Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 382:  Action

"Anna." The woman stretched out her hand with a smile on her face: "Speaking of which, it's not the first time we have met, Master Ellen."

Blood Scorpion Anna, Bethkod's secret samurai. These have all been heard as Alan joined the family. He was also clever, and from Anna's words "not to meet for the first time", he heard that this secret samurai should have been responsible for protecting himself in secret. Otherwise, why doesn't he recognize them, but they have already seen him. So he said sincerely: "Hello, Mrs. Anna, thank you for everything."

Anna was slightly surprised, Xuanji turned into a smile: "Master Ellen is very quick-minded."

Then he said: "I have to leave first if I have something to do. As for the specifics, you can talk to Yin, he already knows the details of the action."

Allen nodded and turned his body sideways. Anna passed by him, and after she left, Alan was quite relieved. Looking at silver, it also looks relieved. The surface hunter shook his head and smiled bitterly: "The strong of your family is really terrible. I know that she has tried her best to restrain her aura. But staying with her, I will enter the state of battle anytime, it's really hard. ."

Then he said, "It's nice to still see you, Master Ellen."

"You don't need to use honorifics to me. From the message you sent back, we are friends. Between friends, don't be so restrained." Allen shook his head.

Yin shrugged: "I didn't do this for you or anyone, I just did it for myself. But if you say that, then I will accept it. Anyway, I am not accustomed to letting me call the young master. "

Allen put down the knife case and rifle, and said with a smile: "This is the best. Then let me see, what are your plans."

"The plan is simple. The information we got shows that a convoy will drive from near the market in the evening to the gene factory. At that time, you, I and Mrs. Anna will take the opportunity to sneak into the convoy. We will bring one. You will be buried separately in the factory. At the preset time, your commando will attack the factory. Then we will take the opportunity to leave and detonate." Yin made an explosive gesture and said, "Then the factory will blow up to the sky. , The Alexander family will be furious, and we will part ways."

"That's it..." Allen asked, "Who made this plan?"

"Do you think I can speak here? Of course it is the lady."

"If it's Anna, it's normal."

"why would you say so?"

"Obviously, this plan is too rough." Allen shook his head and smiled: "You have already alarmed the Alexander family before. I heard that they also sent family masters to chase you."

"Don't mention it, I was almost killed by them. Fortunately, Mrs. Anna showed up in time, or just wait for me to collect the body."

"That's right, since Anna saved you, it's impossible for Maine not to be on guard. Even if they didn't know that it was Anna, Anna's level was at that level. I bet the Alexander gene factory must be transferred now. The backbone of the family is in control. Even they would expect that we will attack the factory, but deliberately relax their defenses and assume a posture of loosening outside and tight inside. After we automatically send it to the door, they close the net in one fell swoop."

Yin Yi was taken aback, and said, "You make a lot of sense. Then you have to notify Mrs. Anna to change your plan."

"That's not necessary." Allen sat down and said, "If it's just the two of us, then it would be better to sleep with our heads covered tonight. But now that Mrs. Anna has Mrs. Anna, it's another matter. I'm just talking about this plan. Rough, but I didn’t say it was not feasible. The key is to act with Mrs. Anna."

Only then did Yin understand.

As the night crawled across every corner of the earth, the noisy market became quiet. Except for a few stalls still open, there are not many lights in the market. Allen still looked like a surface mercenary, carrying a gun and covering his head and face with a cloak. After walking out of the house with Yin, the two of them spread out from side to side and left in different directions.

Anna is still coming back, but the plan doesn't need to be stopped for this. Allen believes that she will appear in the right place at the right time. If this is not even possible, what qualifications does Anna have to be Bethkod's secret samurai?

The night is deep, especially the wilderness. The dense night is shrouded in the wilderness like black fog, and as time goes by, even the light cannot penetrate the night. So when Allen saw a light on the wilderness at the location shown in the intelligence, the car was already less than one kilometer away from him. The sound could not be concealed by the night, so the roar of the engine penetrated Allen's ears before the lights.

Allen looked at a dirt bag not far away, and the silver lying on the ground also looked over. The hunter gave Alan an "ok" sign, and Alan nodded. After the action, he felt calm, as if to complete a trivial task. As the vehicle moves louder and louder, Allen sticks himself completely to the ground, almost blending with the night.

After a while, cars passed by the roadside. Allen could feel the vibration of the ground beneath him, nearly half of the time the convoy passed. Allen raised his head, his hands and feet pressed **** the ground, and his whole person swept toward the convoy like a light smoke. It instantly got under the bottom of a truck, fixed it firmly on the chassis of the car, and left with the convoy.

Bumps all the way.

Thanks to Allen's amazing resilience, he was not thrown out by the truck. He didn't know whether the silver side was going well, let alone how Anna sneaked into the team. He only knew that when the convoy arrived at the base and accepted the checkpoint at the factory, Allen felt relieved. To continue driving like this, he had to consider how to break into the car, but the movement was a bit louder then.

After the car entered the yard, Allen let go of the chassis, rolled out of the car, and then quickly left. He hid under the bottom of another parked truck nearby, and after a while, Yin also got in. The two of them stuck to the ground and looked out, only to see that the family guards of those trucks had jumped off one after another. They opened the carriages and pulled out iron cages from inside.

There are five or six people in each cage. There are men, women, and even children. Allen and Yin looked at each other, knowing that they were all deserters who were unfortunately captured by the Alexander family and used as experimental subjects for genetic modification. At this time, one of the guards looked in their direction intentionally or unintentionally. Yin immediately tightened his whole body, thinking that he was about to enter a fighting stance.

But Allen held him down and whispered softly: "Look carefully."

Yin looked carefully. Although the guard was wearing tactical glasses, the exposed half of the silhouette was quite familiar. Suddenly he woke up, it was Anna. I couldn't help being curious at the moment. I didn't know how this Bethkod's secret warrior got in. It is rare that she wandered around a group of Alexander's family guards, but no one found her identity.

Anna used her body to block the eyes of the guards, pointed in a certain direction, and then left. Allen patted Yin on the shoulder, and the two quietly left the bottom of the car, and walked in the direction of meeting Anna. After a while, they stood in an office in an assembly line workshop. The necks of the two guards in the office were unnaturally twisted. It was Anna's handwriting. She arrived and killed the two guards first, and motioned Ellen to change into their uniforms.

When Ellen and the others changed their uniforms, Anna said, "Our plans for the evening have changed a little."

"Why?" Alan looked up at the secret samurai.

Anna was looking out the window and said, "I got into their guard and heard by chance that Maine will come to the base tonight. Also, I want to meet a big man."

"Oh?" This really surprised Allen: "In that case, we can only postpone the plan a little bit."

Anna nodded, suddenly beckoned, and whispered softly: "There is a situation."

The two men who had changed their uniforms came to the window and looked out through the window, just in the direction of the factory gate. The gate of the factory area opened and several cars came in one after another. The car parked on the clearing, and the first person to get out of the car was Maine, the head of Alexander. Maine still looks like a straight suit, his face is still full of spirits in the telescope, and he can't see the decadence after being hit hard recently.

The door of the car at the back opened, and a thin figure emerged from it. It was an old man, wearing a luxurious fur coat, walking on crutches, with a feeling of compelling luxury. Anna and Allen's bodies moved lightly. Yin saw the reaction of the two of them and couldn't help asking, "Who is that?"

Anna didn't answer, just snorted. However, this light snort carried a deep chill and deep murderous intent. Allen smiled bitterly: "That's ours."

"Your people?" Yin doubted his ear a little.

"Yes, his name is Baker. One of the elders of our family, the underground king of the eighth district. I didn't expect Baker and Maine to have a relationship?" Allen looked out the window again, in the telescope, Maine was already intimate With arms around Old Baker's shoulders, the two walked towards the main building of the factory.

"It turns out that he is Maine's guest of honor tonight~www.readwn.com~ What a coincidence." Anna put down the binoculars and said: "Master Ellen, please go and set it up with Yin?"

"how about you?"

"I have to check what exactly Baker and Alexander's family are doing. I believe that the master must be very interested in this." Anna said again: "But you have to be careful. Both Maine and Baker are here tonight. Just now I saw that some of the guards among them are all good players in the family. Please be careful. If you find me and them working, leave me alone, you must leave immediately."

"Please be careful, ma'am." Allen said solemnly.

Anna suddenly smiled: "Maybe you have to tell them this sentence."

In a word, Tao is proud and confident of being a secret samurai. Anna patted Alan on the shoulder as a sign of encouragement, and then left without looking back. Allen took a deep breath and said to Yindao: "It's time for us to act, brother."

Chapter 382 Action:


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