Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 429:   Lily

There was silence on the Paradise, and people seemed to forget to breathe. I don't know who swallowed, so the world has a voice again. The sailors yelled the name "Ellen", and some even took off their clothes and threw them in the air. This is nothing short of a miracle!

As long as you sail on the sea, you must have heard of the legend of the sea monster. In those many legends, only the Imperial Navy and a few powerful men can kill the Kraken at sea. As for civilian merchant ships, encountering this kind of overlord of the sea will only end with ship destruction. But today, they survived under the threat of the Sea-Monster, all of which naturally relied on the figure standing in the flame on the bow of the ship.

The flames gradually went out, but Alan still frowned. There is no doubt that they have already dealt a heavy blow to the monster with a combined blow, but the breath of the sea monster did not disappear. This huge dangerous species is indeed a tenacious generation, like the giant beast in the lake that day in the wild highlands, and now this sea monster is like this. Sure enough, after a while, the sea rang like whales. In the sea area of ​​several kilometers, a water bag gradually bulged, following the sea monster to the surface, groaning in pain.

A wound about ten meters long appeared on its back, and the flesh and blood were rolled over, and the bones of the lower head could even be seen. The blue blood floating on the surface of the sea, slowly melted away, dyeing the sea near the sea monster into a demon blue. At this time, a blister floated on the sea monster's back. The blisters gradually expand, forming a water ball with a diameter of about two to three meters.

Allen's eyes were widening, and he barely saw a figure emerging from the blisters.

"It's a Naga." Roger lost his voice, and he handed Alan a single scope in his hand.

Looking through the telescope, it turned out that there was a Naga in the bubble. However, she was slender, with a beautiful face, and anger flashed in her big blue eyes. Her small face and still-green figure all show the fact that this Naga is still in adulthood. This is a Naga girl with rare white hair, which floats behind her head like water plants in the water.

The hair was decorated with flower-shaped red coral, and a string of white and round pearls strung into a necklace, which fell on the girl's graceful neck like a swan. She was also covered with scales like fish scales, but these scales flowed with silver light like flowing water under the refraction of sunlight. They are also rare silver-white scales among Naga people.

The girl glared in the direction of Pearl Island, and then her clear and angry voice resounded in the sea: "Humans on the island, you are limited to handing over our sisters before dusk. Otherwise, Lili from the Naga clan The souls of the ancestors swear that they will surely fall into the abyss of **** forever!"

Her voice is not necessarily so loud, but it is constantly echoing on the sea, as if there are thousands of young girls talking at the same time, and the voice spread to every corner of Pearl Island. Everyone who heard these words turned gray, and Roger smiled bitterly: "It turned out to be Lily..."

After speaking, the girl and the sea monster sank into the sea. But everyone knows that she won't just let it go.

Allen looked at Roger: "Do you know her?"

"I heard of her, Lily is the princess of the Naga clan, and also the royal clan." Roger said with a sad look: "The royal clan of the Naga clan is rare, but every adult member of the royal clan has the power of a powerful earl; As for the princess, it is equivalent to the strength of the dukes of our empire, and of course it will also be when they reach adulthood. And this Lily, it is said that she is the most outstanding genius among the Naga tribe in hundreds of years, she has high hopes. I don’t know her current strength, probably not much worse than the strength count."

"The important thing is, if Lily is here. Then the royal guards of the Naga clan must have followed. I heard that their number is small, no more than ten at best, but each can control a sea monster. If so, We can't escape at all."

Allen said solemnly: "The little princess just said, let us let their sisters go. But we don't have Naga in our hands, in other words..."

He looked at the big ship of the Blood Shark Chamber of Commerce: "It seems that these blood sharks have really done something incredible."

At this moment, the wounded siren was diving to the bottom of the sea with the Naga girl. After one hundred meters deep into the sea, you can see a majestic palace. The towering buildings, spacious squares, and suspended bridges constitute a complex architectural pattern. It is no different from a human palace. The only difference is that this palace is under the sea, and all buildings are made of coral.

There is a huge shadow below the palace, and from time to time a thick mountain-like foot will be protruded from that shadow. It seems that there is a huge creature under the palace. This palace, human beings call it the underwater palace, it is the place where the Naga family has lived for generations.

The injured siren stopped on the palace square. The girl jumped off the siren. Several figures appeared on the square, all of them women. These Naga women, tall or short, are **** and charming. However, the aura from them is so strong that people dare not despise it.

When Lily saw them, her small face was full of anger, she stepped on the square vigorously and said: "I am so mad, they hurt Mamen, why don't you let me go!"

"My little princess, the relationship between us and humans is not friendly. If we can clean our hands and feet, then we can kill them. But you can see that there are people who can hurt Mammon. . In case of being escaped by such a person, let the empire know what we have done, I am afraid that it will bring about a war.” A Naga woman said, she has a good appearance and is dressed on her chest and waist. Wearing armor woven from some kind of shell.

"But how do I know if they will do what I say. What if they slip away?"

"We have surrounded the island and are watching them. Come with me, Your Highness, you can observe them for yourself."

On the dock, Thrall of the Blood Shark Chamber of Commerce brought his guards after the sea monster disappeared. When he arrived at the anchorage of the ship, Thrall shouted, "What are you doing in a daze? Get on the ship, we have to get out of here! If the **** sea monster comes back, we won't be able to leave."

He said he was going to get on the ship~www.readwn.com~ Suddenly someone behind him said: "Just leave like this, Mr. Thrall?"

Thrall turned his head and his face immediately sank. The person who stopped him was Roger, and by his side were Alan and others, as well as the mountain king soldiers who had beaten the caravan's guard. On the paradise, the soldiers of the inch fire took their raging fire rifles and aimed them at the blood shark ship. Whenever there is an abnormality, they will open fire and completely tear down the sailboat. Seeing this kind of battle, Thrall was trembling with anger, and said angrily: "What do you mean by this!"

"The meaning is very simple, you can go if you want, and keep the Naga." Allen took a step forward.

Thrall almost roared: "I don't know what you are talking about! There are no naga on our ship, I only know that you are threatening us. Threatening the Blood Shark Chamber of Commerce, protected by the great Earl Eric, If you don’t leave immediately, you will endure the earl’s anger!"

Allen sneered: "Earl's anger. It's really scary, but that's what happened later, and the current situation is that if you leave, then we can't survive now. And I doubt, can you go? ?" r1058


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