Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 532: Ants

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Without hesitation, Allen pulled away and flew back. This seemingly simple action requires the same amount of source power to consume Daniel's strange suction from the tip of the gun. Retreating is not the solution. Daniel's gun has locked him in. As long as he is not hindered by the slightest obstacle, Daniel's battle gun will stab him, and then the lightning storm at the tip of the gun will explode. The power was only higher than the previous electric fog, and Allen didn't want to try it by himself.

As a result, Qianjun's blade trembles slightly, and Qianjun's blade trembles slightly. Every time it shakes, it will leave an orange flame in the air. That was the "Fire Path" he used in a long time. The Fire Path left Allen's source power in the air. Its original function was to combine with the ability to reignite to form the purpose of restricting enemy movement or wide-scale flame attacks. But now using the fire path to deal with Daniel, it seems a little self-defeating.

Daniel's face was silent, but his eyes were very contemptuous. Wherever his gun passed, Alan Bu's fire path in the space was completely annihilated. But Allen was still doing fruitless things, the frequency of Qianjun's vibrations was getting higher and higher, and the fire paths spreading in the space became more and more. Afterwards, fires of varying lengths were left on Allen's retreat, and then all of them were crushed and annihilated by Daniel's thunder and lightning storm.

Between the birth and death of the fire path, the two of them retreated and chased them, and in a flash, they flashed out a hundred meters away.

Allen suddenly settled.

Daniel doesn't know why, but a master at his level is determined, confident in himself, and won't be easily shaken by the opponent's actions. Even if Allen poses a trap, he will shoot it out. Without this confidence, how could Daniel have the status today. At the moment, the gun is not retreating but advancing, suddenly speeding up. It seemed that he was not holding a gun, but a wind and thunder!

The lightning ray escaping from the tip of the gun has completely concealed the original appearance of the gun, and Daniel held a plasma thunder in his hand and blasted Alan into his chest. At this moment, the unobstructed electric light suddenly went dark, and the light wave that was spinning like a diamond suddenly appeared a gap that should never have been there. Daniel's source power and the formed electric current quickly escaped from this gap, so the power of Lei Tao in his hand suddenly dropped by three points.

A fiery ray of light surged in Allen's eyes, and with a violent shout, Qianjun's blade was dyed with a hint of black yellow. The heavy knife lifted up the blue smoke, and the knife pointed towards the Lei Tao gap. In an instant, Qianjun smashed into the lightning of Lei Tao, and Daniel felt a scorching force of scorching heat. In his hand, the masterpiece of Lei Tao's lightning, the two forces fully wrestled and exploded each other, turning into a sky fire and lightning!

At first sight of the fire, Daniel immediately retreated violently, and withdrew dozens of meters away as quickly as sliding on ice. Sure enough, as soon as he retreated, a fiery stream of fire burst out from the light of the explosion. This stream of fire was extremely rich in color, with almost no flames, but in the shape of magma. The blazing jet glided by Daniel's side, and the armor on the Viscount's body immediately became astonishingly hot, and the clothes under the armor smelled of burning. The jet finally hits the rear guard wall obliquely, and the guard wall is easily traversed by it as if there is nothing. Eventually the light on the battlefield outside the city dim, and then a black and red pillar of fire bursts up like a volcanic eruption, with fiery flames rushing The upper half of the sky, as if to lick the sky, dyed the sky on the battlefield red.

It is also an inch of fire, and the fire current that can be released, whether it is heat or power, is much stronger than last time. Daniel lowered his face, which showed that Allen had some reservations before. He didn't know that Allen had already used Ignite this time. The source power is like a burning flame, and the power of the inch fire is doubled in an instant, and it has this power.

When Daniel retreated, Allen also slid back. The opponent's ultimate move exploded, and the thunder and lightning flashed wildly, but that was only the energy in the outer circle. The core plasma mass was separated into three parts, and the dark purple light ball with strong color sprayed out, and it landed more than ten meters away. The light ball burst, forming three electric fire beams rushing to the sky. In each electric fire, three to five lighter purple **** of light, ranging from three to five, were exploded in a circle at a distance of tens of meters. In the blasted flame, dozens of large and small light purple electric **** spread out irregularly. In the process of spreading, they either detonated on their own or collided and exploded, forming another sector-shaped bombing. .

Calculated in this way, Daniel's ultimate move caused three consecutive electric fire explosions. The straight-line distance of the explosion exceeded 100 meters, and the range involved reached 100 meters square. Within this one hundred meters square, the ground was scorched and crystals appeared on the surface. There was no dense smoke rising, but the surface temperature was terribly high, and the heat caused the air to ignite spontaneously from time to time, so clusters of sparks always appeared out of thin air without warning.

Allen was glad that he retreated in time, but was affected by the third wave of electric ball bombing. But the light purple electric ball has been weakened twice, and the residual energy at best caused some skin injuries. He didn't dare to imagine what would happen if Daniel were to stabbed his body with this shot, maybe even the soul would melt away in an instant, right?

Fortunately, in the realm of universal access, Allen made a detailed analysis of Daniel's shot. He bet that he knew better than Daniel himself. Therefore, through the fire trails distributed around, the group of thunder and lightning storms can be constantly neutralized and a gap appears. Then I ignited the source force, and finally used an inch of fire to trigger before Daniel's ultimate move could not be fully displayed, and then he barely retreated.

But now, Allen has reached the limit. Especially after using Ignite, the source force in the body almost poured out. The body is empty and uncomfortable, even Qian Jun, who doesn't feel anything normally, is a little bit weak now. Allen kept standing, although he allowed his breathing to become long and long, so as to buy time to recover his physical strength and energy. After the smoke and dust of the explosion dispersed a little, he first saw the projection of the unicorn wolf behind Daniel, and then the Viscount himself.

Although the image of the one-horned ferocious wolf is not clear before, the one-horned horn on the forehead can no longer be filled with electric light before, and looks dim. But Daniel can still maintain the projection, indicating that he still has the power to fight again. Unlike Ellen, he can only behave in a way now. If he attacks, there will probably be two or three more powers left.

"I have to admit, you are indeed a difficult opponent, Sir Alan." Daniel walked slowly with his gun in his hand: "I really never thought that someone could break my Thunder Qianjun like you. If you take time, you will surely be able to step into the Holy Realm with one foot. Unfortunately, the more so, the more I will destroy you now."

Allen smiled and said, "That's why you can't pass the holy realm, right?"

He meant to ridicule, but Daniel admitted generously without thinking about it: "Yes, I am no longer young. And in the last five years, I have not been able to make breakthroughs. So my potential probably ends here. The holy realm gives me hopelessness. But being able to kill a future strong holy realm can add a lot of color to my life."

"Don't want to use me as your medal of merit."

Allen whispered, while his head turned sharply, thinking of a way to deal with Daniel. After much deliberation, there is only a chance of a battle for the Anthem of Destruction. If hit by the self-destructing strong plant, even Daniel will run away with his strength and explode. But there is only one chance. Once the attack fails, it will be Allen's end.

But it is not easy to hit an opponent like Daniel. At the beginning, he could successfully kill General Sword Demon on the Star of Pluto, or Colonel Gao Lei entangled the opponent, and Allen had the chance to calmly lock in. As for now, he doesn't even have a 10% certainty, but he can't tolerate any hesitation at this moment and can only give it a go.

Daniel raised his eyebrows, and he also had to carry the gun before attacking. At this moment, the two suddenly felt something, and both looked towards the sky. There was nothing in the sky on the battlefield, only the wolf smoke from the ground occasionally covered the sky, but it was quickly blown away by the wind. But both Ellen and Daniel felt a strange breath, which was cold and bitter, with a metallic, inorganic feeling.

But the murderous spirit was bleak, otherwise it would not attract the attention of the two. But what can appear in midair? The two of them couldn't guess, only when a black spot appeared in the air, Allen's pupils suddenly shrank.

"What's that?" Daniel said unconsciously.

He also had good eyesight and had already seen the outline of the high-altitude thing. The black spot expanded and soon formed a shadow on the earth. The soldiers on the battlefield who were dying for their lives did not notice, but the officers and Ruola and others had already noticed the strangeness of the sky. They looked up one after another, even forgetting the battle before them, their attention was all attracted by the things falling from the air.

It is a kind of flying machine that people have never seen before. Its whole body is made of metal. The rough curves and the unique tough texture of metal all tell the people below that this is a machine beyond their common sense. . As for the few people from the earth, including Allen, they all know what it is.

Starship! That's right, that is the interstellar space used for interstellar travel, even though its hull is only a hundred meters long, it is a small exploration ship in the starship. But starships are starships. The weapons they are equipped with are far beyond the technological level of this planet~www.readwn.com~. On this starship, the two main guns designed to look like beasts are powerful. The defensive artillery of the Bauhinia main city is not in the same order of magnitude.

Therefore, when the starship of unknown origin hovered over the battlefield, and the two main guns of the beast began to lower the muzzle and face the battlefield. Everyone could feel the rich murderous intent coming from the gun, and at this time, Daniel finally knew where the murderous intent he felt came from.

The muzzle began to light up, and the lines on the starship's exterior were also bright. From a distance, it looked like a very large circuit board, and now the energy circuit of the starship was lighted up. The energy of the starship is being injected into the two main guns through the loop. When the light of the energy continues to flood the main guns like water waves, the huge pressure like the end of the world makes everyone on the battlefield unable to even move a finger.

At this moment, all beings are ants!

(Thank you for your monthly ticket support, especially Brother Xiang, which has been so awesome lately, thank you. Silver has insomnia? Could it be lovesickness? Haha. Recently, I was coughing so much that my voice was dumb, and I was watching three times a day last month. Yard late at night, got angry tt) r1058

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