Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 498:  Unexpected discovery

Allen directly picked up the bowl full of soup and delivered it to her mouth, drank a sip of the soup, and waited for Ruola to tell her about her business. Ruola glanced at him, leaned forward slightly, lowered her voice and said, "I want to rob Graal's mansion!"

Allen almost didn't spit out a mouthful of soup, his face flushed, and he was relieved after he finally swallowed the contents of his mouth. Then he shook his head and said: "I heard you right, what did you just say. To rob Viscount Graar? What kind of business is this?"

"You don't know about it, that guy in Graar is not a good guy. After following my brother for so many years, I don't know how much dirty money has been embezzled. In order to be afraid of the real situation, he dare not hide the money in his own territory. It was placed in the mansion. In order to hear these news, I spent a lot of time. A rough estimate is that the standing gold in the Glarna Mansion is about three to four million gold coins, or equivalent valuables. .Like jewelry, jewelry or something."

"Even so, why are you robbing him?" Allen cut off a piece of bacon and chewed it in his mouth.

Ruola rolled his eyes and said, "Why? Because the money in his mansion is something that is not visible, even if he is robbed, he can only stare at him. You said that this cheap price is for nothing. How about you and What am I doing together? Afterwards, you will be divided into 30%. If you don't do it, then I will find someone else to cooperate."

"Sister, do you need to rob? You will be short of money?" Allen did not believe that the earl's sister would be short of money to rob.

"Do you think Deep Sea Linji's military expenses will be less? No matter what the warriors, equipment and horses do not need to spend! Although my brother allocates military expenses every year, my own money is really not much. Besides, it can fight The old guy Xia Glaer, who is greedy for money, is also not bad, not to mention it's very exciting!"

Allen finished eating the remaining bacon, took a napkin and wiped his mouth and said, "So, when will you act?"

Ruola said excitedly: "Did you agree?"

"Why not? Anyway, following Miss Ruola will never suffer, right?"

"You have a vision." Ruola said with a smile: "Tonight, I will invite him to Baibao. At that time, I will use the bath as an excuse to drag him for a while, and we will take this opportunity to take his mansion It's looted. His money is hidden in the cellar, and I have figured out where it is. This time I have to say anything about the guy Graar to put some blood."

The matter was settled.

In the evening, Graar dragged a shelf in a utility room of his mansion to hide the entrance to the cellar. Today, Charlie really ordered people to send the remaining nine boxes full of magic crystals, and now thousands of boiling magic crystals are hiding in the secret vault of Graar. These ten boxes are worth millions of gold coins and are already considered a fortune.

After all, in the imperial capital Olisga, one hundred thousand gold coins are enough for a rich family to live in luxury for a year.

Of course, Graar will not sell the magic crystal. Although in the market, due to the output, the magic crystal can also be used as hard currency. But its use can be broader, such as a team of killers assigned with magic crystals, they can burst out to surprise their opponents when needed, and so on.

Graar smiled slightly, a hundred **** magic crystals that are difficult to find out, but they can do many things.

He left the utility room with satisfaction, and his nephew Abel came before returning to the study. Abel opened the door and started to say: "Uncle Glaer, you are here, I have been looking for you for a long time."

Abel was all smiles today, with joy at the corners of his eyebrows, sweeping away the decadence of yesterday. Glar couldn't help wondering: "Why are you so happy today?"

"Can I be upset when I stay with Miss Ruola in the afternoon?"

"Jora? This is strange." Glargan smiled: "Then have you taken the opportunity to express your feelings?"

Abel shook his head and said: "Miss Ruola asked me to talk about serious matters. After all, we are going to be stationed in the bauhinia collar, which is adjacent to Daniel's territory, so we must be fully prepared. However, to be able to stay close to her. In the afternoon, I was very satisfied."

"That's enough, ill-spirited guy!" Glar rolled his eyes and said.

"Right, uncle. Miss Ruola would like to invite you to come over after dinner. There are some things that need to be discussed with you." Abel clapped his head and said, he almost forgot the serious business.

Grall frowned and said, "What can you discuss with me?"

"She said that you are the real manager of the Bauhinia collar. Of course there are many things that require your consent to proceed."

Glar was startled: "She really said that."

"Yes, uncle. Although Miss Ruola didn't say it clearly, I can tell from her tone that she still respects you." Abel added his jealousy to the side: "She also said that when she was a child, Glaer Uncle treats her best."

Graal laughed, and his heart was sweet as if he had eaten honey: "This Ruola is also a nice little guy. I think that back then, when she was very young, I held her. It's embarrassing. She still remembers, okay, after dinner, will you go with me?"

"Okay, let me let the kitchen prepare dinner."

Graar snorted, but laughed: "You anxious little guy."

Abelhaha laughed.

After dinner, a carriage brought Glaer and Abel to White Castle. The two came to a small building where Ruola had lived since childhood. They were invited to the hall by a maid. After serving black tea, Ruola walked out and said to them, "Uncle Glaer, you came a little early. You see, I just wanted to take a bath. Or, you guys have tea first?"

Seeing Ruola wearing only thin pajamas that are hard to see, the looming curve under the clothes made Abel only feel a flame burning in his chest. He couldn't help saying before Graar: "Of course, we'll just wait here. Right, uncle."

Ruola looked at Glaer apologetically again, who could only nodded helplessly. After Ruola left, he gave Abel a sideways glance and said, "Your kid is getting less and less polite."

Abel smiled without refuting it. After a while, the sound of water rang upstairs, and Abel could not help but imagine Ruola's moving appearance in the bath.

In the bathroom on the second floor of the small building, water was splashing in the bathtub, and a maid used a towel to flick in the water from time to time. The sound sounded like Ruola was bathing. As for Ruola, she had changed her light clothes and got out of the window, and fell silently to the ground. After a while, she had left the White Castle. It was completely dark at this time, and she got into a side lane near Baibao, and she coughed slightly.

A figure appeared from behind the lamppost, and Allen nodded at her.

"Let's go." Ruola smiled: "We have about forty minutes."

"You take a bath for a long time."

"I can stay longer. This is a lady's patent."

After ten minutes, the two came to the outside of Graal's mansion. Several guards in the mansion patrolled. It is worth noting that a guard on the roof of the mansion, his perspective encompasses a large open space in front of the gate. Allen made a gesture and asked Jola to follow him. The two bypassed the mansion and came to the rear. Ruola followed Allen and found it interesting. These guards are just fifth-level and sixth-level fighters, and they can be used to fill the front. As far as the role is concerned, it is limited and tight, at least it can not bother Alan and Ruola.

The two entered from the wall behind the mansion, and flashed like a wisp of smoke to the corner of the main building of the mansion, forming a blind spot with the guards on the roof. Allen pulled out the dagger behind his waist, and gently pried it towards a closed window above his head, which opened. Ruola gave him a thumbs up, Allen smiled, and he went into the window. It rolled over on the ground, and then silently stuck to the wall.

Ruola poked her head out of the window, and Allen gave her a safe gesture, and she turned over and entered, closing the window at the same time, which was considered careful.

Coming to the mansion, Ruola, like an old horse, knew the way, and sneaked along with Allen. On the way, or encountering three or five servants, they were avoided by the two with light physical skills. The two walked through the mansion like ghosts, until Ruola stopped in front of a utility room, and Allen looked at her questioningly. Ruola opened the locker of the utility room with two copper wires, stepped in with Alan, and closed the door.

The two leaned behind the door and looked at each other. There were many things piled up in the utility room, the space was narrow, and the two were almost stuck together. Alan could smell the faint fragrance floating from Ruola. At this time, Ruola said: "Don't worry, Glar is hiding everything here. I can inquire clearly."

After that, he led Alan through a lot of clutter and came to a shelf. She moved the shelf away, facing the wall behind. If you stretch your hand to make a false photo on the wall, there will be a muffled noise from the wall. She didn't worry, she patted it inch by inch, and finally dropped her palm in the lower left corner, and then a hollow voice came. Ruola smiled: "Found it."

She pressed it down hard, and a brick was immediately sinking into the wall, and a light gear turning sounded in the wall. If Pulling back, a moment later, a square gap was slid in the place where she was just standing, but underneath was a dark passage. With his full eyes, Allen could only see the three stairs ahead. This passage extends downward, and Ruola smiled triumphantly: "Look, I know I didn't find the wrong place. Come with me, time is running out."

She floated down, the source of transport, the light blue source of flame came out, but it acted as an illumination. The passage is not long, and soon comes to an end. At the end is a copper door with an iron chain and a steel lock. If Pulling squatted down, he used a steel wire into the keyhole and gently pushed the lock ball. After a while, there was a soft "da" sound from the lock, and the brass lock opened. If Ra took the brass lock and put it on the ground, and then drew the iron chain, he would push the door and enter.

The door opened a crack, and at this moment, Alan seemed to smell a ray of fishy wind.

His hair stands up, it feels dangerous. At this moment, Ruola had already opened the door, and he gave a soft drink, "Be careful."

A few faint red fluorescent lights in the door lit up, and then a fishy wind rushed toward Ruola. In Ruola’s body, a fierce head suddenly appeared. The head that looked a bit like a wolf opened its mouth wide, and a slender tongue like a needle was spit out from it, swiftly facing Ruo. Pulled chest.

Allen stretched out his hand to drag Ruola back, and at the same time met him with a dagger. The devil's praise did not activate the awakening posture, so he cut off the thin tongue. The thin tongue flew down in response to the knife, splashing a dark red blood drop. The wolf beast retreated in pain, and Allen let go of Ruola, holding the dagger to stick it. I saw an orange arc flashing in the dim cellar. After a while, Allen stepped back and nodded: "It's safe."

They found the candlestick on the wall by the door. There were still unfinished candles on the stand. Alan’s fingers popped a ray of flame and lit all the candlesticks, so the secret vault of Graar appeared between them. In the eyes. There was a carcass lying on the ground. This wolf beast should be a guard kept by Grahrmon. He can be considered a bit of arrangement, this kind of beast should be able to recognize his taste. Once it smells that it is not Graal, it will be attacked when the copper door is opened.

Allen inspected its broken tongue, and there was a sharp object resembling a bee sting at the end of the tongue, which was hollow. It can be imagined that as soon as it is nailed into the prey, the blood will be drawn away by it. This turned out to be a blood-sucking beast.

But now, its head and body are separated. The incision was scorched, and it was Allen's masterpiece.

Ruola glanced at the corpse, especially when she saw the incision of the corpse, she was even more thoughtful. She quickly looked away, her gaze fell on the boxes in the cellar stacked by the wall. Some boxes are ajar, and you can see the jewels piled together in a mess. Ruola chuckled and said, "Look, Uncle Grall has more money than I thought."

Allen was also secretly surprised. If the boxes stacked in it were filled with gold coins or jewels, they would not only be a few million gold coins, but maybe tens of millions. Even if Graar is a Viscount, these tens of millions of gold coins don't know how long it will take to accumulate these wealth. The important thing is that, according to Ruola, these are dirty money. Otherwise, Glar would not be so careful, and get out a cellar under the mansion~www.readwn.com~ But, with so many things, do you think we can move in? "

"Of course I can't move in, so we just get the savings coupon." Ruola blinked.

The Balekan Empire opened imperial banks in various places, and depositors could put gold coins in the bank in exchange for an equal amount of deposit vouchers for easy carrying. Ruola went as far as he could, and immediately looked through the boxes and cabinets, and Allen shook his head. If Glar didn't put the savings voucher here, the two of them would have to work for nothing.

"Hurry up and find it, what are you doing in a daze." Ruola said.

"Yes, eldest lady." Allen opened a suitcase closest to him. As soon as the suitcase opened, his eyes were filled with scarlet crystals.

Ruola didn't intend to look at him, and suddenly lost her voice: "Boiling Demon Crystal? Glar actually has this in his collection?"

Seeing Ruola's appearance, she was very surprised that there was such a thing as a **** magic crystal in Graar's collection. r1058


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