Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 555:  Good intentions

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"It's not very good indeed." Allen's eyes fell on the cup of black tea on the table. The dark red liquid was slowly swirling because of the stirring of the silver spoon, and some fine bubbles floated: "But Mr. Roger , It’s better not to inquire about these things, it's not good for you."

Roger nodded. Of course he knew that speculating on the physical condition of an earl was like inquiring about secrets. If it were known to outsiders, it would naturally not be of any benefit. He changed the subject: "Recently I caught up with a big man, Lord Allen, my business may develop into the imperial capital. Even if I can't go to the imperial, I can still enter Granier's circle."

The imperial capital Olísca, or Granier, is the center of the north. They are the political and economic center of the empire, and the heart of the empire. Every businessman hopes that his business can be done in such a city. Roger now feels the way, no wonder he is excited. He is not a person who is easy to express his thoughts, but the harvest is so huge that Roger can't hide it.

"Oh, who is it?" Allen asked casually.

Roger smiled and said, "His name is Lein, he seems to be from a big family in the imperial capital."

"Rhine? Is it him?" Allen asked unexpectedly. If Rhine were to take care of Roger's business, it would not be difficult. I don't know if this Ryan and Roger cooperated accidentally, or if he knew the relationship between Roger and him, so this arrangement was made.

If it is the latter, it means that Ryan knows a lot about him, but the relationship with Roger is not confidential. As long as there is a caring person, you can dig out their relationship with a little bit of information.

"Why, Lord Ellen knows him?"

Allen nodded: "Well, I only met this person through the introduction of Earl Aubin."

Roger felt more relieved when he heard that Oban also knew him, so that Ryan's identity would at least not be a problem. The two talked a little more, mainly about certain details of future business dealings in the territory. It is as if Allen intends to support Roger as an agent for the business in his territory. Allen intends to establish a chamber of commerce to facilitate the management of businessmen in the territory. Roger was the first chairman of this chamber of commerce, which was undoubtedly a huge opportunity for Roger.

You must know that Allen's current territory is actually not much smaller than that of an earl. A sufficiently large territory naturally brings enough business opportunities. Roger knows exactly what the chairman of the chamber of commerce means. When Roger was happy, he felt a little in awe of Allen again. Even he knows how powerful the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce is. How could Allen not know.

Waiting for leisure is like a chamber of commerce in an earl, and the chairman is generally held by the lord, so that he can personally grasp the economic lifeline of the territory. Take Ark Harbor as an example, the master of emerald pearls is Oban himself. After Auban's death, this position was naturally inherited by Giles. Even if such an earl like Obin was like this, Allen delegated the entire power to Roger. There are only two possibilities for Allen to do this.

One is that he doesn't know how important this position is; the other is that he can control the chairman of the chamber of commerce. Roger believes that Allen belongs to the second category. As for where his confidence comes from, Roger does not want to think about it. The courage that Alan dared to let go alone was enough to make Roger awe.

After sending Roger away, Allen received an invitation letter. The invitation letter was sent by Giles to invite Allen to a small private banquet hosted by him tomorrow night. Allen gave a clear answer to the messenger and he will definitely attend.

Obviously, the young Earl Giles has already begun to deal with the affairs of the territory. Tomorrow night's banquet will be his first formal social event, and Allen, who is clearly a vassal, naturally has no idea to refuse. It is conceivable that Giles will test some of his ideas through the banquet, and Allen can naturally also figure out the future plan of the young earl for the territory.

Anyway, two days before the merchant ship sailed, Allen didn't want to miss this important banquet.

In the evening of the next day, Allen put on a properly tailored and elegant dress. Originally, Adele suggested that he put on the armor, showing the image of the army chief, to remind people that he is an invincible general and can play a shocking role. But Lucy opposes this proposal. Lucy's opinion is that at the time when the old and new powers are handed over, if Allen behaves too strongly, it will have a bad effect.

For example, Giles will feel the threat of Allen, which will affect his attitude towards Allen in the future and so on. Allen’s idea is simpler. He doesn’t want Orban to be aggressive before he leaves. So I chose Lucy's plan, put on a dress with a jazz medal, and a gorgeous thin sword, according to Lucy. An elegant, low-key and powerful image is the most suitable role for tonight's banquet.

The banquet was held in White Fort, and the venue was a hall in Nei Fort. The lobby has been carefully decorated, and partitions are designed at the entrance to take care of the psychology of most guests. After all, there are not many people attending the banquet tonight, but everyone is a pivotal role and naturally doesn't like too much gaze exploration. After passing the partition, you can see the banquet hall.

There are two long dining tables in the hall, which are filled with exquisite meals. From time to time, waiters push the dining car forward to change the food on the table. There are even waiters carrying silver plates containing fine wines in the hall to ensure that guests in any corner can enjoy the sweet wine. Several hidden decks are also arranged in the hall to facilitate secret talks between the host and some important figures, which can be described as thoughtful.

When Allen walked in, he was immediately baptized by many eyes. There are many meanings in these gazes. There are not many guests in the lobby, but whoever can stand here will be an unknown little character. Although they had not been able to witness the whole process of Count Aubin making his will, they knew everything through various channels. The level of detail is not much less than that of personal participation.

So of course they knew that the young baron in front of him was entrusted by the European class with the responsibility of a supervisor and had complete autonomy of the territory. It is no exaggeration to say that the power he holds at the moment is no less than that of the new earl. Even in terms of real power, he is bigger than Earl Giles, and he is much!

So in these eyes, there is envy, and there is no lack of jealousy, resentment and other information. After all, the greater Allen's power, the less benefits they can get.

"Sir Allen."

In the crowd, Giles in a silver dress greeted him enthusiastically. There is a sincere smile on his face, and even his face is three-point rosier than usual because of the wine and the light. He opened his hands slightly green and gave Alan a kind hug. Allen keenly noticed that the gazes cast on him immediately became more concealed, and most people put on false smiles on their faces and raised their glasses to him.

However, it was Giles who called Alan by accident. The young man showed a bit of resentment towards himself in the earl's bedroom yesterday. Tonight, it was like a different person, like an old friend I met at the end of many years, too enthusiastic.

It seems Giles has a good social mentor, Allen thought. Giles let go of him at this time, snapped his fingers, and naturally the waiter brought the wine. Giles personally took a cup and handed it to Allen, and then said to the other guests: "Everyone, Sir Allen's bravery and ability, this time everyone should be able to see. It is this jazz, in less than half a year, Take down the territory of the Marquis of Daniel. That's right, that powerful Marquis has become a thing of the past. And I am also very fortunate to have such a strong and friendly ally in the future."

"Therefore, I am here to suggest that you all offer a glass to Sir Allen. I hope our friendship will last like the sun and the moon."

Giles said passionately, and drank his glass. His movements were so intense that after drinking a glass, Jun's face flushed red. Allen frowned slightly, unbearable for Giles' enthusiasm. But he raised the cup politely and drank the liquid in the cup, and there was a round of applause. Other guests also drank the wine in their glass to show their respect to Giles and Allen.

The young earl laughed and put Ellen's shoulders intimately, and the two walked towards a deck in the corner.

Sitting in this private deck, the screen next to them blocked a lot of sight and sound. Giles poured a glass of wine for Allen and said: "I was rude yesterday, and Sir Allen believes that I was unintentional. In fact, I talked to my father after that. Indeed, Sir Allen is that. The most suitable manager of the territory. I am too young and have no prestige. Even if I barely take over the territory, I can't suppress the people below. I just turned into a joke in vain."

"Only people like you, Sir Allen, can suppress them. After all, you beat these territories from the hands of Viscount Daniel, so only your name is powerful to the people in that territory. Persistence." Giles looked serious, without compliment, just as if he was telling a fact.

And what he said is indeed the truth~www.readwn.com~ Alan took the wine from the young earl, and said in a deep voice: "Earl Giles, please rest assured. Just as I promised to Lord Aubin, I Will be your loyal ally. You will soon find out that with me by your side, you don’t have to worry about things outside your territory."

"Then I'm relieved." Giles smiled, raised his glass and said, "I will ask Sir Allen for more advice in the future."

"Don't be it."

The two wine glasses touch in the air, representing the establishment of the minimum friendship between the old and the new. Next Giles asked Alan a lot of things, which revealed some plans for Giles' future management of the territory, and these plans can be seen that he carefully bypassed Allen's territory and tried to follow Orban’s Decided not to interfere with the autonomy of Allen Territory.

Allen realized that Giles's remarks were not so much as asking for advice, but as a vague expression of his heart. For this young earl, it was a good intention. r1058

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