Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 504:   dumb loss

It was almost noon when Glar returned to the mansion from White Castle. In the morning, Orban called all the vassals and consulted them on the negotiation with Daniel. In the conference room, almost every Jazz put forward his own ideas, but not all want to invade Daniel's territory as much as possible, and hope to get some benefits in it. For example, he inserted his own personnel into the three territories under the jurisdiction of Allen, and even tried to divide the territory of the young knight.

From beginning to end, Allen did not raise any objections, which created an illusion for the Jazz. They intensified, until in the end, Allen left an understatement: "I won the territory. Anyone can do it. The premise is that you can beat it in my hands."

His meaning couldn't be more obvious. If you want to divide his territory, then you can fight a battle first.

This sentence caused the jazz to shut their mouths. Everyone knew that, except for Orban, the troops in other people's territories were not worth mentioning. So the Jazz began to change the subject and pointed out directly that Allen's territory also belonged to Orban, so as a follower, Allen should also follow Orban's dispatch. They want to use Obin's power to bypass Allen's obstruction and achieve the goal of cannibalization.

In the end, Orban said calmly: "I once promised Sir Ellen that in Daniel's territory, how many he can beat down is all his. Do you want me to be an unbelieving villain?"

With such a big deduction, the Jazz finally had nothing to do, and the agenda was able to smoothly enter the discussion link of negotiations. In this regard, Allen has remained silent, even when Glaer proposed to delay the negotiation time for Daniel, he did not object, as if it was none of his business. Allen remained silent, and Glar was more than happy. He tried to agitate Oban and analyzed it from various aspects. Finally, out of his own considerations, Oban also agreed to delay the negotiation a little bit.

Back at the mansion, Graar was relieved. Although Oban's delay was only one week, at least he had already explained something to Daniel. At the thought of making millions of gold coins without moving his mouth, Graar gave a triumphant laugh.

After drinking a few words of tea, a guard ran into the hall and said to Graal: "My lord, Captain Legu and they are back."

"I'm back?" Glar frowned. "What's the matter, they should be back tomorrow evening, why are they back now?"

Regou was the captain of the team's **** last night, and his return now means that things are unusual. Graar immediately let him in, and when the guard captain walked into the hall, he was ashamed to not look at Graar. The Lord Viscount looked at him with injuries on his body, with this expression, his fingers trembled, and he asked fearfully: "What's the matter?"

"My lord, the subordinates are not doing well. We encountered a group of robbers on the road last night, and the goods of two carriages were taken away." The captain lowered his head and said.

"Two cars...Which two cars?" Grall asked with last hope.

The captain looked up at him and said hesitantly: "Yes, it's your two important cargo."

Glar only felt the sky spinning for a while, and his pride just disappeared. However, the time difference is less than a minute, but the mood is very different. He sat down on the chair, and the two carts of belongings, if converted into gold coins, would be around 8 million. It was the hard work he had accumulated for several years, but it disappeared completely in one night. Granel was like a hollowed-out wood, only feeling empty in his heart, terribly uncomfortable.

After a while, the rising anger filled the void. He jumped up, kicked the captain first, and then roared: "What do you do? Didn't I arrange a master? A full seventeenth level master cost me a thousand gold coins Hired! Why would you lose my things with him in charge!"

"My lord, the opponent's strength is too strong. Each of them is at least level twelve or above. The adventurer you hired made a shot, but was defeated by them, and the people were taken away. "The captain said sadly.

Graar was speechless.

A seventeenth-level master, even if he was defeated, he was taken away. Then the opponent's strength is so strong, in this view, they have been eyeing themselves early. Recalling the previous events, Graar is almost certain that the vault visited by thieves, the guards of the **** magic crystals in public the next day, and the cargo robbed last night are actually a series of accidents.

This is a careful serial poisonous scheme!

"Who is it against me? Who is it?" Grall exclaimed. Of course, no one could answer this question.

More than eight million of his belongings were gone. Glar only felt that his heart was twitching. To know that the profit of his legitimate channels was about one million gold coins every year. Now that he lost eight million in one fell swoop, without fainting on the spot, Graar already felt that his will was very strong.

He said with a trembling voice: "Be sure to find out! Find out who did it, **** Leigu, you should be grateful. Fortunately I have no one on hand now, or I must have killed you. Check it out for me now. , If you can’t find out, I will let you die miserably, I swear!"

"Yes, thank you for your kindness, my lord."

Just as the captain of the guard was about to leave, Graar stopped him again: "Remember, don't be too public, but keep a low profile."

After all, those things are not visible. In case Auban knows that he has more than 8 million private belongings on hand, the earl will definitely trace its source. And these wealth was earned by selling the secrets of Zhougang, and he could not let Oban know.

But Graal didn't know that it was Auban's sister who robbed him. When he was furious, Ruola changed into a swordsman uniform often worn by knights and came to Auban's study. After taking Graal's belongings last night, Ruola Meimei returned to her residence and slept. It wasn't until three poles in the sun that she got up lazily from her big sweet and soft bed.

Then he took a morning bath and ate some breakfast before he came to the earl's study.

"Looking at you, what happened last night should have gone smoothly?" Oban looked up and smiled at his sister.

Ruola casually pulled a chair and sat down: "Do I look so obvious?"

"It's as if you are smearing honey in your heart, you just have to laugh."

"Of course I have to be happy, brother, you don't know how much money the old **** of Glaer hid. My people counted it last night. If it was converted into gold coins, it was almost eight million. If you add it to me before The savings voucher that goes away, my God, he hides nearly tens of millions of belongings in a secret vault in Ark Harbor! That's his income for a whole decade. Of course, I mean the income from regular channels." Ruola held it. Fist, shake it hard: "With so much money, you can imagine how many secrets he has betrayed us!"

"Glar is a greedy guy, but I didn't expect his size to be so big." Orban shook his head: "Then, what are you going to do with his things?"

"I promised Allen to divide him 40%. The rest will be part of the military expenses of Deep Sea Lin Ji. The rest is of course my personal property!"

"Ellen..." Oban sighed: "Did you pull him up again?"

Ruola nodded and said, "Thanks to him, otherwise I might have been in danger last night. That Glar is not too stupid. He also hired a seventeenth level adventurer to hide in the carriage. Killed me by surprise last night. Fortunately, Allen stopped him and defeated him."

"Jora, I know you have a good impression of Ellen. But in the case of Graar, I don't think you should let him in."

"Why, brother. Isn't he your confidant now?" Ruola blinked.

Auban closed the writing in his hand and stood up and said: "Baron Allen is indeed a talent, but at the same time, he is also a dangerous person. I need to rely on him to deal with people like Daniel, but on the other hand, I also Beware of him. He is an ambitious man. If he doesn't get further power and wealth in my place, he is likely to turn his face against me. At that time, he will be the enemy that must be cut off!"

The earl's last words were murderous, and Ruola's back was cold.

"So, it's better to let him know less about things like Graar. And if you pull you, you should control your feelings and don't like a potential enemy. This is not good for you or me." Oban looked at his sister and said in a deep voice.

Ruola murmured: "If you make him like me, won't he always be loyal to your brother?"

"Jora~www.readwn.com~ You are too naive. A man like him has a world in his heart, so why would he give up the whole world just because of a woman?" Orban sighed and stroked Ruo. Ra's head said: "What's more, do you think people like him will lack women? No, as long as he gets stronger and stronger, what kind of women around him want. Ruola, don't waste time for him ."

"Wasting time?" Ruola swept away Orban's hand and stood up and said: "I know what my brother is thinking. Isn't he just trying to marry me to Marquis Hoy's son?"

"What's wrong with the son of the Marquis? Which status or status is not worthy of you? Ruola, don't be self-willed, everything my brother does is for you.

"It's for you!" Ruola exclaimed, "If you marry me to the son of the Marquis, won't you and Marquis Hoy have a relationship and get his political and military attention and tilt?"

She walked out of the study angrily: "Anyway, I am no longer a child, brother don't want to manipulate my life!"

Seeing her disappearing back, Orban smiled bitterly and shook his head.


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