Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 718:  After autumn, settle accounts


The Blood Gate Fortress itself is equivalent to a city, and about 40,000 characters live in this fortress. People work, live, fight, and actively pursue their dreams here. There is almost a block-sized landing pad in the fortress, and a starship is mooring in the apron according to the instructions of the fortress. Yan Mo of Luxen occupies almost half of the apron. The ship is indeed magnificent, but in fact it is the team that occupies the most apron.

The director from the fortress is also a general from death spread. There were hundreds of officials, big and small, plus some nobles and soldiers, waiting for Rusen to appear before the ship.

In comparison, the hunting cluster starship is much deserted here. Except for a few maintenance teams to conduct regular inspections of the parked starships in accordance with the procedures, Allen and the others did not receive much attention. Although two of them were born in Bethkode, in this fortress, there are objects that need more attention than them, and even the soldiers who maintain the team have extremely cold expressions.

Allen frowned. Since it was to report from the fortress, at least the military department needs to send a receiver. Now there is no one, it's a big fortress, and Allen doesn't even know where to report and register.

Suddenly Reina hit his waist, Allen raised his head, several speed cars drove in their direction and stopped not far from the apron. There is a eagle-headed lion on the speeding car, which is Beskold's family crest.

"Hey, [Allen. And Reyner, seeing you two boys, I must have a few more drinks tonight." Horn’s eldest son, Reyner’s father, Roddy, who is like a bear Jumped off the speed car. The big man stepped on the ground and shook slightly, then walked forward with open arms and laughed.

"Uncle Roddy." Allen welcomed him happily.

Roddy gave him a manly hug, and the exaggerated power that could almost bend steel tells Alan his enthusiasm from another angle. Surrounded by sweat and embraced by muscles, Allen looked helpless, but his heart was warm. Roddy did not have gorgeous words, but showed him the most simple mind.

After finally letting go of Ellen, Roddy laughed and walked towards his son. Renner stepped back subconsciously, glanced at Lucy behind his eyes, and cursed in his heart. He, the son, knew very well what Roddy would do next. In short, there would be no hugs like Ellen's. Sure enough, when he walked halfway, Roddy still had a smile on his face, but he had already hit Renner with a punch.

The fist moves like electricity, and the fist sounds like thunder. Allen was surprised to see Roddy's boxing striker who was pulling the force of the wind. What a greeting, it was simply a killer move on the battlefield. Except that there is no murder in the fist, Roddy's fist is almost like a blast toward the enemy of life and death. Reina flushed suddenly, and Yuan Li instantly pushed to the top. He exhaled, crossed his arms, and held Roddy's heavy punch.

A muffled sound struck everyone's hearts like a drum. The guards accompanying Roddy were of lower level, all of them flushed, shaking their bodies, and almost fell to the ground. However, this powerful punch did not cause a violent impact as Allen expected. There was only a circle of air wave blowing away under the feet of the two of them, but it only spread for less than half a meter, and then stopped as if hitting an invisible wall, only ascending and tumbling, and finally disappearing into the air.

The surplus of this punch made Roddy confined within a controllable range without hurting anyone else.

Reina shook off his fist and shook his arm and cursed: "Can't you be a little new?"

"You know what a fart, I want to see if you are disabled. It looks like you are in good condition, very good, very good." Roddy grinned, showing a mouthful of steel teeth reflecting the sun, shining thunder. Na had pain in her eyes.

Pushing his son away, Roddy squeezed his fist seriously, placed it on his chest, then bent down and bowed to Lucy: "It's nice to meet you, Your Highness. I hope these guys in my family haven't offended you during Rin Shuang. ."

"They treat me well, Mr. Roddy." Lucy smiled sweetly, her green eyes full of smiles.

Roddy touched his head and said, "That's good, if they dare to annoy you, I have to beat them." He stretched out his hand and squeezed Regis's shoulder. He was so powerful that he squeezed Regis. With a grin, Roddy said, "You have become stronger too, kid, so I don't have to worry about your old man."

Then yelled: "Well, in order to welcome the return of our three boys and the beautiful and noble Royal Highness Lucy, today I will have a good **** meal. Silio, go back and inform the chef that we are going to have a big meal. ."

Roddy's deputy, the young man named Silio smiled and nodded, before jumping on the speeding car. At this time, a convoy looked aggressively towards this side, and seven or eight speeding cars circled the Dawn, surrounding Allen, Roddy and others. These speed cars all have the images of running hunters. Roddy put away his smile, his eyes flashed cold, and he did not speak, just sneered at these cars.

Rainer whispered: "The savage hunters of the Golett family? What are they doing?"

Allen naturally didn't know the intention of the other party, but he didn't take it to heart. This is the blood gate fortress, not to mention that Roddy is also here, forgive the Golett family can't make any waves. A black speeding car opened first, and a few people jumped out of it. The rest of the speed cars seemed to be guards. Although they did not raise their guns, everyone had a bright rifle behind them, and the threat could not be more obvious.

Of course, if it were to fight, these ordinary guards who didn't even have tenth level didn't let Alan pay attention to it, let alone a strongman like Roddy.

"Mr. Roddy, are you here too?"

In the crowd, a middle-aged man laughed. He has wild brown hair, and he is like a lion. Roddy laughed and did not answer. Instead, he said to Allen and the others: "This is Mr. Toure, the helm of the Golett family, don't look at his heroic look, but a villain."

Allen had a weird face, and Roddy didn't lower the volume at all. Don't say he heard clearly, even the other party listened to the ears. Sure enough, everyone around the guards changed their colors and they had to touch their rifles behind them. Toure was calm and yelled: "What are you doing! Don't you know that Mr. Roddy likes to make jokes? I can bear a joke."

He smiled again: "Mr. Roddy, don't you think?"

"Since you have said so..." Roddy put his fingers in his ears and smiled at the people behind him: "I can't help the thick-skinned guy."

Lucy chuckled out of laughter, and found it out of place, so she had to pretend to be serious. Roddy smiled and turned around: "Then Mr. Toure, what's the matter?"

"In fact, it's just to confirm one thing." Toure smiled, and whispered to the back: "Barry."

A man came out from behind Toure. He was carrying a long sniper rifle, and he looked like a sniper. When he saw him, Allen instantly understood what had happened. On Frost Frost, he encountered a hunting group on his way back from Chaotic Canyon to Kaiyan Base. The team called the "Free Hunter" attacked him, trying to **** the crystal thorn core from the rucksack, but Alan killed four members including the head.

But a sniper didn't show up at that time, Alan didn't take it to heart, and he was standing next to Toure. Alan was already familiar when he heard the name "Toure". Until now, when he saw Barrie, he suddenly remembered that one of the hunters had known the name that day. It is not difficult to guess that this hunting group should be with Golett. Family has a relationship.

"Bally, it's a big deal. You have to look carefully, otherwise, you know what the consequences are!" Toure said solemnly.

Barry nodded, and without hesitation, he yelled at Allen with a finger: "It's him, Mr. Toure! He who killed us and took our goods! It's this Bethkod!"

Toure nodded, his eyes flashed with an invisible smile, but he said with a serious expression on his face: "That's it, Mr. Roddy. Your family, Mr. Allen, not only murdered my person, but also took him away. It should have belonged to them. I think Beskod will give us a satisfactory explanation, right?"

Roddy laughed and looked back at Ellen: "What do you say."

"The free hunter, including the leader Jon, a total of four members have indeed died in my hands." Allen said calmly.

Tourey laughed and said, "Look, he admits it too. That's easy, Mr. Allen, I think you are also a dare to act, and you don't fall into Bethkod's reputation."

Allen looked directly at him and said coldly: "Mr. Touré, I haven't finished speaking yet. That's right, your people are dead in my hands. But it is not me who wants to kill and overwhelm, but Tian Tian is yours. . And I’m just a legitimate counterattack~www.readwn.com~ After all, I’m not generous enough to let people put a knife around their neck and be indifferent."

Toure's smile froze, and his face turned gloomy: "It turns out that Beskod will also misinterpret the facts. Have you already forgotten what honor is?"

"Oh, Mr. Touré's hat is really big." Roddy said with a grin: "Dare to ask Mr. Touré, what evidence is there to accuse Allen of my family of misinterpreting the facts? Ask me to say that the one behind you doesn't know from Where is the clown that popped out? That's nonsense."

Toure glared, and said, "Rody, is this what you nobles call an confession?"

"Anyway, you can't come up with any real evidence, so I told you what you want?" Roddy sneered.

Toure pulled Barry over and said, "Barry is the witness. I really didn't expect that the dignified noble Bethcade would ignore the facts like this!"

"Shut up, Toure, don't give me another bite of Beth Kod. You want to raise this matter to the height of family grievances so much, I am quite willing to stay with you to the end." Roddy said disdainfully.


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