Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 501:  天人

After sending Jola away, Alan summoned Willick and asked them to buy some necessary things in the city. For example, cloaks and masks, but they cannot be purchased in the same store, they must be purchased separately. Weapons like their usual use are not usable, lest they be recognized, so it is inevitable to purchase a few weapons such as long swords and warhammers, preferably large-scale goods, so that even Graar will not be easy to track down afterwards.

Hearing that Alan was going to rob Grall, Willick and Bloy laughed unkindly, agreed readily, and proceeded.

In the afternoon, the two returned, each carrying a large bag of things. Allen counted it up, and had already purchased everything that should be prepared, so he just waited for Ruola's news. I thought I would spend a leisurely afternoon, but I didn't expect an unexpected visitor.

&nb—Pig—Pig—Island—novel ww.{zhu}{zhu}{}; The guest was brought in by a guard, and he showed the coat of arms of Obin. It was a silver coat of arms, and under the emblem of Oban was a sign of a shield, which represented the identity of the other party as a housekeeper or an assistant. Allen received him in the lobby, and the opponent was an Oriental, male, with black hair and black eyes, a race very rare in the Balkan Empire. He bowed deeply to Allen and said, "My name is Long, and I am a consultant to Earl Auban."

"What kind of consultant?" Allen asked casually.

"Management, military, and strategy are all slightly involved." His language is concise, and he is directly focused on the key points. He seems to be a simple person.

After Long sat down, a servant had already brought black tea. Allen shook the silver spoon in the cup and said, "Then, Mr. Long is here this time. Is it because Count Auban has anything to confess?"

"No, this is a private visit." Long Weizhen is sitting, his posture is very elegant, with the subtle and dignified of the Oriental, giving people a meticulous feeling. Such a person must come from a distinguished family, otherwise he would not be able to cultivate such a temperament.

"Oh, where did Mr. Long come?"

"I want to discuss something with Baron Allen, but before discussing it, I hope you can get rid of it." Long Gao said inexplicably.

Allen said indifferently: "Everything can't be told to others, Mr. Long just said it."

"I don't think so." Long smiled slightly, and he smiled very elegantly. Reached out and stroked gently on the table, there was no water on the fingers and no dust on the table. The fingertips of the dragon passed by without leaving any traces.

But Alan’s memory was amazing. As the other party’s fingertips swiped, a line of invisible words appeared in Alan’s mind: A man outside the sky!

Alan's face changed, and he stood up with a light cough. First ordered the subordinates and guards to leave, and then asked them to summon Willick and Bloy. After a while, the two walked into the hall, Alan whispered in their ears, and both of them changed their faces. Then he pulled left and right, walked behind the dragon, and formed a triangle formation with Allen, surrounding the dragon.

Surrounded by the three of them, the dragon's face was calm, and he faintly said: "Just looking at the actions of the baron and the nobles, I know that I guessed it is right. It's really unexpected. I didn't expect Sir Allen to come from outside the world."

"You... are not from this world?"

The atmosphere suddenly became serious, and Allen's eyes were like swords and swords. This is his biggest secret. Once this secret is exposed, I don't know what impact it will cause. But no matter what the impact is, it will be detrimental to his current plan. Right now, he had a murderous heart and decided not to let the dragon go. As for how to explain to Oban, that is the future.

Long raised his head and shook his head and said: "Baron Ellen, it is unwise to kill me. Besides, I don't know the secret of heaven and human beings. You can only kill me for a while. But in time, when other people pay attention to you. When the time comes, this secret will eventually be exposed."

"Heaven? What is heaven?" Allen did not relax his guard.

"This is the saying of our family. The deity is a person outside the sky. Our family has been engaged in research in this area, and I know a thing or two under the influence of my ears. But I didn't expect it to let me run into the real deity. , This is an accident." Long glanced at Allen and said: "After you arrived, Earl Auban conducted a survey of your identity. The local news dealers were commissioned, and their code name was Hei. Cat."

"It seems that they found a lot of things?"

"Indeed, at the very beginning, they only obtained basic information. After that, the earl asked me to track this matter. Just last month, the Black Cats found some interesting things. For example, when you first started. , Appeared from the Aspen Mountains in the border land. But after the Aspen Mountains, there is the endless sea, which is not an ideal landing point. Not to mention the dock, there is not even a beach, only cliffs and cliffs. I I can’t imagine, how would you land in the Aspen Mountains if you came from the other side of the sea?"

"You... just appear out of thin air."

Allen narrowed his eyes and said, "On this basis, do you think we are the so-called devas?"

"Of course not. I'm a prudent person, so let the black cat continue to dig into your things. Including the things you used, equipment, or where you went. I want to understand everything regardless of the size. Of course, for this I I paid the black cat a large amount of reward. And these rewards cannot be reimbursed to the earl." The corner of the dragon's mouth curled up, and a smile was drawn: "Black cats, nothing else, there is a lot of information to inquire."

"From the time you were in Suer City, you brought out a very novel textile machinery; not long before you arrived at Ark Harbor, there was a vision of skyfire rising into the sky in the wild highlands. They dug them out for me, and added After you arrive, especially your main force, they are equipped with weapons that have never been seen before. All this makes me suspect that you are from outside the sky."

Allen sat down and said in a deep voice, "Speaking of this, I'm very curious. When did you start to realize that there are outsiders visiting this planet?"

By saying this, he undoubtedly acknowledged his identity. Long had found out so many things from them, even if he killed him, he would not change his mind. It would be better to admit it generously. It seemed that Long was visiting without telling Oban. Then, he probably didn't tell Oban his identity of these people.

As for why Long did this, Allen believed he would reveal the answer himself.

"Planet? Hey, it's a vivid statement. So this is how you call our world?"


The dragon nodded and said, "In fact, our family is not the only one studying the heavens and humans. Because all over the world, in some uninhabited places, there are discoveries of the heavens and humans. Maybe it's a city or some kind of our own. Incomprehensible architecture. In short, people find some things that do not belong to this world. In other words, those things exceed the knowledge level of this world too much. Plus some patterns, portraits, etc., let the discoverer guess Before the birth of life in our world, there have been human beings."

"Since we have history, if we study carefully, it is not difficult to find that in the process of civilization development, there will always be a period of violent turbulence. During that time, there will be more or less celestial activities. Traces." Long Shen said: "So our family came to a conclusion that people outside the sky do exist, and every time they appear, they will have a significant impact on the entire world."

"Apart from your family, who else is studying heaven and human?"

"Not many, but there are indeed so few. For example, the imperial royal family has an organization that specializes in the research of the relics of heaven and man, what is called the ancient investigation committee. There are also the fairy king Saint Ophra, and the alien alliance shadow duchy, they all have similar things. Organization."

Ai Ethic got his idea, and said: "You mean that outside the empire, there are countries like Saint Ophra and the Duchy of Shadows. And what kind of fairy is the former, and the latter is all made up of alien species?"

"It seems that Baron Allen does not have a deep enough understanding of our world, but you have done very well. If I hadn’t had this knowledge, I’m afraid I would simply treat you as foreigners with mysterious origins instead of Know your identities as human beings. In other words, you have done a very good job in integrating into our world." Long said sincerely.

"Well, it really seems that we are too superficial. Then tell me, Mr. Long, what should I do with you?" Allen finally said the key.

The dragon's face was calm and calmly said: "Your identities will naturally not be exposed, otherwise, the imperial royal family will be the first to let you go. Don't look at your strengths, but the royal family will find the Ten Saints as long as they are willing to drop their blood. One or two of them is enough to destroy all your resistance, and then capture the relationship between you, Baron Ellen, and dig out the secrets of heaven and man. Believe me, a living heaven and man is more valuable than those relics Much."

"and so……"

"So I won't reveal your identities. You can keep me by your side. This can serve as a surveillance and house arrest."

Allen frowned and said, "Mr. Long keeps a secret for me, what exactly does he want from me?"

"Knowledge. My family has been studying the culture and civilization of heaven and human beings. This is also the long-cherished wish of the family. Let me stay by your side, and I can learn the knowledge that I have had before. This huge wealth is enough for me to help you. Keep the secret. Besides, by your side, I can use the power of Sir Allen to deal with some people." At this point, there was another thing in Long's calm eyes: "Some people I hate to the bone, I can’t do it alone. But if there is Sir Allen, it’s another matter. Of course, I will provide all the power accordingly. Including my knowledge of the world, my wisdom and so on."

"If Mr. Long just wants to retaliate against someone, I think Earl Auban should be more competent than me?"

"No, the earl will not offend a member of the royal family. But you are different. Judging from the traces left by the deities in history, after the aliens came to our world, the first step must be to expand their power. Sir Allen is no exception. Your goal should not be limited to a jazz collar or even hereditary dukes. Probably, this empire is your goal?" Long smiled: "Then, while achieving this goal, It seems that it’s not a big deal to cut off a member of the royal family at random. And Earl Auban, or even other earls or marquis, will not deal with a royal person for an unknown me."

"It seems that I really can't find a reason to refuse, so well, Mr. Long, you are welcome to join. However, I am also a prudent person. Especially at this moment when you and I do not know each other, I want to do some necessary protection Measures."


"For example, I will give you some poisons that have an incubation period. After a period of time, if you don't get the antidote here, you will die." Allen said directly.

Dragon nodded: "Yes, if this can gain your trust, I am willing to do so."

"Very well, if I am sure that our interests are the same, I will stop using this method at that time. But in the early stage, you know, it's better to protect it."

Long stood up and said, "Then I will leave first, and then I will go to the Bauhinia collar with Miss Rurah. Before Sir Allen stays here, I will maintain the current relationship with Count Aubin. When you are ready Go deep into the empire, and then I will naturally disappear."

"Oh, I need to remind you that don't take Auban lightly. I didn't tell him about you as celestial beings. With Sir Allen's performance now, Earl Auban has already felt your threat. Your ambition is beyond what he can tolerate, and I think he will do it for you. After all, that was my previous proposal to him, a reasonable proposal."

"Thank you for notifying ~www.readwn.com~ I will be careful."

After another bow, the dragon was sent out by the escort. Allen exhaled and looked at Willick and smiled bitterly: "After we have a firm foot here, I have to go back to Storm City. It seems that we have to cover up our history in more detail, otherwise It will attract the attention of the royal family as soon as possible. Our current strength is still unable to fight the empire."

"Edward should be qualified for the job." Willick said.

Allen nodded and said, "There is also Father Milo. His Christianity has gradually grown and it is time to use the influence of the sect. After that, Father Milo should also come to Ark Harbor to preach. In short, as long as we are in If the influence of the border land or Ark Harbor is large enough, it can provide us with a more comprehensive cover."

"That dragon, head, are you going to believe him?" Bloy asked.

"For the time being, yes. If he wants to pierce our identities, he doesn't need to be so troublesome. Obviously, he wants what he wants from us, whether it is knowledge or power of revenge. As long as we are useful to him, he will Will cooperate with us. Of course, as I said, he has to add some restrictions. It's time to invite our master pharmacy to come."

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