Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 461:  Turn to the hungry wolf collar

"Damn it, where did these guys go?" Wu Ke wanted to shout, suddenly his heart moved, and he looked around the corridor.

There stood a tall young man.

Willick said solemnly: "Mr. Captain, please come with me."

"Where is my man?" Wuke's face fell gloomy, and at the same time he touched the long sword on his waist.

"They are okay, just temporarily restrict their activities."

"In other words, you also want to limit my activities. Do you know what this means? We are direct knights of Count Aubin!"

"Because of this, I ask you to go away temporarily. Otherwise, it won't be so cheap." Willick raised his head: "Come with me, Mr. Captain, we don't want unnecessary conflict."

Wook's hand on the sword kept repeating the action of clenching and releasing. After doing so several times, he sighed secretly, released his hand completely, and walked towards Willick silently.

In the room, Graar only felt that Captain Cavaliers had been away for too long. There were bursts of laughter outside, and these laughter slapped his face like a slap, making him feel hot. Glar couldn't help it any more and pushed out the door. There was no one in the corridor outside, and the Viscount screamed and walked out of the house swaggeringly.

A line of soldiers lined up outside the street, leaving an open space. Alan and Toman stood in front, Toman's face was serious, and Allen seemed to be smiling, making Graal a little guilty. The Lord Viscount took a breath and exclaimed, "Baron Allen, what do you mean! Are you insulting a Viscount? I want to protest to Lord Earl. You must pay for your actions!"

After a roar, Graar felt that he had plenty of confidence. Yes, he is a viscount, a noble viscount. In the knighthood sequence, Allen can only look up at his light, when can he climb on top of his head and show off his power?

Allen shook his head and laughed: "Glar, you haven't figured out the situation. Where is this place? I'll tell you, this is not your Viscount, your will and voice cannot pass through here. This is my city, yes The front line of the war zone. I have the final say here, so either you spit out what you buckled. Or, let me break my legs and throw it out!"

"Dare you?" Graal screamed.

Allen made a gesture, and the two soldiers immediately stepped out, looking at Graal with cold eyes.

Glar was taken aback, not wanting Alan to be genuine. At this time, he didn't care much any more, and quickly revealed his trump card. Grall took out a paper from his arms and raised it up and said: "Who said Sunset City is your city? Now, this city is my takeover! Here is the authorization document from Count Aubin. Take a look for yourself. , Lord Baron!"

Allen frowned and took the paperwork from Graar. When it was spread out, it turned out to be a power of attorney from Ark Harbor, which clearly stated that the management of Sunset City was transferred to Graal. The place where the money was signed was Auban's autograph and seal. Forgive Glaer didn't have the guts to forge it, and the man was directly under the cavalry team of Auban, obviously this document is true.

Tomen glanced, his breathing suddenly became a little short. What he wanted to say, Allen raised his hand and motioned him not to speak for now.

Looking at Grall again, the Viscount became proud: "How about it, I didn't lie to you. This is the handwritten document of Lord Earl, Sir Alan, do you want to disobey?"

Alan Jue said: "This is different from the agreement between me and the earl. At the beginning, we had already agreed that the territory that I attacked will be managed by me."

"That's true, but Lord Earl thinks you have unlimited potential. A sunset city will not be your end point. It is foreseeable that you will have more territories. Your energy is limited and you should not be able to manage so many territories, so I’ll take care of the Sunset City for you. Anyway, it’s the Count’s territory, so you won’t lose much."

"Is this what the earl said?"

"Almost." Graal said again: "As long as you sign on it, the materials temporarily detained by me will naturally be sent to you. The count still has high hopes for you."

His triumphant appearance, and his apparent use of Allen's power, made the soldiers around him angry. But Alan did not order, and they did not dare to act without authorization, they could only stare at Graal with fierce eyes.

Allen nodded and said, "I want to read this document carefully, so let's, I will give you an answer tomorrow at the latest."

With a wave of his hand, Allen left with Tom and the soldiers. After they left, Zoke and the two cavalrymen regained their freedom and returned to Graar. Naturally, they were all blamed.

It was night, in the meeting room of the City Lord's Mansion. Allen handed the authorization document to Toman and Willick for a look. Toman chose to remain silent after reading it. Willick fisted on the table with an angry punch: "Master, this must be the ghost of Graal. Jean. I will break his dog leg and throw it out to feed the wolf!"

Allen shook his head and said, "The document is true, and the signature and seal are also true. In other words, all this is the decision of Earl Aubin."

Torman said solemnly: "Earl Obin seems to have reservations about his trust in you."

"After all, I am not his original team." Allen said calmly.

Tomen looked at him and said, "So what do you plan to do, my lord?"

"If you don't sign it, it's tantamount to betraying the earl. The army located in the Emerald Mountains should go to Sunset City. If you sign, then the city will give in, and no one will be reconciled." Allen folded his arms and bowed his head. thinking. After a while, it seemed that a decision had been made: "It seems that this name still needs to be signed."

Willick's chest rises and falls: "Could it be that the sunset city was just surrendered to that villain?"

Tomen's eyes were sad.

"Of course you can't let it out so easily." Allen smiled slightly, looked at Torman and said, "Baron Torman, do you believe me?"

Tomen's eyes moved slightly, and he raised his head and said, "If you have something to say, it's blunt."

"I intend to leave Sunset City to Graar, but I will take the army, materials, and equipment together. In short, I leave a mess for Graar. By doing this, I will spare the power of Sunset City. And to concentrate all my strength, I will take the Hungry Wolf collar first, and then take the Castle of Dawn. After these two territories fall into my bag, it is equivalent to Daniel’s small semi-domain in my pocket. Then I will take the opportunity to put pressure on the earl , Let him hand over Sunset City to me again. But before that, I can only wronged Sir Thomas."

Thorman nodded his head: "This is indeed a way. I was thinking before that if the adults completely abandon the city, then I will simply contact Viscount Daniel again. Although he will be severely punished for this, it is better to look at the small Human face. Now that the lord has this plan, let me deal with him for a while."

From defeat in a duel, to repulsion of the coalition forces, to now put the heart to heart. Until this moment, Allen used his series of actions to truly win the loyalty of Tomen.

So after a while, Tomen left and went to get ready overnight. There are a lot of things to do. From the preparation of materials to the mobilization of the army, it takes time, and the action cannot be too large. Everyone and objects were sent out of the city in batches, so as not to arouse Graar's alarm. It was discovered by him afterwards that he could still push off the Japanese city. This was the case. Glar had no proof, and he didn't know Alan and Thor. If discovered during this period, he can make a big fuss. At the very least, a crime of embezzling public property cannot escape.

In the next few days, Graar noticed that Allen's attitude changed drastically. Treating him with delicious and delicious treats every day, to satisfy Grall's vanity, I thought that the baron Ellen had finally gotten through. It's just that Alan signed the authorization letter late, and every time he asked, he always said "not in a hurry". After holding it for four or five days, Grall became anxious. On this day, he asked Zoke to take ten knights and came to the city lord's mansion with great fanfare, to force Alan to bookmark the authorization.

Not wanting to have just arrived in the study, Allen rushed to say, "Viscount Graar, you came just in time. I have signed this document, please check it out."

Such a big contrast made Graar unresponsive for a while. He was stunned for a while before he knew how to accept the paperwork. Sure enough, there was Allen's signature and stamp on it, and a big stone was finally put down. Graar tried to squeeze a smile on his face and said, "So, when does Sir Allen plan to set off and continue to seize more territory for Lord Earl?"

"Leave right away."

"Immediately?" Glar thought he had heard his ears wrong, when did that tough boy become so talkative.

Patting Graal on the shoulder, Allen said: "Then Sunset City will be handed over to you. I believe that under the management of the Viscount Lord, this city will become more prosperous."

"Of course... of course."

When Glar recovered, Alan had already left the study. After a while, he was seen leaving the city with an army. Judging from the army's lineup, it was only about 300 people. Seeing them leave, Glar breathed a sigh of relief. Even the captain Wook behind him was relieved a lot. At least this time the transfer of power went smoothly and avoided the worst outcome.

But Graar was not happy for long. The next day, when he ordered someone to open the material warehouse and saw the few boxes, the Viscount Lord's expression changed: "What is going on? Why is there only such a thing? ?"

Tomen said with a bitter face next to him: "Lord Viscount, in order to repel the enemy, Lord Allen took out most of the supplies to inspire the soldiers. If this were not the case, the battle would not be so smooth. But you can rest assured, With the output benefits of our city, within three years, you will be able to see a warehouse full of things."

"Three years?" Glar almost wanted to faint, and this time he used all the Jazz to jointly propose to Orban that he, the Viscount, would replace Allen to manage Sunset City. First, it was to prevent Allen's power from swelling too fast, and this was also in the hands of the Central European team, allowing Glaer to successfully obtain the authorization document; second, Glaer also wanted to take this opportunity to receive the wealth of Sunset City.

But now, even the most important material warehouse has been emptied. It can be imagined that the wealth and power of this city have also been hollowed out. Graar is not stupid, combined with Allen's attitude and behavior the other day, he roughly guessed that these were all the ghosts of Allen. But knowing that Gui knows that he has no substantive evidence, but he can't blame Alan. What's more, Tomen also said that they invested a lot of materials to mobilize before the war. No one has counted the material reserves before the war, or estimated the wealth of Sunset City. Now after the war, who knows how much they invested, even if they make trouble to Orban, at most Allen will end up with too much accusation.

For a knight who controls the army and possesses a powerful force, this is simply a painless charge.

Graar was itching with anger. In his heart, Allen had risen from a barbarian to a shameless thief. Allen not only stole his "wealth", but also left him a mess. At least before the output of Sunset City can fill up the warehouse, Graar has to fulfill the responsibility of a manager, which is different from what he imagined when he came!

An army of eight hundred men was advancing in the mountains and forests, and Allen had almost wiped out all the forces in Sunset City. Including soldiers and slaves, as long as there is a little fighting power, all will be taken away by him. In addition, there are a lot of food and equipment and other materials. These materials are enough to feed an army of more than a thousand people for more than a month.

The team is advancing in the direction of the hungry wolf leader ~www.readwn.com~Druf is a strong man. But it is not a good lord, let alone a suitable manager. His territory is the smallest of all Daniel's vassals, and it is also the poorest. Even Sunset City couldn't compare with it. Sir Hungry Wolf's territory didn't have any strategic resources, and that thin land didn't even have many beasts, so the citizens could only grow some crops and barely survive the day.

But Duluf also imposed a series of exorbitant taxes and exhausted all means to extract wealth from the leaders, sometimes even Daniel looked down upon him. So when the army entered the Hungry Wolf, Allen had already seen two deserted villages. That was because the people could not stand Duluf's repressive rule and escaped from the territory. Today, this poor jazz collar has only two larger villages and the city where the jazz is located, Fenrir.

In the last two days, the guards of Fenrir City have discovered that leaders continue to leave their village and flee into the city. From the people's mouth, Fenrir learned that an army had entered this territory. In addition to what they had been through, the village where there were still residents was wiped out, forcing the people to flee to Fenrir City to seek refuge in desperation. Although Fenrir is the city where the baron is located, there are dilapidated houses, dirty drains, and damaged but unrepaired statues everywhere in the city. Only the mansion of the city lord looked better. Truf still cherished his face. At least he made the place where he lived to be more beautiful, so that he could be worthy of his identity as a knight. r1058


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