Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 462:   pressure environment

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"Who told me why those sordid and dirty pigs came to the city!"

In the seemingly majestic city lord's mansion, a male roar sounded in a spacious conference room. n e top n e n e n e, hysterically berating a vote of officials below, and patted the man at the table hard. His mouth foam was sprayed on the official at the opposite table, which made a young teenager sitting next to him turn sideways.

"Master Yaluo, the leaders were forced by the enemy to enter the city." A man stood up and said, his face is square, he is the kind of person who doesn't give in easily.

"Captain Jeff, I remember your mission should be to protect this city. No, you should protect us, right? Now please take a good look. Those pigs are encroaching on our property. As the captain of the guard, are you? It is time to perform their duties and drive them all out!" said the man called Yaluo.

"This is really..."

"Why, if you can't do it, let someone else be the captain!"

At this time, another official coughed slightly: "I have to remind Lord Yalor that since the death of Sir Duluf, our people have been reduced to one-third of the original number. This means that our tax revenue is greatly reduced. It has shrunk. Last quarter, we recovered less than half of the tax we used to recover. If the leaders are driven away at this time, it is very likely that they will leave the territory."

"Without the leader, everything in the territory will be difficult to maintain. I don't know if you have considered it, Lord Yalor.

Yallow slapped the table with a slap, and said angrily: "As long as there is a territory, there are not as many untouchables as there are. Moreover, that is also something you should worry about. Otherwise, how can you be treated to Sir Os Salary."

The official said coldly: "It turns out that Lord Yalor still remembers that this territory belongs to Sir Oss. So, should Lord Lord decide on this matter?"

Yaluo looked at the boy next to him, he hehe smiled: "Os also, as his uncle, I have an obligation to assist him. So this matter, I decided to do it."

"But uncle, I think..." The teenager next to him wanted to put forward a different opinion, and was suddenly glared by Yaluo. He was full of thoughts, but he could only swallow his stomach: "Yes, I think uncle will decide. Up."

Hearing these words, the team leader Jeff and the officials who raised the objection showed disappointed expressions. They exchanged glances, and they all saw helplessness in each other's eyes. After Duluf's death, his only son Oss inherited the title and domain. However, Sir Hungry Wolf’s son had an extremely docile character, coupled with his age, so his power was emptied by his uncle, Duluf’s younger brother Yalow.

Yallo controls this territory through Oss, and he is even more greedy than Duluf. Within a short period of less than a month, three consecutive tax payments were collected from the people. Not only has the people's grievances been soaring, even the officials underneath can't stand it. If a lord does not know how to cherish his people, the ending will only be abandoned. A knight who has lost a leader has no lords at all.

At this time, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and a soldier rushed in and shouted: "My sirs, it's not good, the enemy has come outside our city!"

Hearing these words, Yaluo's arrogance just disappeared. He chuckled and pushed the boy next to him and said: "Master Oss, since the enemy has come. As a jazz, you have to go and see the situation."

"Me? But I..." The boy looked at Jeff for help.

Jeff sighed: "Master Oss, the soldiers and I will fight to protect you."

Oss had just turned his head, and said to Yaluo: "Uncle also come together?"

Alohaha laughed, "I'm just an insignificant person. You still have to decide on this kind of big thing."

Jeff and other officials cast contemptuous glances at Yalor. This man who was afraid of death chose to retreat at the critical moment, and threw the heavy task of determining the life and death of a city to the young knight.

Regardless, Jeff and the others left with the young jazz. After they had all gone, Yaluo sank his face and said, "A bunch of idiots, they are just a broken city. What's there to defend. If the other party wants it, just give it to them."

When he came to the head of the city, the Jazz lifted his toes, and could see an army on the ground outside Fenrir, heading towards the city. The army lined up in a regular formation, with infantry in the middle and cavalry on both wings. The infantry was subdivided into several branches. After Captain Jeff handed Oss a telescope, the Jazz drove towards the opposing army.

The first thing I saw were rows of soldiers shirtless, wearing trousers, and carrying swords or warhammers in their hands. These people have no armor, and their weapons are of different styles, looking like a group of slaves carrying weapons at will. Except for their sharp eyes, and with the gaze longing for something. This gaze made Oss feel palpitations, at least he never saw it on any slave's face.

Behind them are regular foot soldiers. They wear uniform standard armor and carry sabers. Behind the infantry are the Musketeers. The soldiers in charge of long-range attacks wear dark red costumes, making them look like a hot flame from a distance. After the Musketeers were still infantry, it was clear that the opposing commander put the Musketeers in a more important position.

This army was in a neat formation, and while advancing towards Fenrir, it also continuously sent an invisible pressure towards the city. Oss had never seen such an array rod before, and his hands were already shaking when he put down the telescope. He glanced at the others, including Jeff, and their faces were ugly. Oss couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, he was finally not the boldest.

The army stopped a few hundred meters away from the city gate, and the musket team at the center of the army suddenly stepped out. There were a hundred of them. A musket was pointed obliquely at the sky, and then a hundred guns fired. A single gunshot might not be too loud, but when hundreds of gunshots converged into an absolutely loud sound that shook the soul, even the captain of the guard, Jeff, shook his finger.

As for Oss, he simply hugged the captain's thick waist, like a frightened deer.

After the guns were fired, the musket team retreated, and the army separated again. Soldiers on both sides moved in the opposite direction neatly and horizontally, forming a channel. In the passage, before riding alone, it was a young boy. The silver hair refracted the brilliance in the sun. He raised his head, and the red pupils cast a sharp line of sight, which swept across the city.

When the line of sight passed by Oss, the opponent's eyes moved slightly, and the spin was as usual.

Alan couldn't help sighing as he looked at this lifeless city, and at the people on it who were like lambs to be slaughtered. As soon as Duluf died, this territory immediately lost the power to support it. If it weren't for it, it was too barren, so barren that there would be no other jazz to carve up. At this moment, the city of Fenrir must have disappeared long ago.

Putting away the complicated feelings, Alan raised his voice, first reported his name, and then said: "I am here on behalf of Earl Auban. Now, I declare that this place has been included in the land of the Earl. Fenrir City, I ask you to surrender. If you resist, then my army will quell all voices of opposition and crush all will to resist."

"But before that, I want to do this to the people in this territory. This is a war of nobles. As the leaders, you are innocent, so I can promise you. People in Fenrir, if you leave the city , I can let you leave. If you are on my side, then I will provide you with sufficient food. I will tell you with practical actions that under my rule, this territory will be reborn." Allen Riding a horse to parade in front of the army, finally said: "This is my mercy, and there is only one chance."

The city of Fenry was silent. Allen did not let it be silent for too long. He said again: "As for the nobles, I can accept your surrender. But if you want to resist..."

Allen glanced at the army behind and said loudly, "Soldiers, tell them the result of the resistance!"

The eight hundred soldiers shouted in unison: "Dead!"

"Yes, my kindness is limited. My patience is also limited. Now, I give you one day. After a day, if the nobles do not surrender, I will attack!"

Allen made a gesture, and the army dispersed and set up a pattern of siege, seeing everyone on the top of the city sinking.

There was a haze in the city of Fenrir, and in the streets and in the shadows of the buildings, people whispered to each other to discuss the conditions that Allen had opened. There is no doubt that this condition is undoubtedly too generous for civilians. As long as the mind is normal and can see that the nobleman has no chance of winning, then going to Allen is the most normal choice. The only problem is that no one knows whether what the young nobleman said is credible.

The reality in the city is that there is a shortage of food~www.readwn.com~ People on the territory are basically concentrated in this city. In normal times, the residents of the city do not have a full meal, not to mention the influx of other residents. The food had been hoarded by the nobles not long ago. Yaluo would not care about the life and death of the civilians at all, he only cared about himself.

So the people who were swaying between starvation and food, when they saw Alan openly put a cart of food in front of the array, they couldn't help swallowing. This time, Willick stood in front of the formation. He patted the food on the car and said: "Our Lord Allen has come to do it. Look, now there is a car of food in front of you. There are bread, water, There are even dried meat. They are here, just waiting for you to get them!"

After a while, a man staggered from the side of the city wall. He shouted: "I surrender! I surrender and give me food!"

A musketeer raised his gun on the wall and wanted to shoot the man. With a hand on his gun, the soldier looked up, but it was his officer.

The officer shook his head and motioned to the soldiers to put down their guns.



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