Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 45:   pursue

"What are you looking at?"

The moon is in the middle of the sky. Tonight the moon shyly reveals its small half crescent, and a few clouds float around it, letting the silver gauze sprinkled on the ground appear and disappear with the clouds. Alan was standing on the edge of a cliff slanting out of the void. From this direction, he could use the moonlight to see the big lake not far away that served as the arena.

Lucy was sitting next to her. She looked at Alan, who had been replaced with a new magazine, with a puzzled look. The night wind blew a few strands of her hair, stretching in the wind like long golden sleeves.

"Look there." Allen pointed to the west side of the Great Lake: "Dangerous species have started to leave, but they deliberately avoided that place."

"so what?"

"Ans and Luson have gone together." Allen said.

Lucy squinted her eyes and looked at the place carefully. Under the moonlight, the lake is being refilled. The surrounding dangerous species are also receding, but they naturally avoided the mountains and forests running to the west. Lucy nodded and said: "It seems that you are right. The dangerous species only avoided one direction. In other words, the two left together."

Of course, if you leave in two directions, the dangerous species will avoid another direction. Allen sat down and said, "What do you think of Ansi's performance before?"

"Easy." Lucy commented concisely: "His movements are very flexible, and it is difficult for Wien to lock him."

"How about you?"

"If I go all out, I can still suppress him." Lucy shrugged, her turquoise eyes full of confidence.

Allen nodded: "I was thinking that maybe Ans didn't do his best in the previous battle. Otherwise, the battle between you and Wien should end early."

"Speaking like this..." Lucy recalled the scene of the previous battle: "Indeed, Ans had several opportunities to take Wien down, but he always flinched at critical times. I originally thought he was cautious by nature. Now that you say that, he seems to let Wien on purpose. What is his purpose for doing this?"

"In order for the fat man to kill Mike." Allen shook his head and said, "After all, it's just a matter of choice. This time we eliminated four people, and a few of us are left. You and I must be in a group, so the rest, An Sis can only choose another alliance. Obviously, he gave up Mike. From his standpoint, this is indeed a wise choice, and Luxon is a bit more difficult than Mike."

"Is it just difficult?" Lucy asked suddenly.

Allen showed a mouthful of white teeth: "Of course, it's just difficult."

He patted Lucy on the shoulder: "Go, we can't waste time here."

"Why are you going?"

"Chasing and killing them both."

"What?" Lucy looked at Ellen somewhat unexpectedly: "I thought you would want to rest, after all, we have one day to ignore those dangerous species."

"Yes, you also know that the time limit for nanobots is 24 hours. During this time limit, we don't have to worry about being targeted by dangerous species. Is there a better time to chase the two?"

"Then what are your plans?"

Allen spread his hands: "Track and find them. I will try my best to kill the fat man. You just have to press Ansi. When the fat man is dealt with, we will come back and deal with Ansi."

"that's it?"

"That's it! Let's go, maybe you won't be able to keep up with them any longer."

The two figures quickly left the cliff, and the cliff was cold under the moonlight. This night will be very long.

Soon, Ellen and Lucy returned to the lake before. Detouring along the lake bank to the west, passing a sloping sand and stone slope, passing through a row of coconut trees and entering a dense forest. The light in the woods was a little dim, and Allen did not dare to show any light source, for fear of attracting the attention of the two of Ans. He made a circle when he entered the forest, and after a while he found a pair of shallow footprints on the ground.

Look at the size of the footprints should be fat, with footprints, the following tracking will be very smooth. Allen has lived in the wild for many years, and learned the skills of catching prey with Snow Wolf, so he has a natural set of tracking traces. So Lucy curiously watched him sometimes touch the ground, and occasionally sniff at the edge of the bush, and then drove herself straight in.

At the same time, Ans, who was about one kilometer away from Allen, stopped. They found a campsite, which was next to a few low mountain peaks with a few caves eroded by wind and rain. One of them is nearly a meter deep and is very suitable for overnight stays. Luson got in first, occupying a dry place deep in the hole.

The fat man sat down, patted his stomach and said, "Is there anything to eat on you? I'm hungry."

Lusson's body shape sat down next to the mountain wall, almost occupying half of the cave. Ansi had no choice but to find a position leeward to sit down. He smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "I was driven by those steel eagles to almost drop my pants. There was originally a bag of compressed biscuits, but they fell halfway.

"What do you do then?" Lu Sen rolled his eyes.

Ans looked at the sky and said, "I will spend the night first, and make plans tomorrow."

"Fart, how can I sleep hungry. You, go to the forest and hit a few wild raccoons, and roast them first. I'm responsible for making the fire." Lu Sen patted his stomach.

Ansi squinted his eyes and pulled a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "You have to understand, I am not Wien."

"Nonsense, I know you are Ans."

"I mean, I'm not your subordinate, understand?" Ans emphasized: "We are now in a cooperative relationship."

Rosenpi smiled and said without a smile: "So I didn't let you go hunting and I'll make a fire. Isn't this division of labor and cooperation?"

Ans finally knew that the fat man could be so shameless when he got up. He is obviously taking the easiest part to himself, and working with such a person, where can he get better efficiency? It’s just that it’s not the time to tear his face, Ans nodded: “Don’t grow too much fire, it’s better to grow in a hole, don’t cause unnecessary trouble...”

"All right, I don't know yet?" Lu Sen waved his fat hand impatiently.

Ans snorted and got out of the cave. Lu Sen laughed and went outside to pick up dead branches to make a fire. Shortly after Ans got into the woods, two brilliant red lights lit up behind a bush. Alan pointed in Ans's direction, Lucy nodded, and walked away quietly, cat waist. Alan stayed still, holding Kuangtu's cold grip in his hand, quietly watching Lu Sen gradually move in his direction.

A wolf's pounce does not require much complicated means, and life and death are often determined only in a moment. Alan was waiting for that moment to appear, he was quiet, breathing softly. The body even adjusts its position slightly with the passage of the moonlight in order to perfectly blend itself with the environment. Lu Sen didn't know anything, and was even happy to point the guy Doanz to satisfy his little vanity.

Lu Sen comes from a family of butchers, he is the eldest son of the family. From a very young age, the fat man had to help his grumpy, bad-tempered father who also liked to drink bad wine. When he learned that he had been selected by Zhi Brain/will have a chance to participate in this death ring, Lucen seemed to see God smiling at him.

He could finally leave that damn, messy, pigsty-like room. There is no need to pull my father off the bed at three o'clock in the morning every day to work, and there is no need to be beaten as a punching bag when my father is in a bad mood. All this must be able to live to the end.

Lu Sen knew what he wanted at the training camp, so he worked hard. He was not the first person to ignite the fire, but he was the only one to walk out of the training camp. But now, as long as he kills three more people, he can live a heavenly life.

After stepping out of Yellowstone Park, Lusson's first thing was to beat the man called his father. Or even kill him?

The fat man whistled happily and unknowingly had picked up a bunch of dead branches. One of them was picked up near the bush where Allen was hiding. But even at such a close distance, Lu Sen did not realize that Death was hiding in the shadows behind the bushes. When he was blowing a small tune from his hometown, he turned around and exposed his fat back to Allen's eyes.

Allen knew that the moment he was waiting for came ~www.readwn.com~ Raising the knife, leaping up, and whistling!

However, in an instant, Allen's eyes were illuminated by Pentium's source of light. Kuangtu trembled and buzzed. The lines on the knife body are activated and light up. When the pitch-black knife drew an arc behind Lu Sen, as if death showed his life-killing scythe. Kuangtu made a "chirp", and a burst of energy blades popped out from the front end, illuminating Lu Sen's face full of surprise when he turned his head!

"Alan?" the fat man screamed.

Allen slashed down hard, the vortex of physical strength chased and collided with each other. Five consecutive vortices hit, bursting out a huge force, pushing the madness down like a mountain! The dead branches fell all over the floor, and at the moment of life and death, Lucen inhaled vigorously. Transform all source power into a source power shield, when the mad slaughter cuts into the shield, it is like cutting into a swamp. Allen snorted and urged Yuan Li to push Kuangtu forward.

Lu Sen's fat face turned pale, and then an unnatural flush, and finally his face turned into iron blue. The Yuanli shield was cut open like a bamboo by the violent slaughter, Lu Sen shouted, condensing only the remaining Yuanli with a fist, and slammed Alan's chest heavily, deciding to fight a fish to die.

Alan's eyes were awe-inspiring, not retreating but advancing. After slicing the source force to protect the Tu, Kuang Tu made a turning point, then provoked again, and pulled out another crescent moon. Yuehua flicked Lu Sen's neck, and at the same time, Fatty's heavy fist hit Allen's chest. In the muffled sound, the light armor on his chest immediately dented and burst, and Allen spouted a cloud of blood mist from his mouth and nose, lifting the knife and flying down. Lu Sen kept stepping back, and stopped after six steps.

The fat man widened his eyes and looked at Alan like a ghost. At this time, a red line appeared in the fat meat that was decided between the neck, and the fat meat suddenly split on both sides, and a blood arrow was sprayed out. Lu Sen stretched out his hand to hold his neck, but he fell over halfway.

Lu Sen opened his eyes wide, and did not believe that he stopped here to death!

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