Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 442:  Buy

"what happened?"

Just after the dinner party, Oban, who had not yet lay down, was alarmed by the sudden burst of fire in the city. Standing in the bedroom window, he clearly saw the black and red, thick and billowing pillar of fire, and his eyebrows were almost frowning together. Of course he felt that it was not a natural explosion, but a trace of the strong fighting. After all, the faint transmission of source force fluctuations from the direction of the pillar of fire is enough to explain everything.

"Guard! Let the guard go and see what happened!"

After the butler Mace appeared in the bedroom, Orban said loudly.

The sound of a whistle sounded in the Ark Harbor. Several guards were rushing (pig) (pig) (island) (novel) www.zhu in the direction where the pillar of fire was ignited. The quiet night was broken, and all this was Alan. Desired. Standing on the spire of a bell tower, Sergris looked intently at the other side where the fire was shining. The pillar of fire there was disappearing. He grinned: "This is the end of this meeting, dear brother, I hope you take good care of yourself. .Because you can only die in my hands."

The cloak on his body is long gone, and there are burn marks on his arms and chest. Although the particularity of the shadow of emptiness made him avoid all the powers of the blazing ground, he was still unavoidably damaged. But for him, the temptation tonight has achieved the desired goal, and it is quite There are gains.

"Sacrifice to the devil, why did that source weapon fall into his hands..." In a whisper, Sergris turned and slid down the spire of the clock tower, disappearing into the streets.

Soon the guards of Ark Harbor arrived at the place where the two were fighting, and Allen did not leave. The leader of the team recognized this upstart, and immediately said in surprise: "Why are you, Lord Allen?"

"I was attacked. I am a different species." Allen followed in detail to describe Sergris' physical appearance, as well as his markings, abilities, and so on.

Not only did the flames rush to attack Sergris, but they also created a commotion and attracted interference from Ark Harbor. Sure enough, as he expected, Sergris chose to retreat, and the pillar of fire also attracted the city guard. Allen took advantage of this opportunity to track Sergris with the help of the earl. Even if he did not attack the baron Allen, he could not just ignore his identity as a different species.

Borrowing the earl's power, Alan can track Sergris and set up a game to kill if necessary. Since Sergris treats him as a prey, Allen naturally doesn't mind killing him whenever he gets the chance. The appearance of Sergris also confirmed his previous speculation on the road to burning blood. This is completely a way of killing. Among the seven engravings that emerged in the blood path, only one of the seven people represented could sit on the throne of destruction.

As for the remaining six people, the results can be imagined. It is destined that the seven people must kill each other, and only the one who survives can reach the end of the **** road. Regardless of Alan's willingness or not, when his engraving appeared in the **** road, he had already decided that he must participate in this fight to the death.

However, a Sergris raised more questions. Where did the road to burn blood come from, and what is the meaning of destroying the throne. Finally, their origin, where is Eboins of the Abyss? All these questions can probably be answered on Sergris.

His so-called "brother" is indeed very powerful, even if the ability to engrave is aside, he is probably still above Allen in terms of source power hierarchy alone. But Allen has integrated into the society of this planet, he has a stronger power than Sergris, that kind of power is called "power"!

Rumors about the alien who attacked the Baron quickly spread in Ark Harbor, and even the lower class people heard some news. After all, the movement made by Allen was not small, and it disturbed many people, even if Oban deliberately concealed it, he could not hide it. So under the pressure of all parties, Earl Obin, as Allen wished, gave the order to hunt down the alien species of Sergris. This order will be fully implemented within the earl's domain, and no one dares to take this lightly.

You know, the appearance of alien species in the empire is not an ordinary thing. If Oban doesn't handle it well, it will even attract interference from the empire, and the trouble will be big then.

When Count Aubin was troubled by the sudden appearance of alien species, in the castle in the middle of Lake Porttieri, Viscount Daniel was also in a bad mood. Today the servants are all cautious, even walking on their toes, for fear that the louder voice will attract the attention of the Viscount. Just yesterday, Daniel received the news of Duluf's death in battle, and his advance team attacked the Earl and fled back.

The commander of the advance team did not return. From the investigation of several officers, it can be known that the commander was probably killed. This made Daniel's mood drop to the extreme, and Duluf's combat power was only below him. This Sir Hungry Wolf is not a good general, let alone a good lord. But in terms of personal force, he is impeccable and irreplaceable.

Among Daniel's adherents, Truf is the strongest. His death was undoubtedly a huge blow to Daniel's overall strength. It is difficult to make up for the loss of a strong man like Duluf. Daniel would rather destroy the entire advance team than Baron Hungry Wolf. The army can be re-recruited if there is no army, but the strong does not mean that there is.

This morning, the Viscount’s study seemed to have experienced a storm. Except for the few treasures that are fortunately named, other things have become shattered.

When the servant in charge of cleaning saw the scene of the study, he was almost shocked. In the years he served the Viscount, he had never seen Daniel so angry. Soon, Daniel's adherents were summoned to the castle by him. At the meeting, the viscount only emphasized one thing.

That is, the guy who killed Duluf must die!

Faced with the furious Viscount, someone raised objections. The baron said solemnly: "I heard that the master who killed Sir Duluf was not from Count Aubin, but a newcomer who just joined. Since he can serve for Count Aubin, he can naturally also serve for Viscount. The adults are working hard. If we can get enough benefits, I think it is not impossible."

Daniel frowned, but seriously considered the proposal. He has now lost Duluf, and if he becomes an enemy of such a character, even if he can eventually kill the opponent, he will have to pay a sufficient price. If according to what the baron said, this person just joined Auban, then his loyalty to the earl will naturally be considered. Then it would be a good idea to buy it for your own use. This can not only make up for Duluf's lack of combat power, but also attack Oban, it is exactly two birds with one stone.

At this moment, the other jazz sitting on the right sneered and said: "Baron Thomas, you probably didn't figure it out. I also asked about the celebrity in front of Earl Auban. His name is Allen. From the land of the border. Yes, it is the lord of Storm City that our coalition forces besieged not long ago. Do you think such a person can be used by us?"

It was Oru, Baron Bauhinia, who was decorated with bauhinia patterns, which was very easy to recognize. Tomen, who was questioned by him, smiled faintly, and said: "That little thing, even the old hatred. If we take out enough good things, the fool will refuse."

"In other words, Baron Oulu is certain to defeat him. In that case, my proposal is indeed unnecessary."

This sentence can make Oru's face flushed with choking. They have suffered a big loss under Storm City before, so there is no guarantee of victory. He hummed and stopped talking at all. Daniel glanced at them and said, "Okay, Tomen's proposal is okay. If we can avoid fighting with such a powerful enemy, it would not be a good thing for us to ask for it. So let's, Tomen, you let people come in contact. If you can buy this Ellen, you can buy it. If you can’t, we will find another way.”

"I am willing to serve you, sir." Tomen stood up and bowed.

At the end of the meeting, the Jazz stayed in the castle. In a quiet hall, all the jazzes gathered here except for the door. Oulu slammed his hand on the table and said: "This tormentor is really hateful, and it's so shameful to me in front of Master Viscount."

"It's not the time to care about this. I think that even if Sir Allen is willing to join Lord Daniel, it will still be harmful to us." A man with a red beard said solemnly, he is the owner of Dawning Castle Raffles.

"Why do you say that?" someone asked.

"It's very simple. That person can kill Duluf, his strength must be higher than that of the stupid wolf. More importantly, not only is his personal strength strong, his army is excellent, but he also has a few powerful followers. Once a person enters our circle, the adults must be important. At that time, I'm afraid we will all have to sit on the bench." Raffles snorted.

Oulu nodded and said, "Yes, as Raffles said. It's not good for us to let Allen join. I think we have to destroy the good things of Toman."

"I have come to think of a way for this matter, but Toman wants to take advantage of it, so I'll give him a trouble." Raffles sneered.

At noon that day, Allen returned to the village occupied by Sir Hungry Wolf that day. Only Regis and Belmod came with him, and Willick stayed in Ark Harbor until the army that Earl Auban had allocated to Allen was assembled before bringing them over. Said it is an army, it is actually a miscellaneous army composed of mercenaries, prisoners and slaves. The three mercenary regiments hired by Oban had their own missions, and they couldn't deploy troops. As his direct troops were no more than a thousand people, they needed to be used to calm the scene. Naturally, they couldn't borrow Allen.

Therefore, the number of soldiers Allen got in Oban's hands was limited, but Roger gave him two hundred war slaves personally, which was a pretty good force.

Allen didn't care too much. He already knew about the situation at Ark Port, and Auban only came up with this as he expected. That miscellaneous army, plus Roger's war slaves, was enough to form a cannon fodder of about five hundred people. In addition, the team that Allen brought from Storm City, composed of the Mountain King and Dark Blade troops, was enough to fight a few local wars.

Before he set off, he had already drawn up a plan and decided to pursue the tactics of the wolf pack to raise the battle with war, so as to quickly establish his own army and power locally. Earl Auban gave him three points of thin land, this piece of land, which could not be barren, was the starting point for him to enter the hinterland of the empire.

When they came to the village, the villagers had returned. Some houses destroyed in the battle that day were being rebuilt. When Allen and his team suddenly appeared, everyone in the village stopped their work and looked at Allen and his party curiously. In their eyes, Allen saw doubts and a touch of hostility.

"Who is the village chief?" Allen asked, sitting on the horse.

After a while, a half-hundred old man stepped forward and said, "I am, who is this adult?"

"My name is Allen. From today, I will be the owner of this village and the other two surrounding villages. This land has been allocated to me by Earl Aubin. From now on, I will be your lord." Allen called. Gestures.

Behind the head, Belmode stepped forward and opened an appointment document in front of the village chief. The village chief clearly saw the earl’s stamp above, and he said respectfully: "Master Allen came from afar. It’s been hard work. You see, there is no place to stay in the village now. If you don’t invite the villagers to rest, I will let the villagers We build a place for everyone?"

"Don't worry about where you live, just come to your house first, I have something to tell you."

The village chief’s house is not necessarily much larger than that of the villagers. It is a two-room house with a small courtyard in front of it, and some tools are placed. Allen asked Belmod to take the soldiers outside to find a place to rest. He and Regis walked in ~www.readwn.com~ The village chief’s son put a cup of tea in front of Allen and said: "We There is nothing good about this, so I ask Master Allen to have a drink."

"It's okay." Allen looked at the village chief and said, "I need you to summon the village chiefs of the other two villages here."

"Yes, Hawke, do what Master Snapshot said."

After half an hour, the heads of the other two villages also arrived. Although they confirmed that the document was indeed from Ark Harbor, they looked a little unnatural when seeing Lord Alan. Allen coughed lightly and said, "Everyone is here, then I want to ask three men in the village to summon, all adult men, who are not sick or disabled, and I need them to join the army."

"Recruitment?" A village chief jumped up and said, "No, when Sir Graar manages this land, we don't need to join the army at all. Besides, if all the young men join the army, what will happen in the village? What about the family!"

Allen frowned and looked at him coldly and said: "First, now this land is not owned by Viscount Graar, but belongs to me. Therefore, my will must be implemented without hindrance and faithfully executed. ! Second, when men join the army, I will naturally issue them military pay, so their family will not be affected. In this way, do you understand? The village chief!"

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