Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 682:  Deadly

Allen couldn't think about it when the spear was nailed. Turning around, it was cut out with a single knife, and the blood on the heavy knife rolled like a red cloud. In the red cloud, purple electricity threw and vomited, but that was the ability of the crystal thorn python. This **** and electric knife slashed on the tip of the spear, and the blue light on the war spear was strong, and the blue thunderballs rolled away, hit the blood of the heavy knife, and immediately exploded.

The two sides are forceful to hedge, collide, expand, and burst. The shock wave swept the surrounding grass, and the exploded thunder fire ignited the surrounding grass, and the fire wave soared into the sky!

Allen was shocked, although he hurried out the knife, but blocking the spear made him numb. In addition to being affected by the impact of the war spear, there is also the influence of the opponent's blue thunder attached to the spear. At this juncture, another war spear entwined with cyan thunder light flashed. Allen could only try to avoid him sideways, but the numbness of his body made his movements slower than before.

Suddenly a black shadow appeared in front of his eyes, and then he saw the gray wheel flying up, bounced off the war spear, and the violent fighting shook his eardrums. Looking again, it was Hubble the Cato strong who blocked the spear for him.

Alan regained consciousness at this time, and he stepped back vigilantly and looked forward again. A hundred meters away in the sea of ​​grass, a figure stood majestically on the gray huge rock. He was also a Catu, a little smaller than Hubble. His hair was dyed in blue, red, yellow, orange, purple and other colors, and braided into braids, it looked colorful and unobtrusive.

The body armor is not the heavy plate armor that Catu people like, but the lighter leather armor. He was carrying a war spear and inserted two obliquely behind his back. It was obvious that the war spear that attacked Allen just now came from his men.

Hubble seemed to recognize him, rolled his eyes, and shouted in Catu language: "Taray, what are you doing?"

The Catu, known as Talay, responded with a low voice: "I should ask this sentence, Hubble the Decapitator, why should I help that human?"

"Are you blind? I'm fighting this man. You broke the duel and you dare to blame me!" Hubble roared.

"Duel?" Talay took a step forward: "Stop kidding, we are at war with these human monkeys. If you want to play a duel game, roll back to the Barbarian Star and play more! Now, I am in the name of Lord Vasak. Order you to help me kill all these humans!"

"This is the same thing for Master Vasak. As for you? Tare, if you don't get out, I don't mind changing your opponent!" Hubble said loudly.

"Don't be fooling around, Hubble!" Tarley took out something from behind his waist and lifted it up and spread it towards Hubble. It was a fist-sized beast skull with a black surface, and red paint was filled with dense tiny little prints: "You can't recognize this thing, this is proof that Master Vasago has granted me command! You! If you don't accept the order, then wait to face the anger of Master Vasago!"

Hubble's chest rises and falls, and hot smoke is constantly erupting from his nose, as if a storm is spinning inside his body. Finally he put down the giant axe and hummed: "You brought out the Black Skeleton too, so thoughtful, Taray."

"If that's not the case, you guys that are causing headaches, I alone can't restrain you." Talay pulled his fangs from his lips: "Then, do it now, kill these humans, Hubble!"

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Allen naturally can't understand the Catu conversation, but judging from the tone and movements of the two sides, he can roughly guess something. Hubble turned around and said in human language: "That guy is called Tarot. Unfortunately, he is one of the ten commanders designated by Lord Vasak. I don't know what you are thinking about. , You guys, with such a small amount of power, dare to go in the direction of one of our main barracks. What's more unfortunate is that this guy seems to be in the barracks. Now that’s good, our duel cannot go smoothly. "

He raised the great axe and slashed it down at Allen. Only this time, there was neither power nor murderous intent on the decapitator, and even the source power was lacking. It looked like Hubble was swinging an axe, and Alan stepped away with ease. Then Hubble raised the tomahawk again, lightly cutting it off again.

Talay behind can't stand it, and roared, "What are you doing, Hubble!"

Hubble turned his head and touched his head with a simple face and said, "Master Taray, didn't you order me to kill all the humans in front of me?"

He just made people laugh like that, but Talay couldn't laugh. He roared: "Just like you, when can you kill these monkeys?"

"Then I don't know." Hubble spread his hands: "Besides, your order is to kill them all. But as for when they are all killed, it is not my control."

"Hubble..." Tarley gritted his teeth and said, "You dare to play such a trick with me, you just wait to go back and accept the trial of the temple!"

"That's something after I go back, besides, it is not your turn to have the final say in the temple."

"Okay, very good!" Talay pointed his finger up: "Now get out of my sight. You will disappear from my sight within a minute! Did you hear it clearly? This time it is time-limited!"

"Oh, I see, the great Master Tarre." Hubble pretended to bow to the compatriots in front of him, then turned to Allen and said: "I'm leaving, although this is probably impossible, but you should try not to die, after all Our duel was only half a mile away. Talay is a smart guy, smarter than most Catu people, and sometimes I wonder if this cautious guy is my countryman, maybe it's with the Nirm Bastard. Regardless of those, anyway, that guy never picks hard bones, do you know what I mean?"

He blinked, then took the giant axe and swayed away. He was not walking fast, obviously he wanted to show Taray. It's just that his pace is extremely large, even if he walks slowly, it will be enough to disappear from Taray's sight in a minute. At his speed, no more, no less, just enough for him to disappear within the time limit. Talay knew this too, but couldn't blame anything, only panting for breath.

Allen gave a wink at Renner, and even if the strength of that Taray was not as good as Hubble, it was probably the same. If Hubble stayed and joined forces with Talay, under the hands of two major-general-level powerhouses, he would probably not be able to go anywhere. But now that Hubble quits, the situation is very different. Allen made a gesture of retreat, but before he could take action, the prestige aura suddenly appeared on the cliffs on both sides of the valley.

They looked up, and Cato fighters emerged from the rugged cliffs on both sides. But these fighters are not like Alan and their

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The noise I encountered before, I didn't immediately scream and rush down. They are horribly quiet, and their equipment looks similar to ordinary fighters, except that their hair is dyed bright red, and everyone wears a scarlet cloak to show the difference from ordinary fighters. .

The important thing is that, judging from the aura they exude, the Cato fighters on both sides have the level of fifteenth and sixth level.

"It's a **** warrior." Lucy exclaimed, "That is the force directly attached to their temple. These warriors are selected from the elite of various tribes, and some are even the chiefs of a small tribe. The **** warriors. The combat power is only inferior to the elite Berserkers of the Wildhammer Vasak, but they are numerous, and they regard bloodshed and sacrifice as an honor. Although this is the common concept of the Catu people."

Allen glanced at it, and there were forty or fifty **** warriors on both sides of the valley. This unit alone was a headache, not to mention there was a Tare who was equivalent to a federal major general. But as the heads of people gathered behind Talay, teams of fully armed Cato fighters continued to spread out from both sides of Talay, densely blocking the front of the valley, Alan’s mouth was full of bitterness.

The **** samurai, coupled with dozens of ordinary troops, and a strong man like Talay, is indeed what a main barracks should have. However, why the mission of the hunting group actually involves such an important strategic goal as the main barracks? There are too many tricks. Now Allen can be sure that it was not negligence, but someone deliberately wanted to send a team like them to death!

In the valley belt, there was a pattern of threats and fierce battles, but in terms of the entire chaotic canyon battlefield, Alan and others were nothing more than a minor episode on the battlefield. The main theme of the battlefield now lies in the high-altitude battlefield above, where the fleets of both sides are killing each other. The Federation side wanted to break through the enemy's defense line and reach directly over the modified land of the canyon, so as to destroy many collapse resonators in one fell swoop. The Yorton aliens naturally defended themselves. The fronts of the fleets of both sides have been biting together, and the explosion of flames burned the entire sky~www.readwn.com~The palpitating blood dispelled the sunlight and let the sky and the earth. They were all stained with a shocking red light.

In the fire cloud, the surging source force rolled over, rushing to the distance in a flash. From time to time, there will be a cloud of dark and abyss-like light exploding, and a little bright and bright fluorescent light suddenly floats in it. The fluorescent lights are connected to each other and interlaced into pieces, and finally the light shines, swallowing and dispersing the dark screen.

The battle was blazing, and suddenly there was an earth-shaking roar in the fire cloud, and then a huge black shadow fell down the fire cloud. A lot of fire entangled on this dark titan, but a huge gap appeared in the chest of this strong Grief clan, and the place where the source core was originally inside was empty at this moment. The Dark Titan fell halfway, and his body was already full of cracks. From every crack in the body, black flames rushed out continuously, when he was about to fall to the ground. A circle of invisible impact exploded, and the Dark Titan exploded awe-inspiringly in the air, and suddenly a black sun rose above the earth!

The source of the violent force dissipated in all directions, scouring the canyon's land, cliffs, and sea of ​​grass. Thousand-meter-long scars were cracked on the ground, pieces of cliffs fell off suddenly, and large seas of grass burned. Then the mountains shook in the valley, and a scene of purgatory like a doomsday appeared!

(End of this chapter)


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