Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 443:  Sheep, wolf and lion

When leaving the village chief’s house, Alan heard one of the village chiefs whispering: "Why do we have to fight? In previous years, don’t you just give them a sum of money? Let’s do it now. We are all on the front line. Up."

When the man finished speaking, he heard Alan hum in front of him and immediately closed his mouth obediently.

A temporary camp is being built. The villagers and soldiers are working together. At sunset, the camp has an outline. Allen and others stayed outside the village and set up tents for the night. The village chief ordered people to bring food and invited Allen to rest at his home, but was declined.

The village chief was sent away, eating bread made of whole grains and drinking water, it was a dinner. After eating, Allen brought out a map and spread it out. The map marked the territory of Viscount Daniel with a unicorn pattern. This Viscount collar took over the beautiful Emerald Mountains, the beautiful Port Tilly Lake, and the mineral deposits. Rich Xiayun Valley. The territory of the Earl of Aubin is bounded by a river, with clear barriers.

From the map, Daniel's territory is not much smaller than the earl of Aubin. Moreover, in terms of resources, Auban has an advantage over Daniel in other respects, except for an Ark port. Daniel's territory is rich in timber, iron, and copper deposits, which are important resources for energy and warfare. Many of the wood needed by the shipyards in Ark Harbor are still purchased from Daniel. From this alone, it is not difficult to see that the Earl of Auban is not very comfortable.

Thinking of what the village chief said during the day, Allen shook his head. Daniel is a wolf, and Oban is a docile sheep, so leading the people has no will to fight, and even weak compromises are normal.

That is the instinct of a sheep, but Alan is not a sheep, so his gaze crossed the boundary of that territory, passed a mountain, and finally landed on the Xiayun Valley. Xiayun Valley is only 20 kilometers away from the earl. Outside this valley rich in copper mines is a baron’s city. The owner of Sunset City, Tomen, is one of Daniel's attachments. Among Daniel's attachments, he is not powerful. The important thing is the location of Sunset City and Xiayun Valley, which are in the middle of the two territories. This was no problem in the past, but now, it has become Allen's ideal goal.

This will be the first place he attacked. The reason why he chose this place is not only because of the few iron mines in Sunset City, but also because of its special location. It is convenient for the transportation between the Earl's Land and the reinforcements can be reached quickly; it also allows Allen to be the bridgehead for the invasion of Daniel's Land. Allen stretched out a finger and drew a winding line on the map. After thinking about it, he shook his head again.

The index finger fell to the starting point of Jiehe, his eyes dazzled, and his fingertips struck forward forcefully. The fingertips left a very light, but strong and straight track. Until the fingertips stopped in front of Falling Cloud City, Allen exhaled, feeling very happy.

That straight offensive trajectory coincides with his strong and powerful knife path!

At noon the next day, Willick arrived with the soldiers sent to him by the Earl and the war slaves privately sponsored by Roger. Allen broke up the ten mountain king soldiers and incorporated them into this mixed army. The mountain king soldiers acted as the fulcrum of the battle. At least this mixed soldier can still exert some combat effectiveness without being scattered by the enemy. Temporary camps were still being built, and soldiers gathered outside the village for training.

Allen inspected it again and said, "I know that you are not willing to participate in this war, but I cannot let you go. From today onwards, you and I are tied to the same tank. I cannot I guarantee how many of you will survive after the war is over. But I can guarantee that for every enemy you kill, you will get a gold coin!"

The soldiers, who were initially blank, looked at Allen involuntarily when they heard these words. Allen smiled slightly and said: "If you kill a hundred people, then you can get one thousand gold coins from me. You heard it right, it's one thousand, not one hundred, it's a full ten times the reward!"

"Is this true? Your lord?" a soldier couldn't help asking.

Allen winked back at Willick, who took out a bag and shook his voice: "There are five hundred gold coins in it. After the training, everyone can receive one from me. This is the encouragement that the adults give you. , I hope you can fight the enemy bravely on the battlefield! The more you kill, the more money!"

Willick roared out his last sentence. After a moment of silence on the training ground, I didn't know who roared out first, and then everyone roared like a beast. The golden coins made this group of soldiers blush, and they wanted to go to the field to kill the enemy immediately.

When leaving, Regis shook his head and said, "Is this a pre-war mobilization?"

"Is not it?"

"Use money to mobilize, are you a businessman?"

Allen laughed and said: "Sometimes, the most direct benefit can arouse their fighting spirit. You have to know who they are. Do you want to talk about their ideals?"

Regis rolled his eyes and went to find a place to practice the sword. After the Willick sent the gold coins, he returned to the camp to meet Alan, saying: "Mr. Roger has brought the news back to Violet Harbor through the Chamber of Commerce. At most one month, our own people should be able to arrive."

Allen nodded. Before leaving, he also commissioned Roger to send a message to Sean in Violet Harbor and let his army come. That is Allen's real power. With that power, he is qualified to continue to penetrate into Daniel's territory and occupy more land. Otherwise, just relying on the miscellaneous soldiers, even if they aroused morale under the magic power of gold coins, they could not be compared with the first-class regular army.

Of course, when occupying towns, the local men can be conquered by force, but such an army will inevitably lack loyalty. Therefore, a regular army of his own is the guarantee for Alan to finally reach Lake Pottery.

The temporary camp is expected to be completed in the evening. The camp is a simple wooden shed built entirely of wood, which can only provide a shelter for the soldiers, not to mention any defensive function. Originally, Allen didn't plan to stay here for a long time, so the only requirement for the camp was to be able to stay overnight. From the camp, the village chiefs brought a dozen men. Allen frowned: "This is?"

"This is the soldier you want, my lord," a village chief replied.

"Soldier... I remember that the population of the three villages totaled two to three hundred people. The number of adult men in the village could be a hundred. So, what's the matter with these dozens of people? Or is my order not enough yesterday? clear?"

"No, you said it very clearly." The village chief smiled bitterly: "But when you heard your order to enlist, most of the men ran away, so they volunteered to join your army."

Allen looked at the dozen or so men. They were between 20 and 30 years old, which was the strongest time in their lives. He nodded and said, "You have courage and loyalty. I will not let down your trust in me, so for a while, you can each receive ten gold coins from me to settle your family. . Later based on your military merits, you can get more rewards from me."

The dozen or so men couldn't help showing joy, and one of them stepped forward and said, "Thank you for your generosity, sir."

"what's your name?"


"Okay, John. Now you are their head, take them to training first."

Allen looked at the village chiefs again and said: "I am a person with clear rewards and punishments. Since there are rewards, there will be punishments. Those who do not follow the lord's orders or even run away, I give them time to confess. In a few days, I will leave here and come back soon. When I come back, if I still can’t see them, according to the law made by the earl, I think you should know what the punishment is for deserters?"

"Don't think they can get shelter by fleeing to other jazz territories. Believe me, they won't risk offending me to shelter a few civilians. Especially when I take down Sir Daniel's territory a little "Allen patted the eldest village chief among them: "I hope you can accurately convey what I have said to those men. My kindness has a time limit."

After speaking, they took Willick and left. After he left, the village chiefs smiled bitterly at each other and sighed.

In the next few days, soldiers conducted pre-war training. The rewards of gold coins, adequate training and reasonable diet made the soldiers' eyes gradually sharper. They are still inferior to the well-trained regular army, but at least in terms of morale, they are much better than when they first arrived.

As he was about to set off, Allen welcomed some special guests, some from the Jiehe River.

Allen met them in the makeshift camp.

Among these people, headed by a young nobleman, he claimed to be the nephew of Sir Thomas and a clerk in Sunset City. This young clerk was handsome, tall, with a domineering look between his eyebrows. When he walked in, he obviously showed a look of contempt for Allen, a room more like a wooden shed than an office. He even sneered and shook his head, then looked at Allen and said: "Are you the Sir Allen?"

Alan's expression was calm, and he said lightly: "I am."

"Very well, I believe you also know who I am. I don't want to talk nonsense, let's go straight to the subject. This time I come to represent Baron Thomas, and even the brave Viscount Daniel, to convey to you these noble knights Will." The young nobleman said in a charitable tone: "Sir Allen, the benefits that Earl Auban can give you, we can also get them, and we can get more than Earl Auban. So you see, anyway It’s all for people, so why not join us, Lord Daniel."

"Oh? Thank you Master Viscount for your kindness, you can go now."

The young nobleman was startled, as if he hadn't expected Allen to refuse so simply, and didn't put himself in his eyes at all. He flushed immediately and said angrily: "But a baron in a mere mere thought he is a big man. I am also a guard dog here in Auban, so what is the difference between it and Lord Daniel's side?"

Allen laughed suddenly. He didn't get angry, but laughed freely: "It's irrational to insult a jazz. And this is not your sunset city, so you seem more stupid. Willick, I want this idiot to have a row of teeth ."

"Happy to help, my lord!" Willick moved his angry beast armbands and grinned.

The young man suddenly changed his face and yelled, "What do you want to do, you can't do it! This is an insult, and the greatest disrespect to Lord Daniel..."

Before he finished speaking, Willick had already been punched in the mouth. He fell to the ground and suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, with several white teeth stained with blood inside. The young man's mouth immediately swelled up, and he pointed to Alan's speechlessness, only his eyes flashed with deep resentment. Allen walked over and waved his hand, ready to hit punch Wei Like before leaving. Allen looked at him condescendingly and said: "This is to teach you a lesson. I am indeed not a big man, but you can't even be called a person. Dare to gesticulate and insult on the enemy's territory, even I have to admire your courage, sir."

The few men who came with the young man showed helpless expressions. One of them said humanely: "Sir Alan, Mr. Chuck did have some mistakes in words and deeds. We are rude in this regard, please forgive me. But please consider your Lord Daniel's carefully. Invitation, as long as you agree, you can mention any conditions."

Allen said calmly: "Thank you Sir Daniel for his kindness, but since I'm already on the side of Earl Aubin, I can't make a temporary apostasy. What's more, even if I agree, Master Viscount can be so relieved that he can sell the seller for the benefit People are by your side? So everyone, please go back."

The man sighed, and then he helped Chuck, who fell to the ground, and left the camp.

Willick looked at their backs and said: "So we and Daniel have no room for maneuver."

"I didn't plan to have any buffer space~www.readwn.com~ You know we killed the other's general. However, Daniel could breathe out this breath, and it was a bit unexpected to change to recruit me." Allen said.

"Boss, I think it's better to join Daniel. No matter how you look at it, the situation on Earl's side is not very good."

"That's right, if the earl is a sheep, then Daniel is a wolf. If we join the wolf, the sheep will definitely be eaten, and then the wolf may become a lion. If I just stop at loyalty For the earl, then joining Daniel is obviously a sensible choice. But our footsteps are more than that. When we grow up, our backers will become enemies. Then you see, at that time, it is easy to deal with a sheep or deal with it. Is a lion simple?"

Allen spread his hands and smiled: "The answer is not very obvious. While Daniel is still just a wolf, we use Earl's power to kill him. It's easier than waiting for him to become a lion before starting, isn't it?"

"When we kill the wolves, we will become lions. Then if the sheep are willing to cooperate, it will be fine, otherwise, we will kill them at will." r1058


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