Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 427: Furosen

"Oh, Miss Jenlie. I'm sorry, this time I was in a hurry, and I didn't notify you in advance." Roger introduced to Allen: "Miss Jenlie is on Pearl Island, but she is known as a mermaid. A pearl cultivator. She can swim deep into the sea without the help of any tools. She is the true daughter of the sea."

Jane covered her mouth and chuckled: "Mr. Roger is really good at coaxing people, what a mermaid. Apart from Naga, who dares to call herself a mermaid."

She took off her bathrobe and wore only close-fitting clothing, unabashedly showing a graceful body in front of the two men. Jane walked gently down the hot spring and said, "I and a few sisters originally wanted to soak in the hot spring. I didn't expect to meet Mr. Roger here. Wouldn't you mind taking a bath with us?"

Roger haha ​​smiled: "If there are beautiful women in the bath, I can't ask for it. I don't know the opinion of Lord Ellen?"

Naturally, Alan wouldn't be disappointed at this time, so several other girls also removed their bathrobes and walked down generously. Fortunately, the spring of this hot spring is big enough, even if there are six people, it doesn't feel crowded. These island women are very bold, they just swim in the hot spring like mermaids. One person walked around behind Ellen, suddenly came out and hugged him and said, "You look very good-looking, and Jella likes you very much."

Jane smiled and said, "Zela come back soon, don't scare others."

He said to Roger: "Mr. Roger, you haven't introduced us yet. Is this your friend? I have never seen him before."

"This is Lord Ellen, he is a baron. Of course, in front of you enthusiastic fairies, he will not blame you for being rude." Roger said deliberately, suspecting of making fun of Ellen.

The women of Zhenli were shocked. Even if Allen was a baron with no strength, it was not a big figure that ordinary women could approach at will. The girl named Jie Li looked at Allen timidly, for fear that he would blame him for being rude.

Alan looked in his eyes and said helplessly: "Just like Mr. Roger said, who can refuse everyone's enthusiasm. So tonight, I am just an ordinary guest."

Several girls cheered softly at the same time. At the moment, Jie Li and another girl swam towards Ellen, seemingly interested in him. Zhenli chuckled and said, "What were you talking about just now?"

"We are talking about the legend of the Vulcan Three Pillars. Ms. Zhenli lives by the sea. She must have heard a lot of legends about the sea. You might as well tell us the story. Master Allen may be interested in it."

After Roger said, the girl named Jie Li said: "If it is a legend on the sea, I don't necessarily know less than sister Jen Li."

"Yes, right, right, Jie Li likes to hear these legends, stories, etc., just like a small child who is not growing up." Zhen Li smiled.

Roger glanced at Jelly, haha ​​said: "Who said that Jelly doesn't look like a child anymore."

He meant something, and Jelly blushed and shrank behind Allen and said: "Mr. Roger's eyes are too disgusting."

She took the opportunity to take Alan's arm and let her proud twins cling to it. If there was a bit of a joke about being close to Allen before, then now, Jie Li really likes that Allen can see herself. If a baron can like herself, there is no doubt that she can say goodbye to this island. Although life on the island is very happy, who doesn't want to live better.

There was another girl who had the same idea as her, so for a while, Allen entangled the two passionate girls. After glaring at her opponent, Jie Li said, "Master Allen wants to hear the legend of Bu Laoquan?"

"Isn't Old Spring?" Allen asked as he struggled to free himself from the entanglement of the two mermaids, "Is that a spring?"

"You can say that." Jie Li raised her chest slightly, let the deep gully attract Allen's attention: "That is the legend of the Najia clan, Alan has heard of the Najia clan, this alien species. After adulthood, Jia people no longer age. Until the moment they die of old age, they also maintain their ultimate beauty and die. The reason why they can stay young forever is legendary because the Najia people have a fountain of immortality."

"Youth stay forever..."

"I've heard of this legend." Roger squeezed Jenny's hips dishonestly, and said, "However, this is also the starting point of the Naga people's tragic fate."

"After the legend that the Naga possessed the Fountain of Agelessness began to circulate in the empire, activities to capture the Naga appeared in the empire. Although it is not easy to capture them, some people will get it over time. Those Naga who were caught were tortured and died tragically. But even so, they could not dig out the secret of the fountain of youth. As the Naga appeared in the eyes of the world, their beauty , And gradually replaced the position of the fountain of youth. After all, the legend is far away, but the beauty of Najia woman is very close. Try your eyes, if you have a Najia woman, you have a doll that will never grow old , So many big people are willing to pay a high price to buy the Najia female slaves. This makes it the darkest history of the Najia tribe for a period of time."

Allen frowned, and Roger continued: "Later, the princess of the Naga clan dedicated herself to the emperor of the empire. The empire only issued a ban, prohibiting civilians from capturing Naga, and offenders will be punished severely. It has to be said that the decree of the empire gave this alien a chance to rehabilitate, so that it would not be completely extinct. However, despite the ban, there are still people who violate the order, but they dare not be brazen. But this way, Things are precious, and the value of a Naga slave girl can no longer be measured by gold coins."

"It's not because you men are greedy for freshness. Otherwise, the Najia people don't have to be like that." Zhenli snorted and said.

Roger smiled and hugged her and said, "No matter how good Rougu Najia is, it can be compared to our passionate and unrestrained Miss Jenny."

Jenlie couldn't help laughing, Roger ran his big hand down her waist. After a while, Jane had already begun to gasp, leaning on Roger and tangling her hands and feet. This scene irritated other girls very much. The two girls who haunted Allen couldn't help but breathe harder, and gently rubbed Allen's body with their sensitive parts. Allen wanted to continue like this but it would be out of control, so he quickly found an excuse and ran away.

No words for a night.

The next morning, as soon as it was light, Allen heard a noise. He got up to change clothes, took the knife case and walked out of the room. In the corridor, I saw Roger and Jenny coming out. It seemed that the two should stay together last night. After Jennie waved goodbye to Allen with a smile, she left from the other direction. Roger looked at her and said, "What a nice woman."

As for what is good, probably only Roger himself knows. At this time, Geralf appeared from the stairs and said with a calm face: "Mr. Roger, there is a little trouble at the dock."

"what happened?"

"The blood sharks are here, they want to clear the field."

"Clear the field?" Roger's face turned angrily: "It's really when Pearl Island is their tiger shark harbor. Why should they clear the field. Let's go and take a look."

Alan will accompany him without his invitation. Besides, he also wanted to see what the **** the Blood Shark Chamber of Commerce people were doing.

Upon arriving at the pier, one by one, the guards of the Blood Shark Chamber of Commerce threatened the two merchant ships to leave. However, there are soldiers from the Mountain King's troops on the Paradise, and the blood sharks who have suffered a loss dare not provoke them. When Allen and Roger came to the dock together, they heard some merchants complain that the Blood Shark Chamber of Commerce was too domineering, but the backer behind them was too hard, and these little merchants did not dare to provoke the Blood Shark. Can only sigh unlucky, the boat left the shore early in the morning. After a while, only the blood shark and Roger's boat remained on the dock.

"Mr. Thrall, what's the matter? I heard that the Blood Shark Chamber of Commerce is going to clear the venue?" Roger asked the old man Thrall when he got off the boat.

Thrall didn't seem to be very good, his face was gloomy. Glancing at Ellen and the Warrior Mountain King, he said, "I just don't want unrelated people to wait at the pier. As for Mr. Roger and that adult, of course not in this case, please feel free to do so."

Alan looked at the blood shark boat strangely, and there were obviously some new injuries on the guards. Looking at the sailboat again, the hull showed some damage. Especially the stern part, I don't know what kind of attack it received, the whole stern almost fell apart. Now a sailor is repairing the hull, clanging with a mace. Seeing Alan watching his side, Thrall snorted, but didn't dare to say anything.

"I have something else. I missed a few people." Thrall waved his hand and took his guard to the island.

Roger shook his head and said: "Since the Blood Shark is more prosperous this time, we can't say anything. If Allen-sama agrees, we will set off today, so that we don't have to stay with these people and cause trouble."

Allen had no objection, so Roger asked the sailors to speed up and load the necessities such as clean water on the boat, planning to set off after lunch. Ellen didn't return to the island, and got on the boat directly. But watching the blood shark's ship is closely guarded by caravan escorts ~ www.readwn.com ~ it looks strange that it looks like an enemy.

"Blood sharks, maybe they have picked up some ugly goods again."

In the room on the ship, Roger put down a teacup and said: "These lawless guys probably robbed a merchant ship at sea yesterday, otherwise their ship would not show signs of battle."

"Are you afraid of encountering the Imperial Navy when robbing on Santa Terina?" Allen asked.

"After all, this place is still far from the imperial capital. As long as it doesn't disturb the royal family, the nearby navy is not stupid enough to provoke the blood sharks under the care of the **** earl." Roger smiled: "The imperial is not a day or two, so it's local. The Navy is nothing more than a show. As long as they open their eyes and close their eyes, the blood sharks have to give them a large sum of money every year, so why not do it."

"It seems that the empire is more complicated than I thought." Allen said.

Just as Roger was about to say something, suddenly the sailor yelled outside, as if he had discovered something. When Allen listened intently, he heard someone yell: "Look, that's the Kraken!" r1058


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