Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 500:  Scheming

In the mansion, Graar was furious. Change to any one person, at this moment, I can't imagine my mood is calm. A guard of his mansion openly used the Boiling Demon Crystal on public occasions. This is not clear to tell others that there are prohibited materials hidden in the mansion of Viscount Graar?

I thought of what Oban said meaningfully to him in the study before. Glar was not only angry, but also afraid.

Auban said: "Glar, I will suppress this matter for you. But although things can be suppressed, they can't suppress outsiders' minds. I believe you, I believe you will not hide military assets privately, but I don’t know if others believe it or not. In my place, I can still protect you. But if someone at the top of Wanshang checks it down, even I can just stand by and watch, so you should know better than me how to deal with it. "

These words are too terrifying, the boiling blood magic crystal is not visible, at least it can not be used so swagger in public. According to the empire's constitution, if this matter is smashed up, the superiors will send someone to investigate it. As long as Glar can't get the official channel authorization letter for the magic crystal, he has to go to the lords of the imperial justice department. As a result, even if he would not be guilty, he would have to bleed heavily.

That loss can't be made up by a mere thousand magic crystals.

It's just the magic crystal hidden in the cellar, how could it be taken by the guards, and it was foolishly used in the market. As long as normal people know that something cannot be touched, and must not use it, who would use the same obvious defects and advantages as the boiling magic crystal?

"My lord, I've checked it. Beevin stayed in the bar for a long time last night, then went to the casino, and heard that he left in the morning. After a while, he did that kind of thing at the market. The subordinate thought , There is something strange in it." The guard captain of the mansion carefully organized the wording. Now Glar is like a gunpowder depot that can explode at any time. He doesn't want to be injured by mistake.

"What do you mean? Someone is going to blame me?" Glar was not stupid, he heard something in the captain's words. He frowned: "No, who knows me..."

His face suddenly changed, don't walk out of the hall. The captain followed closely, but Graal turned around and said, "You stay here!"

Coming to the passage of the cellar alone, Gera thumped his heart. The **** magic crystal is hidden in the cellar, and now some people are planted to blame. If the two are linked together, the answer is ready to come out: this secret vault has been exposed!

When Glar saw the iron chain falling on the ground, the stench that had been pouring out of the vault, his hands were trembling. Pushing open the door hard, and raising the torch, Graar almost fainted. The evil beast he was raising had been beheaded, and it was now rotten and smelly. Not far away, a box containing a **** magic crystal was opened, and looking at other places, it was also a mess. It seemed that not only had people visited here, but also searched for it.

Graar resisted the dizziness, first called the captain of the guard to curse, and then ordered someone to clean the corpse below. After the air in the vault ceased to be so disgusting, Glaer personally checked it out and found that there were indeed three fewer Boiling Demon Crystals. Even more frightening was that his box full of cash savings vouchers and secret letters disappeared. In that box, there were a total of about two million cash savings vouchers, which he used only when he was planning to use it urgently. That's all, but those secret letters can't be lost. Otherwise, once it is exposed, Auban will not be polite to him, because that is important evidence for betraying Auban's secrets to the other two dukes.

If it weren't for selling the secrets of Orban, how could Glar have such a vault.

It's just that now that the deposit voucher and the secret letter disappeared together, Glar couldn't tell the other party was for money, the letter was just taken away accidentally. Or maybe it came from the letter, after which he discovered that two gemstone necklaces were missing. The two necklaces, each worth about 100,000, are also a fortune. From this point of view, the other party should still be wealthy, otherwise it would not be redundant.

It's just that Glaer couldn't explain how the missing blood demon crystal reached his guard, and that **** guard had to use the blood demon crystal in public. There were too many ambiguities in the middle. However, after the guard used the magic crystal, he died because of the side effects of the magic crystal, even if Graar wanted to figure it out, he couldn't do it.

He can only sigh unlucky.

Now this vault has been exposed, especially the existence of the Boiling Demon Crystal is more like a hot potato. Not to lose, not to lose. Glars thought about it and could only transfer the contents as soon as possible, so as not to cause more trouble.

While Glar was so busy, Alan and Ruola enjoyed a leisurely afternoon tea time in the restaurant in the small building.

After Ellen came back yesterday, he counted it again and found that Ruo Lasai had given him more than one million gold savings vouchers. This is not a small sum. If the money is used well, it can be exchanged for the fine equipment of a thousand-man army. Of course, it is a bit reluctant to achieve the luxurious configuration of Deep Sea Lin Ji, and it is not that everyone is as rich as Oban, and every year millions of military expenditures do not jump their eyebrows, and do their best to throw on the direct line of troops.

Allen was naturally happy with this payment. However, when he was happy, he felt puzzled again. What puzzled him was that Ruo's hand was too generous. In the box he got from Graar, there were at most two million gold savings coupons. Ruola threw him two-thirds at once, and then don't leave in a hurry. It doesn't feel like she said before, just for making money and looking for excitement.

Moreover, Ruola knew the inside of the mansion well, and she even knew where Glarna's vault was. That being the case, she was able to do the actions last night alone, why did she drag herself on for nothing and pay so much afterwards. It looked like she was pulling herself to cover her. This reminded Allen of the evil beast, which was flashed by him with flames. Anyone who has studied him carefully can see the clues from the dead beast.

If Ruola planned to use herself as a cover from the beginning, that means she was not going for Graal's money, but had a deeper purpose. As for Alan, it was natural for him to dissolve the eyes of others, at least so that Glaer would not guess Ruola's body.

If so, then this woman is not that simple.

Allen doesn't like being used as a gun, especially when a woman uses him immediately after winning some favor from him. This feeling is very bad. Of course, Alan will not act rashly until there is insufficient evidence to show that Joola is using him.

Seeing Ruola talking in front of her eyes, Allen had a weird thought: this might be an interesting game.

"That's it. I asked him to win all the money from the unlucky guard, and then told him that as long as the spar was crushed on the spot, the money would be returned to him. And it would be doubled, so the next thing It's a matter of course." Ruola said, "What do you think?"

"Very good. In this way, Glaer can't wash it after jumping into the water. Anyone will associate the boiling magic crystal with him."

"I want this effect." Ruola showed a smug smile on his face.

"But Miss Ruola, the guard shouldn't know that the thing in his hand is a **** magic crystal?" Allen asked coldly.

Ruola was taken aback and said: "Of course I can't let him know, otherwise my plan will not work."

"So he won't know that with his source power that is less than tenth level, will he die after using the magic crystal? Not even know that your promise is a blank sheet of paper?"

Ruola's face was pulled down: "If I heard you right, you are accusing me? Baron Allen, are you going to put yourself on a moral high and accuse me? Yes, yes. I sacrificed a five Grade-level guard, but what about it? For Glaer, he will die sooner or later!"

As soon as she spoke, Ruola seemed to realize that she had said something wrong, and a strange expression flashed across her face. Alan looked in his eyes and shrugged: "I'm sorry, I probably didn't regard Viscount Graar as an enemy, so I think these methods are disdainful. But if you put him in a hostile position, trust me, as long as you can hit your opponent, even Means are despicable, and I am happy to use them."

Ruola's expression eased, and he joked, "You are calling me mean by going around the corner."

"No, this is the wisdom of a commander."

Both of them laughed, but Alan's thoughts surged. He made a hypothesis just now, assuming that Glaer is an enemy of Jorah. And Ruola did not oppose this statement, and judging from her natural appearance, she did regard Graal as an enemy subconsciously. This is weird. Glar is a vassal of Aubin. Why does the Earl's sister treat him as an enemy?

It seems that Oban’s circle of influence may not necessarily be peaceful ~ www.readwn.com ~ Allen thought.

"Believe me, after all these things, Uncle Glar must be anxious to transfer the contents of his vault. In the mansion, we can't move those belongings. But if you are outside, you can imagine this. Uncle Glar He was eager to take things away, but he encountered a robber halfway. What's better is that his things can't be seen, so if he loses his things, he dare not make a big declaration, he can only eat this dumb loss." Here, Ruola's eyes flashed with excitement: "How about, Sir Allen, work with me again?"

"Yes, but I can only dispatch three masters including me." Allen said calmly.

"Okay, my people will take care of the trivial matters. After the matter is done, you will be four and six. Of course, these things must be handled by me first, so that I can turn them into legitimate funds before transferring them to you."

"Miss Ruola already has a detailed plan, of course I am more respectful than fate." Allen laughed, he had a thought. This second robbery will be a good time to find out Rora's secret.

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