crowd with a knife case and a rifle.

After half an hour, Allen stopped in front of a building in the market. The house has only two floors. This is an unusual brick house in the market. Downstairs is a stall facing the street, and the back and the second floor are for rent. Allen turned to the back of the house, which was relatively quiet, and occasionally only a couple of people should not pass by.

A wooden door was concealed, and there was a dim space inside, which was unrealistic. Allen walked up a few stone steps, reached out and knocked on the door. Before touching the door, a black barrel came out through the crack of the door and hit Allen's forehead.

"Remove it, or I will chop off your hand." Allen said coldly.

A pair of eyes appeared behind the door, and then the door opened. The man retracted the gun and apologized: "I'm sorry, Master Ellen, I just follow the procedure."

This is a familiar face. Allen remembers that when he went to Graybridge Town before, the predators who happened to hit the steel hammer attacked the town. That night, a Black Hawk assault squad from Bethkod rushed to support, and the man in front of him was the man in charge, Matt.

"Captain Matt, aren't you in the seventh district?" Allen asked unexpectedly.

Mart smiled and said: "The upper part seems to know that I have worked with you once, so this time, we directly transferred us from the seventh district."

"What about silver?"

"In the basement ~www.readwn.com~ with our heads." Mart greeted Allen to come in. There were two men in the house, dressed in ordinary clothes. They treated Allen as air, and they never even glanced at them from the corner of their eyes.

This is an excellent cover.

Matt led Allen into a bedroom, lifted a carpet, and lifted the floor, revealing a stone step leading to the ground. The light below was bright, and Allen went on. Hearing the sound of footsteps, several commando members stepped forward with guns. Seeing Matt, he dispersed. The basement is unexpectedly spacious, not at all cramped, and well ventilated. It looks like it has been in business for a long time.

"This is our safe base in the eighth district," Matt said as he led Allen into one of the rooms.

As soon as the door opened, Allen saw two people. One of them is a predator hunter, silver. The other was a woman. The moment he saw this woman, Allen felt a little needle-prick. If this was not Beth Kod’s safe base, Allen would probably draw his knife directly.

The feeling this woman gave him was dangerous! r1058


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