Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 428:   Siren

The ship was shaking slightly.

It can be seen that the waves supporting the boat are gradually surging up, so a person who is seasick cannot even get off the bed now. Without time to care about Willick, Allen carried the knife case and Roger rushed to the deck of the hull. From a distance, one could see a huge water bag gradually bulging at one end of the sea level. When the water bag swelled to its limit, it exploded, and tons of seawater were sprayed into the air, turning the rain down again.

In the blast of sea water, a shadow rushed out of the sea, flying high above the sea. It has wide wing fins that stretch like wings, covered with palm-sized scales, refracting sunlight into colorful colors. Like a batfish-like monster, a row of large and small eyeballs on its big head are turning up and down. In that open mouth, there were layers of sharp nest teeth. There was darkness in the depths of the huge mouth, like an abyss leading to hell.

After passing a nearly perfect arc in the air, it dived into the water again, but pushed up a sea wall, whistling towards the Pearl Island.

The turbulent waves hit the shore, the ship [no][false] shook, and the people on the deck could hardly stand.

Falling to the ground in the hands of the water, one person shouted in despair: "It's over, it's really a sea monster. Why would you touch the Shanghai monster here?"

"Roger husband, what is that?" Allen asked back.

"Are you talking about the Kraken?" Roger smiled bitterly: "That is the monster we least want to encounter. Siren, it is a monster raised by the Naga tribe, and their patron saint. But the siren has been living in the holy land of the Naga tribe. Corridor, how could it appear here. And it’s coming from the wrong direction... because the Styx Corridor should be on the other side!"

Roger stretched out his hand and pointed to the northwest direction, which was almost the opposite of the direction from which the Kraken came!

Allen frowned: "But now it is coming towards us, is there a weapon for such a thing?".

"Only the battleships of the Imperial Navy have enough force to suppress it. As for merchant ships like us, we can only tickle it at best." Roger smiled bitterly.

At this moment a sailor screamed: "Here again! Here again!"

About ten kilometers away from Pearl Island, huge dangerous species in the sea emerged again. But this time, it did not leap into the blue sky with a flying posture, but just emerged from the sea and stood still. However, from the sea over there, there was a wonderful source of force fluctuation. At the same time, the sea was slowly retreating, and it was still noon, but a strange phenomenon of back tide appeared.

"What's going on... It's just like before the tsunami." Roger frowned and said, "Perhaps, we should take refuge on the island."

Allen glanced at an island where there are no high-rise buildings, and shook his head, "Here is no difference from being on the island. But what is that thing going to do, wait, it won't be sucking sea water?"

The phenomenon of low tide in the sea quietly stopped after nearly a minute. The dangerous species on the sea raised its head, suddenly opened its big mouth, and spouted a water dragon from the huge mouthparts!

The water dragon whirled wildly, pulling out a trench on the sea, and the sea water lined up on both sides, raising white waves like wings. Amidst the roar of the sky like a cannon blasting through the air, the water dragon pierced the atmosphere and swept across the island on the left side of Pearl Island. Immediately set off a continuous explosion, the island body burst like fragile glass, and the earth, rocks, trees, houses and people that the water dragon passed were all lifted, thrown away, and shattered!

After one blow, only two-thirds of Pearl Island remained. The island body that was slashed by the water dragon turned into countless fragments floating in the sea...

"It's like a high-energy cannon..." Allen exclaimed. Like this powerful shot, the lake monster they encountered on the wild high ground also had similar abilities. In terms of range, this sea monster is slightly better right now.

At this time, the sea water began to ebb again. Allen said in a deep voice: "That guy is really sucking in the seawater, and then pressurizes the seawater with a certain amount of water, and it spews out the kind of water column like a high-pressure cutting wave. It's horrible, so far away, we don't have anything on hand. Weapons that can attack it."

"How could it be possible to have weapons with such a long range?" Roger smiled bitterly: "There is probably nothing we can do now. The monster just has to strike again. This island and us will have to suffer. I'm so sorry, Lord Ellen. I didn't expect it would happen. Encountered such a thing."

"Now is not the time to give up." Allen yelled, "Warriors of the Mountain King, all come to the bow of the ship. Use the shields in your hands to organize the first line of defense. No one is allowed to give up until the last minute!"

Then he walked to the forefront of the hull, the knife box suddenly, from which Qianjun was raised. The soldiers gathered behind him, and some soldiers shouted, "My lord, please go behind."

"That won't work." Allen held Qianjun in his hand again and said, "As a general, how can you stay behind?"

"That's right, only the weak need to seek asylum. The strong have always killed their way out of desperation!" Regis stood beside Alan with his long sword and star sword.

"Also... there's me, vomit..." Willick crawled out of the cabin desperately, but his fighting spirit couldn't match the natural reaction of his body, and he lay on the boat rail and threw up again.

Belmode and Kira came silently behind Ellen and the two of them looked at each other and then stared forward.

The sea level rose slightly, and the behemoth in the sea opened its mouth again. This time there was no deviation, and a high-pressure water hose was sprayed straight toward the pier!

"Come here. Everyone is ready!" Allen shouted, and at the same time an engraving appeared. The source force roared, and the bright orange flame came out, pointing straight to the sky.

As if responding to his fighting spirit, Qianjun's blade buzzed and trembled. Allen held the knife in both hands and held it high.

At this time, the water dragon rushed, and the wind pressure alone pushed the sea water and the ship back continuously. At this moment, Allen's hand slashed continuously with a heavy knife, and the blade sprayed out a series of mysterious yellow flames, facing the water dragon. Seven flashes appeared right in front of the water dragon, but it still rushed straight for the first 100 meters, and suddenly burst into explosions, turning into countless water streams and blasting in all directions, but this high-pressure water stream blasted Yan Shan Qisha frontally!

However, the water flow was smashed by Allen, and the shock wave that could be formed still carried a broken waterline like a barrage shot by a machine gun, falling towards the space within several hundred meters. A black fog wall was pulled up flat in front of Allen, and the powerful waterline that was hit by the blast was silently contained. As for the other water lines that fell towards the ship's hull, the original force shields set up by the soldiers of the two teams of Shan Wang and Cunhuo stopped it.

It's just that the defense range of the source force shield can barely protect the space of the bow. As for the middle and rear, holes are shot out by the sky waterline, and the Paradise suddenly becomes riddled with holes.

But no matter what, the Paradise survived this terrible attack after all. Not only them, but the island behind the pier also survived. In the dream of the sailors, it took a while before they knew how to shout for joy.

"Don't be too happy," Allen murmured.

The sea ahead was splashed, and the siren was coming through the waves. It seems that the two high-pressure water streams just consumed a lot of its source power. Instead of using this terrible attack like a cannon, it flapped its wings and separated water. The Kraken moved so fast on the surface of the water, but after a few breaths, he was already close to the dock. A huge wave arose out of thin air on the sea, pushing the ship on the dock to shake.

Allen and the others had their feet nailed to the deck, allowing the ship to shake harder, but no one fell. But other people didn't have this skill. The mountain king and the soldiers of Cunhuo were all lying on the deck, unable to set up their shields. As for Willick, he foamed at the mouth and almost fainted.

When there was still a few hundred meters away from the dock, the siren first dived into the water, and then rose into the sky when it appeared. With the sky and sea wall, breaking through the water. It turned in midair, opened its big mouth to the limit, and pounced at the ship below. Looking at this situation, it is intended to directly crash the ship with brute force. If it falls into the water, even a strong man like Allen will not be able to perform at half the level, and will only become the food of the Kraken.

Seeing this danger, Allen raised Qian Jun: "Everyone, let's go!"

Belmode waved his hand, and the shadow behind him charged up, turning into a thick black mist in mid-air, and rolling up. In the middle of the journey, a jet-black flying knife was continuously shot from the black fog. These flying knives were all transformed by the black mist, and the edges were constantly trembling, and the air was humming. The cloud of mist instantly turned into hundreds of flying knives, and the rain of knives hit the sea monster, immediately cutting it into scales, splashing blue blood!

"Reggies, can it block its movements? Even for a moment." Allen called.

Regis grinned: "If I can't even do this, I don't have the face to go back to see Grandpa!"

With a finger at the long sword, he immediately turned away. A dazzling flash shot straight into the sky, and at the moment when it passed the sea monster, another azure galaxy crossed the sky, forming a huge cross with the previous silver flash.

Southern Cross!

The Kraken suffered the double impact of sword air and knife light ~www.readwn.com~ and suddenly couldn't move in midair. At this time, Allen on the ship lifted Qianjun high, and the heavy knife turned a dark yellow light. The deck around Allen continued to emit wisps of smoke, and the air suddenly rose several degrees. Alan was short, bounced, and a fiery wave of air exploded. The bow of the ship even sank a little under his pressure. As for him, he rushed into the sea monster in the air like a cannonball.

Qianjun broke through, and the blade brought a faint blue smoke in the air. Qingyan drifted towards the sea monster and gently stroked the sea monster's body. Suddenly the Southern Cross exploded and turned into fragments of light in the sky. The Sea Monster shook his whole body, and then a thin slit opened in his back, and then an orange sky fire suddenly spurted from the slit. The sky is gushing out, forming a curtain of fire, flying like a flag in the air!

The siren screamed and was wrapped in sky fire, falling into the sea like a huge fireball, blowing up a thick water column. Allen fell back on the ship, Qianjun's blade lightly touched the deck. The deck suddenly burst into flames, enclosing Allen in it. In the flames, Allen stood up, leaving people with a silhouette in the fire.

Chapter 428 Sea Monster:


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