Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 497: Big business

The banquet was held until the end of the early morning. Allen rode a carriage, led by two knights from Orban, and brought his own men to a block not far from the castle. Stop in front of a three-story building at the end of the street. This small building is Oban's private property and is usually used to entertain important guests. Now that no one uses the small building, he gave Alan the right to stay in Ark Harbor these days.

The small building had original guards, but only three or five idle soldiers. After Alan arrived, Cunhuo took over the job of guarding. Cunhuo fighters quickly occupied several commanding heights in the small building. The two knights of Auban were secretly stunned by their efficient actions. At the moment, he pays three points to Allen, Xiaolou has a low-key appearance and elegant inside. The building is made of wood and stone, and the lobby on the first floor is decorated with fireplaces, candlesticks, wall lamps, famous paintings and statues. Especially the floor in front of the fireplace is covered with a shiny and bright fur carpet. People who know the goods can see that it is the fur from the polar grizzly bear, and it is the one on the lower abdomen. This carpet alone is worth a thousand dollars.

As for other famous paintings and sculptures, they are also valuable.

On the second floor is the bedroom, spacious and comfortable, connected to the bathroom, extremely luxurious. The third floor is a study room and a terrace, which are also elegantly decorated. The study room contains famous books of the empire and has a strong book atmosphere. It is a good place for self-cultivation.

It's a pity that Alan was tired and exhausted. After a hasty visit, he plunged into the bathroom on the second floor, took a shower and fell asleep early. As for Lucy and the others, they were naturally allocated separate rooms, so I won't repeat them.

Also returning to his foothold in Ark Harbor late at night, the mansion where Graar lived was obviously much more atmospheric than Allen's small building. When he got out of the carriage, Glar's face was gloomy, for no other reason, but he saw the picture of Alan and Oban coming out of the hall. Even he had never entered that room, but a baron who had only been with Auban for a few months had already entered and left it.

The meaning of this, Glar could not be clearer. There was Abel who got off behind Grall, who was very optimistic about this nephew and had high hopes. Abel did not let the family down. At least at his age, it was not easy to break into the earl's core power circle. Abel was also quite proud of his achievements before, but tonight, the young man's confidence suffered a merciless blow.

Alan is younger than him, but has gone farther, and has been favored by Jorah, all of which throws Abel's confidence on the ground and then tramples mercilessly. Abel drank a lot of wine tonight. If it hadn't been dragged back by Glaer, he might have drunk more, and finally let himself be ugly at the party.

First there was a Marku, and now it is Abel. The two promising young men in the family became dispensable embellishments under Allen's brilliance, and even a joke, which made Graar very angry. Especially Marku, who was the illegitimate son of Graar. So far his brother-in-law is still wearing a green hat without knowing it. Originally, Graar wanted to train Marcus to be a good knight, but since he knocked on Allen that night, Marcus has been depressed. .

No idea how long it took, and Abel was distressed and entangled because of Alan's relationship, and Glar had already hated Alan. He patted Abel on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, your uncle will help you and take back Miss Ruola's heart. But you have to fight for yourself. Drink alcohol to relieve your boredom for this little thing. Big things will happen later. How to deal with yourself?"

Abel had already vomited once before, but now he was sober. Hearing this nodded and said: "I will work hard, uncle. But no matter how hard I work, I can't compare to that Ellen."

"You haven't tried how to know, but it's just a baron. Don't worry, you have a chance. But now, give me a bath and go to bed."

Abel nodded, and Glar sighed. When entering the hall of the mansion, a male servant greeted him and whispered: "My lord, you have a visitor. It has been waiting for you all night."

"Guest? What guest?"

The valet handed Graar a famous post with the unicorn pattern on it with gold powder. Glar's hand trembled slightly, only to feel that this famous post was like a ball of flames, and his hand was hot. He took a deep breath, put the name tag in his pocket, and strode in. Twenty-four candlelights were lit in the hall, illuminating everything in the hall. Under the lights, a man was sitting in danger, calm and relaxed. It seemed that there was no place to be impatient because of waiting for Graar all night.

"Should I call the guards right now? After all, if someone knows that the representative of Viscount Daniel appeared in my mansion, I can't tell it clearly in front of Earl Aubin." Glar said coldly while looking at the other party.

The man raised his head with a plain smile on a square face. The introverted gaze that had settled over the years fell on Graal's body and said calmly: "Viscount Graal is a wise man, and a wise man will not push wealth outside. Isn't it?"

He also simply picked up a suitcase and opened it on his lap. Immediately there was a layer of **** light in the hall. This faint blood light came from the scarlet spar that was neatly arranged in boxes. The man picked up one of the spar and spread it in his palm. The spar in his palm was processed into a regular rectangular shape, and there seemed to be blood rolling in it.

Glar only felt his throat dry, and lost his voice: "Boiling Demon Crystal?"

"To be correct, there are a hundred boiled demon crystals here. After that, nine boxes of this kind will be delivered here. Viscount Grall, this is just a meeting ceremony for Lord Daniel." The man smiled and paused. , Said: "I forgot to introduce myself. I am Charlie. On behalf of Lord Daniel, I would like to pay tribute to you."

Grall's head turned quickly.

The market price of the **** magic crystals is around a thousand gold coins, and the magic crystals in this box are brightly colored, obviously high-end goods, then the market price will increase by another 20%. Each one thousand two hundred gold coins, this box is worth 120,000. There are nine boxes like this, so the total is one million gold coins. Even if Glaer's wealth is strong, a million gold coins are still not a small sum.

He licked his lips and finally put a smile on his face: "I don't know what Lord Daniel has to advise?"

Charlie put down the box, crossed his hands on his knees, and sat upright, impeccably. He smiled and said, "Master Daniel would like to ask your Excellency a little favor. It's actually very simple. As Master Graar, it's just a few words."

With a few words of effort, he earned millions of gold coins, and Glar was greedy, but not stupid. She frowned and said, "Please elaborate."

"That's it, as you can see. In the war between our two sides, Lord Daniel admitted that he was at a disadvantage. I believe that soon, Earl Aubin will use this to make a negotiation proposal to Lord Daniel."

This is a normal procedure. Unless Daniel intends to fight to the end, he will not reject the negotiation proposed by Oban. Negotiation table. It will be another battlefield, and Daniel may suffer a loss, but it is better than losing more on the battlefield.

"But Lord Daniel has some plans of his own, so I would like to ask you to talk about it, so that Earl Auban will delay the negotiation date."

"What are some specifics?"

"Best, it can last a month."

"One month?" Graar stood up and said solemnly, "Master Daniel wants to take advantage of this month to make any plans, such as regaining lost ground?"

Charlie laughed and said, "Your Excellency is overwhelmed. I just heard that Earl Obin intends to let you and the Deep Sea Linji settle in Bauhinia. Bauhinia is adjacent to our territory. If there is any action, I will not be able to hide it from you. Retreat. Wan Bu said, even if the lord has the plan to regain the lost ground, Deep Sea Lin Ji will not help, she can do it for a day or two? At that time, Sir Alan, who is next to you, will only need to send a soldier, even if the Lord Daniel has a good plan. There is no way to do it. You see, what is your concern?"

"The adults have a plan, but they want to be prepared to minimize the loss of the negotiation, please don't worry, Lord Grall." Charlie also hinted: "If this is done, are you afraid that there will be no chance for cooperation in the future? Lord Daniel heard that your Excellency will not be reused at the Earl of Aubin. What a pity for you."

At this point, Graar's sore spot, immediately hummed: "I'm concerned."

"So do you think about this?"

Graar walked around the hall a few times, nodded and said, "I tried my best, but no matter what happens or not, these magic crystals..."

"Of course it's yours. Tomorrow, there will be other boxes of magic crystals delivered to you, please rest assured."

The matter was settled, Charlie smiled faintly and got up to leave. Leaving the mansion, turn into a remote alley. Charlie walked a few steps, and a man in a cloak walked towards him. When the two passed by, Charlie said lightly and quickly: "Tell your lord, Graal agreed."

The man didn't speak, as if he had never heard what Charlie said, and went straight away. After Charlie also disappeared in the alley, a figure flashed past the alley and walked into the mansion again. Finally, when he saw Graal, he whispered: "My lord, he's gone."

"Very well, this matter must not be leaked out. Otherwise..." Grall made a gesture of cutting his throat.

In the middle of the night, suddenly a group of night birds rushed up from a corner of the city, the birds turned away, but only one flapped its wings away. In the next morning, the bird landed in the unicorn castle of Lake Porttili, and the old butler removed a thin wooden tube from the bird's paw. Open it and pour out a rolled note from inside.

After a while, the note was delivered to Daniel's desk. After having breakfast in Daniel, I came to the study and saw this note.

On the note was a line of small print with the words "Everything went well." Daniel smiled faintly, stretched out his hand to squeeze, and when he loosened it, the note had turned into a few pieces of powder and fell. He looked at the big lake outside the window, his figure reflected on the glass of the window.

There has been an action on the Black Iron Fort. Haigs has already set off secretly with 20 Black Cloud Knights. It is expected that in a week, he will arrive at Ark Harbor and then turn to Daniel's territory. When they arrived, it was time to deal with Allen. Daniel wanted to postpone the negotiations for a few months, just to make arrangements calmly, in order to cut off Allen, his rival in one fell swoop. As soon as Allen left, Oban waited for a toothless tiger, so that Daniel could regain his lost ground.

He hadn't put a mere deep sea scale girl in his eyes, and it was Alan and his army that really made him feel threatened. As for Auban, Daniel sneered, it was just a paper tiger. It's scary, but when it comes to fighting, Orban can only surrender.

Daniel is too aware of his weaknesses.

Allen was awakened by a shower of knocks on the door. He sat up in the morning light, yawned, scratched his messy hair and said, "Who?"

The door was pushed open, Lucy stood outside with a weird smile: "You have a visitor here."

"So early?" Allen frowned, jumped out of bed and asked, "Who is it?"

Without hearing Lucy's answer, she turned around, and the girl outside the door was nowhere to be seen. Allen shrugged, washed up and put on clean clothes and walked downstairs. The breakfast had been prepared for him in the small dining room downstairs. When Allen came downstairs, he smelled the fragrance of vanilla bacon. He suddenly moved his index finger, but remembering that there were visitors coming, he swallowed and turned to the hall.

There was a man sitting on the sofa in the hall, with his back to Alan and he couldn't see his appearance. However, the other party is dressed in a man's clothes and a gentleman's top hat, as a man. Unexpectedly, Allen turned to the front, but saw Ruola's beautiful face, so he shook his head and smiled: "So you also have a hobby of pretending to be a man."

Ruola took off her hat, and she even stuck two moustaches under her nose. Wen Yan asked with a smile: "Is it your lover?"

"No, it's just a friend." Allen patted his stomach and said, "I wonder if Miss Ruola had breakfast~www.readwn.com~If not, I might as well go together. To be honest, I'm very hungry now."

"Well, I didn't have breakfast in order to sneak out in the morning." She was not at all polite.

So the two sat down at the long table in the restaurant, with a wealth of food on the table. The main dish is pastrami with herbs, and the side dish is thick soup, fresh vegetable salad, cheese and two thin slices of bread. Ruola sat down and said, "The chefs here are very good. The things they cook seem to be simple, but the food is full of layers. It's much better than the chefs in Baibao."

She first scooped up a spoonful of thick soup with a spoon and delivered it to her mouth, and then delivered a bite of fresh vegetable salad. Finally, skillfully cut a small piece of beef with a dining knife, and then put it into his mouth with a fork, chewing slowly for a while. The action is so elegant, with the smell of flowing water. Allen shook his head and praised: "If there is a good taste in food, if you pull, you must be the most advanced one."

Ruola smiled, put down his knife and fork and said, "Then, let's talk about that big business."

Allen gave a piece of beef to his mouth: "I am listening." r1058


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