Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 457:  Black Magic Wing

In the face of a huge crisis, Carlo has also exploded with strength that matches it. Although he couldn't move, the magic shark projection above his head swung its tail and swooped down. The blood basin was opened and closed, biting on the black fog belt connecting Carlo and Belmode. This projection also has the ability to plunder the source force. When it is bitten, the source force maintained between Belmode and the ability is immediately interrupted, and following the invisible connection between the ability and the initiator, the projection is transmitted to Belmode. Go to a killing intent as sharp as a needle and as cold as ice.

Belmode was already severely wounded and dying, but his internal injuries deteriorated sharply as a result of this killing intent. Bleeding mist sprayed from the mouth between the nose and the person fell to the ground in a coma.

Carlo breathed a sigh of relief, but before he could move, he felt cold in his chest, but he stabbed Allen in. Carlo let out a loud roar and swept Alan away with a wave of his hand. He couldn't help but be grateful that Allen's knife had hurt the key, but now he shouldn't stay here for long. Right now he planned to ignore the Bloodfang Knight and flee alone. But in the distance, Ellen looked at him indifferently, as if looking at a dead person.

"Don't be proud, kid. Waiting for me to come back..." Something in the body seemed to erupt like a volcano, and a sweet blood rushed out of his throat, blocking what Carlo was about to say. He opened his eyes wide and watched in disbelief as a fountain of blood rushed out of his mouth. However, the blood was never sprayed out, but condensed like a blade.

The body shook one after another, and the blood blade broke out. Affected by the power of the source organ, this blood blade shredded Carlo's internal organs, bones and muscles from the inside out. Then the blood blade exploded, and Carlo's blood flew all over his body. When he fell to the ground, his eyes were still open.

With unwillingness, surprise and fear of death, complex emotions were intertwined in an instant, and they were permanently fixed on the face of this corpse.

While Carlo fell to the ground, the Bloodfang Knight ate Willick's consecutive violent attacks and fell to the ground in a coma. Willick lifted his fist and was about to hit him in the head, but Alan's voice came: "Don't kill him, he's still useful."

So Willick, panting heavily, called a few soldiers and tied the Bloodfang Knight's five flowers.

At this point, a war really ended, but Allen did not have the slightest joy of victory. A patch of soldiers fell around, and there were as many as a dozen minor or serious injuries to himself and Regis. More seriously, Belmode has reached the dying stage. Allen is very clear about his situation. In that state, he still barely uses his ability to trap Carlo, and Belmode will only get worse injuries.

Kira didn't cry anymore, just hugged the man quietly, and felt his body temperature getting cold in her arms. Suddenly, there was a flower in front of him, and Kira looked up, but Alan squatted down. Allen looked at Belmode with a solemn expression, and then said to Kira: "Take him back, it's not time to give up."

When the battle ended, when the residents of Sunset City saw the returning army, they still let out a cry of excitement. Although for Allen and the others, the battle with Carlo seemed more tragic. But in the eyes of others, of course, the coalition forces repelling the Jazz are more meaningful. Tomen was equally excited, a war that seemed bound to be defeated, but it turned defeat into victory under Allen's delicate arrangement.

From the harassment of guerrillas to the use of false soldiers to create pressure, the two knights fight each other. The whole process is remarkable and can become a classic battle case. Excited to excitement, Tomen is still sober, knowing what he should do now. Alan and their battle has ended, but his battle has just begun. Baron Tomen wanted to appease the families who died in battle, count the merits of the battle, distribute rewards, and hold a small celebration banquet to reward the soldiers who fought hard.

In addition, equipment must be recovered. Damaged equipment can be repaired, while completely damaged equipment must be remade. In short, in the foreseeable week, Baron Thomas will be very busy.

In the bedroom, Ellen could also hear the noise of people in the city. Outside was a vibrant world, but in this room, the breath of death was spreading all over the place, inextricably diffused from every corner of Belmode's body. Regis injected an emergency medicine brought from the earth into Belmode's body, but this injection could only activate Belmode's little vitality, but it could not reverse the injury.

However, it is still possible to wake him up.

So after Belmode groaned and woke up, Regis nodded to Alan and left the room. He himself is also injured and needs to be dealt with in time.

Belmode opened his eyes and saw the ceiling of the bedroom first. I slid down and saw the carved window sill, and then I saw Alan. He smiled weakly: "I didn't expect my footsteps to stop in this place. This is a bit different from the ending I imagined. At least, I want to die in the imperial court. That would be more prestigious. Right?"

Allen walked over and said solemnly: "Your situation can only last for an hour."

"I know, I know my situation very well, boss. I just want to ask, is my pension more?".

"According to our contract, if you are killed in battle, I will send 30 million federal coins to your family members."

Belmode laughed: "Look, I'm not worthy of money. But this money, you replace me with gold coins of this world, and then give it to Kira. Tell her, don't be an adventurer. Use it. Go to Granier to open a small shop with this money. That is the wish of her and her father."

"If this is what you want..." Allen sighed and said, "But Belmode. There is actually a way to save you, but I don't know if you want to?"

"Aren't you kidding me, boss? It's kind of bad to joke about a dying man like this." Belmode didn't believe that there was a way at all.

"No, yes." Allen said in a deep voice, "Remember that queen? I get a certain ability from its genes. This ability is called follower transformation. It can make my chosen goal happen. A series of genetic changes, this change is enough to make people who have just died alive. Just accept the transformation from the follower, then you will become my knife and my shield in the future. From then on, your life will always be with you I am tied together."

"Just like the queen did to its descendants, the servant transformation will leave a genetic secret door in your body. If I die, you will die immediately. This is to make the servant completely loyal to the master. means."

Allen said it in one breath, and finally asked: "I can be sure that using this ability will make you survive. But I don't know, are you willing?"

Belmode looked at him seriously, and said after a moment: "I can't seem to find a reason to refuse. If I don't have to die, who wants to die like this. As for being tied to your life, this is not a big deal. The problem. At best, the contract between you and me is extended indefinitely. Master Allen, you are a good boss and have a bright future. It is better to follow you than to work for some idiots."

"In other words, did you agree?"

"Yes, I agree." Belmode said in a solemn tone: "I am willing to be your sword and eradicate all enemies; I am also willing to be your shield and protect you until the end. From this moment on, I am yours. Knight, sir."

Allen shook his head and said, "This set must have been learned from Kira."

"Time is running out, let's start." Allen pulled out the demon's praise, the dagger gems lighted up, and the heavy sniper form was activated. With a single thought, Allen reincarnated and changed into a short-barreled pistol. The black is the background, depicting the red complex patterns. Allen raised his hand and raised his gun, pointed at Belmode, "Then, accept the new life."

Depressing the trigger, a deep purple ball of light exploded from the muzzle, struck through the air, and imprinted on Belmode's chest. As soon as the ball of light sank into his body, Belmode felt his whole body hot. The body that had become cold due to death began to increase in temperature, and the strong vitality poured into his almost dry field-like body like nectar. Belmode's body is desperately absorbing this energy, and he can even hear every cell cheering.

As if immersed in a hot spring, Belmode felt warm and yawned comfortably. With heavy eyelids and drowsiness, he closed his eyes and fell asleep. Earth-shaking changes occurred in his body, and the internal organs that had been severely damaged by Carlo were regenerating and healing quickly. Even cells are beginning to transform, and the gene chain is rewritten and combined with the queen's genes to generate all the biological DNA.

When the purple ball of light plunged into Belmode, Allen also felt. If his spiritual world was a void before, now there is a little more twinkling starlight. That starlight was Belmode, transformed into Alan's servant, and established an invisible connection with Alan through the source device. Through this connection, Allen can activate the secret door of the followers at any time, causing them to collapse and die. This is the means used by the queen to control the descendants.

After sensing the existence of Belmode, some information naturally appeared in his mind. After the plethora of data is processed by the brain, Allen has a general understanding of Belmode's situation at the moment. Allen injected the queen gene into his body, according to Belmode's ability characteristics, will generate an ability called "Black Wings".

This ability will increase Belmode's basic speed, response, and strengthen the effect of the black mist ability, and with the "stealth" sub-ability. However, the stealth ability can only be used at night, and there are certain limitations. For example, it can only be invisible, but it can't be invisible even with the breath of Origin Force, but it has greatly improved Belmode's ability to hide and sneak.

The important thing is that, just as creatures evolve, Black Wings also have the ability to evolve. As Belmod's own source power advances, the Black Demon Wing will also evolve into Primal Sin of Chaos and the ultimate Dark Lord. This makes Belmode's future full of plasticity. The queen gene does not simply modify the life form, but to maximize the potential of the life form.

If Belmode itself does not have that potential, it will not have the powerful ability to grow.

After reading Belmode's follower information, Allen was relieved. Checked him again and left the bedroom after confirming that his injuries were mostly healed. Outside the door, Kira stood quietly against the wall. Seeing Alan come out, he gave a salute and said: "How much time does he have?"

Allen smiled slightly: "Many, if there is a chance in the future, I can go to Granier to open a small shop with you."

Kira raised her head with an incredible look. Allen patted her on the shoulder and said, "Go in, he's all right. But you need a rest, you better not wake him up."

Kira nodded and opened the door to enter. Allen closed the door softly for them and smiled slightly. Suddenly his smile condensed, and his whole body wounds reminded him that he also needs to heal and rest now.

Belmode slept for three days before opening his eyes. I saw Kira at the first sight. Kira was lying next to him and fell asleep. Belmode didn't wake her up, but just reached out and gently rubbed her long hair. Kira immediately noticed, raising her head, water splashing in Belmode's eyes.

"Welcome back." Kira opened her hands and hugged the man tightly.

The news of Belmode waking up quickly reached Alan, and he had to be free in recent days. Like Regis, both of them were wrapped in sterile gauze. The difference is that Regis can take a holiday, Allen also needs to help Toman handle the city's official business. Hearing the news of Belmode waking up, Allen saw the man in the dining room. After waking up, he seemed to have been hungry for a century, and was swallowing food on the table.

Allen smiled and said: "Seeing you eat so hard, you know you are all right. I really envy you and recover so quickly. Look at me, you are almost mummified."

Belmode poured a bowl of broth and said with a contented expression: "Boss, I seem to have some new abilities."

"Of course, the transformation of the follower will maximize your potential. As long as you have enough talent, you will give birth to powerful abilities~www.readwn.com~ It's called Black Magic Wing, right, stay let us see what is right How much is your promotion."

The demonstration site was in the garden behind the lord’s mansion, and he told his servants not to go to the garden for the time being, leaving a quiet space for Allen and his colleagues. Hearing that Belmode recovered and had new abilities, both Regis and Willick rushed over. Together with Kira, a few people came to the garden. Belmode stood among the crowd, took a deep breath, and a mark appeared on the left side of his chest. It was a scepter floating on the black mist, Belmode said: "This is my engraving, the night scepter. It allows me to control the night and generate black fog. Using the black mist, I can do it. Many things, you already know before this point. Then next, this is a new ability after becoming a boss servant..."

A large amount of black mist suddenly appeared behind Belmode's left shoulder, and the black mist continued to condense as it turned, and finally formed a broken jet black wing, revealing a mysterious atmosphere.

"This is... the Dark Wing."

(It has been more than a week since the three consecutive changes, here we continue to ask for subscriptions, tickets, and rewards~~)

Chapter 457 Black Demon Wing (three:


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