Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 554:  No more days

After listening to the first will that Auban said, the clerk buried himself in the book and recorded exactly what the earl had said. Others exchanged glances, and Glar gave a dry cough and stood up and said: "My Lord Earl, Baron Alan has always been a young man. I'm afraid it will be difficult to play the role you requested. Do you have to reconsider other things? Candidate?"

Orban smiled and said: "Glar, my friend. You don't need to worry about this. Although Baron Allen is young, his ability is obvious to all. I believe he can do the role of supervisor, if he can't do it. Well, there is only one possibility, that is, he is unwilling."

Allen stepped forward and bowed: "Don't worry, count, I'm happy to accept this job."

He glanced at Graar lightly at the &Pig&Pig&Island&novel {www}.{zhuzhu}{}.{}, smiling silently.

Graar snorted and backed away, knowing that Orban's decision could no longer be changed. Oban cleared his throat, and said: "20% of the assets in my name are given to Delly. She has done her best to be a wife and a mother, and she is qualified to get these."

Delly was the earl’s wife. After hearing Orban’s words, she murmured: “I don’t want your assets. I only want you to be well, dear.”

"The other 20% will be shared equally by Farr and his brothers and sisters, and 40% will go to my eldest son Giles. The remaining 20%..." Orban looked at Ruola and smiled: "That belongs to Ruola. the property of."

"Brother, I don't need these." Ruola shook his head and said, "Gills needs them more."

"No, you need it. Without this property, it would be difficult for you to have a place in the family of the Marquis of Iron Spear." Oban said flatly, obviously he had already considered Rola.

Without giving Ruola a chance to refuse, Oban continued to draw up his will. After a reasonable and fair distribution of his private assets, his title was inherited by Giles, and Giles naturally became the new lord of Ark Harbor. Not only did he have to manage the existing territory for Orban, but he also had to take care of the business of the jade pearl trade group, as the saying goes.

Oban arranged for him several candidates who could help. These people were all members of Oban's long-standing team, including the butler of Metz. They can make important suggestions to Giles from the aspects of daily communication, politics and business dealings, and they are the auxiliary force left by Oban to his son.

Finally, Auban called Giles over, reached out and patted his son on the shoulder and said, "Gills, I know that it’s too early for you to put these heavy burdens on you."

Giles shook his head and said, "No, father. I'm ready."

Auban said happily: "You've grown up, so I can rest assured."

He looked at the clerk and said: "As far as the territory is concerned, this is how I allocate it. Giles' management includes Ark Harbor, and all my original territories are entrusted to him. As for Daniel's territory, including Sunset The territories including the city, the castle of dawn, and the bauhinia collar are fully responsible by Sir Allen. Sir Allen only needs to pay relevant taxes every year in accordance with the regulations. As for the management of the territory and all other related policies, he Have complete autonomy."

The clerk trembles when he hears the pen, even he understands the meaning of the five words "complete autonomy" in Oban's mouth. That means that Alan is a vassal on the surface, but in fact he is already an ally, an ally recognized by Oban. Allen only maintains a formal vassal, but Giles, the new earl, cannot interfere with him and the affairs of the domain, as long as Allen pays taxes in accordance with the regulations every year.

In this way, Allen can develop armaments and expand the army in accordance with his own wishes and capabilities, without having to obtain Giles' consent and approval. For Giles, such a vassal is undoubtedly dangerous. In particular, Allen owns all of Daniel's original territory, which is a huge blow to Giles.

Although Giles hasn't formally managed the territory yet, he knows some. Hearing Oban's decision, he said anxiously: "Father, are you giving Sir Allen too much power?"

He was still too young to ask questions tactfully. Asking this sharp question directly in front of Allen is a kind of harm to Allen or Oban. Allen just smiled, he believed Auban would give Giles an answer. Glar looked at Ellen and Orban from the corner of his eye, guessing in his heart that the two must have negotiated some conditions privately.

Orban smiled weakly, and said to Giles: "Trust me, boy. This arrangement is the best for you. With your current ability, you can't take care of so much. Have Sir Allen help you. , You will become an outstanding earl."

"But, father..."

He wanted to say something, but he shook his head and interrupted Oban: "Okay, Giles. I'm already tired, so don't interrupt me anymore, just listen carefully. The decision I made, and these The arrangement is for this territory and you. You may not understand it now, but you will definitely understand why I did this in the future."

"I see, father." Giles murmured, and he turned his head to look at Alan, his eyes flashing with an imperceptible bit of resentment.

Allen sighed in his heart, knowing that Giles still couldn't understand Orban's arrangement. In this case, the two of them may not get along as pleasant as Oban thought.

Oban added some additional things, mostly some personnel arrangements. Like Glaer, he changed a position in the trade group. One shows that it seems more powerful, but in fact, according to Orban's plan, it will gradually become a dispensable role. These plans have been drawn up by Oban, but they are now implemented by Giles. As long as Giles does nothing wrong, then three to five years later, Graar will gradually fade out of the circle of power. When he found out, it was done, and he was exhausted.

After spending a morning, the will is finally completed. In the afternoon, the clerk sorted them into formal documents and gave them to Obin, Allen, and several other witnesses for review, and after ensuring that they were correct, the relevant people signed their names on the will. Allen was the last to sign, and Oban asked him to stay after finishing this.

"Daniel is a vassal of Rekerd. Now that Daniel is dead, it is impossible for Rekerd to let Daniel's territory remain unowned. You may have to think about how to deal with this problem." Auban said: "Daniel has another one. Son, you can make him a nominal lord, which will facilitate the transfer of power in the future."

Allen smiled and said, "Thank you for your proposal, Lord Earl. But in fact, I had already visited the Unicorn Castle once before I came here. At that time, a nephew of Earl Reckold was already busy taking over the territory of Viscount Daniel. Unfortunately, I happened to go with Master Ante."

As soon as Oban heard it, he knew a general idea, and then he smiled and said: "Then I'm really worried about it. You know it's best to do this. Then Ellen, what are your plans next?"

"After all, Sir Daniel's territory has just been defeated. What we have to do now is to stabilize the minds of the people. I will probably not expand for a while. Stabilize the territory, accumulate development potential, and play well with Mr. Rein. Deal. Maybe I will go to the Imperial Capital to see some big people. But before that, I have to go back to Storm City first, and there are some things that need to be dealt with."

Auban nodded and said, "You can go to Metz, and he will arrange a boat for you to go back."

"I see, it's not early, count, rest."

"It's okay, you go to your business. The will has been finalized, and you don't need to come to me to waste time, do what you should do."

The countess came in just as Alan left. When he turned around the oriental-style partition, Allen saw Madam Delly cleaned the earl's wound herself, and they all had plain smiles on their faces. The afternoon sun quietly cast into this room, and the scene in Allen's eyes was full of warmth. But he knew that there was not much time left for the count and the lady.

Sure enough, Mace's work efficiency did not have to be said, the next day he had found Allen a merchant ship to Violet Harbor. But now the merchant ship will not set sail until a few days later, and Allen is not in a hurry for these few days, so he stays in the three-story small building previously arranged by Oban. In the afternoon of the same day ~www.readwn.com~ Belmode finally came back. He heard that Alan was in Ark Harbor, so he met him directly.

Since they separated from Lily outside the Orca Port, Belmode and Kira were sent by Taylor to another port, and then transferred back to Ark Port by passenger ship. After meeting with Allen, Belmode was also surprised to learn from Allen that these things happened during this period. From Belmode, Allen also learned about the changes that took place in Orca Harbor, and at the same time knew Eric's strength from another side. This is undoubtedly important information for Allen, at least for Eric in the future, he will not be completely bottomless.

"Yes, master. Mr. Taylor seems to be interested in working with us. He is one of the Naga's agents in the empire. Although he lost some of the superficial properties of Orca Harbor, his business should be more than that." Bell Mode added: "But now he has to deal with some things. I'm afraid he won't be able to come to Ark Harbor in a short time."

Allen nodded and said, "I also plan to go back to Storm City. Butler Mace has arranged the boat for me and set sail in three days. Come together."

Belmode naturally had no objection. Seeing that there was nothing else, Allen let him go to rest. As soon as Belmode left, someone came to visit again, but it was Roger. After many days of absence, the two inevitably exchanged greetings. After sitting down, Roger went straight to the subject and said: "Is the situation of Count Aubin not optimistic?"

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