Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 719:  Wash the dust (Part 1)


Touré is speechless. Although the Golett family has developed fairly well in recent years, they settled in Babylon smoothly. Regarding the family background, the ten Golletts can’t keep up with Beskode. If this matter rises to the level of family grievances, then not only can it not get the slightest benefit this time, Beskod can even ignore Alan’s fault. Or not, go directly to the Golett family.

That was not what he wanted.

At that time on the Frost Star, after the Free Hunter group was destroyed, Barry fled back and reported the incident to his family superior. Toure heard that the matter had something to do with Bethkode, so he called Barry and chose to attack Allen when he arrived at Bloodgate Fortress today. Doing this is nothing more than a blow to Beskode through this incident. Of course, he knew exactly which side was distorting the facts.

Now listening to Roddy say this, Toure turned his words and said: "I have no intention of offending Bethkode. Mr. Horn is also a person I respect. But my people can't just die in vain, at least, Mr. Roddy, you should give me an explanation."

"Okay, what do you want me to say to you?"

"Give him to me." Toure pointed towards Allen: "The murderer must be severely punished."

"Oh, this is fine, if Alan is really the murderer. But before that, I want to ask, besides this clown, what other evidence do you have?"

Toure said awe-inspiringly: "Bali alone is enough, what other evidence is needed!""

"In other words, is this clown the only witness?"


"It's easy." Roddy smiled and waved to Barry: "Come here, I have a few questions to ask clearly."

Barry glanced at Toure, who nodded. The sniper walked over, and Roddy opened his mouth and said: "I want to ask, at that time you..."

"what did you say?"

Roddy's second half of the sentence is too low, Barry can't hear it. So I subconsciously moved forward, and then I heard Roddy say: "I want to say that all nonsense guys deserve to die!"

Barry was shocked and wanted to back off. Roddy had already smashed his face with a punch, Barry clearly heard the sound of his broken nose, and then the world in his eyes quickly turned blood red. He turned around and saw Toure, who was frightened and angry. I wanted to say something, but the world suddenly plunged into darkness.

With a plop, Barry fell to the ground. His eyes were bloodshot and red, and he was bleeding from his mouth and nose, but he punched Roddy to death!

Toure was trembling with anger, but Roddy shook his fist lazily and said, "Don't you want me to confess? That's it now, is Mr. Toure satisfied?"

Toure finally roared: "Rody, don't deceive people too much!"

"Wrong, wrong, I'm very reasonable." Roddy spit out rudely and scolded: "One side is the core member of my family, and the other is a marginal figure in the third-rate family. I believe which side is not. Obviously? So, isn’t it normal to execute a **** liar who dares to frame an important member of our clan? Toure, don’t think I don’t know what your idea is. I want to trample on us Bethkod all these years There are a lot of guys, but in the end, they can't ask for any benefits. You can see Maine."

"Or, do you think you are stronger than the Alexander family?" Roddy sneered: "Use your mind to think about it before attacking. Even if Alan does something like that, I won't hand him over. Even if you want to punish, you have to be judged within our family, not to an outsider like you. Understand? Fool!"

The atmosphere on the scene has become tense, Pali dies suddenly and Toure is angry. The guards surrounding Bethkod had already raised their guns, and this time, Toure did not stop it. Roddy looked around coldly and said, "Why, are you going to attack us? That situation is serious."

Toure wanted to tear the man Roddy to pieces, but knew that this was not the right place. But he was unwilling to let Alan go just like that. At this time, someone said indifferently: "What is going on, who allows you to use force in the fortress!"

A group of Union soldiers squeezed in and separated the people on both sides of Golett and Bethkode. The gray and black ponytail flicked across Toure's eyes, and Catherine walked in with her uniform. The pitch-black cloak was like a black flame, which made Toure's eyelids jump. He raised his hand and made a gesture, asking the guard to put away the gun, and the other person stepped forward and said: "You are here at the right moment, General. Bethkod killed my person in the murder. I don't know what the military department thinks about this matter?"

Catherine looked at him, the Styx in her eyes floating and sinking, making Touré a little flustered. She began to say: "The position of the Federation has always been neutral, and the grievances between the nobles have never interfered. Did Mr. Toure forget? I don't care who is dead here. What I care about is if anyone dares to be under my eyes Knife and gun. Then, I will arrest you for threatening public safety. As for any complaints you have, I think the judges of the military court would be happy to listen to you."

Toure seemed to be stuffed into a few eggs, unable to speak for a long while. After a while, he retreated. Knowing that this matter can no longer be pursued today, he had to let people carry Barry's body. When she was about to turn around and leave, Catherine suddenly said, "I can testify about Ellen. The things he had at the time were not free hunters. Speaking of which, he could get those high-concentration source power crystals. , And I still have a credit in it. Or, does Mr. Touré even believe me?"

Toure seemed to be electrocuted. If even Catherine jumped out to testify for Alan, then even if Alan did the matter, Toure would have nothing but toleration. After all, it is not a wise thing to question a federal major general, especially on this battlefield. Now, Toure is thankful that Barry was killed by Roddy, otherwise his face would be even more embarrassed. Then he said: "Thank you for the general's testimony, so it seems that this **** Barry wants to blame Mr. Allen."

"Since you have said so." Roddy interrupted behind: "Then Mr. Touré should give our family Alan an explanation?"

Toure greeted Roddy thousands of times in his heart, but smiled on his face: "It's natural, and I blame my incompetent discipline. Then, I will have someone give Mr. Allen a small gift later. To make amends."

Roddy laughed and said, "Then I will thank Ellen."

Only then did he let him go. After watching the Golett's house walk away in a desperate manner, Roddy cursed, "It's a realm of such a thick skin."

Looking at Catherine again, he said, "Thank the general for testifying for our family, Allen."

"I'm just telling the truth." Catherine stepped forward and said to Alan seriously: "I didn't talk nonsense just now, you really have my credit for your shipment. When will you pay me dividends?"

Allen said dumbfounded: "If you want, I can give it to you now."

"Let's let you go first, just treat it as my private investment." After finishing speaking, the major general waved his hand and led the soldier away.

After Catherine was gone, Roddy wrapped Alan’s neck with his big hands and rubbed his head for a while and said: "You kid is very capable. I have heard about you and Catherine. I thought it was a good thing. I didn’t expect it to be true. Work hard, Alan, try to get her. A general’s dowry can be enough for ordinary people to fight for a few lifetimes. If she joins Bethkode, then you are The position in the family will skyrocket."

Lucy couldn't help coughing, and Roddy let go of Ellen. He smiled awkwardly, then whispered to Allen: "Of course, if you earn a dowry from an emperor, I think you can stand on your own."

His voice is too loud, even though it has been suppressed very small, the people behind can still hear clearly. Lucy blushed, her expression awkward. Allen shook his head, gave him a push, and said, "Uncle Roddy, let's go back first."

"Yes, yes, you were tired just after you arrived, look at my head." Roddy patted his head and waved: "All get in the car, you guys have a good rest first. If you have a good evening meal, you will be busy tomorrow. ."

Bethkode was given a camp equal to half a block in size, and the camp was located in the fortress. This is an area, not subject to federal military jurisdiction, only administrative management. There are still two camps like this one. Naturally, the two families of Morsen and Golett occupy one each. Entering from the gate of the camp is the square, where the soldiers of the eagle eagle are conducting various exercises.

Behind the square are buildings such as barracks, restaurants, war rooms, warehouses, and garages. The facilities are very complete. Several teams of Allen were arranged into a six-story dormitory building ~ www.readwn.com~ and each team was assigned a floor. In the afternoon, Silio led Allen to the military building of the fort for registration. The building was located in the center of the fort and was the tallest building in the fort. Its shape is "h" shape, the main body is two twin towers, starting from the third floor of the twin towers, each floor is connected by an air corridor. It looked like a door with a hole open, and the name of Blood Gate Fortress was also derived from it.

The lower three floors of the military building are open to the outside. This is the office space for the family army to accept tasks, register military merits, and exchange materials. Allen and the others who participated in the free hunting team can also register here, and Silio led him to the registry to report in a familiar manner, and received new identity tokens for all members. It's just that the military department has not yet issued a task, so Allen has not received the task for the time being.

When returning, Silio's car took Alan around the fortress, giving him a preliminary understanding of the Bloodgate Fortress. It's just that the fortress is too big, even if there is a speeding car, you can't see all the places for a while. But even so, when he returned to the family camp, it was already sunset.

Immediately after getting off the car, Regis yelled from a distance: "You come here quickly. If you are slow, people will eat everything up."

Alan smiled, it turned out that the dust washing party had begun.


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