Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 720:  Wash the dust

"Why can't I go! Hubble wants to go too, I want to drink!"

Allen stared at the Catu man in front of him with a headache, and Hubble, who was completely covered in armor, waved his powerful arm to emphasize his thoughts. Since being invited by Christine to drink a bottle of wine last time, the Catu people have been obsessed with the contents of this cup. I don't know who mentioned to him about the wine for the evening banquet. Now Hubble is looking forward to the banquet.

But he looks like this, it is difficult to guarantee that he will show his feet after drinking at the banquet. At that time, even if Roddy gave the forbidden password, it would cause unnecessary trouble to Bethkode. Allen shook his head and laughed: "Okay, you know why you can't go. Let's just stay here, and I will have someone bring you food."

"I want wine!" Hubble emphasized.

"Give you a barrel of ale, don't worry."

"No, two buckets!" Hubble swallowed in his helmet.

"Okay, you have the final say. Then, wait here." Allen patted his arm before sending him back to the room.

When I came to the camp’s restaurant, it was already full of people. Looking at the past, there were all Bethkod fighters, and the tables were pieced together to become long tables. The table is already full of food, golden toasted bread, fried sausage spread with salad dressing, layer cake made of various fruits into jam, smoked bacon that is bubbling with oil, barbecue steak garnished with mint, and Large glass of cold ale.

There was noisy music in the restaurant, and the officers and soldiers ate and sang together. The atmosphere was extremely strong.

"Allen, here." Regis, who arrived early, waved his arms vigorously. His table was full of people from the hunting group. Reis was already drunk for five or six minutes, and was pulling Reina clamoring to dance. . The latter looked distressed and helpless, making Lucy sitting next to her laugh from ear to ear. Not far away, Christine was sitting right in front of her. Next to her were young people from the Black Knights, the Silver Pegasus, and the Red Warrior, who seemed to be launching an offensive against Christine.

When Allen was at the table, a waiter, served by his own soldiers, brought tableware. Allen did not forget to order people to bring food to Hubble, and specifically asked for two barrels of ale before he sat down in peace. Regis was chewing on smoked bacon, and there was a barbecue steak hanging from his fork, and his mouth was full of oil. At this moment Roddy squeezed over

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page), carrying a wine bottle as thick as his arm, put it on the table. Immediately shaking the table humming, Roddy unscrewed the bottle and simply shouted: "Drink!"

After drinking several glasses of spirits, Allen's face was already red like an apple. As if there was a fire burning in his body, his body temperature was much higher than usual. Roddy was very happy. He patted Alan's shoulder with a big hand and said, "It's a man who can drink. What's the difference between a woman and a woman who doesn't drink."

He said to Lucy again: "His Royal Highness, I don't mean to discriminate against your women. It's just that there is a man on the battlefield who doesn't drink. Alan drinks a lot to get closer to everyone."

Lucy showed a helpless look: "Mr. Roddy, I don't seem to object to Ellen's drinking."

"That's good." Roddy laughed and patted Allen again: "Look here, in our eagle eagle, the only difference between an officer and a soldier is that the officer gives the order, and the soldier is responsible for completing it. Other than that, there is no difference between everyone. We eat, sleep, and pick up girls together. It can be said that our discipline is the worst in the army of a family of powerful families, but our combat effectiveness on the battlefield is no better. How far are the top giants. Do you know why this is happening, Allen."

"Because everyone here is a brother and sister. I can get shot for any of them, no matter if they are an officer or a soldier. And they can also shed the last drop of blood for me and for the family, if needed If they sacrifice, these iron guys won't frown." Roddy said proudly.

When he looked at the restaurant again, Alan's feeling became different from before. There was an indescribable throbbing in his heart, and it seemed that because of the effect of alcohol, the flame in his chest was almost gushing out, and he could roughly feel the pride and honor of Roddy. It is precisely because of these soldiers who have expedition and **** battle that Bethkode has the reputation of not being infamous!

"I heard that you almost had an accident on Star Rin?" Roddy had another glass of wine before he sat down to eat the food on the table and asked casually.

Allen nodded: "A death-spreading general replaced our mission content and led us up to death. Fortunately, we finally have some luck, and the general Ke Meng..."

He made a throat cut

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page), and whispered again: "The Federation does not know that I did it."

Roddy laughed dryly, and used a fork to put a huge beef on Allen's plate: "I like you more and more, Allen. Father is right, you will be the most dazzling of us in Beskard. That star. Hey, Ke Meng, it turned out to be Grant’s family, I can only say that you did a great job. Lanni really gave birth to a good son. What a pity..."

Alan's face darkened when he heard his mother's name. Roddy looked in his eyes, pressed his hand on his head and said, "Don't be sad, child. Although your mother is a woman, she has always been strong. As her son, I know she definitely doesn't want you to be sad. You It is her pride, she will be proud of you. Come, drink this glass!"

After a glass of strong wine, the little sadness just seemed to disappear. Allen hiccuped and said, "Ke Meng is a trivial matter, but I have encountered something more serious on Rin Frost."

"What's the matter?" Roddy brought a sausage to his mouth.

"There are ghosts in the Federation, Uncle Roddy. They traded with the Catu, and the location was in Chaos Canyon. I saw it with my own eyes and traced the Catu base camp on the Frost Star, and only then did they come to the Garden of Eden. Admission ticket~www.readwn.com~ The sausage was bitten in half, and Roddy’s mouth was open for a long time before he threw the remaining half into his big mouth. When the sausage disappeared in his big mouth, he did it. Smile twice: "I knew it would happen, no matter when, no matter where, there will always be some guys who don't care about principles. Hey, we fought **** battles on the front line, and these **** things traded with the enemy. Do you know who it is? "

"I don't know, the person in charge of that team was just a colonel. However, the members were from various corps, so it was difficult to trace their superiors."

"This smoke bomb is pretty good enough, but it's normal. If it's so easy to find out, that person can't stand in the Federation until now, right." Roddy asked again: "Who else knows about this?"

"The director of Kaiyan base, I asked him to delete the relevant information in the identity token."

"Well, you are doing well. I hope that the supervisor will not poke this out for his own good. After all, the water inside is too deep, but it will drown people."

(End of this chapter)


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