Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 458:  Interrogation

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"What? It's not just a wing, and it's still tattered." Regis said disappointedly. He gestured with both hands and said, "I thought it would be a pair of majestic wings, like The legendary demon..."

Belmode smiled slightly, and the dark wings behind him opened slightly. Regis suddenly felt cold behind his back, almost instinctively turning around and sweeping his legs, but it swept the air. The person next to him looked at him inexplicably. Regis stood there for a while, then looked at Belmode, and said with some disbelief: "Just...was you?"

Belmode nodded.

Everyone, including Allen, was shocked. In addition to Regis just now, Allen also found traces of fluctuations in the source of space, speculating that Belmode should be moving back and forth at high speed. It's just that his speed is too fast and the time is too short, so it feels like staying in place. But this will be confirmed from Belmode, but even Allen, the master of the followers, is really surprised.

If Belmode's speed is increased to this level, combined with his exquisite assassination skills, he will become the most terrifying killer.

"The Black Wings maximized my speed, nerve response, and strengthened the ability of the Night Scepter. Just like this..." Belmode raised his hand, and a thick black fog wall rose from under his feet. , The wall of fog twisted and formed a giant sculpture with wings and wings. This fog sculpture closes its wings and protects Belmode behind him, and the whole body rises like a black flame.

"Originally, it was just a defensive curtain of night. With the strengthening of the Black Devil Wing, it became a Shadow Eagle, capable of defensive and counterattack. If there is no accident, I will use the Black Devil Wing state, and the combat power will be increased by one or two. Level, or even more.” In the end, Belmode concluded: “The Black Wings have a taste of the original ancestor projection, which can strengthen and change the original marking ability. Now even if it is against the Awakened, as long as his level difference is not very large. , I also have the confidence to fight."

Regis heard that his eyes flashed at this moment, and said enviously: "You are really lucky, not only have you recovered a life, but also gained such a powerful ability. You can familiarize yourself with the level and level of the awakened in advance, which will be good for you in the future. It’s a great advantage to be promoted. It’s great, I want to become Allen’s servant."

"Don't talk nonsense, it is not possible to turn Belmode into a follower. You are all my important family and partners. Your lives should belong to and be loyal to yourself. I have no right to tie you to me. Set together." Allen said sternly.

He said to Belmode: "How are you now? I have someone with a very stiff mouth. If you are in good spirits, I want you to preside over the trial."

The black wings behind Belmode gathered and disappeared. He smiled and said, "I have slept for three days, but my spirit is too good."

"That's fine, come with me." Allen said to the other people: "You guys go to work too, now there is not enough manpower, everyone is carrying some. Regis, go to the camp to train soldiers."

Regis rolled his eyes, "I know."

The prison in Sunset City is to the north of the city, which is close to the outskirts of the city, with few people. It is easy to guard criminals, and will not overlap with ordinary citizens, which will cause unnecessary trouble. When Alan took Belmode into the prison, Belmode found that the prison was more spacious and brighter than he thought, because there were not many prisoners in it.

The two have been to the depths of the prison, which is the place where felons are held. After the jailer opened several reinforced doors, the two men were able to pass. There is only one person, one man in custody. His whole body was tied with a thick iron chain of his arm, tightly tied to a large iron pillar connecting the ground and the ceiling. A man is the strongest golden age in his life. He looks ordinary, but his eyes are deep and fixed. A look at Belmode knows that this is the last prisoner any interrogation expert wants to encounter. They are like a rough basalt stone, and it is difficult for you to pry a crack on them.

When the man saw Alan coming in, his eyes rolled and he didn't react.

Allen walked around him and said, "This is the knight who attacked us with Carlo. Up to now, our knight has refused to say a word. But I want to dig out the secrets of their killer whale harbor, for a few Na Jiayu people, they didn't have to go so far. And when they were in Pearl Harbor, the old man named Thrall also said that there are bigger figures controlling all this after their count. So I think it is not simple The slave incident, what our Mr. Knight should know."

The Bloodfang knight opened his mouth and cursed: "Thall, this idiot, deserves to be killed by Master Carlo."

He finally said the first sentence in three days.

Allen smiled and said, "But your Master Carlo is dead now."

The knight still had no expression, but looked at Alan and said, "You will always pay for it. Earl Eric will not let go of the murderer of the young master."

"Of course, but only if he knows who killed Carlo." Allen took a few steps back and said, "Your Lord Earl can trace the clues and find me in the end. But that will always take time, and this time , I think I’m ready enough to face the earl’s anger."

To Belmode again: "He will leave it to you, try to figure out what is going on."

"Leave it to me." Belmode smiled slightly and took the not-so-easy errand.

The surface of Port Tilly Lake was dyed with the evening sky, and the shimmering lake light was like a dazzling diamond, dotted with this beautiful lake. In the unicorn castle in the middle of the lake, autumn has not yet arrived, but there is already a bleak autumn in the castle. People walking in the castle always feel a chill passing by from time to time.

Daniel sat in the study, swaying his hands on the goblet. The amber liquid inside reflected the afterglow of the setting sun from outside the window, casting colorful light and shadow on the shadow on the other wall of the study. Daniel threw the glass out suddenly, the glass was broken to pieces, and there was a strong aroma of wine in the room.

The body of Sir Raffles has been returned to the Castle of Dawn. Upon hearing this news, Daniel felt that autumn had arrived. That kind of bleak autumn mood seeps from the soul and envelops him intricately. After Duluf, one of his vassals has left a knight. Moreover, the defeat of Dawning Castle was even worse and more thorough this time. Not only did Raffles die in the battle, but even the army failed to form an establishment.

After most of the casualties, there were only a few dozen people who fled back, and the rest became Allen prisoners. As for Oulu, he also returned to the territory with the army yesterday, but fortunately it only hurt his vitality. But even so, Daniel was greatly damaged. He knew clearly that two of the fulcrums of the forces had been set aside, and the remaining ones were also shaky. If you don't do anything, I'm afraid that this piece of Viscount will not be used for long before it will fall into Orban's pocket.

And all this is thanks to that Ellen. Daniel has never hated a person like he does now. It is this Ellen, the little baron who suddenly sprang out of the borderlands, but has forced him to be such a powerful viscount. What is even more hateful is that Oban transferred an army to restrain him, making him powerful and difficult. And none of his vassals are Alan's opponents, and this is what troubles Daniel the most.

Because he found that he had no use?

The door of the study was clicked, and Daniel sighed, then solemnly said: "Come in."

The butler walked in from the door, and he bowed to Daniel: "My lord, the sons of Sir Raffles want to see you."

"What are they doing?" Daniel frowned.

The old butler replied: "I heard that Sir Raffles did not make a will during his lifetime. Now the Sir suddenly died in battle, and the successor has not made it clear. The few gentlemen have struggled to no avail, and I want you to arbitrate."

"Trash!" Daniel couldn't help cursing: "Rifles hasn't been dead for a long time, and these trash are busy fighting for rights. Don't even think about it, now their Dawn Castle is the most empty time, and I don't know how much around it. People are staring at each other, if they don't unite, are they still fighting for the right of inheritance at this time?"

"My lord is right, but I think that Dawning Castle must have a new owner. Otherwise, Sir Raffles's territory will be divided up, which is not a good thing for you."

Daniel pressed his own temple with his hand and said, "Well, I'll meet these guys."

When he walked out of the study, he said again: "Get Mr. Carrett and Miss Lusha, and say I have something to discuss with them. But remember, stagger their time and don't let them appear at the same time."

The old housekeeper raised his eyebrows and nodded. He only felt that the autumn mood in his body was even worse, and Daniel named the two people he wanted to see. The former is the chairman of the Adventurer's Guild in the Viscount, and the latter is the head of the assassination group. To meet these two people, it is obvious that Daniel wants to get from them. The most likely thing is a killer who can provide assassination services.

As for whom these killers used to deal with, the old butler did not dare to guess anymore, he still wanted to keep his head. It's better to know less about your master.

Ark Harbor.

Aubain’s cheerful laughter sounded in the study of White Castle. He had just returned from the Emerald Mountains when he heard that Alan defeated Dawn Castle and forced the Bauhinia back. Alan also sent a plan along with the battle report. When the affairs of Sunset City came to an end, he would proceed to take over the affairs of Dawn Castle and Duluf's territory. These two jazz collars are now a land of no owner. When will they not take up more?

In this regard, Oban approved by himself, and prepared some supplies and three hundred slaves for Allen, which he planned to send tomorrow.

In another corner of the city, several of Auban's vassals also gathered together. In this small, but luxuriously decorated room, the fat Sir Eni finally pushed himself into a not too big sofa, and then said: "I just heard that Sir Allen will The coalition forces of Dawn Castle and Bauhinia repelled. It's really amazing, it can be regarded as a big breath of bad breath for us."

After speaking, he glanced at the other jazz, but found that they were not happy at all. Standing by the window, Graar sneered and said, "Sir Eni, if your knowledge is as big as your belly, it would be great."

Eni's face changed slightly, but he dared not speak.

A jazz next to him said: "The more proud this Sir Allen is, the more sad we will be in the future. He has a brilliant military service and does not need to lay down the Viscount collar. As long as he can occupy most of it, he will definitely become a celebrity next to Lord Auban. At that time, people like us will be cold-eyed. Thanks to Sir Eni, you are still happy."

Eni murmured: "That's no way, should we go to the battlefield?"

No one dared to take his words. There are a few knights, and their personal strength is very limited. Moreover, their title is largely based on their contribution to the taxes of the empire, so they can only be regarded as honorary knights. With the little army in their hands, even protecting their own territory is a little reluctant, let alone attacking cities and plundering land like Alan.

After a while, someone coughed and said, "For our future, I feel that we must find a way to contain the Sir Allen so that he won't sit up."

Glar turned around and said, "I have an idea, but I don't have enough weight by myself. Several knights must go with me to see the Lord Earl."

In addition to Eni, several other people quickly asked Glar what he could do. Graar lowered his voice and said his thoughts. After hearing this, several people clapped and agreed, so they decided to go to see Orban together at night. Eni didn't want to participate, but couldn't slap himself, so he had to agree to show his face.

In the evening ~www.readwn.com~ the Jazz came to White Castle and had a close conversation with Earl Aubin in the conference room for two hours. The next day, the supplies and slaves sent by the Earl to Allen formed a team. They set off from Ark Harbor and were expected to arrive at Sunset City in five days.

And the one responsible for leading this team was Graal, who set off with Graal, and a cavalry composed of two hundred men. They are not only the guards of the protection team, but also other tasks.

After spending two full days in jail, Belmode left. Watching his figure disappear outside the prison gate, the jailers were relieved. In these two days, Belmode locked himself with the Bloodfang Knight, so from time to time the knight's screams and gasping noises came from behind the heavy iron gate. You must know that the knight had undergone several rounds of torture before Belmode came.

But despite all the means, he didn't even hum. Now Belmode presided over the interrogation, but I don't know what method he used to make such a tough guy cry out. Hearing the calls from time to time, the eyes of the jailers at Belmode were completely different. Their eyes are like looking at a devil. Only the devil can make such a man unable to withstand torture. r1058



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