Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 503:  Extra Insurance

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"Assault! We encountered an assault!"

The captain of the **** in the middle of the convoy rode on the horse and shouted: "The vehicles are gathered, everyone is ready for battle."

He was also considered a talent, and he was not too flustered when he encountered a sudden attack. He commanded the convoy to form a circle and occupied the middle of the road, while the guards used the carriage as a cover, showing off weapons and muskets.

Except for the first and last two carriages that caught Ellen and Rola's knights by surprise, the remaining five carriages reacted in time. When Allen and the others took control of the two carriages, Glaer's **** had already ended. In a circle. There are seven carriages in this convoy. Although Glaer has a lot of belongings, it is not exaggerated to the extent that seven carriages can be used.

Among them, there are only two carriages in the middle that are actually equipped with treasures and jewels, and the others are equipped with some large-scale weapons and equipment in order to cover people's eyes. Even if it needs to be opened for inspection when passing through the city gate, Glaer is not afraid of being discovered the truth. If it wasn't for Allen and the others to have a clear purpose and know what Graar's real purpose was, otherwise they would see that the convoy was just transporting some ordinary weapons, and they would have no idea of ​​robbery.

You should know that if you sell these scrap copper and rotten iron, you can't make much money.

The captain of the guard held up his sword and shouted: "Who are you? Do you know whose motorcade is this? This is the army supplies for Duke Auban under the name of Viscount Graar. You robbed the military, but a felony! "

Allen changed his voice slightly, making the tone sound a lot deeper: "Of course we know what we are doing, but you, don't do unnecessary resistance. If you don't want to get hurt, get out of here, or be conceited."

The captain of the guard had a bitter throat, and Alan floated out just now, and the scene of the guard who was forced to retreat to the first car was vivid. The opponent's sword is so strong that he is a master at a glance. Such a character, there is no one who can fight him. What's more, all the accomplices who showed up afterwards were all overbearing, and the captain really didn't know where such a team came from.

He wanted to abandon the car and escape, but the car contained Graal's belongings. After losing those things, Graar didn't want his life. I can only bite the bullet and roar: "I repeat, this is Master Glaer's team. Even if you succeed, don't think about having a good life..."

Ruola next to him interrupted him and said, "Don't talk nonsense with them, go!"

She gave an order, and several confidant knights had already rushed forward like wolves. Ruola raised his gun and shot himself, the flames flickered, and a team guard sprayed blood on his chest and fell to the ground. Allen shrugged and didn't rush to attack. With a pointed knife, Willick and Bloy rushed over.

The team guards used the carriage as a cover, and everyone picked up a rifle or short-barreled fire. The gun shoots. The sound of gunshots rose and fell, and the air immediately filled with a pungent smell of gunpowder. The firepower of the guards is not weak, but it's a pity that they all face elite players. Not to mention the two Willicks, they are the elite knights. Don't look at them wearing cloaks, but they are all wearing close-fitting scale armor. Coupled with the fact that they transported the source force protection body, as long as it was not aimed at the vital place like the face door, the iron pill of the rifle couldn't break their body under the double protection of source force and scale armor.

In a blink of an eye, the knights had rushed to the vicinity of the convoy, and the convoy guard had no choice but to raise their swords.

The two of Willick rushed over from the other side, and Willick kept shifting positions, so that the frequency of the team guards' shooting could not keep up with the changes in his position, so that at least seven or eight of the ten shots were missed. Bloy was hiding his face with two hammers and charging forward. The level of the highlanders is constantly improving, and the nature of Yuanli has gradually become thick and rough. They cover the surface of Bloy's skin, forming a layer of force field. The iron pellets of these muskets blasted on him, watching to wipe out patches of blood, but they were just skin wounds.

Bloy traded a slight injury for the time to approach the team, when the next short hammer was thrown hard. The hammer is poured with source power, revealing patches of red luster. The whole warhammer radiated red light, spinning and whistling, pulling out a light red tail in the air and smashing it into the convoy. The front part of a carriage was blown up directly, and the three guards hiding behind screamed and screamed.

One of them was unluckily hit by a warhammer, and his entire chest collapsed. When the person was in the air, he died of breath.

Bloy smashed the front line of defense with a hammer, Willick seized the opportunity and rushed into the gap. The fists wearing the tiger's fingers twitched like machine guns. Amid a series of explosions, several guards flew out with their fists. Everyone vomited blood and suffered serious injuries.

The team's defenses gradually collapsed, which is expected. After all, Allen was dispatched here by masters and elites, and the guards under Glaer's hands were just ordinary goods. It was the captain of the fifteenth level, on the premise that Ruola retained his strength, he was also killed by the eldest lady's bayonet and could not fight back.

Just as the overall situation was about to be set, suddenly murderous in a carriage raged. A dark purple sword flashed out and went straight to Ruola. This sword pierced out. It was when Ruola picked up the long sword in the captain's hand, Ruola revealed a tiny flaw that was almost ignored. However, he was grasped by the swordsman who suddenly threw out of the car, knowing that this person is also a master.

Suddenly, Ruola didn't have much combat experience, and his face was shocked. Regardless of attacking the captain of the guard, the man stepped back, while the bayonet moved left and right, pulling out a knife curtain. The sword with purple light pierced the knife curtain as fast as a meteor. There was only one sword, but it produced a series of exciting sounds. After Ruola was killed by the opponent, the swordsman gritted his teeth and attacked wildly, intending to take down Ruola's capital.

He is an adventurer secretly hired by Graar, and he has the strength of level 17. He has more outstanding attainments in sword skills. This is a secret arrangement of Graar. It was originally made to be on the safe side, but I never thought it really came in handy. This swordsman had been hiding in the carriage, which contained most of the belongings in Grall's vault. He didn't want to shoot unless it was a critical juncture. But the strong man who robbed tonight was unexpectedly hard. Seeing that the guard was invincible, he had to give it a go.

He saw Ruola order an attack just now, knowing that she is an important person even if she is not the leader of this group. If you capture her, you will have the capital to negotiate. If it doesn't help, you can save your life. Thanks to his composure, he kept hiding in the carriage until Ruola showed his flaws and attacked. Sure enough, after the first battle, he gained the upper hand, and Ruola was even higher than him. However, for a time, he was killed by him only defensively, not counterattack.

But the swordsman was not happy for long, when suddenly a hand was pressed and pulled on Ruola's shoulder, Ruola was dragged out of his sword. Another person suddenly appeared behind Ruola, he replaced Ruola's position, and the long sword in his hand suddenly exploded with a cloud of spirits. A war knife turned into thousands of blades and exploded. Suddenly the swordsman's ears were full of sharp swords, and the air suddenly cooled by three minutes. The opponent's sword spirit is pressing, and the offensive is fierce and unfeeling. At first glance, he knows that he is a veteran with a long history of battle, not comparable to Ruola's kind of empty rank but lack of combat experience.

The swordsman's pupils narrowed, and the sword's momentum closed. Do not seek merit, but seek no merit, carefully deal with Allen's offensive. Allen snorted, the opponent's sword skills are solid, but he is also a good player. If he doesn't have to conceal his identity, he can shoot with all his strength, and he will definitely defeat his opponent in the number of knives. But now he didn't dare to use his signature knife skills, for fear of being spotted by others, he could only attack with the basic knife.

But Allen's basic skills are equally solid. He uses his swordsmanship styles like hacking, cutting, sweeping, and picking quickly and ruthlessly. Under such an offensive, every time the opponent receives a knife, it is equivalent to an invisibly fighting Allen Yuanli. Allen's source power was one level higher than him. Under such a collision, the swordsman only felt his arm numb, and his strength was insufficient.

It was another hard shock, and when there was a sound, a large amount of sparks appeared between the swords. But Allen's steel knife clicked in the middle and disconnected. Originally, his long knife was a commonplace product. After repeated hard work, it eventually lost to the opponent's sophisticated long sword, but it was the source of mutual fighting. Li Shengsheng exploded. The swordsman was overjoyed, and just about to attack, Alan simply threw the broken knife at his face.

He could only avoid dodge, but after such a delay, Allen had already pulled out the dagger behind his waist. The devil's praise is rarely seen in front of people, not to mention the awakening posture is not activated, it is like an ordinary dagger. At most, the demon gems on the hilt are more eye-catching. Alan holds a dagger in his hand, and his fighting style has changed again. The dagger became light and subtle in his hands, which was very different from the indomitable Tyrant sword technique just now.

The poor swordsman had just adapted to his previous style of play. Unexpectedly, Alan changed into a dagger, with a very different style, and he was immediately hurriedly attacked. The dagger in Allen's hand rose sharply, point it to the side of the opponent's sword, and lift the long sword away. With a clear whistle, his source power soared, and his whole body slammed into the arms of the swordsman. When the swordsman feels bad about it~www.readwn.com~ there is a continuous slight coolness in both hands, and then severe pain hits, but the arms and wrists are picked apart by daggers, and blood jumps.

In particular, the mouth of the tiger holding the sword was slashed by the dagger, and the long sword was unsteady under the pain. Alan raised his leg and kicked the long sword. Allen immediately gained the upper hand, and the dagger was swiped continuously, creating a dazzling blade of light. In the end, the dagger was resting on his throat, and the swordsman smiled bitterly and raised his hands as a sign of surrender.

At the end of the battle, under the two masters of Rora's knight and Willick, Glaer's guard either died in battle or surrendered. As for the secret swordsman assigned by Graal, he tied the five flowers and handed it to Ruola for disposal. Ruola ordered someone to take him down first, and then let the elite knights open all the boxes. Those with swords and swords were ignored, and those with belongings were all taken away.

The knights were quick and swift, and within an hour, they moved all the yellow and white things that Graar had accumulated over the years to their wagons. At the moment, two knights left in a carriage first, Allen and the others tied the guards together and threw them under the old tree before leaving. This place is located in the main traffic road. When dawn, some people will find these hapless guards. As for whether they were alive or dead under Glaer's thunderous anger, it didn't matter to Alan and the others. r1058

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