Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 787:  No letter

Sitting under the pile of cargo boxes is a Hulma woman. The angle of the screen is shot diagonally from top to bottom, and it can be clearly seen that this is a girl. Most of the males in Hulma are rough, with bronze eyes and lion noses, and a fierce look. Women are surprisingly coquettish and beautiful, just like this girl in front of them. She twisted her long satin-like hair into two sharp horns on her head, which looked a little playful.

The open eyebrows and the deep facial features are full of wild beauty. She puts her hands on both sides and crosses her legs together. Wearing a chest wrap and short skirt full of tribal characteristics, the skin exposed to the air is light red, two wrists wear several bracelets made of straw rope, dried flowers and bones, and a black one on each barefoot The ankle ring is covered with golden texture.

Hulma women do not have a tail, but they are different from the ordinary black pupils of men. Their pupils are golden yellow, and there is a pig in the center of the pupil. The novel www.(zhu)(zhu) )().om The dark vertical lines make them look more wild.

Allen noticed that the girl’s two long legs protruding from under her short skirt were tied to the outside of her thigh with a strange short blade. The short blade has no guards, and the blade and the handle seem to be one body. Both sides of the blade surface are tooth-shaped. This weapon must be longer than the cross-cutting, because the tooth-shaped blade will make the wound open larger and deeper.

At this moment Reese said in the headset: "I found the target, head."

In the screen, three red boxes appeared in the hostages, marking the three engineer knots. Allen called Belmode and Regis and said, "You two will be responsible for protecting these three engineers. You must send them away safely."

Both of them nodded.

Allen said with a headset: "Adele, is there any way to solve the opponent's gunner?"

"Although it is a little troublesome, there is still a way."

"That's good, you will listen to my instructions, and be sure to kill the opponent's gunner as soon as possible." Allen said again: "Celine, that girl will be handed over to you. You have to be careful, there is no accident with her like that. , Should be the type who is good at speed and close combat. Pay special attention to her two short blades, they will make very bad wounds on the opponent."

Celine smiled softly in the headset: "Understood, I am not a rookie on the battlefield for the first time. Don't worry, boss."

"As for the other party's boss, leave it to me, and the others are responsible for dealing with the Hulma fighters." Allen finally patted Nocchi: "I need your people to cut off their reinforcements."

Noch called the electronics expert: "Is there a way?"

The electronic expert used a terminal near the platform to hack into the base system, and after a while, he entered a series of commands in the brain: "No problem, I can block any passage leading to the underground garage at any time."

"Well, when we do it, we cut off the passage." Allen picked up the tactical board: "That's it, act."

"Aliman, how long shall we stay."

Sitting on top of a pile of cargo boxes in the underground garage. Aliman was dulling his eyes and slumbering. He opened his eyes when he heard a girl's voice. He opened his eyes and said, "Talikova, you have to be patient. Those invaders are very cunning. They will not compromise so easily. But Their people are in our hands, so they can't help but not buy it. If they refuse, all humans here will have to die, and their people will be disappointed in the leader, which is even better than defeating them head-on."

It was the Hurma girl who was talking. Talikova leaned forward and put her hands on her chin and said: "But I have been here for almost a day. You should let me go up, and I can teach those humans. You don’t know, they tried to rush through our blockade more than once."

"You are still young, Talikova. I know you are impatient, but this time, you have to bear it. Don't worry, there are occasions when you have the opportunity to show your fangs." Aliman gave a grinning smile: " Even if humans agree to our request, these people will still have to die after they get things!"

The girl frowned: "Is this bad?"

"What's wrong." Aliman's voice increased a few degrees, like echoes in the valley rumbling: "When these **** invaders drove us out of our ancestors' land, they didn't treat our compatriots. He hesitated. I want them to shed every drop of blood to relieve the anger in my heart a little!"

"But the priest..."

"Don't worry about the old things, Talikova." Aliman said flatly, "The times are different, and these invaders are not mentioned in the ancestors' precepts. The priests only care about how much their wealth and land have increased. Do you think the Holy Land Aligo will care about our life and death? No, those who are willing to be comfortable, as long as the intruder does not appear, they can deceive themselves to live a comfortable day. And when the intruder enters the Holy Land, I promise, these The weak guys will personally dedicate the scepter of nine bones!"

The girl stuck her tongue out: "Well, I see, brother..."

The words fell silent, and the wall on the right side of the gate suddenly "clicked". The two brothers and sisters in the rear hadn't figured out what was going on, they saw the soldier sitting behind the cannon suddenly exploded, and blood and brain paddles cast a face on the compatriots next to them. Only then did Aliman react, and stood up from the cargo box and roared: "It's the intruder, kill those humans!"

When he pointed his finger at the hostage, he was decisive.

But at this moment, a long cylindrical metal object was thrown in from outside the door. The trajectory of the throwing was far and near, covering almost half of the garage ~ www.readwn.com ~ As soon as these metal long tubes fell to the ground, white smoke burst out of the whole body. In a flash, the entire basement was covered by dense smoke. When exposed to the dense smoke, all the Hulma had pain in their eyes and tears were streaming. Coupled with the dense smoke, it is impossible to see it at all.

Agaman also felt his eyes tingling, and shouted, "What is this!"

When the Hurma were in a mess, Allen and the crowd rushed in wearing gas masks. Those are tear gas, with zero lethality, which is good for creating chaos. After Adele shot down the opponent's machine gunner, Allen immediately took someone into the garage. Without his instructions, everyone looked for their own targets and rushed away from the surrounding Hurma warriors who had not recovered from the influence of tear gas.

In a moment, a dozen soldiers fell forever. The others danced around with swords, but they fought indiscriminately. Not to mention hurting people, even the shadows of humans can't be touched, but many of their own people have been accidentally injured.

"Don't panic!" Ajiaman roared, he jumped up from the cargo box, and then fell heavily to the ground, bringing a ring of shock waves to blow away the surrounding smoke. He took a deep breath, and then squeezed violently from his chest. The violent sound wave swept the garage, and the visible shock waves scattered a lot of thick smoke. This caused the girl behind to frown. Suddenly she saw a group of humans rushing to the hostage area and shooting the nearby compatriots one by one. Screamed right now, turned into a blood-red electric light and rushed out!

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