Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 44:   Yokoto

"I know you, Allen. Ranked first, win people's favor with his pretty face..." The boy raised his alloy saber, half-squinting his eyes and said, "But you really think you can..."

The howling suddenly broke his words.

The boy's talk suddenly turned into a scream, panic and anger flashed in his eyes, and his eyes were filled with the blade cut by Allen. He didn't expect Alan to fight as soon as he said, and he didn't even have the time to finish his words. Kuangtu had already posted it with a captivating whistling!

Alan's eyes were cold, and his pupils glowed with a faint glow like a gorgeous ruby. Looking in from his eyes, it was like seeing a floating red liquid, as intoxicating as red wine, and as terrifying as blood! What is fascinating is his beautiful eyes, and what makes people palpitation is the merciless killing intent at this moment!

He cut three times in a row!

Dangdang, three extremely loud clashes sounded one by one.

With the first knife, the boy took three steps backwards. With the second knife, the boy's mouth burst and blood flowed. The third knife, a corner of the alloy sword broke off, and several cracks spread across the smooth surface. The boy's face reflected on the knife looked terrified.

Allen scored three times, and the boy took nine steps back. For a moment, his arm was sore and numb, and his body was soaring with blood, and Yuan Li screamed and impacted in his veins, like a wild horse. At this moment, Allen dragged his knife to run up and jumped up. Kuangtu bounced up, swaying a black arc in the air from behind. Allen's eyes burst into light, and the internal force vortex vibrated sharply and galloped. The three vortices rushed through the blood vessels of the arm to the palm of the hand like a meteor rushing into the blood, slamming together in succession before reaching the destination, bursting with tremendous power to push the madness.

Kuangtu woke up like a sleeping fierce beast, the blade trembled sharply, let out a low hum, and suddenly accelerated!

A dark arc of the moon flashed across the boy, although he stubbornly blocked the sword. But Allen's charged attack blasted him back several meters. The boy kept backing away, leaving a **** flower with every step back. He only settled after three meters in a row. The boy's eyes widened and he looked down at the saber. Suddenly, a fierce fissure in the blade stretched across the blade. With a click, the sword split into two. It was Ellen that the knife just cut accurately on the collapse of the previous battle knife, and then cut this alloy battle knife into two!

The boy shook his body, and blood flowed from his eyes, nostrils and mouth at the same time. He looked terrifying, watching what Ellen wanted to say. But his throat was filled with blood, and he made only a few "gurgling" sounds, then fell to the ground and was dead.

The girl next to her stared blankly at all of this, from Allen's first attack to the end of her companion's life with a stunning blow, everything happened in a short moment. The change was too fast for her to support, and the boy gave Alan four knives to kill him.

Alan looked at the remaining girl coldly. He took advantage of the new victory, and successfully captured the girl and won time for himself. The seemingly simple attack just now was actually extremely physical. Especially with the last cut, a large amount of source power swept past like a wild horse, making the blood vessels in his arm and the small half of his shoulder numb and swelling, very uncomfortable.

That's because his body strength can't adapt to this level of source force impact, and this is only the impact of three vortices. It is conceivable that when the nine vortexes are driven to collide with each other, it will have a terrible impact on his body. It is no wonder that Hughton said that it is not a good idea to use the force of the nine vortexes to hit the barrier.

The girl finally came back to her senses. She seemed to look at Alan in fear, shaking her head and saying, "Don't kill me."

Allen also calmed down the impact of the excessive source force impact on the body. He calmly looked at the girl: "You should know that only four people can be born here."

"I know." The girl nodded desperately: "So you see, I can kill Lusen for you. Of course, there is one more person. If I choose, I will kill Mike. He and you have a grudge. First, didn't it? Oh, his situation doesn't look very good either..."

The girl looked in Lusen's direction, and Alan seemed to be affected by her, turning her head to look towards the fat man. At the moment of his distraction, the girl's eyes suddenly became sharp, and she rushed up at an extremely fast speed, with a dagger in each hand. He threw the dagger on the left and took Alan's face. As she thought, Alan turned her head back with a frightened and angry expression, a little panicked and avoided the dagger that served as a projectile.

Allen's reaction and avoidance are in the calculation of the girl. She had already taken the opportunity to deceive, and the dagger was wiped towards Alan's neck. At the moment when she was about to win, she couldn't help but blurt out with great joy: "Idiot, I lied..."

At the end of her words, the girl suddenly felt a cold in her chest, and then the surging power in her body seemed to rush out of her body quickly with this coldness. She looked down, and Allen's wild butcher was against her. Kuangtu is a square knife with no tip. But at this time, the lines on its blade lighted up, and the activated energy blade light penetrated the girl's thin body, cutting off all the blood vessels and internal organs in her body!

The dagger in the girl's hand was only a knife position away from Alan's neck. Only then did she see that Alan's eyes were calm, not like a panicked person at all.

"I lied to you too." Allen whispered softly, regaining the source of power, and Kuangtu's lines became dim. With a push, he pushed the girl to the ground. At this time, a red line gradually appeared on the girl's chest, and then the blood stained her coat.


"Do not!"

Two screams sounded at the same time, Allen saw that the screams came from Mike and Wayne.

Mike really couldn't beat the fat man, and Lu Sen had a military thorn on his shoulder. It should be Mike's weapon. But Mike punched Lu Sen and fell to the ground. The huge impact made the young boy unable to get up for a while, Lu Sen even grinned hard and sat on him. The fat man's weight, coupled with this deliberate attack, almost sat down Mike's spine, causing him to scream in pain.

On the other side, Wien gave Ans a chance to get close. Ans passed his hands under Wien's armpits, encircling his neck backwards so that Wien couldn't move. Lucy took the opportunity to fire a shot, accurately punched a bullet hole in Wien's forehead, and sprayed Ans with blood.

Seeing that Wayne was terminated, Lucson snorted, and his fat hand grasped Mike's head and twisted it hard. With a click, Mike's neck was suddenly broken, and his head dropped weakly.

This was all by Alan's surprise. He glanced at Ans thoughtfully, and then went crazy. Leaning forward, he rushed towards the fat man. But before he could get close to Luson, a beam of light fell from the sky and struck the ground in front of Allen. The rising heat came oncoming, and Allen couldn't help but stop his figure. A scorched black trace with a depth of ten centimeters has been drawn on the ground, and the white smoke rising from it tells Allen that this beam also has a high-heat effect.

"That's it." Alstai's voice resounded from the cube again: "Your performance is unexpectedly wonderful. The energy shield has only dropped two gears and the winner has been determined. Good, but the rules are the rules. I said that if there are four people who can leave, it will never be three. So, boys, pick up your rewards and leave here. In the next 24 hours, you can have a good rest. I promise , There will never be any dangerous species in your sight."

Allen had to put away the mad but unwillingly, he didn't want to avenge Mike. It's just that there is one less opponent like Lu Sen, especially when the fat man's physical energy has already fallen, it is a great opportunity. Unfortunately, the committee did not allow him to do so.

Luxon arrogantly stroked his **** towards Allen, and shook Mike's head grinningly: "Look at this guy, he is your fate."

"You should be grateful for the committee to intervene, otherwise, there will be one more corpse lying on the ground now." Allen replied coldly, then walked to the cube and picked up two injections from the robotic arm.

One was thrown to Lucy who was walking over. Both of them pierced their arms and pressed all the nanobots inside ~www.readwn.com~ Allen nodded to Lucy, and the two chose Leave to the east. When walking out of the energy shield, the surrounding dangerous species naturally separated, forming a channel. The nanobots have already begun to work, allowing Allen and the two to pass through this beast corridor without any risk.

On the shore of the lake, Allen glanced towards the small island in the lake. Ans was waving goodbye to him, Allen shook his head and pulled Lucy away.

"Lu Sen..." After Allen and the two left, Ans picked up his own injection. Lu Sen had finished the injection and was about to leave, but Ans stopped him.

"Why? Do you want to fight with me?" Lu Sen squinted his eyes.

Ans smiled: "No, I think we should join forces."

"With you?" Luxen looked disdainful.

"Yes, with me." Ans smiled and said, "You should thank me. If I hadn't been dragging the killer, Wien would have been on the road. By the time I will join forces with Lucy to deal with you, you feel that you are still Is there time to kill Mike?"

Lu Sen's expression froze, then slowly opened his eyes. As if he had met Ans for the first time, he carefully saw him from the beginning to the end: "You are not on Ellen's side, why do you do this?"

Ans sighed and said: "It's forced by the situation. As you can see, Ellen and Lucy teamed up. They are a good combination. If I kill you, I must choose Mike. But honestly, I look down on this guy."

"So you see, you have your power, plus my mind." Ans nodded to his head: "Allen and the others are not to be afraid of. Or do you prefer one out of three?"

Lusson smacked his mouth: "Only idiots can do this kind of thing, well Anse, we are partner. But you have to do bad things to me before you kill Allen, don't blame me for being impolite."

"Of course not." Ans looked sincere.

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