Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 502:  2 robberies

"Hurry up and bring these things too!"

Late at night, at the back door of the mansion, Glaer was directing the guards to load the contents of the vault into the wagon. Those belongings and jewels had been packed in an iron box in advance, and the iron box was tied with a thick iron chain, and then put in another box for disguise. The outer wooden boxes are painted with the Oban logo. People who don't know will only think that they are military supplies.

"Idiot, don't fall. Look good, my goodness, how I used you idiots. It gives me a lot of energy. If you lose anything in it, I want you to come back with your head!" Er didn't dare to roar loudly, his voice suppressed, and he waved his fists in the air to emphasize his tone.

Finally, all the carriages are ready~pig~pig~dao~xiao~say~www~zuhu~, Graar circled a few carriages, and finally waved his hand to signal the convoy to start. The convoy will leave the Ark Harbor overnight and head to Graar's own territory in secret. Now Ark Harbor, the secret vault in the mansion has been exposed, giving Graar a hundred courage, and he dared not keep his belongings in it.

Especially those **** magic crystals that would cause trouble, and now he regrets not daring to accept Daniel's "gifts", perhaps it hasn't been so hot to exchange for gold coins. But regret it, but the facts cannot be changed. Graar could only admit that he was unlucky, and the only plan for the present was to transport the things away first. Then sell it to merchants on the black market to turn the magic crystal into cash.

Only gold coins are the most reassuring!

When the carriage left the city, the captain of the guard showed the warrant that Graar had handed him. That was the order to leave the city from Oban, and there would be no problem at all. The guards at the gate simply checked the warrant and convoy, and then opened the city to let it go. When the convoy was leaving the city, not far from the city gate, a black shadow flashed past, and quickly disappeared into the shadow.

The night is so deep, not long after the horse team left, two carriages drove from the night. The horseshoe stepped on the night, and the wind lamp in front of the car swayed slightly, looking like two swaying flames from a distance. The guard at the city gate couldn't help but murmured: "Why are there so many people leaving the city tonight."

He was about to step forward, but the colleague next to him grabbed him and said, "Look clearly at the flag on the carriage."

"What?" The guard looked at it. The carriage itself was not marked, but a flag was placed next to the carriage. The banner can be seen under the firelight that is the pattern of the deep sea scale girl, and there is also a crown on the mermaid's head. Such a banner represents only Ruola. In other words, these two carriages belonged to the earl sister.

The carriage had no intention of slowing down, and the guards hurriedly opened the gate. Regardless of whether the car is pulled or not, as long as the flag is hung, they don't need to check and let them go immediately. As for what happened in the future, I can shirk myself on this battle flag.

Soon, the two carriages left Ark Harbor and galloped along the road towards the night.

In the carriage, Allen looked out the window and said: "It turns out that Miss Ruola's battle flag is so convenient, so it's better to send me a side. If there is an emergency, I can do it cheaply."

Ruola, who was sitting next to him, said half-jokingly: "Yes, as long as you marry me, I will give you as many faces as you want."

Allen raised his hand in a surrender gesture: "I said something wrong."

"A courageous man." Ruola rolled her eyes, but she laughed.

Willick and Broy, who were sitting across from them, couldn't laugh at all. Broy was tall and sitting in the carriage made the carriage look a bit crowded. Willick had to move aside, giving space to the big man. Ruola looked at the two masters who were acting with Allen, only that Willick was young and tough, while Broy had a rough breath, both of them were strong with their own characteristics.

She couldn't help sighing: "I really don't know where you found such a follower. It's just you two masters. Either of them can mix the position of the knight leader in the earl. Even in the masters. In the Imperial Legion, you can also sit on the position of a high-ranking officer. And for a master like this, you actually have three or four more. Tell me, how did you get it?"

Allen smiled: "I'm sorry, it's confidential, please forgive me for not being able to answer."

If you bite your lips tightly and look angry, don't turn your face away: "Don't tell me, forget it."

Allen looked at Willick and shrugged and made a helpless expression. After a while, Ruola smiled again: "Really, I haven't been angry with anyone for a long time, but I was so angry with you tonight. You know, people usually want to talk to me as much as possible. You're good, but I wish I had better shut my mouth. Say, don’t you think I’m long-winded?"

"Of course not, Miss Ruola's voice is as good as a canary, no matter how much you hear, how can you dislike it?"

Ruola chuckled out and said to Willick and the two: "Do you baron talk like this usually?"

The two Willick wisely chose to be silent, and tried to make themselves look as transparent as air. Ruola didn't think he was disgusted, so she turned around and asked, "What is a canary?"

"That's a kind of bird from our hometown, and its chirping sounds like a natural sound."

"Your hometown must be a good place, otherwise how could there be a bird with such a nice name. Canary, really a good name."

At this time, the carriage stopped, and someone outside the carriage whispered: "Miss, we have arrived at the scheduled place."

Ruola nodded and said succinctly: "Get out of the car and get ready for action."

The door opened, and Ellen jumped off the carriage. The battle flags hung on the two carriages were quickly put away and placed in a hidden compartment in the carriage. Pulling out the long wooden boxes from the brackets under the car and opening them, they are full of the robbery tools Allen and the others prepared before. Jola had already figured out the route of the Graar convoy in advance and determined the interception location.

Their two carriages are much faster than the opponent's convoy, so they can enter the preset location in advance. Now you have to change into the tools of disguising your identity so you can act at any time. Allen put the cloak on his body, put on the mask, and blackened the back of his hand and other exposed skin with the black paint prepared earlier. As for the silver hair that was almost his logo, it was dyed black before departure.

Picking up a long knife with rough workmanship, even if someone who knew Ellen ran into it face to face, it would be difficult to connect him and Ellen without careful observation.

Willick and Bloy also both made a cover, and Willick wore two tiger fingers instead of fist armor. Bloy carried two copper hammers and his rugged figure, which really smelled like a bandit.

After Ruola was unwilling, the eldest made a mess of paint on her face and hands, and put on a women's mask that is commonly seen in the dance party, and then put on a black-faced and red-bottomed cloak, as if she had changed. of. She picked up an ordinary rifle with a bayonet under the muzzle. When needed, the gun could be used as a knife, or the bayonet could be taken off and used alone, which was also flexible.

The other people who got in and out of the other carriage and the two horsemen who pulled the carriage, after a change of appearance, did not want to recognize their true colors. This group of people are Ruola's confidants, the elite knights in the Deep Sea Linji, and they are not comparable to Willick. But they all have an average strength of twelve, a total of eight people, which is also a good force.

Ruola made a gesture, and the eight knights who were acting as road bandits immediately dispersed and dived to ambush on the other side of the road. Ellen and Ruola were in a group, hiding behind a few towering old trees, as for Willick, the two also searched for cover and entered the battle preparation.

Before the team came, Allen leaned against the tree trunk with ease, and the long knife was placed nearby within easy reach. Looking at him, Ruola couldn't help but said, "Are you used to being a robber, why I don't feel nervous at all when I see you."

Allen laughed and said: "Miss Ruola's hat can't be buckled indiscriminately. Let people hear that I am a jazz, and behind the scenes I am doing the act of blocking the road."

Ruola laughed, then pouted, "You haven't answered my question yet, oh..."

She accidentally stepped on a branch, slipped her feet, and leaned towards Alan. Allen embraced her, so Ruola lay half-length on Allen's body. Allen was shocked that his hands were too out of place, and the elastic touch of Ruola's peaks came from his hands. Ruola's breathing is also slightly short, and her chest rises and falls, adding to her seductive look. She raised her hands, hooked Alan's neck, and pulled his head down.

Getting closer~www.readwn.com~ The breath from Ruola's nose hit Allen's face, making him feel itchy. Goodbye Ruolaju's half-lips, full and rosy lips, make people want to kiss Fangze. What's more, Ruola took the initiative, and when she was about to kiss Alan, the faint sound of horseshoes came from the back of the road. Allen raised her head quickly, helped her up and said: "The convoy is here."

Ruola felt that it was not a taste in her heart, and a feeling of emptiness in her chest was very uncomfortable. But now is not the time, she has to bit her lips secretly and concentrate on the other side of the road. But under the moonlight, the shadows of the trees were whirling, and a faint mist drifted across the road, like a fairyland. At this time, a few fluorescent lights appeared in the distant shadow. The fluorescent light quickly zoomed in, and you could see that it was the wind lantern hanging in front of the carriage.

In the light and shadow of the wind lanterns, the silhouettes of carriages gradually appeared in the moonlight. Before the convoy was about to pass, Allen gave a clear scream, and people floated up and down towards the first carriage in front of the convoy. The rough long knife in his hand shook, and it stirred up an astonishing wind and attacked the horseman driving the cart. The groom was also a security guard. Seeing a person rushing out of the roadside, the light of the knife flashed sharply in front of him, and he could no longer see where the person and the knife were. With a scream, he tightened the rein violently and stopped the horse. Then he rolled aside, escaping Allen's knife, but kicked Allen out of the car.

The swiftly stopped carriage immediately caused chaos, and at this time, Ruola's knights circumvented the convoy and outflanked the convoy of Graar.

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