Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 496:  Hot

"Dear guests, handsome gentlemen, beautiful ladies, please allow me to introduce to you. Our hero of the field, Sir Allen!"

After the dinner began, the host gave the stage to Orban after speaking a few words. After some exciting opening remarks, Auban pushed Allen to the front of the stage, so that all the guests tonight can see Allen's style. The costumes Allen wore tonight were far less gorgeous than other nobles, but his outstanding military exploits were the most gorgeous clothes. No matter how ordinary he was dressed, he had a military exploit, and fell in the eyes of the nobles, especially the young and beautiful ladies. Alan was a handsome, handsome and promising gentleman. As for the clothes on his body, it was automatically ignored.

Everyone knows that now this young jazz has become a popular figure under Oban, and the three-piece jazz is in hand. Even after paying taxes to Oban every year, he still has a lot of money. What's more, Oban said in public that in order to help Allen's territory develop, he exempted Allen's territory from taxes for three years, which is also an eye-catching wealth.

While Oban kept piling up gorgeous words on Allen, the wealthy or nobles had already thought about how to arrange their daughters to meet the young knight, and those who had no daughters wanted to go home and make people immediately. Even the vassals of Oban, apart from Viscount Graar, the other knights are also considering whether they should adjust their attitude and position towards Allen.

Because they saw Alan and Oban coming out of the small room in the hall, it was a signal, and they had no chance to enter this room in the White Castle. From the fact that Oban and Allen walked out together, the earl had already put his heart on Allen. Perhaps Oban will guard against Allen, but so far, Allen has undoubtedly received the most trust and respect.

If you continue to be enemies with such a character, it is difficult for a few jazz to imagine what the consequences will be.

At the social part of the free banquet, Allen stepped off the stage and was immediately surrounded by a dozen aristocratic ladies. Obviously, these young girls were well prepared to come, all dressed up and dressed up, and the dresses should be as low-cut as possible, so as to highlight their young capital. Although they bear the names of nobles on their heads, if they cannot find a good husband for themselves, they may not be able to live comfortably in the future.

After all, for the nobles, the son is the heir, and the daughter is the political capital for sacrifice. Of course, in order to maximize capital efficiency, daughters generally receive the best treatment in the family before they get married. So the ladies standing next to Allen, even if some of their looks are mediocre, but the aristocratic aura from their bones is just like a fake.

They hope to attract Allen's attention. A young and powerful noble like Allen is the marriage partner they dream of. As for whether Alan really loves them after getting married, and whether he will raise a lover outside. They don't care too much. As long as they give Alan three or five children to consolidate their position, they can also find lovers outside. After all, this is a rule established by the nobles.

However, one thing that must be strictly observed is that no matter how many lovers there are outside these young ladies, they must keep the walls before they get married, otherwise the family will be put to shame.

Alan was surrounded by these many girls, and even the answer was a little too busy. Besides, some bold and enthusiastic girls also used every opportunity to squeeze him desperately, teasing Allen's senses with suggestive gestures. Allen was feasted tonight. When he finally got out of the fat array, there were already a pile of invitation letters in his pocket. He shook his head and went to find Lucy and the others, but found nothing. I had to leave the hall low-key, and found a relatively quiet terrace to get my breath away.

Just after taking a break, Youxiang got into his nose. He thought it was another noble lady who entangled him, and the figure flickered next to him, but Ruola leaned against the railing of the terrace and chuckled: "Sir Allen is not interesting enough. You obviously had you forgotten when I was invited first Up."

Allen saved the note from Ruola in his pocket, but he had never had a chance to read it just now, but he didn't know that Ruola invited him. Then he said: "I'm sorry, I wonder if Miss Ruola has any advice?"

"Call me Ruola, Miss Miss is really out of opinion." Ruola is straightforward.

"Then you can also delete the word jazz." Allen smiled faintly.

Ruola nodded and said, "I don't dare to ask for advice. Those ladies are walking around you, wanting to attract your attention so that they can marry you?"

Allen smiled bitterly: "So you came to make fun of me."

"How can there be such a thing. You are now a big red man next to my brother, don't talk about them, even I want to flatter you." Ruola suddenly leaned forward and said sternly: "No kidding. If I were your wife, Are you willing?"

Allen was taken aback and lost his voice: "Is this a joke?"

Ruola squinted his eyes: "Why, I'm not worthy?"

Allen shook his head helplessly, Ruola is now in the golden age of her life. Encountered in the street before, out of politeness, Allen naturally couldn't stare at everyone. Now the two stayed in one place and looked carefully, Ruola was also completely worthy of the word beauty. She is tall, wearing a low-cut mermaid dress, which outlines her perfect figure. The twin peaks that hold up the dress without any cushions are full and tight, coupled with the surging waist and slender and straight legs. There is no doubt that she is a stunner who can make men crazy.

She lacked the green smell of Lucy and Adele, but she had a bit more mature fragrance. Especially if Ruola is still a female fighter of level 20, that kind of physical explosiveness is not something that ordinary noble ladies can possess. It allows Ruola to kill the enemy bravely on the battlefield, and it must be outstanding if he changes to another battlefield.

Scanned by Allen's gaze, Ruola felt instinctive. Especially when Allen's gaze fell on her twin peaks, Ruola proudly raised her chest to meet Allen's gaze. She breathed slightly, and Ruola suddenly drank the wine in the glass, put the glass down and turned around, and her whole body was attached to Alan's body.

Allen immediately felt the amazing elasticity on Ruola's chest, and in his surprised eyes, Ruola showed a wild smile. She simply stretched out her hand to circle Alan's neck, and the person pressed forward, and there was almost no gap between him and Alan. Allen felt her aggressive movements, and his body reacted naturally. There seemed to be a flame burning in the lower abdomen, and immediately responded to Ruola with a firm response.

Ruola said, "Hmm", her face was hot and flushed, she grinned and said: "Look, I'm still attractive."

"I admit that, but if you don't leave, Count Aubin will swallow me alive."

Ruolahaha laughed, then let Alan go, but said: "What I want to do, as long as I want to do, even my brother can't stop me. Besides, if you marry me, my brother will be happy to see it happen. I just did this just to tell you. In addition to helping you on the battlefield, I can also give you enough happiness and satisfaction on another battlefield."

Alan showed surprise again, and Ruola curled his lips and said: "Don't get me wrong, I am not one of those slutty women. In fact, I don't even have a lover until now. It's just that I have confidence in myself, and I know that I am What can you pay for your body? You can think about it carefully, but you don’t need to answer it now. And I have my own reservations, but I don’t think I want them to sell myself like they do, although you are indeed ideal. marriage partner."

From this we can see that Ruola is a pragmatic person. What she said is not difficult to understand that sooner or later she must sacrifice herself for Auban's politics. Since we must sacrifice, it is better to find someone who is dear to her, so that she still has a little choice.

"Okay, after the serious business talks, let's talk about something fun." Ruola smiled with crooked eyebrows, her eyes full of bad water, like a little fox who was calculating.

Allen shook his head and smiled: "What's fun?"

"I will tell you later. Before that, you will answer me first. How many days will you stay in Ark Harbor?"

"At most three to five days, I must go back." Allen replied truthfully.

"Fortunately, the time is still in time." Ruola was a little excited, Fu Er said in Ellen's ear: "I have a big business, the profit is very good. Are you interested in being together?"

"what business?"

"I can't tell you now, I can only say that it is very profitable. But I can't be known by my brother, because he will not be able to stand the stimulation. In short, you just have to answer me whether I do or not."

Alan was aroused by her mystery, and thought that anyway, there was not enough time to go crazy with the girl. Nodded now: "It's a fool to have money but don't make money. Besides, I really need money now."

"Okay, you don't need to pay attention to anything. I will naturally look for you tomorrow, and I'll talk about it when the time comes." Ruola chuckled and closed her lips on Allen's cheek before she walked away. Then she didn't enter the hall. In the crowd.

Allen smiled, and suddenly felt a strong hatred fall on him. He raised his head to meet him, just in time to see Abel who was turning away in a hurry. It seemed that he had been paying attention to the movement here just now, and Allen thought for a moment, knowing that Abel must be pursuing Ruola. The beauty, the sister of the earl, the commander of Deep Sea Lin Ji. No matter which identity is in it, it is enough to make Abel pursue crazy.

Unfortunately, Ruola seemed to turn a blind eye to her adjutant. After all, she said just now, she has never even had a lover.

Poor Abel. Allen said so in his heart.

"Miss Ruola is really charming, isn't she?"

At this time, another person came in from the terrace, and Allen looked at it, and it turned out that it was the hidden young man Ryan. He took the initiative to stretch out his hand, and after Ellen shook his hand, Ryan looked at Ruola’s back and said, "If I had known Ruola a few years earlier, I would definitely get her. A charming lady like her, as long as she is Men don’t want to miss it."

Alan looked at him, Rein haha ​​laughed, and waved his hand: "Don’t get me wrong, don’t look at me like this, in fact I already have three children. So I won’t play Miss Ruola’s idea again, even if If I want to find a lover, I won’t find the earl’s sister, that would be bad for me."

He raised his glass, and after having a drink with Allen, he said: "I have been paying attention to you since Sir Allen killed Duluf. It is no exaggeration to say that Sir Allen's actions and battles afterwards can It’s remarkable. It’s really surprising to see someone like you in a place like Ark Harbor. With your ability, within five years, a small piece of earl will not be able to accommodate you. At that time, you At least you can be an earl."

"If I give you another five years and a little bit of luck, then it is possible to become a hereditary earl." Speaking of this, Lein paused: "However, you should not be the kind of person who is only satisfied to be an earl. Right?"

Allen laughed and said nothing.

Rhein turned around and looked at Ark Harbor: "To be honest, Earl Aubin is indeed a good friend. He also has ambitions, and he is also superior in social methods. But it does not stop there, with all due respect. Count Aubin does not lack ambition and financial resources. What is lacking is precisely the most critical force, including his own army and his personal strength. So even with the help of someone like you, he can only expand himself at best. The territory of power. But limited by his own strength, it is impossible to fight for the status of a marquis in this life."

"But you are different. You are still young and have unlimited potential. As long as you have the opportunity, you can completely attack the Marquis." Ryan smiled slightly and said: "I happen to know one or two real big people, and they also need talents like you. If you have this kind of thought, you can find me in Olisga, the imperial capital at any time."

He drew a delicate and small card from his pocket ~www.readwn.com~ and put it in Allen's hand calmly, smiling and saying: "Don't rush to answer, this promise will be valid within three years."

Allen nodded and said, "Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Lein."

Rin patted him on the shoulder and said, "I look forward to your coming, really. In that case, we would be true friends."

After he left, Allen turned over the card. The edge of the card is decorated with a circle of golden rose flowers, and on it is a string of beautiful lettering written in gold powder. This is an address, an address in Olisga, the capital. This small address, but I don't know how many people are pursuing the key. An important key to the real power of the empire!

Allen can feel the weight of this little card, which can lead Allen to the Marquis of the Empire. There are hundreds of earls in the empire, and the barons of viscounts are as numerous as a feather. However, there are fewer than twenty marquis and four grand dukes. And only when you reach the Marquis, you can truly enter the upper position of the power pyramid of the empire.

The higher the level, the smaller the place where the pyramid can stand. This is a common power structure for any planet and civilization! r1058


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