Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 533:  Chaotic Battlefield (Part 1)

A cosmic starship that shuttles between the stars, no matter what level it is. Even if it is like this small starship that is mostly used for exploration, which is suspended over the battlefield, the weapon system it has is definitely not the technology that Heavenly Star can now have. Far surpassing the technological level of this planet, its force must bring extinction. Allen's own Dawn, the weapon system that he possesses is still on this exploration ship, but since landing on this planet, Allen has not used the force of a starship.

In the study of Dawn Blade, all members including Allen knew one thing. There are no more than two ways to invade a colonial star. One is relatively gentle, in order to penetrate and integrate into the society of the planet, compete for its rights from within, and finally reach the peak of rights, and naturally become the master of the planet; One is a full-scale war, in which a large number of battle teams and starships were dispatched from the beginning to suppress the planetary resistance with absolute force, which is a very violent method.

{Pig}{Pig}{Island} Novel www{zhuzhu][}; These two methods have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The former method is gentle in nature. It seizes the planet in a subtle process, is not easy to arouse the planet's indigenous resistance, and has the lowest damage to the planet's resources. The only problem is that it takes too long; the colonization speed of the latter method is relatively increased, but after a full-scale war, the colonization star will be destroyed very seriously, and the vested interests are far less than the former method. What is important is that a full-scale war at the beginning will intensify the strong hatred of the invaders of the indigenous life on the colonizing planet. Even if suppressed, sooner or later this contradiction and hatred will erupt in a more intense manner.

The battle of dawn on the earth is a typical example.

Therefore, the former method is highly recommended in the set of intrusion procedures established by the Federation. If it is not necessary, no one will put a starship into the battlefield at the beginning.

Allen can be sure that the starship does not belong to its own party, or even to the Earth Federation. Because the shape of the starship is very special, and there is no federal-related logo on it. The first thing he thought of was Seglisi, the alien species from the same origin as him.

"Heaven’s flying machine!" Holding on to the window, the dragon looked out the window excitedly, unable to mutter on his own: "Did you see? Father, our inference is correct. Our world has long been paid attention to by the heavens. Look, they're here again!"

"What are you talking about?" Standing at the other end of the corridor, Grall, who also looked at the starship outside the city, said loudly: "Do you know what it is?"

Long recovered calm, shook his head and said, "No, Master Viscount. I have never seen this kind of thing."

The light outside the window suddenly dimmed, and Long looked at it, and his eyes were already scared. A brilliant sphere appeared in the muzzle of the two main guns of the Starship, and the two energy shells were like dazzling twin suns, dimming the light on the battlefield and even the entire main city. Then came a light sound like a sigh from the direction of the starship. With a muffled sound, two energy cannonballs came out of the mouth and blasted toward the ground below!

The whole world shook violently in the eyes of the dragon, and he saw two groups of bright lights slowly rising, swelling, and exploding outside the city! Then the shock wave heat flow started and spread from outside the city. Even though it was far away from the battlefield, the city lord's mansion where the dragons were located was shaken by a giant. The whole building kept shaking, and countless sawdust plaster fell from the ceiling, and the entire corridor was immediately covered with choking dust and smoke.

After the strong light strobe outside, it took a few seconds before the light changed from strong to weak. So Long saw two thick smoky dragons floating outside the city, with fire flickering in the dust and smoke from time to time, and the scenery on the other side appeared unnaturally distorted, obviously the heat in the air was amazing.

On the battlefield, two deep pits with a diameter of tens of meters appeared, as if they were hit by a meteorite from outside the sky. The mud on the edge of the round pit turned over, and the dragon saw two smoky dragons erupting from the center of the round pit. They were like two ferocious volcanic craters, showing their grandeur to the world.

Under the bombardment of two energy shells, the enemy and us on the battlefield lost hundreds of people at this instant. And at the edge of one of the deep pits, two soil packs tremble at the same time, and Obin and Higgs got out of it. They all looked at the pit next to them in astonishment, where Auban saw the remains of his cavalry. On the other hand, Higgs saw a bare black helmet with only a small half left. It was his Dark Thunder Knight.

"Perhaps we should stop the war temporarily." Oban turned to look at the starship in the sky.

Higgs nodded and said concisely, "Agree."

At this time, the loop on the surface of the starship began to light up again, and the energy like water waves rushed to the two main guns again, accumulating the energy needed for the next attack.

"...Found you, Ellen."

In the starship's control room, Seglisi was standing in front of the big screen. He stretched out his hand to slide in the void of the screen, and as his hand moved, the content of the screen was constantly adjusting and switching. Eventually a picture appeared on the screen, and Seglisi saw Alan and Daniel with a shocked look.

"It turns out that Lord Viscount is here, very good, then I'll send you on the road together." Seglisi exclaimed: "Monlige, the high-energy heavy artillery hit me hard at these two targets!"

The alien like a ball Monrigo screamed: "Not yet, Captain Segris, our baby needs time to recharge."

"how long?"

"At least four seconds."

Seglisi roared: "It takes so long, **** it, I paid so much for these two heavy artillery. And the interval between their attacks is so long!"

"After all, this is the main gun of the frigate retired by the Nirm's army. I said earlier that instead of buying them, I wouldn't say buying the automatic high-energy fort." Monrigo complained.

Seglisi lowered his face and said, "Shut up and do your job!"

"Yes, Mr. Captain." The alien operated the weapon system and adjusted the muzzle of the main gun so that they were aimed at the main city of Bauhinia.

Saw the starship’s muzzle lifted up and pointed diagonally towards the corner of the guard wall. Oban changed color and said, "No, it's going to attack again!"

Higgs also saw that there were also unicorn soldiers on the wall. He yelled, "Master Earl, let's stop it together!"

Orban nodded, pointed his sword at the starship, and shouted with full force: "Listen to all the soldiers, I have reached a temporary truce with the unicorn. Let's get rid of the big guy above!"

Higgs also issued the same order, so the fire of the two armies. The gunmen launched an attack on the starship of Seglisi, but the fire in their hands. The gun power was limited, and it could not even shoot the starship. Even if it hits, it will only rub a little spark on the starship's metal outer armor. Aubin picked up the knight's long spear from the corpse of a nearby cavalryman, and injected the source of power. After shouting loudly, the earl shot a shot at the starship.

The knight's gun disappeared from Orban's hands first, and then appeared midway, dragging a bi-colored source light tail and hitting the starship's abdomen heavily. When it hit the starship for a while, the light of the charged muzzle dimmed a little. As soon as Oban's attack was effective, the cavalry followed suit. It's just that they didn't have the strength of Oban, and the spears they shot were not of insufficient source power, or the starship fell down without even touching it.

However, many spears hit the starship in this round of projection. Although it was unable to cause damage, the starship was swayed continuously, and the main battery charging work was repeatedly interrupted.

"Cannon! Cannon attack me!" Returning to the guard wall, Ruola yelled.

The two defensive artillery on the guard wall immediately turned their muzzles, and the gunner raised the angle of the artillery upwards, hoping that the natural ejection of the shells would hit the starship. After getting ready, the artillery fired. In the dull sound of artillery, two bombs dragged hot smoke into the air, and then fell naturally. One of them passed by the starship, and the other hit the starship, setting off an explosion on the outer armor.

"Continue!" Ruola called, directing the artillery to continue the attack.

The number of artillery on the guard wall is really limited. Fire guns are not a threat to the starship, and only the long spears thrown by the knights are so threatening. After several bombardments, the starship began to lift, and soon the height of the lift exceeded the range of the artillery. The two main guns finally no longer suffered any interference, and after a while, two more brilliant energy shells were fired from the muzzle.

At this time, dozens of fireballs suddenly flew up from the corner of the guard wall. They formed a burst of interception fire in the air, met the energy shells in the air, and immediately exploded. Suddenly, in a dense flash of explosion, the fireball and energy cannonball exploded at the same time, forming a continuous fire cloud in the air. The explosion was still dozens of meters away from the ground, but the hot air flow made people on the ground unstable, and even the soldiers on the guard wall blew off the wall.

Even those with ranks like Ruola and Auban had to squat down to avoid being blown away by the shock wave.

After the hot wind ~www.readwn.com~ Udi raised his head and said softly: "It's dangerous."

Had it not been for him to order Cunhuo to use flame missiles to intercept, now I am afraid that a large section of the guard wall would be lifted off, and even the buildings in the city would probably be razed in pieces. The pressure in the air is still alarming, and the third bombardment is being prepared. Looking at the muzzle of the two main guns, the light regained like a blaze, everyone felt bitter.

"Mr. Captain, it's better to stop shooting. Our heavy artillery has overheated."

In the control room of the ship hull, Monrigo screamed. The screen in front of him was showing a warning that the weapon system was overheating. Seglisi said gloomily, "I'll talk about it this time after shooting."

"Continue to attack in this situation, they may blow up."

"Monrigo!" Sergelis shouted.

After the alien's two heads and four eyes looked at each other, it shook its head and said, "Well, listen to you, who made you the captain?"

"High-energy heavy artillery, the third round of bombardment!" Monrigo stretched out the short ridiculous hand and patted the launch button again.

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