Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 463:   Chen Fu

Man is a strange creature.

When the people in Fenrir saw the man safely ran to the enemy's line and took the bread and dried meat from Willick, the expressions on their faces began to change. A seven or eight year old child pulled his father's clothes corner and said, "Dad, I'm hungry."

The father gritted his teeth, picked up the child and ran out, and shouted, "We also surrender. My lord, please give my child something to eat."

Willick simply offered him plenty of food: "Children must be full, and adults must not be hungry."

Holding the heavy food in his hands, the corners of the man's eyes were already filled with plain tears, he pulled the child up and ran into Allen's army. Willick looked back again and shouted, "Who else?"


"I surrender!"

More and more people ran out of the city. Since the other party has fulfilled their promise, naturally no one wants to stay in the city anymore. What's more, Duluf before, Yalor now. -Excellent-Excellent-Small-Say-Update-New-Most-Fast x These nobles do not care about the life and death of civilians, and the civilians naturally have no obligation to remain loyal to them. This is a very simple truth. Now, this principle is being put into practice.

After seeing most of the civilians running outside the city, some soldiers began to waver. Jeff saw it in his eyes and shouted: "Civilians can choose to surrender, but we can't. Remember, we are soldiers, shields and swords that protect the city. As long as Sir Oss does not explicitly declare surrender, we will have to fight to the end! "

The soldiers sighed, and someone smiled bitterly: "Captain, we are not enough for the opponent to kill."

Jeff was silent, indeed, now Fenrir City can use less than two hundred troops. The number of troops led by the hungry wolf itself was not large, and first followed Duluf and broke a group of soldiers in the earl. Later, due to Yaluo's actions, he was forced to leave. There are only more than a hundred soldiers left in Fenrir, and there is simply not enough power to protect the city.

"I'll see what the adults say." Jeff can only say to the soldiers, he can imagine. If Sir Oss is not ready to surrender, then the time limit is reached, and when the opponent attacks, deserters cannot be ruled out.

But even if you know what, a city that has lost faith can't expect soldiers to dedicate their blood and lives. Jeff thought sadly. He left the back of the city wall with a deep sense of bleakness.

In the meeting room of the City Lord’s Mansion, Yaluo jumped out again and shouted: "We cannot surrender. Once we surrender, our situation will be worse than that of civilians. Everyone here, please think about it. Wait until the other party takes over the city. After that, our best outcome is to be put under house arrest."

"But most of the civilians have already left the city. I believe it won't be long before more people choose to surrender." An official said: "In the end, no one will protect this city for us."

"Why not, we still have an army!" Yaluo patted the table and said.

Jeff's voice came coldly from behind: "Master Yalow, our army has less than two hundred people left. I want to ask Master, what should we do to deal with an enemy four times as large as ours?"

The captain of the guard walked into the conference room and came to his place. Yaluo flushed flushed, and said, "War is something you soldiers consider. Your duty is to protect us. If you can't even do this, why should we raise your waste?"

"That's right, Lord Yalor. But if it wasn't for you to detain the army before, how could you force some soldiers to leave. If it weren't for what you did, our army has so few people. So in the end , All of this is from you, Lord Baialuo!" Jeff said nonchalantly.

Yaluo was so angry that he blew his veins: "Presumptuous! Captain Jeff, you are the following offender. Come here, lock up this **** for me. No, kill me! Since I can't defend the city, then I will pay What do you want a waste like you!"

However, Yalor even roared several times, but no guards came out. Jeff said: "It's a pity, Lord Yalor. Now all the people who can fight have gathered for me over the wall, but no one will follow your orders."

He looked at Oss again and said: "My lord, our soldiers are the swords in your hands. If you are not prepared to surrender, then we can shed the last drop of blood for you. But the premise is that this order must be issued by you personally. Not to let someone order us. This is the last request of us soldiers!"

The atmosphere in the conference room was heavy, and several officials bowed their heads. The little baron looked at Jeff, then at Yaluo. Alo turned his head and said, "Don't look at me, now Captain Jeff doesn't put me in the eye. You can decide what you like."

Oss took a breath and said in a slightly naive voice: "Captain Jeff, can we win?"

Jeff glanced at him deeply and smiled bitterly: "To be honest, we have no chance of winning at all. Unless Daniel's army comes to support us, even if everyone is willing to work hard, we will have to fight to death in the end."

"Since this is the case, then we have to surrender. We can't fight a war that can't be won anyway. What are you going to do?" The little baron made the most direct judgment in his simple mind, and when he heard his words, most people I feel relieved.

After all, it was better for the baron to make this order than for them. But seeing Oss’s young face, everyone felt hot. After all, this baron is still a child, and one child will take care of all this, and they will have no face when it is spread out.

Yaluo snorted and slammed the door to leave. Since he was about to surrender, he had to pack up his things and leave while there was still time. As long as there is the wealth that has been raided, where does he still live a noble life?

Alan was not allowed to wait long, and Fenrir opened its gates the next day. Sir Oss came to Allen's line with the support of a group of officials and guards. Little Oss presented a code to Allen, representing the city of Suril. Allen took the code and passed it to Oss, and the ceremony was completed. Soon, Allen's wolves battle flag and the flag representing the Earl of Aubin were quickly hung on the highest clock tower in Fenrir to mark the ownership of this territory.

The army still stayed in camp outside the city, and Allen took only Willick and the Mountain King soldiers, and followed the officials of Fenrir into the city. The city was worse than he had imagined. The surrendered civilians had returned to the city. Allen provided Fenrir with a few carts of food and settled the hearts of the civilians. However, walking on the streets of the city, the sight Allen saw made him unable to believe that he was walking in a jazz city.

This city of Fenrir is slightly inferior to the city of Sur in the border land.

"As you can see, sir. Fenrir is a barren place at all. Even if you occupy this land, nothing can be created for you." An official said truthfully.

"What is your name?"

"Sol, I'm the clerk in the city."

Allen nodded and said, "Very well, Mr. Saul. Then please write down this day seriously, because this day will be a new day for this city. In the near future, this place will be completely different. And time Will witness everything."

Saul stayed in a daze, nodded seriously, and wrote down Alan's words.

When walking through the city streets comparable to the slums, and coming to the city lord’s mansion. Look at this large-scale, exquisitely structured and richly decorated mansion. Allen said sincerely: "If the cost of this building is used for the construction of the city, I think Fenrir will be very different from now."

The other officials bowed their heads, and Thor smiled bitterly: "This is the legacy of Sir Duluf."

"Very good, then I will count all the valuable things in it, including calligraphy, paintings and sculptures." Allen said lightly.

Saul was taken aback and said, "My lord, what is this?"

"Things are dead, people are alive. Valuable items, instead of putting them here, it is better to change into money. Let's use it as the first start-up fund to transform the city." Stepped in.

Thor thought about it behind him. He originally thought that Allen was going to collect valuables as private property, but he didn't expect that he would use it to transform the city, which surprised Thor. After visiting the City Lord's Mansion, Allen took Willick to collect the valuables inside, so as not to fill the private pockets of those officials. Then met the little Baron Oss alone in the conference room. In Jeff's hesitant gaze, Allen smiled and said: "You are a loyal subordinate, but don't worry. If I want to be against the Baron, there is no need for such trouble."

Jeff said solemnly, "I'm relieved if you have these words."

After he left, only Ellen and Oss were left in the huge conference room. Allen stared at the young jazz, and the boy was a little nervous facing Allen, rubbing the corners of his clothes with his fingers nervously, looking a little at a loss. He was still very young, and he couldn't bear the responsibility of being a lord at this age. However, Allen had already learned about the situation just now, and Oss was put in this position more to make it easier for Yalor to control.

"Baron Oss." Allen whispered ~www.readwn.com~ The little boy seemed to be frightened, suddenly stretched straight and said: "Yes."

Allen laughed and said, "Don't be so nervous, tell me, how old are you?"

"After this year, I will be 12 years old."

At the age of twelve, Alan remembered himself. When he was at Oss' age, he had no idea how many times he wandered the line between life and death. And this boy grew up under Duluf's wings. Therefore, at the same age, he appears young and immature.

Allen looked at him and said calmly: "Your father, Baron Duluf, he died under my hands."

The boy was startled, then bowed his head and said, "I know, Jeff mentioned you to me last night."

"Really? So, do you hate me?"

After a moment of silence, Oss raised his head and said, "I don't know." r1058


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