Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 681:  Showdown

Allen and Renner exchanged glances, and both saw an unnoticeable worry in each other's eyes. The alien powerhouse in front of him has already admitted that there have indeed been betrayers among humans. It is a pity that he cannot be brought back to testify, otherwise the corrupted parts of the Federation may be eliminated one by one. If those people can trade with the Catu clan, then they can also transfer benefits with other Yorton aliens.

Once this matter is exposed before the public, the prestige of the Federation will fall to the bottom. At this time, the freedom gate on the surface took advantage of the momentum, and the division within humanity was already predictable. What's more, it may be caught in a long civil war, which will be a huge blow to the strength of the earth. Nowadays, the trend of division within the federal system is already present, but the fire is not violent enough at the moment, coupled with the common enemy like the Jotun alien, that barely maintain the status quo.

But this status quo is extremely fragile, as long as someone with a heart adds a few more fires, it will be enough to make the fire of division burn vigorously. Allen no longer wants to think about it anymore. He doesn't know what humanity will become if the federal system is completely divided. At that time, they will probably fight each other, even the wealthy family cannot avoid this war.

A violent murderous aura rushed towards him, interrupting Alan's thoughts. He raised his head, and the figure of the strong alien was slightly distorted@↑. Just like the sight seen through the hot summer air, it is not the heat that affects Allen's sight now, but the power and killing intent that Hubble continuously releases. Every muscle in his body radiated crimson light from the inside out, and the source of light was condensed, but it made people feel extremely solemn.

Under a little sense, Allen judged that the opponent's level should be almost the same as the strength of the Viscount Daniel on the Heavenly Star, both at the 25th level. But the natural strength and physical superiority of the Catu tribe made Hubble better than Daniel in combat power. In other words, this opponent is probably only one or two inferior to Catherine, but the strength is already very close to the level of the Federation Major General.

Under the huge pressure of Hubble, except for Alan and Reyner who can look as usual, everyone else, including Regis, has different faces, all affected by Hubble's aura.

Hubble raised the giant axe decapitator with one hand and pointed to Allen and said: "Come a fair duel with me, human. If you can defeat me, then dozens of lives in my clan will be eliminated today. how is it?"

"Then we have taken a big advantage." Allen laughed.

"Don't be fooled by him." Renner said solemnly: "You are definitely not his opponent. If we join hands, there may be a chance."

Hubble looked up to the sky and laughed: "You know that humans have no real warriors. You never dared to put yourself in the middle of death. So there are many of you who are super-ranked, but you still can't help us."

"That's not necessarily." Allen took a step forward, **** fingers pointing away, and the killing intent of the sword was like a Nu River rushing forward. Suddenly a crackling tremolo sounded in the air between the two, and countless long grasses were blown up and splashed by the two men's momentum, and immediately the grass blades fell and the murderous aura filled.

Hubble put away his smile, and his two huge eyes shrank for a while before beckoning: "Come on, let's have a fight."

"as you wish!"

The voice hadn't disappeared, Alan had already dashed forward, and there was a muffled noise on the ground. The large air wave exploded, and Renner next to him had difficulty breathing. He mentioned the warhammer, but then put it down, with contradictions in his eyes. Looking over there, Alan's figure was blurred and elusive. Reina finally sighed and put down the warhammer completely.

Hubble's eyes widened, but he couldn't see how Alan was moving. Originally, the Cato people are not good at speed and skill, they are more keen to use overwhelming force to crush opponents, Hubble is no exception. He could not see Alan's body skills clearly, so he simply ignored it. There was a whistling sound like thunder in his mouth, and the table-sized decapitator in his hand had already pulled up a wave of air, slashing out awe-inspiringly with the source of light and flame!

The decapitator blasted into Allen's vague figure, seeming to split him in half. Lucy, who was watching the battle behind her, couldn't help but let out an exclamation, and she was out of control. Regis next to him whispered: "Don't be nervous, Allen is okay."

In terms of speed, probably only Regis can keep up with Allen. Even in the straight-line distance movement, Regis was faster. Therefore, he was the only one to see clearly. At the moment when the decapitator fell, Allen connected with a few fine steps, letting the giant axe slash close to his body by a few millimeters. At the same time as the attack was flashed, the **** shadow was already swayed, turning into a red light and taking the Hubble door directly.

Hubble tilted his head, and blood ran across his face. Alan pressed his wrist and slashed it with a heavy knife before removing one of Hubble's arms. The Cato strong opened his mouth and roared, and the source power contained in each muscle suddenly broke out. Alanton felt the blood slashed on a group of awe-inspiring storms, and suddenly the heavy knife was bounced away by the rushing source force. Hubble expelled two hot smoke from his nostrils. With a big hand, the axe swept across and hit Alan like a wall.

Allen stepped on the ground with his toes and the man stepped back. At the same time, he pulled back Xueyin and slashed heavily on the giant axe. Immediately, there was a loud clash in this narrow valley, which lasted for a long time like a dragon.

The fight between the two was almost completed in the blink of an eye~www.readwn.com~ Although Allen has used his own advantages to the extreme, Hubble used his strength to break through and use pure power to make Allen have speed and freedom. Flexible skill, but could not leave a scar on his body.

Allen slid more than ten meters before stopping. There was no expression on his face, but in fact the hand holding the knife was numb at the moment, which was the result of the intersection with the Hubble weapon. The opponent's pure power is too much higher than him, and Allen can be sure that if he competes with Hubble for power, it will be a dead end.

"Enjoyable! Enjoyable!" Hubble laughed wildly: "It's been a long time since I played so happily, especially just now, I will become one-armed Hubble after a little bit. It looks like you are thin, but you are very powerful. Ah humans, better than most humans I have seen."

"Thanks for the compliment." Allen's eyes swept, searching for the weaknesses and flaws in Hubble. Since you can't compete, you can only use your strengths and avoid weaknesses.

Obviously, the Catuans have full shortcomings in flexibility and responsiveness. Even if they are as strong as Hubble, they cannot be avoided. Determined to pay attention to using Hubble's shortcomings to surprisingly win, but Allen was still unable to put it into action, and suddenly a cold chill appeared on his back. Alan turned his head in amazement, and a war spear entwined with Qing Lei slid across the sea of ​​grass, nailing it instantly!


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